By David Risselada
To this day many people are convinced that the September 11th attack
of 2001 was a conspiracy orchestrated by our own government to usher in
the New World Order. This type of attack is known as a “false flag” and the United States is no stranger to their use. Pearl Harbor
and The Gulf of Tonkin
were both said to be false flag attacks used to get the American people to accept war. Operation Northwoods
was another false attack planned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to get
the American people to accept an invasion of Cuba. These plans called
for attacks against American citizens, and then blaming it on the Island
nation. Luckily this plan never came to fruition. After September 11
The United States government immediately launched a campaign in the
Middle East that began with Afghanistan and then included Iraq and now
Libya and Syria. This plan was referred to as the Project New American Century and
ultimately, it also included plans to attack Iran. Liberals were sure
that Barack Obama was going to end the wars in the Middle East and bring
a new era of peace; however, his wars in Libya and Syria are merely
extensions of the Project New American Century which seeks to expand
American military dominance around the globe. This means that Obama is
carrying out the same war plans started by Bush. Actually, the Project
New American Century was written well before the attacks of September
11, and one of the planners allegedly admitted a new Pearl Harbor event
would likely be necessary to get the American people to accept an
invasion of not only Afghanistan, but Iraq as well.
Fifteen years later the debate still rages as to whether September
11 was an actual attack launched by radical Islamists in the name of
Jihad, or an attack launched against our freedoms by our own government.
The evidence is becoming increasingly clear, according to an article
published by Europhysics Magazine,
that the twin towers were not brought down by excessive heat from
burning jet fuel, but by controlled demolition. As if we need a panel of
experts to bring us to this conclusion. According to the article, the
Twin towers, along with building 7, would have been the first known case
of total collapse due to excessive heat and fire melting steel frames.
“Indeed, neither before nor since 9/11have fires caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise—nor has any other natural event, with the exception of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, which toppled a 21-story office building. Otherwise, the only phenomenon capable of collapsing such buildings completely has been by way of a procedure known as controlled demolition, whereby explosives or other devices are used to bring down a structure intentionally. Although NIST finally concluded after several years of investigation that all three collapses on 9/11 were due primarily to fires, fifteen years after the event a growing number of architects, engineers, and scientists are unconvinced by that explanation.”
How would the American people react if they were to find out this
was a conspiracy orchestrated by their own government? What if the
conspiracy was planned to not only do away with the freedoms we have
enjoyed and taken for granted, but to completely destroy the morale of
the American people, while simultaneously discrediting the American
government on the world stage in order to offer a different form of
government as a solution? Is it possible that the release of this
article is a prelude to a revelation that the U.S. government
intentionally staged the September 11 attacks in order to launch wars of
aggression? Granted, this is all merely speculation conjured up by an
author who is fascinated by the techniques of psychological warfare;
however, there are little bits of evidence that suggest this is a strong
First of all, look at the inroads Islam has made in American
society since the 9/11 attacks. The attacks themselves have been turned
into the means in which Muslims have become oppressed victims in
America. Stereotyping a Muslim as a terrorist is the new Jim Crow and
they have made tremendous progress using this as a civil rights tactic.
Could you imagine how empowered the Muslims would be if it were revealed
that the U.S. government deliberately staged the 9/11 attacks in order
to prop up Islam as the enemy? Revelation of this kind would likely put
America in its place while shaming the vast majority of us into silence.
Secondly, the global elite have been trying to destroy conservatism
and the patriot movement for a long time. If it was determined that the
government of George Bush and the Neocons deliberately staged this event
it would be the ultimate end of the Republican Party. It would also
destroy the morale of the Republican rank and file as well. They would
have absolutely no idea how to deal with this kind of information and
they wouldn’t know which leg to stand on. This would force them into
compliance with whatever solution would be offered, which of course
would be along the lines of a global type government.
Is it possible that this attack was not launched by radical
jihadists but by Communists within our own government using Islam as a
force for revolution? Is it possible that the 9/11 conspiracy theory is a
deliberate misinformation campaign designed to keep us from seeing the
real objective, which would be the complete discrediting of our form of
government all together in order to offer communism as a solution? This
is exactly what would happen if it were revealed to the world that the
U.S. deliberately staged the 9/11 attacks in order to launch wars of
aggression in the Middle East. It is also a strategy that would fall
right in line with the Communist concept of Ideological Subversion.
Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov describes Ideolgical Subversion as
a process that seeks to demoralize an entire nation to the point that
despite the abundance of information available to the public, they have
absolutely no way of discerning what is real. It is certainly safe to
say that we are at that point in the United States. Never before in the
history of man has so much information been right at our finger tips
yet, somehow we have never been more misinformed. He also describes it
as a process of educating the population into the culture of the enemy,
more and more we are seeing Islam becoming the protected culture in
America while at the same time, acceptance of the loss of American
Sovereignty is gaining tremendous ground. Discovering that our own
government was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, as stated earlier,
would empower the Muslim world and destroy any remaining faith the
American masses had in their system of government. This alone would
accomplish the Communist goal of discrediting the America Constitution.
The following is from the book The Naked Communist.
Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
In 1951, State Department adviser John Dulles gave a testimony before the U.S. Congress describing a plan he referred to as the Communist Peace Offensive.
He offered his opinion that the Soviet Union was involved in all out
propaganda campaign designed to give the world the impression that the
United States was the country that stood for wars of conquest and that
Communism was the solution to worlds problems and stood for peace.
Looking at the mentality of many people in our younger generations you
would have to argue, despite the fact that much of this material refers
to events prior to WWII, that there is something of this affect
happening in our country. Young college students, as well as activist
groups, are literally begging for enslavement that masquerades as
freedom. If an organization such as the U.N., for example, were to
reveal to the world that the U.S was responsible for 9/11 then this
Communist plan to portray the American government as Imperialistic
warmongers would have been successful beyond their wildest dreams.
Many people may be wondering why we are discussing Communism and
not Islam; after all, it was radical Islamists who allegedly attacked us
on September 11, 2001, not Communist revolutionaries. Despite the fact
that Russia currently acts as an adversary to radical Islam, the truth
is quite different. According to Cliff Kincaid in his book “The Sword of Revolution And The Communist Apocalypse
Russia has a long history of support for Islam because Muslims were one
of the peoples considered to be oppressed by the bourgeoisie. This
makes Muslims perfect candidates for acting as the useful idiots of
Communist revolutionaries who seek to do nothing but create chaos in
order to offer communism as a solution. Kincaid cites an excerpt from a
report written by a former KGB agent for America’s Survival Inc. where he describes the history of Russian support for Islamic terrorism.
The communists have considered Islam their ally from
the very beginning, because in the early twentieth century, Islam was
the religion of the oppressed people. Support of Islam was considered a
part of the Russian based anti-colonialism. It is very significant that
Vladimir Lenin in December 1917 addressed his second message, delivered
just after coming to power, to the “Toiling Muslims of Russia and East.”
So they considered Muslims a reservoir of people for the world
communist revolution.
This makes a lot of sense if you stop and think about it. Sharia
Law has little to do with the actual religion of Islam and more to do
with a radical political ideology. It is virtually an Islamic version of
communism if you want to be more specific. Looking at where America is
today, 15 years after the September 11 attacks, it is safe to say that
America is forever changed and will likely never be the same. People are
begging for communism and restrictions on our freedoms, Islam is
becoming more of an accepted culture than Christianity and the idea of
American Sovereignty in the minds of millions is a laughable concept.
The idea of a free and prosperous America has been destroyed and if it
were revealed that the U.S. was in fact responsible for 9/11, then the
country would be completely discredited on the world stage and ripe for a
complete ideological takeover, which is in fact one of the goals of the
communists. Are the communists using Islam as a force for world
revolution? Was it communism behind the September 11 attacks? We will
likely never for sure; however, if they soon come out with proof that it
was the U.S. we may have a better understanding.
Article posted with permission from In Defense of Our Nation.
=======BOTTOM LINE? =======
Because their own faith in their Marxist “religion” insists their #1 alibi to excuse their own criminal desires and actions, including suicidal masochism and criminal negligence, is “historical predeterminism:” Where there is no free-will human choice, because we’re all really ever only helpless VICTIMS – of “society”/mere products of our environments, and, well, OK, “slaves of allah!!”
Libertine criminal "liberal" idolaters have decided in advance to always find the muslims and islam "Innocent Until NEVER Proven Guilty!" and their accusers all to be "racists!" who are always "Guilty Until NEVER Proven Innocent!"
Muslims tell them selves they have the (literally) "god"-given right to extort, enslave and murder all the non-muslims in the world - and so all these hypocritical cowardly liberal atheists applaud them!
Muslims declare: "We must extort, enslave, rape and kill all the infidels!" and then do so.
So then Liberals say: "We can never understand any causes or effects! Life sure is complex!"
Both Marxism and islam are criminal gangster extortion rackets. Their symbols and excuses are similar.
Socialism pretends that extortion is "sociable," while islam pretends it's also "holy and righteous."
But extortion is neither "sociable" righteous, nor holy - no matter what it's called, it's a crime.
So these libertine "liberal" criminals aren't IDIOTS - they are simply all criminals protecting all the other criminals' "rights" to be criminals, too! Because after all to them, that's only "fair!"
[After all, "it's not a crime because we (i.e: you) all do it!"] To them, this is real "honesty!"
Both "socialism" and "islam" not only mean the same thing, they ARE the exact same thing!
"Socialism" = "Be 'social' and give us alla your stuff - or else! Capisce!?"
"Islam" = Submission (to extortion).
Both are gangster extortion syndicates leading to slavery.
Both are based on the pretense of a predetermined, predestined "inevitable" force alibi to excuse their members' own criminal desires and actions:
To both libertine "liberal" and "muslim" criminals, there are no real crimes or criminals, because we're all really ever only helpless victims - of "society"/ mere products of our environments, and of course proud slaves of "allah!"
In this way alone (by embracing the tempting corruption of perpetual "victimology") the Devil is able pretend he doesn't exist!
So, to ALL of these criminals, the only real crime is to offend a criminal by telling him the painful truth, that he is a criminal who made a free-will choice and wasn't a helpless victim forced into it, because that would hurt his feelings and so might "force" him to commit even more crimes!