Monday, September 30, 2019


The whole notion of "mental illness" is false, and exploited by the "mental illness/wellness industry" hypocrites to enshrine them selves as much-needed "expert authorities" over others as the modern world's high-priests of the 'diseased victim' model of society. It's excuse-making "victimology" is one of the main and most prevalent causes of 'cultural' corruption today.* These high priests absolve our people - even our naive and helpless children! - of all personal self-reliant free-will choices and responsibility, as they lay waste to their brains and quality of life by drugging them into state-sponsored submission. of course this instantly leads to a societal lethargy and inability to protect our selves from being genocided by globalists - as even our so-called elected leaders instantly cave in to mere pity for the lesser races, as if evolution and nature itself were somehow the fault of white men, simply for having placed us in a relative but imperfect position of superiority over others. Those placed in charge of solving problems are not automatically the cause of those problems simply because they are in charge! But they can certainly exploit the almost infinite symptoms of not solving those problems!

 *In past times, the pay-for-pity (aka "mercy;" "forgiveness;" "tolerance;" sympathy;" "empathy;" and "altruism") industry was controlled by the church, commanding us to pity each other, or God wouldn't let us into Heaven.

Today's legal "system" (i.e: the judges and lawyers involved in judging other people) has long been corrupted by an over-indulgence in the useless and mostly false emotion of "pity." This is not good for anyone, especially white men (see also 'feminism' and 'racism'). It is a shallow cop-out and abdication of their oaths of office (i.e: to fairly and dispassionately use not their emotions, but their rational powers of judgment to discern truth by using reason and logic to assess facts, not feelings) and to renege on their contracted-for and paid duties to serve each and every member of the public equally, not to cater to their own most shallow impulses to always pre-judge men as always the aggressors simply because they are on average naturally larger stronger faster and more intelligent than others. ....... "Pity" (aka "sympathy;" "empathy," "mercy;" "tolerance" and "forgiveness") itself is a virtue-signaling cop-out; it really only ever means "You're screwed, but I'm not, so I can feel relief while still also feeling a sad, diluted version of fear for you." To indulge it risks automatically engaging in criminal "corruption:" 'Corruption' is when authorities virtue-signal their pity for criminals as equally-helpless fellow victims in stead of punishing them for their free-will criminal choices to attack thereby innocent other people first, in order to selfishly look good, avoid future conflicts and renege on their own oaths of office. But this choice always really ever only 'splits the difference' by offloading half of the blame onto the victims, thus adding additional insulting injuries to them, while absolving the criminals of at least half of their culpability, in an effort to go along (with the usual criminal lies, that they are in fact equally-helpless victims, and not really criminals) to get along (with the scary lying criminals). In short, it is to become complicit, willing accessories in the criminals' crimes, helping to enable those crimes, just to look 'good!' ... Corruption is when any "authority" (say, a 'judge' in court of law) routinely embraces subjective double standards and virtue-signals emotion (usually pity and its synonyms like mercy, tolerance, forgiveness, sympathy and empathy, etc) over logic reason rationality facts and truth for merely selfish reasons, such as wanting to gratify one's ego by seeming to be the reasonable good guy - in short, enabling crime and criminality by automatically pre-forgiving criminals, helping them to escape justice by embracing their excuses, which are usually some form of the "diseased victims"/"mental illness" view of how life if too complex for anyone to ever really be able to understand causes and effects (if such esoteric speculations even really exist) such that since nobody ever really has the requisite cognitive capacity required for fulfilling the legal 'mens-rea'/guilty mind criminal intent criteria, they are in stead automatically ruled to be equally-helpless victims - of "society"/mere products of their environments, or as their fellow Marxist criminals put it, of "historical predeterminism" and/or proudly helpless slaves of mysterious and unknowably unknown (but also strangely, equally mysteriously somehow knowably known to be 'inevitable') forces such as almighty "allah." ....... There is no such thing as "mental illness" - it's ALL no more or less than common but habitual HYPOCRISY. Pretending our enemies are merely diseased victims instead of criminals determined to choose to attack innocent people first, is to give in to one of their own main favorite excuses: "I didn't do it! My brain made me do it! In fact, I didn't do it at all - only my brain did it! Whee!" ... The 15thC reign of Dracula proved once and for all that all criminals can and will restrain them selves from choosing to attack thereby innocent other people first, when the risks substantially outweigh the rewards. That's an achievement which proves for all time that there are no inevitable "mental illness"-like forces behind "criminality," and so no criminal ever deserves pity. ... I seriously think that most if not all "judges" should never have been appointed! Almost all lawyers are professional hypocrites - that's practically their job description - and almost all judges used to be lawyers! Who wants to be judged by a professional hypocrite who's adept at making up excuses?! Only NON-lawyers should get to be judges, and they should also have to past tests all the time before and during their tenures, too! None of them understand the first thing about the law! ....... Criminality is a "spectrum disorder:" the 'spectrum' is the spread of the almost infinite number of symptoms through which one may choose (if one is criminally negligent and believes there's no money in solutions) to perceive these criminals' intentions: All criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals. Hypocrites are all about double standards, where only they have rights, and no responsibilities, while everyone else has no right to defend themselves from the criminal's hypocritical double standards, but only a responsibility to become and remain their slaves. To them, the ends (promoting them selves while denigrating their "enemies") always justify the means (any and all crimes - because they're not crimes to the hypocrites if and when they are used to defend the hypocrites' self-image, that they are always rights, and everyone else is always wrong). Therefore they are also all "egotists" aka "megalomaniacs," simply because they put them selves first, above all others. They are also all "psycho-paths" (Greek for "thought-killers") because they refuse to hear about any objective facts which could contradict their chosen subjective opinions - that only they are allowed to have rights without responsibilities, and everyone else only has a responsibility to become and remain their slaves, with no rights to defend them selves from them. Ditto for them also all being "schizo-phrenes" (Greek for "split-skulls") for the exact same reason. In short, ALL the so-called "mental illness disorders" only describe the disparate symptoms of chosen criminal hypocrisy. We currently think it takes a committed, habitual hypocrite to effectively oppose other hypocrites, because honest people get distracted from the relentless counter-attacks needed to "win" agaist other hypocrites, by the criminals' own habitual, victim-blaming hypocrisy. Enter the apparent but wholly mistaken 'need' for 'our own' professional hypocrite class, aka "LAWYERS")! And many lawyers then go on to become "politicians" for the same reasons: hypocrites are naturally "good" at adversarial partisanship. Others become "judges" because they are already quite used to promoting them selves above all others' judgment.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Endless For-Profit Wars Destroy Democracy at Home

From Bob Livingstone's Personal Liberty Alerts

Freedoms we've lost while our military is 'fighting for our freedoms'

The American people may be most propagandized people in the history of world.

Governments since the Roman Empire have created enemies to instill fear in the population so that the people are manipulated into giving more police power over to the government. Politicians always go along with this Machiavellian deception.

Much liberty and freedom has been sacrificed in the interest of "keeping us safe" in the 18 years since 9/11. If any period in the U.S. ever exceeded the past 18 years in terms of liberty lost while our military is "fighting to protect our freedoms," it would only be the period just prior to, during and immediately after the war of Northern Aggression.

Whenever I hear that our military is fighting wars in the Middle East "to protect our freedoms," I have to shake my head. If the military has been fighting "to protect our freedoms," then why are our "freedoms" being eroded away like a beach in a hurricane? Perhaps it is not Moslem terrorists who are a danger to our "freedoms," but our own politicians and unelected bureaucrats.

The U.S. establishment has created a confusion of cause and effect by and through a flag-waving mania in America. "Patriotism" throughout history has covered a multitude of mischief. We are seeing it now!

Phony patriotism is strong leverage against a population ignorant of the ways of treason by its own government. I also have no doubt that U.S. history is full of wars "for democracy" killing millions under the propaganda of patriotism with the majority support of the people and the full support of all but a small cadre of "elected representatives" — who are paid by the federal government, incidentally. In addition to the millions of foreign dead, these wars have left hundreds of thousands of American military members dead or maimed physically and/or emotionally.

The whole world knows about the U.S. military industrial complex war machine and its pursuit of profits. President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about it 58 years ago. But Americans tend to turn a blind eye.

When George Washington said "government is force," he meant that government is force against its own people.

Since by definition government is force, then it follows that government will use any ruse imaginable to increase its power. Increased use of government force or power could backfire unless skillfully handled and justified in the public mind. Therefore, governments rarely take action unless accompanied by skillful propaganda.

In September, in response to what she considered President Trump's lack of response to Iran's alleged downing of a U.S. drone and his  announcement in August that he was considering a peace agreement that could result in American troops leaving Afghanistan, Rep. Liz Cheney showed the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Ms. Cheney, from Wyoming, is the daughter of vice president under Bush Jr., Dick Cheney, a Council on Foreign Relations war hawk and neocon profiteer.

President Trump's "failure to respond to this kind of direct provocation that we've seen now from the Iranians ... could in fact be a very serious mistake," Ms. Cheney told a national radio audience in June. "I think it's very important for all of our decision makers to recognize that weakness is provocative ... and that failing to respond is potentially far more dangerous here in the message that the Iranians will take from that."

In September Ms. Cheney complained that the adoption of the peace agreement Trump is pursuing would be "conceding defeat to al Qaeda."

Last week, The Washington Examiner ran an op-ed by two Wyoming legislators telling Ms. Cheney to stop carping at Trump and advocating for war.

Senator Rand Paul, who constantly calls for bringing endless wars to a conclusion, tweeted:
I agree!  Why do some neocons continue to advocate for endless wars?  I stand with @realdonaldtrump on ending wars.  Let's focus on America First, not Afghanistan!
He linked his tweet to the op-ed.
Ms. Cheney replied by tweeting:
I stand with  @realDonaldTrump  and our men and women in uniform who will never surrender to terrorists, unlike  @RandPaul, who seems to have forgotten that today is 9/11.
Paul responded:
Hi @Liz_Cheney, President @realDonaldTrump hears all your NeverTrump warmongering. We all see your pro-Bolton blather. I'm just grateful for a president who, unlike you, supports stopping these endless wars.
So who is standing with terrorists here? It's certainly not Paul. The U.S. is exporting terrorism all over the world. Only America flies drones continuously over sovereign countries -- drones that are capable of raining down death and destruction on a moment's notice and without warning to those country's inhabitants.

Iran is said to have used stolen American technology for its drones — or Yemen's drones, depending on who is talking -- that blew up a Saudi Arabian refinery. So, when the hawks clamor for war against Iran, they are clamoring for war against our own technology, used in the same way we use it.

They want us to go to war with... ourselves.

American drone strikes have hit in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Philippines, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria that we know about in the last 18 years. It's likely they have hit many other places as well. America continues to destabilize Middle Eastern regimes and bomb their people, sowing discord, factionalism and our own brand of terror under the guise of keeping us safe.

The U.S. has been making war in the Middle East continuously for almost 30 years. In addition to the lives lost and maimed, it's cost trillions of dollars and led to a host of liberty-stealing laws.

A whole generation of Americans has been raised to adulthood and beyond who have not seen peace in their lifetimes. And despite these constant wars, we are no closer to peace now than we were when George H.W. Bush made open war on Saddam Hussein. In fact, peace is, if anything, farther away. No longer do we have military people (and/or military contractors) fighting and dying just in Afghanistan (which has gone on for 18 years) and Iraq (28 years — counting the first Gulf War, which never ended), they are — or have recently been — in Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Algeria. And there's saber rattling about war with Iran, North Korea and Russia.

In 2017, then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelley said the terror threat is so bad that some people "would never leave the house" if they knew the truth. So how has the 18-year "War on Terror" helped?

Meanwhile, thanks to the war on terror, all our communications are intercepted by the American spying apparatus, we are humiliated and groped and fondled by agents of government if we choose to travel, our bank accounts are monitored and banking activities reported to government, we can be stopped and required to submit to warrantless blood draws if we're suspected of driving impaired, and politicians — including Trump — are openly advocating for laws to "legalize" stealing our weapons from us based on unverified reports of mental illness or threats — or just because some politicians are frightened of them.

The Bill of Rights is but a memory, sacrificed for "national security" and "to keep us safe." The American people have barely protested. As I wrote last week, we have entered a post-Constitutional America.

Thanks to the Patriot Act, exercising the 1st Amendment right of civil disobedience or even contrarian speech can get people labeled as terrorists.

One very important psychological mechanism of deception is to promote fear of the loss of something that has actually already been lost.

For example, the government authorities tell us of the threat terrorism poses to democracy when America is already a fascist country. It is not unpatriotic to say this because it is a fact. Democracy is only the mask.

Wars are not for patriotism and "democracy," as we are propagandized. Wars are to kill, i.e., mass ritual murder. And secondly, big business reaps massive profits for the killing and sacrifice of young men and now women on all sides of combat.

The Federal Reserve paper money debt system was needed by the invisible elite to create wars and buy politicians. The elite also "buy" the propaganda to drive the public mind in any direction desired.
There would be no wars without government/banker credit. Nobody would pay for wars with gold and silver, not even the government. There is always inflation when there is a war; and when there is a war, there is always inflation.

Money printing and wars go hand in hand. They steal your wealth and freedom and, more importantly, your sons and daughters.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

Globalist Banksters' Desperate Grab for (more) Power, Money and "Muh Economy," etc

Central Bankers' Desperate Grab for Power

From here and stuff ...

Central bankers are out of ammunition. Mark Carney, the soon-to-be-retiring head of the Bank of England, admitted as much in a speech at the annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyo., in August. “In the longer-term,” he said, “we need to change the game.” The same point was made by Philipp Hildebrand, former head of the Swiss National Bank, in a recentinterview with Bloomberg. “Really, there is little if any ammunition left,” he said. “More of the same in terms of monetary policy is unlikely to be an appropriate response if we get into a recession or sharp downturn.”
“More of the same” means further lowering interest rates, the central bankers’ stock tool for maintaining their targeted inflation rate in a downturn. Bargain-basement interest rates are supposed to stimulate the economy by encouraging borrowers to borrow (since rates are so low) and savers to spend (since they aren’t making any interest on their deposits and may have to pay to store them). At the moment, over $15 trillion in bonds are trading globally at negative interest rates, yet this radical maneuver has not been shown to measurably improve economic performance. In fact, new research shows that negative interest rates from central banks, rather than increasing spending, stopping deflation and stimulating the economy as they were expected to do, may be having the opposite effects. They are being blamed for squeezing banks, punishing savers, keeping dying companies on life support and fueling a potentially unsustainable surge in asset prices.

So what is a central banker to do? Hildebrand’s proposed solution was presented in a paper he wrote with three of his colleagues at BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, where he is now vice chairman. Released in August to coincide with the annual Jackson Hole meeting, the paper was co-authored by Stanley Fischer, former governor of the Bank of Israel and former vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve; Jean Boivin, former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada; and BlackRock economist Elga Bartsch. Their proposal calls for “more explicit coordination between central banks and governments when economies are in a recession so that monetary and fiscal policy can better work in synergy.” The goal, according to Hildebrand, is to go “direct with money to consumers and companies in order to enliven consumption,” putting spending money directly into consumers’ pockets.

It sounds a lot like “helicopter money,” but he was not actually talking about raining money down on the people. The central bank would maintain a “standing emergency fiscal facility” that would be activated when interest rate manipulation was no longer working and deflation had set in. The central bank would determine the size of the facility based on its estimates of what was needed to get the price level back on target. It sounds good until you get to the part about who would disburse the funds: “Independent experts would decide how best to deploy the funds to both maximize impact and meet strategic investment objectives set by the government.”
“Independent experts” is another term for “technocrats”—bureaucrats chosen for their technical skill rather than by popular vote. They might be using sophisticated data, algorithms and economic formulae to determine “how best to deploy the funds,” but the question is, “best for whom?” It was central bank technocrats who plunged the economies of Greece and Italy into austerity after 2011, and unelected technocrats who put Detroit into bankruptcy in 2013.
Hildebrand and his co-authors are not talking about central banks giving up their ivory tower independence to work with legislators in coordinating fiscal and monetary policy. Rather, central bankers would be acquiring even more power, by giving themselves a new pot of free money that they could deploy as they saw fit in the service of “government objectives.”
Carney’s New Game
The tendency to overreach was also evident in Carney’s Jackson Hole speechwhen he said, “we need to change the game.” The game-changer he proposed was to break the power of the U.S. dollar as global reserve currency. This would be done through the issuance of an international digital currency backed by multiple national currencies, on the model of Facebook’s “Libra.”
Multiple reserve currencies are not a bad idea, but if we’re following the Libra model, we’re talking about a new, single reserve currency that is merely “backed” by a basket of other currencies. The questions then are who would issue this global currency, and who would set the rules for obtaining the reserves.
Carney suggested that the new currency might be “best provided by the public sector, perhaps through a network of central bank digital currencies.” This raises further questions. Are central banks really “public”? And who would be the issuer—the banker-controlled Bank for International Settlements, the bank of central banks in Switzerland? Or perhaps the International Monetary Fund, which Carney happens to be in line to head?
The IMF already issues Special Drawing Rights to supplement global currency reserves, but they are merely “units of account” which must be exchanged for national currencies. Allowing the IMF to issue the global reserve currency outright would give unelected technocrats unprecedented power over nations and their money. The effect would be similar to the surrender by European Union governments of control over their own currencies, making their central banks dependent on the European Central Bank for liquidity, with its disastrous consequences.
Time to End the “Independent” Fed?
A media event that provoked even more outrage against central bankers in August was an op-ed in Bloomberg by William Dudley, former president of the New York Federal Reserve and a former partner at Goldman Sachs. Titled “The Fed Shouldn’t Enable Donald Trump,” it concluded:
There’s even an argument that the [presidential] election itself falls within the Fed’s purview. After all, Trump’s reelection arguably presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy, to the Fed’s independence and its ability to achieve its employment and inflation objectives. If the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the best long-term economic outcome, then Fed officials should consider how their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020.
The Fed is so independent that, according to former Fed chair Alan Greenspan, it is answerable to no one. A chief argument for retaining the Fed’s independence is that it needs to remain a neutral arbiter, beyond politics and political influence; and Dudley’s op-ed clearly breached that rule. Critics called it an attempt to overthrow a sitting president, a treasonous would-be coup that justified ending the Fed altogether.
Perhaps, but central banks actually serve some useful functions. Better would be to nationalize the Fed, turning it into a true public utility, mandated to serve the interests of the economy and the voting public. Having the central bank and the federal government work together to coordinate fiscal and monetary policy is actually a good idea, so long as the process is transparent and public representatives have control over where the money is deployed. It’s our money, and we should be able to decide where it goes.

Ellen Brown
Ellen Brown is an attorney, chairman of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including her latest, "Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age."


Money, including gold coins, has always been tokens representing property or labor for property (time spent doing different things, making the spent time variable, being more or less valuable compared to other labors spending the same amount of time) and because the tokens them selves were hard to secure and transport, other, less bulky paper receipts for those tokens were used, while the tokens them selves were secured in bank vaults.

In exchange for the convenience of ease of transport to be able to present the token receipts (aka pound and dollar bills etc) at different but affiliated bankvaults in distant cities, one allowed the banksters to invest (rent out for others' use) one's own gold coins, but the banksters also had to pay one for the privilege, too. So while they lent at a slightly higher rate than they paid to borrow/store their clients' gold coins, everyone was relatively happy.

They later bribed politicians to let them implement "service charge" fees - negating the fact that they were borrowers, too!

Then the banks decided that, since people only removed their actual coins, despite traveling, at a rate of 1/10th of the time, that they could lend out and sell (rent on the installment plan, etc) ten times the money (or, at least, the paper receipts for the actual money coins) they actually had in their reserves - a process now known as "fractional reserve" lending or banking.

Of course, this sly process is also known as "FRAUD" and counterfeiting, but when bribed politicians go along, it's all good.


They initially decided to set the rates they charged based by calculating the risk vs reward ratio of each investment, but then decided they could fix their interest on the supply and demand for the money receipts themselves. So they began, with the help of their bought and sold, paid off politicians, to manipulate money supplies of entire countries to favor themselves alone.

And, when the banks became large enough, they found they could completely eliminate their risks, while guaranteeing their rewards, by lending to both sides in any and all given conflicts, and could benefit with a far more energetic economy by conspiring to contrive the actualization of those conflicts, bringing them into existence, because it has always been far easier to destroy than create, and to get others to pay one for new creations requires destroying the old ones, first. So they have, since their earliest days, always fomented conflicts between countries and tribes, and backed both sides equally; that way, when it's over, the losers still owe the banksters and the winners, the winners also still owe the banksters, and they both have to take out even more loans, and thus become ever-more indebted to the banksters' power, for reconstruction costs.

Even when an economy isn't being actively destroyed and rebuilt at the banksters' whims, the banksters still back both good and bad investments, averaging them out - where stupid ideas are encouraged, and good ones taxed by having to bail out stupid ones.

Investor groups call these "basket" investments, because they put all their eggs - good eggs and bad eggs - in one basket; and they're also known as "hedge" funds, because one hedges one's bets, by averaging the potential bad ones against the good ones.

Naturally, this form of fantasy fiat finance "capitalism" encourages corruption, just as any socialist welfare system does.

The economy only becomes as good or bad as the number of good investment ideas beating the bad ones, but, since the banksters are too lazy to pay any attention to the bad ones - if not actively encouraging them among their own tribes, wherein they give free money to their families and "speculatively" buy up all the raw materials, so as to be able to control economies of scale, also known as "futures" (future investments) and "derivatives" (because by owning them, they can influence the cost prices of all other products eventually derived from using those raw materials as component parts; for instance, Sachs-Goldman bought up ALL the aluminum in the world a few years ago, and thus can control the eventual prices of everything to be made from it, too!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Islam's REAL "Sealed Nectar" (Secret Sauce) is that it's "The Religion of Hypocrisy!"

Islam is the religion of hypocrisy.

Islam justifies attacking everyone else first by asserting that the infidel non-muslims’ have already all attacked allah first, by dividing his nature (or at least, by being hypocrites for lying about it). So, even in islam, hypocrisy is initially recognized as evil, and evil as hypocrisy. But after that, the means chosen to be used to achieve the end-goal of destroying the hypocrites (more lying hypocrisy to counter the infidels’) means the muslims must actually embrace hypocrisy as a virtue when they do it, making them just as bad and hypocritical as they allege their enemies are. And in the end, even by their own most official rules, there is no real theological reason (even beyond allah being eternally unknowably unknown) for any of it beyond self-enrichment, as they assert that even allah is the greatest of hypocrites, because he had deliberately attacked the infidels first, by making them attack him first by lying about him; and, besides, none of their lying hypocrisy can affect him in any way, so he’s not being harmed by any of it. As the greatest of hypocrites, allah simply (according to all of the very most official islamic doctrines) simply made all the infidels in order to enrage him self, and so his muslims would have some victims to oppress enslave and murder in his name, not only as a “test” of their faithful loyalty, but also as a way to show them his "mercy," by providing them with spoils of war so they wouldn’t have to get their hands dirty by actually working for a living, or have to think about creating or inventing anything, either. Allah is like a little kid playing with his own action figures; he makes some into losers, and some into winners, depending on his mood. There is no real meaning or purpose to islam beyond being an excuse for Moe and his gang to oppress extort rape enslave and rob other people - and the only proof of it, is that god seems to have let them get away with it, so it can't have been a crime in the first place, but only used them as a holy punishment of the supposed victims for their own secret crimes!

So being a muslim means you are encouraged to see the world in these starkly limited terms:

“This life is a test of blind obedience – to kill one’s god’s enemies for him, even though he could easily have done so himself, in order to earn one’s way into his paradise – which, if it is to be truly "eternal,” can only be achieved through total Submission to an unconscious level of non-existence; so: “Give up your conscious conscience, act only on your violent instincts like a dumb animal, and die stupid! And, since life is otherwise meaningless, and thinking is painful, it's better (at least for you, if not for others) this way!”

This is the true Secret Sauce (“hidden nectar”) of islam LOL!

CONCLUSION: Islam is a crime-and-murder gang, and the only "religious" part in it is where its holy mobster "muslim" gangsters justify their own criminal desires and actions by blaming a god, like this:

"God told us to commit these crimes!

Pretending that the global crime-gang called islam is a “race” of poor swarthy animal-people, oppressed by the mentally superior whites, in order to slander everyone who notices it’s a crime-gang as a hatefully bigoted “racist” – is to deliberately enable that crime-gang’s crimes by hiding and destroying the evidence of same, and thus to be a willing accessory to those crimes. Since islam is a murder-gang, and the penalty for committing and enabling the commission of murder is DEATH, anyone and everyone who calls an opponent of muslims, islam, and their global jihad, a “racist!” should be lawfully put to death.

Everyone who defends islam and muslims endorses crime.
Endorsing crime IS a crime, so those doing it are criminals.

Right in the Qur'an is: the obligation to murder Jews and Christians (Surah 9:29), to terrorize all non-Muslims (8:12), to rape young girls (65:4), to enslave people for sex (4:3), to lie about one's true goals (3:54), and the command to make war on all the infidels (9:123) and subjugate the entire world to Allah (9:33).

Are death-threats legal? NO.
Is extortion legal? NO.
Is slavery legal? NO.
Is murder legal? NO.
Is rape legal? NO.


Rape, slavery, robbery, extortion and murder are never OK!

Everything muslims pretend to see as "holy" is already a crime!

So nobody has a legal right to practice islam anywhere on earth!


But - hadn't you heard?!

Being constructively angry at ("hateful" towards) criminals is now the most vile sin, while uselessly pitying ("tolerating") them all as "fellow victims," is to be deemed the highest moral virtue, these days!

Having no facts, logic, or reasonable arguments with which to defend their own crimes and treason, criminals must in stead substitute this global attempt to control our very thinking - through an emotional, sub-conscious "narrative" - so much so, that the only advice we hear from "our" hypocrite governments, their pet media, and the corporazi globalist banksters who own them all, seems to invariably be:

"Anyone who doesn't automatically pity all criminals as fellow victims should be hated!"
Which is why hurting the feelings of criminals by accusing them of their crimes, is now a "hateful" crime itself!


- All Western libertine "liberal" criminals -

Friday, September 13, 2019

Drag Queen Story Hour Exposed As “Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised” By Licensed Clinical Counselor

From here:

(Tea Party 247) – The left is full of hypocrisy and lies. The biggest perpetrator of said hypocrisy and lies is the LGBT mob, the proud founders of the wildly successful, albeit completely immoral, controversial, and inappropriate, Drag Queen Story Hour. These DQSH’s have been popping up across the country like those pesky deep-rooted weeds you just can never seem to get rid of.

They insist the events are all about “love” and “inclusion” and don’t forget “acceptance.” They tell us they are innocent and that the drag queens, dressed like the most outrageous looking prostitutes, are in no way sexual characters. Just good fun, in the name of “love,” they say.

The problem is, it’s all one big giant lie. These events are exactly what they look like they are: perverted, sexualized indoctrination sessions, brought to you by your friendly, local LGBT zealots.

And, Drag Queens are exactly who we thought they were: sexual deviants.
One clinical counselor has had enough of the deception and is calling out Drag Queen Story Hour. The Christian Post reports:

Jon Uhler, a licensed professional counselor who has worked clinically with approximately 4,000 serial predators for over 11 years, said in an interview with The Christian Post on Wednesday that he believes Drag Queen Story Hour events constitute “the greatest grooming program ever devised” and predators “are laughing all the way to the bank.”

While drag queens reading stories to children at public libraries has been billed as an innocuous activity, community groups and mothers who resist are right to oppose it, he adds, because sexual predators and offenders prioritize convincing people to doubt their instincts and think that their “red flags” are nonsense.

“The question is: Why are these men dressed in women’s underwear and drag wanting greater access to children?” Uhler asked.

He noted that because predators can calculate that the public senses something off-putting about them, they manipulate perceptions about what they are really doing. Such has been the case with the public relations efforts surrounding the Drag Queen Story Hour.

“Their favorite phrase is: ‘Well, I know what it looks like but it’s really not that,'” he said.

“So now they’ve spun it. And what we’re hearing from these guys is 100 percent a lie.”

It’s always refreshing to see medical professionals come out in opposition to this depravity.

Unfortunately it seems as though anyone who bucks against the LGBT status quo is quickly and swiftly silenced and sent into relevance oblivion. It’s up to us to heed Uhler’s warning and take up the fight on the front line. Nothing will change if we remain complacent.

Uhler went on to say, “We cannot afford to do nothing because we have very darkened and deviant individuals that are predators [going] after our kids and they are expanding. To not do anything is to hand our kids over [to them],” he said. He is absolutely correct. We are handing over our children to this deviant and wicked LGBT culture by our refusal to be labeled as “bigots.” If being labeled a bigot is the worst they can do, they can take their best shot.

Uhler suggests opponents to DQSH should actually attend the events, but as double agents. Instead of picketing, go inside with a camera discreetly recording the event.

He says, “The only way this is going to be stopped is if the public sees that every single time, at every single one of these, really perverse things are going on. So you let their own actions speak for themselves.”

Be advised, a lot of these DQSHs require all adults in attendance to be accompanied by a minor. As disturbing as that is, it’s completely true. Please, do NOT take a child to a DQSH just to obtain video footage of this depravity. We must fight against this and we can do this by using their own actions but we don’t want to do it with hypocrisy. Protecting children is the number one goal.

Thank God for brave folks like Jon Uhler who are willing to lead the way in taking back society from the LGBT bullies. What are you willing to do to restore morality in America?

Or in Canada? This is prevalent in the nation's capital city, too:

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Red Flag gun laws are rooted in communist methods of oppression

By Brandon Smith, from Bob Livingston's Personal Liberty:

This week government officials are set to come back from their summer recess, and I have heard from a couple different sources that the U.S. Senate in particular is seeking to fast track legislation on Red Flag gun laws as well as a possible ban on private party transfers of firearms and a possible ban on high capacity magazines. I can only hope that these are just rumors, but I suspect they are accurate.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has publicly vowed to pursue any new gun control legislation that the Trump Administration supports, and Donald Trump has openly called for Red Flag gun laws involving mental health guidelines. The mainstream media now claims that a majority of Americans on both sides of the political divide support red flag legislation, but we all know how rigged such polls can be. The real question is, does the average American even know what red flag laws would entail? I think they do not.

Red flag gun laws are a method of gun control by which a family member or law enforcement can petition the court to confiscate a person's firearms on the suspicion that that person may present a danger to themselves or others. But it doesn't necessarily stop there. Some reports indicate that Trump is seriously considering using big tech companies like Amazon and Apple to monitor people's behavior and link this data to a social credit system similar to the system that already exists in China.

Your gun rights could then be determined by algorithms that mark you as a potential risk simply by what you post online.

Prosecution using the public to spy on itself is also a hallmark of these kinds of laws. It is also nothing new. The Puritans in early America used intangible evidence, such as "spectral evidence" to punish people of various crimes including witchcraft. This encouraged extreme collectivism and conformity, for anyone stepping outside the lines of what the group saw as righteous behavior could find themselves secretly accused using rhetorical evidence and unable to defend themselves. Their only option was to admit to the crime whether they were guilty or not and then repent.

But in a social or political witch hunt, you are not repenting to get in God's good graces, but to get in the good graces of the collective. You are supposed to sublimate yourself for the group and beg their forgiveness; not for the crime you are accused, but for the crime of acting as an individual. The message is clear — there is no way to fight back. Just give in and if you are lucky the collective will let you continue living, under their watchful eye, of course.

This might sound like something that could never happen in the U.S. today, but it already has. The existence of the No Fly List, which is generated in secret, is often politically motivated, and is based on evidence that the accused is never allowed to see, is a perfect example of a "law" that is similar to Red Flag legislation. While the No Fly List has been confronted in court numerous times, it still endures and is little changed since its inception. Once ingrained, these laws are rarely ever removed.

It is likely that Red Flag gun laws will operate in the same way. One day you may walk into the sporting goods store and be denied a gun purchase by the ATF. There will be no explanation, only the denial of your rights.

Accusations can come from anywhere, even complete strangers using anonymous apps (this is how the Chinese social credit system works). They could be based on legitimate behavior, such as suicide or murder threats, or they could be based on a political statement you wrote or said years ago. It doesn't matter. The goal will be to take gun rights away from as many people as possible while the government still claims to support the 2nd Amendment. It's about the back door destruction of gun rights, not public safety.

The bottom line is, if you allow pre-crime judgment based on hearsay evidence for one person, then you are allowing it for all people including yourself. And it might not stop with whether or not a person is allowed to buy or own a gun. These systems of control expand into every facet of life. Again, simply look at what is happening in China.

The method of using "mental health" or social disruption as an excuse to silence dissent was not actually mastered by China, however. In communist Russia during the reign of the Soviets, the mental health excuse was exploited on a regular basis in order to quietly sweep government critics and dissidents under the rug never to be seen again. The metal hospitals where these deplorables were kept were called "Psikhushka," an ironic diminutive label. These hospitals worked hand in hand with the Cheka secret police and their vast networks of civilian informants.

'See Something Say Something' began under communists in the East.

For the Soviets, the methodology made sense. The message they were sending was that anyone who criticized socialism/communism must be crazy. And in a way, this is how Red Flag laws function. For if you are put on the list, or denied gun rights, then there must be something mentally wrong with you. And by extension, if you are placed on the list for political reasons, then your political beliefs or convictions must also be psychologically disturbed. You see how this works?

Red Flag laws and social credit systems take the Psikhushka and flip it around. They don't need mental health prisons, they simply turn the whole country into a mental health prison. The wardens and guards of this prison will be the citizenry, and they will police each other.

Make no mistake, the mainstream media and the government have been conditioning the public for years to the idea that certain ideals and political activists are on the "fringe." They are "conspiracy theorists." They are exhibiting "defiance disorders." They are not right in the head. Red Flag gun laws are meant for people like me, or perhaps people like you.

I can't say that Trumps open support of Red Flag laws surprises me in the slightest. Trump's long term business relationships and debts to the Rothschild banking elites as well as his many dubious cabinet choices including Bolton, Pompeo, Ross, Mnuchin, etc., indicate to me that Trump is not on the side of liberty activists. In my recent article 'The Real Reasons Why The Media Is Suddenly Admitting To The Recession Threat', I noted that if an economic crisis strikes in the next year, then it's highly unlikely that Trump is slated to be president after the 2020 elections. If he supports Red Flag laws, then it is almost assured that he will not be president for another term.

In our controlled political machine in which presidents from both parties are merely puppets for elitist interests, these kinds of liberty crushing laws are not generally designed for the current Administration's use. Rather, they are supported by one president or party, and then exploited by the next president or party in power. In this way, conservatives could be tricked into backing unconstitutional laws in the name of "helping their side win," only to discover that the laws they supported (or ignored) are being used against them by Democrats a few years later.

I think this would be especially true for Red Flag legislation. If conservatives do not raise hell in response to these laws just because they don't want to derail the Trump train, then they will find themselves complicit in their own disarmament if markets tank and the Dems take over in 2020. The socialist front runners will say that we "asked for this" under Trump, and now we're getting what we wanted. And once these laws are in the books, expect that a majority of police will comply with them and enforce them.

Of course, this leads to an inevitable outcome — war. There are millions of people in the U.S. that are not going to fold to the dismantling of gun rights or gun confiscation. No doubt, we would all be labeled terrorists, and our defiance would be held up as further proof of our mental instability. So be it.

Once the Pandora's box of pre-crime and spectral evidence is opened, the sky is truly the limit for the violation of American constitutional rights.


For whatever it's worth, now would be a good time for gun rights advocates to contact their representatives and warn them that Red Flag laws are unacceptable. Also keep in mind that the government may push a long list of new gun control restrictions on top of Red Flag laws as a means to frighten the public. They will then rescind many of the items on the list (except the red flag legislation) in order to make it appear as thought we "got lucky." The real goal here is the mental health restrictions and the ability for government to deny your rights according to hearsay evidence.

Gun ownership is as integral to a free society as free speech and property rights. Without firearms ownership, the public is at the mercy of any criminal or criminal government that seeks to oppress them. Remember, if your AR-15 was not a threat to the elites, then they would not be constantly seeking to take it away. Never let it go.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith                                                                                                                           

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reviewing 9/11

From Bob Livingstone at Personal Liberty

9/11 and the shredding of our liberties

Shortly after 8:46 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday, bells will toll for the victims of 9/11 — or should I say some of the victims.

It's been 18 years since the 21st century's "Pearl Harbor," which began the government's all-out assault on the U.S. Constitution and also the perpetual "War on Terror." It would take a continuous tolling of bells in perpetuity to mark all of the victims.

Government, the mainstream media and an American populace blinded by normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance or faux patriotism — whatever you want to call it — and the powerful mainstream media propaganda machine consider anyone who questions the official narrative of 9/11 a "conspiracy theorist."

But the official narrative — that 19 hijackers, funded by Osama bin Laden and armed only with box cutters and a couple of flight lessons, commandeered four passenger jets and flew them into three buildings and a Pennsylvania field while U.S. air defenses dithered for almost an hour (in the case of the Pentagon) — is, as former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and retired Marine Col. Ronald D. Ray says, "the dog that doesn't hunt."

Examine the meaning of the words "conspiracy theory" and you see that the official narrative is itself a conspiracy theory. Merriam-Webster defines "conspiracy theory" as "a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators."

And so it is for the official narrative, also known as the 9/11 Commission Report. The 9/11 Commission Report does not definitively state what transpired that day, but does flesh out the theory that the attacks were carried out by at least 19 conspirators (hijackers) or more if you include bin Laden (the purported financier) and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (the alleged mastermind) working out of a cave in Afghanistan. This theory is considered the gospel according to George W. Bush, the mainstream media and even many of those who acknowledge the Bush regime lied America into the Iraq war are unable — or unwilling — to see that the Bush regime likewise lied us into the entire "War on Terror." To believe otherwise is to believe in miracles, as David Ray Griffin points out in his book, 9/11 Ten Years Later.

There are too many questions, the answers given are nonsensical, implausible or impossible. From finding a hijacker's identification at the base of the towers before they imploded, to airline passengers communicating by cell phone at altitudes greater than technologically possible at the time, to the blindness of the U.S. intelligence apparatus, the stories and excuses made by the establishment to "explain" how the attack happened are simply unbelievable to thinking people.

The neocon and military-industrial complex-backed Bush regime came into office itching to make war in the Mideast. The neocon wing of Republican Party advocated a stronger military and an aggressive Israel policy and needed "a new Pearl Harbor" to bring it about. The military-industrial complex was more than willing to assist. The plan was hatched and put on paper by the Council on Foreign Relations in a working paper called the Project for a New American Century and the Brookings Institute's Which Path to Persia, which lays out the steps for war on Iran.

The main reasons were two-fold: oil (corporatists for years had been striving for a stable Afghanistan in order to run a pipeline from the Caspian Sea region across Pakistan and Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean) and justification for passage of totalitarian, liberty-stealing legislation that would become known as the USA Patriot Act (the bones of which were assembled by then-Senator Joe Biden in the 1990s) and help to usher in pappy Bush's "New World Order."

As a result, a series of wars not related to 9/11 — but launched under the guise of the "War on Terror" and using the imprimatur of the 2001 authorization to use force agreement — have since been launched upon the Middle Eastern, Persian and North African nations and people, just as the Project for a New American Century outlined. Now the entire region is destabilized; millions of innocent people have been killed, injured and displaced; and untold trillions of dollars of infrastructure, buildings and homes have been destroyed. The people have been left homeless, destitute, starving and diseased.

The official story is a lie. Adolf Hitler's axiom, "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one," is confirmed. Americans can't conceive that the elites walking the halls of power are evil psychopaths unencumbered by normal mores.

Their evil knows no bounds. So they conceived of a heinous plot to bring down (at least) three New York buildings and one wing of the Pentagon to halt investigations into financial crimes and launch a multitude of wars and use the fear of terror to steal our liberties. It was also a boon for Larry Silverstein, a friend of pappy Bush through The Carlyle Group.

Ownership of the World Trade Center had recently passed from the New York Port Authority to Silverstein with a convenient out. A clause in the contract provided Silverstein with billions of dollars and a release from obligation in the event of a terrorist attack.

World Trade Center 7, which was obviously imploded, as it fell in free fall in its own footprint after suffering only minor fire damage, housed the Securities and Exchange Commission. So we are led to believe WTC 7 was the only skyscraper in history — before or since — to collapse from fire alone.

The collapse, of course, ended any investigations into illegal trading.

The explosion at the Pentagon that resulted, we are told, from American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the building following a remarkable and almost impossible air maneuver pulled off by a terrorist who couldn't competently pilot a Cessna conveniently halted an investigation into the disappearance of $2.3 trillion from the Pentagon, as announced by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld the previous day.

It was also the least occupied section of the Pentagon and the area the furthest away from Rumsfeld and top Pentagon brass.

To believe that skyscrapers designed to withstand multiple crashes by airliners and fires would fall so swiftly and perfectly into their own footprint as a result of crash and fire damage requires a suspension of logic and the laws of physics. As Jim Hoffman writes, "NIST's assertion that the Tower's intact structure was 'unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass' is absurd: It requires us to believe that the massive steel frames of the towers provided no more resistance to falling rubble than air."

The fact is there were explosives, as stated at the time by witnesses on the ground — including New York City firefighters — who heard and saw them.

The 9/11 Commission was set up — as are all government investigative commissions — to whitewash the facts. Bush first attempted to appoint Henry Kissinger to head the commission, but he backed out over requirements to report his lobbying clients and protests by victims' families. When the commission finally got under way, it ignored the (often changing) timelines given in public interviews by Cheney, Rumsfeld and others, and the testimony of government whistleblowers — including FBI interpreter Sibel Edmonds — with evidence of complicity within government. Once it was finished, Commission Chairman Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton both said they had not gotten to the bottom of 9/11 because of stonewalling by the administration and various government agencies involved. A member of the commission, Bob Kerry, has stated publicly the commission was set up to fail.

Left uninvestigated and virtually unreported — to this day — was evidence of involvement by Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Meanwhile, our currency — and with it our morality — is being destroyed. Paper money fiat — which since 9/11 has been created at a record pace to fund the wars and prop up the phony economic recovery and, now, rebuild cities being decimated by storms — is directly the foundation of Machiavellian mentality.

The Bill of Rights has been eviscerated, sacrificed on the altar of "national security" with little more than a whimper from the American people. We have entered a post-Constitutional America.

The Patriot Act so broadly expands the definition of terrorist activity that the 1st Amendment right of civil disobedience or even contrarian speech can get people labeled as terrorists. Revealing that government has requested information from records in banks, physician's offices and hospitals or even about searches for specific topics in the library can get people arrested.

And as a result of the "War on Terror," the president possesses the "legal authority" to assassinate American citizens on a whim, a direct violation of 5th Amendment and due process. The "white paper" granting him that "legal authority" states that attacks will take place anywhere outside the United States and that an "informed, high-level" official of the U.S. government may determine that the targeted American has been "recently" involved in "activities" posing a threat of a violent attack. It was employed by the Obama administration to execute Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen and remains in place to this day.

Recognizing early on that the official narrative may not play well, Bush stated: "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty."

But that is just what the majority of the public has done.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

Thursday, September 5, 2019

"Your" Politicians Don't Work For You - But You Pay Them To Work For Others!

From here:

The Costs of Muslim Cousin-Marriage

he Daily Mail reported yesterday that “scientists believe that more than 13,000 people in the UK have DNA which indicates they are the result of ‘extreme inbreeding.'”
This is linked to mass Muslim migration into the UK and Europe. All over Europe, Muslim migrants have taken full advantage of what the generous welfare states of the Unbelievers offer them: free or highly subsidized housing, free education, free medical care, family allowances that increase with each child, welfare payments for the unemployed. And while many European states offer such benefits, some are wealthier than others, and consequently, even more generous with the benefits they provide. Muslim migrants, unsurprisingly, are eager to be taken in by these countries — especially Germany and Sweden — where they can enjoy the largesse provided by Infidel taxpayers.
The financial cost to Western societies is huge. Muslim families tend to be much larger than those of non-Muslims. This means the housing provided — free or subsidized — needs to be larger. Family allowances are larger. Education of immigrant children is more expensive than for the indigenous population, because in addition to the regular cost of education per pupil, these migrants require special classes and even private tutors in the local language. Teaching them that language is an enormous extra expense. Providing classes that attempt to teach them about Western values, in order to further their hoped-for integration, cost money too — and have been a singular failure.
Unemployment among Muslim immigrants is very high, and they seem to be in no hurry to find jobs, for the benefits they receive are so generous. An estimated 40% of Muslim youth in France and 50% in Germany are unemployed, but far from destitute. Rather, they receive a wide range of social benefits — as noted, housing, education, medical care, family and unemployment allowances. Why work when life can be so good without working? An estimated 40% of welfare outlays in Denmark go to the 5% of the population that is Muslim. According to Otto Schilly, former German interior minister, speaking of immigrants in general: “Seventy percent of the newcomers [since 2002] land on welfare the day of their arrival.” In Sweden, perhaps the most troubling case, immigrants are estimated to now be 1.5 million out of 10 million people; those immigrants are estimated to cost the government almost $14 billion per year. High levels of welfare encourage high levels of unemployment. According to analyst Christopher Caldwell: “In the early 1970s, 2 million of the 3 million foreigners in Germany were in the labor force; by the turn of this century, 2 million of 7.5 million were.” The earlier foreigners were mainly Turks who came to work;  the more recent Muslim economic migrants — most of them Arabs, including many who claim to be “Syrian refugees” but are not Syrians at all — have welfare, not work, on their minds. In Sweden, of the 163,000 asylum seekers who arrived in 2015, only 494 had a job by mid-2016. That suggests they were not trying very hard to find employment. In the U.K., only 19% of Muslims (both immigrants and those born in the U.K.) between the ages of 16 and 74 have full-time employment. In every European country, the levels of Muslim unemployment are double or triple that of non-Muslims. These unemployment benefits add considerably to the state budgets.
Large numbers of Muslims may be receiving welfare payments, but that is not their only form of income. Money can be made, they quickly discover, from drug deals and fenced goods, as well as from those welfare payments. Just as some Muslims interpret the payment of social benefits as a form of jizya, the tax traditionally paid in Islamic societies by non-Muslims, in order to be allowed to remain alive and practice their own religion, some think that in helping themselves to the property of Infidels, through robbery and street muggings, they are merely exacting a form of jizya. The very high rates of sexual assault and rape by Muslims may reflect their view of non-Muslim women as fair game, because of the supposed immodesty of their dress and deportment. Think of the girls of Rotherham, passed around by grooming gangs of Muslim men. Think of the 1,200 German women and girls who were sexually assaulted by 2,000 Muslim men in Cologne on New Year’s Day, 2016. They all “had it coming to them.”
These high levels of Muslim criminality have costs beyond the crimes themselves, and the physical insecurity they engender. These costs include the entire human apparatus of the criminal justice system: the need for more police, more prosecutors, more lawyers, more judges, more prison cells, more prison guards. It all adds up.
Among the expenses resulting from the large-scale presence of  Muslim immigrants, there is one particular cost that has not received sufficient attention. This is the cost of cousin-marriages. Such marriages  are extremely common among Muslims, especially Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. A report last year in the Daily Mail — “The tragic truth about cousin marriages” –set out the problem in the U.K. by considering the case of Hiba Maloof, a young Pakistani-British girl who was considering whether to marry a cousin or not.
Blessed with long wavy hair and dark brown eyes, Hiba Maroof is a beautiful teenage girl. She is softly spoken with a hint of the Yorkshire dialect so distinctive to Bradford, where she was born and raised.
Her life stretches ahead of her, yet at the age of just 18 she is already discussing with her family whether she should have an arranged marriage, and whether her future husband should be a cousin.
For Hiba comes from the city’s British-Pakistani community, in which around 60 per cent of mothers are married to their cousins according, to a major academic study.
Her uncle, Younis, hopes that Hiba does so and follows his family tradition.
Indeed, four of his own five children have wed close relatives. However, Hiba’s father is unsure. And her mother is very much against her daughter marrying such a close relative because her own first marriage — to a cousin — ended in divorce.
Hiba, single and a student at the University of Leeds, faces a common dilemma. Her story came to public attention because she featured in a BBC documentary called Should I Marry My Cousin?, which looked at the custom of cousin marriage.
Relationships described as ‘consanguineous’ are those between couples who are at least second cousins or more closely related. The practice has been legal in Britain for more than 400 years, but is considered one of society’s last taboos.
In British Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, marriage between cousins is designed to strengthen the family and keep wealth intact.
But there are massive health risks involved for the children of such couples. And when they are tragically born with disabilities, it is taxpayers who are left to pick up the huge costs of their NHS treatment, which can run into millions over a lifetime.
New official figures shown to the Mail reveal a worrying picture across England. Shockingly, cousin marriages are a key factor in an average of two child deaths every week.
This figure is derived from the fact that a total of 545 boys or girls born to closely related couples have died in childhood during the past five years, according to the Department for Education, which collates data from Child Death Overview Panels in every council area. (It is the job of these panels to examine the deaths of any child under the age of 18.)
Thousands more children of consanguineous marriages survive, but with appalling physical or mental problems. These include blindness, deafness, blood ailments, heart or kidney failure, lung or liver problems and a myriad of often incurable and complex neurological or brain disorders.
According to a report for the BBC’s Newsnight, British Pakistanis are 13 times more likely to have children with genetic disorders than the general population.
They are responsible for three percent of all births, but produce just under a third of all British children with such health problems.
In Birmingham, around one in ten children from first cousin marriages either dies in infancy or develops a serious life-long disability caused by genetic ailments, according to health officials in the city, where half the mothers of Pakistani origin are married to a close relative.
Meanwhile, a research document by the NHS-funded Enhanced Genetic Services Project reveals that in Birmingham in 2009-2010, the combined infant stillbirth and death rate ‘definitely or probably’ due to genetic disorders inherited from Pakistani cousin parents was 38 times higher than that among white European babies in the city.
The report — one of the most thorough into this health and social problem — says: ‘Almost a third of the affected children die before five years of age.
Most of the survivors suffer chronic disability, and they are cared for by their families, posing tremendous emotional and financial strain.’
Up in Bradford, where teenager Hiba Maroof lives, doctors and nurses have told me pediatric wards look after numerous children who are unable to speak, and are fed through tubes.
For Hiba comes from a British-Pakistani community, in which around 60 per cent of mothers are “married to their cousins.”
Meanwhile, the city’s special schools struggle to cope with the huge numbers of pupils with learning difficulties….
The problem is that babies born in cousin marriages can suffer what are called ‘recessive’ genetic disorders, associated with severe disability and early death….
Yet despite the dangers — and the huge cost to the NHS — according to the BBC, it is estimated that 55 per cent of couples of Pakistani heritage in the UK are in cousin marriages.
Seven years ago, leading geneticist Professor Steve Jones, of University College London, controversially warned that what he called ‘inbreeding’ in Britain’s Muslim communities threatened the health of children….
Yet the Health and Wellbeing Board overseen by Oldham council recently said cousin marriage is an ‘integral part of cultural and social life’ and attempts to try to stop the deep-rooted practice were ‘unlikely to succeed’ anyway.
The view that society should not interfere in a custom of some ethnic communities wins a degree of sympathy from even those at the top of the medical profession….
Today, Professor Small believes changing attitudes to cousin marriage among young Muslims, tighter immigration controls on bringing spouses into the UK, and efforts to inform families sensitively about the health consequences may, one day, reduce the disabilities and stillbirths. As yet, he told me, it is unclear if this will be successful….
Former Labour MP Ann Cryer, who represented Keighley near Bradford, has bravely highlighted this issue, but was attacked by the Left for calling for an end to such ‘medieval’ unions.
She said: ‘It’s not fair to the children or to the NHS which has to treat them. If you go into a pediatric ward in Bradford or Keighley, you will find more than half the kids are from the Asian community.’
Philip Davies, Tory MP for another Yorkshire constituency, Shipley, has gone further. Controversially, he has questioned the state costs of treating sick children of related parents, and said to the Mail this week: ‘Isn’t it time that first-cousin marriages were outlawed in Britain?
Britain’s first female Asian peer, Baroness Flather — who describes herself as a ‘Hindu atheist’ — also told us: ‘Such marriages are partly [pursued] out of the conformist desire to keep all property within the family, partly out of a wish to bring over a relative to marry in this country. There is so much disability among the children. You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some health problem.
‘Effectively, we have imported a medieval convention that should have no place in modern society.’
She has pointed out: ‘The term “inbreeding” is an unpleasant one, but it is an exact description of what is happening in 21st-century Britain, despite everything we know about genetics.
‘It is little wonder, then, that more than six per cent of all children born in Bradford have severe disabilities, including blindness, deafness, and neuro-degenerative conditions. Yet to set out these truths is to invoke the fury of the politically correct brigade, who refuse to consider anything that might intrude on their carefully constructed fantasy of Utopian multi-culturalism.’
Indeed, the whole issue is so highly contentious that few dare mention it. NHS doctors and nurses are reluctant to speak out for fear of being branded racist….
A community nurse working in Redbridge told me that he has helped to care for many of the disabled children.
He said: ‘A terrible burden is put on the cousin parents who have, often unwittingly, given birth to a baby with a lifetime of tricky health problems. Their own relationship suffers….
A retired NHS nurse from the same area has added: ‘The children are being kept alive by the skills of the NHS, which is already over-stretched. In the paediatric wards of east London hospitals, I have seen the result.
‘Intensive care beds are being taken up by terribly disabled babies born to related parents.
‘They will never be out of nappies. Some will never speak beyond a wail. They have such grave problems that they will cost the state thousands upon thousands over their lifetimes.’ Another medic recently complained on an internet forum discussing the issue: ‘The problem is no one dares say: “No, stop marrying cousins” because it is politically incorrect to do so.’…
A young Muslim man called Ali wrote recently on one: ‘The reason couples inbreed is because their parents want their children’s earnings to remain in the family….
Iftacan says it may just be the luck of the draw.
A lot of people who marry but aren’t related have ‘kids with autism’, he reasons. For her part, Minaz muses that ‘God may have chosen’ to put them in this situation. Hiba goes to see two potential suitors — her young male cousins — in Pakistan. She struggles to have a conversation with the two boys, university students who appear to like the idea of marrying her and coming to live in Britain….
Even more worryingly, the number of children damaged by consanguinity is predicted to increase as the birth rate in ethnic [that is, Muslim] communities goes up.
In Yorkshire and Humber (embracing Bradford, Kirklees, Leeds, Sheffield, and Rotherham) doctors are having to deal with 600 cases a year — a number they expect to rise to 2,400 a year by 2031, according to documents published by public health officials in the area….
This long review-article of a documentary about Hala Maloof, a British-Pakistani girl looking for a suitable mate, focuses on the consequences of inbreeding in Muslim families. While first-cousin marriage is not illegal in the U.K., almost all such marriages take place in British Pakistani or Bengali or, to a lesser but still significant extent, in British Arab homes.
Two statistics are especially startling.
First, about 60 percent of British Pakistanis marry their cousins.
Second, British Pakistanis are 13 times more likely than the general population to have babies with severe congenital defects.
The article in the Daily Mail made clear that even those couples who had had a severely defective child were still intent on having more children, not convinced of the genetic explanation, willing to take their chances. Some families had two or even three children with such defects. They exhibit a kind of inshallah-fatalism, and do not think clearly about, or choose to ignore,  the genetic evidence. As Iftacan, a father of two children with severe congenital conditions says in the article, “it may just be the luck of the draw.”
Furthermore, many doctors and nurses have been afraid to openly discuss the consequences of cousin marriage and the need to discourage or even prohibit it under the law, for fear of being labelled “racist.”
Why do these Muslim families favor cousin marriages? One reason is the desire of the family to keep wealth within the family. Muslims repeatedly mention this as an important consideration. A man identified only as Al wrote that “the reason couples inbreed is because their parents want their children’s earnings to remain in the family.” They worry that money or property that had been earned or inherited by a family member might, through divorce or death, end up with a non-related spouse.
Muslims also mentioned the need to “strengthen the family” through cousin-marriage. This goes to the matter of trust. In Muslim societies, you cannot rely for justice to be done through the courts or other institutions; trust is more likely to be assured, it is believed, if you are dealing with fellow family members rather than with outsiders. It’s self-defensive  tribalism, taken to the family level.
Still another consideration, mentioned glancingly in the Daily Mail article, is the desire to bring over to the U.K. from Pakistan (or Bangladesh or India) a family member,  who can more easily gain entry as the spouse of a U.K. resident or citizen. Another consideration is that British Pakistani males have shown a preference for marrying girls who are more submissive, less “Western” in their ways, and such girls are more readily to be found back in Pakistan.
Marriage to first cousins has had disastrous consequences for the National Health Service. Care for each of the children with congenital effects who are born from such marriages annually costs, as noted above, 50,000 pounds on average. For those who survive (many die before the age of five) it has been estimated that each child will cost the NHS several millions of pounds, “over a full life-span of medical and other care.”
It is a tragedy for the children and the parents. It is a catastrophe for the National Health Service. And it is avoidable, if only the British government would present, and widely publicize, the evidence for the connection between cousin marriages and babies born with severe birth defects, and then work to prohibit such marriages. The number born annually in the U.K. with such defects is now between 750 and 900; it is expected to rise as the number of Muslims, and thus the number of cousin marriages, increases. How many of those congenital defects are due to cousin marriages has not been revealed. Let’s make some modest assumptions. Suppose that for 500 of those 750-900 born each year with congenital defects, the cause is cousin marriages of parents who are Muslims in Britain. Let us also suppose that 100 of those babies die at birth or within a year, that 400 survive to live, with their severe disabilities, to an average age of 40 years. If the cost to care for each child, who then grows into adulthood and lives for 40 years, is 50,000 pounds a year — an estimate made in the article — then two million pounds would have to be spent on lifetime care for each of those 400 children born with defects as a result of cousin marriage. We are not even including the cost for intensive care for the 100 babies born with such severe defects that they live a year or less. Given that it will cost two million pounds for lifetime care for each child born with defects who lives into adulthood, and that 400 of them are born each year in the United Kingdom, this means that the NHS is committed, each year, to spending another 800 million pounds over the lifetimes of those born that year. Through the decades, this becomes billions. One can only guess how much has already been spent by NHS over the last 30 years on babies with severe defects, born of cousins who either came from Pakistan or Bangladesh, or were the children  of immigrants from those countries.
One more thing should be noted. A prohibition on cousin-marriage is a health measure and a budgetary matter. It is an attempt to spare people — many of them Muslims — anguish. It cannot be described as anti-Islamic. There is nothing in Islam, nothing in the Qur’an or Hadith, about cousin-marriages. If cousin-marriages are widespread among British-Pakistanis, that is because of certain cultural and economic considerations, having to do with property, trust, immigration, and the family as the irreplaceable unit of loyalty. There will be those who will claim that such a prohibition demonstrates “Islamophobia.” But it works for the good of all, especially  Muslims, for Muslim wives and husbands, and their children. It is also a measure that will keep the National Health Service, or NHS, from having to spend billions of pounds on lifetime support for thousands with congenital defects, whose numbers will dramatically decrease if such a prohibition is in place — money that can then be spent on treating cancer or heart disease.