Monday, November 21, 2022

Being alert for medical fraud is not paranoia but survival

Fraud always operates under the color of law. Look for fraud anywhere. You will find it in government, in politics, in religion, in money and finance and absolutely in organized medicine.

Fraud and deceit has carried teeming millions to an early grave. Just think of the millions of young boys and men who have died in phony wars camouflaged with propaganda. Now consider the millions who have suffered a living hell and then were sent to an early grave at the hands of "orthodox medicine."

It's called "iatrogenic death," that is, death induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures. In the U.S. annually is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Some estimates put the total even higher — at almost a million deaths a year. That makes the medical-industrial-pharmaceutical complex itself possibly the leading cause of death in the U.S., period.

Yes, orthodox or organized medicine has a pretty face and is almost untouchable. In fact, organized medicine, which should be called "organized promotion of sickness and death," persecutes and prosecutes truth in healing with all the police power of government.

Orthodox medicine is modern medicine that promotes "treatment" but denies healing. Money is in treating but never in curing. So-called "medical research" is hunting but never finding. This is the cloak of modern medicine. We succumb to this deception and fraud because we are too trusting and too lazy to question establishment medicine. The price is high.

In this instance, we have on our mind the millions of men, dead and alive, who have been victims of "cancer treatment" burning and poisoning, which is actually an industry under the color of conventional and orthodox medicine, sanctioned by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the force of law.

Yes, the force of law. Just try an alternative cure and see what happens to you.

Things that are equal to each other are equal to the same thing. Evil is evil, no matter the pretense. Does it matter by what name we call the death of human liberty?

The "health" arm of the U.S. government, The Food and Drug Administration (clever propaganda in that name; placing in the mind of the citizen the notion that drugs are somehow equal in importance to food) has always worked for the best interests of large corporations — Big Pharma and Big Farms — rather than the best interests of the consumer — or the small food producer.

The FDA's record of "protecting" consumers is shoddy at best. It has gone out of its way to ignore critical evidence about dangerous drugs to the benefit of Big Pharma. It censors the scientific truth about natural remedies and nutritional supplements and has killed more people than the CIA, FBI, ATF and DEA combined.

Founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush argued before the American Continental Congress:

"Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship… to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of Medical Science. All such laws are un-American and despotic, and have no place in a Republic... The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom."

Unfortunately, the right to medical freedom was not added to the Bill of Rights in the Constitution; and now we have the government, medical and pharmaceutical groups working together to limit our health choices. In short, we have a monstrous medical monopoly enforced by the increasingly compromised and corrupt Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which routinely censors truthful health claims.

Additionally, the U.S. Government promotes and protects the organized crime of the FDA by protecting their pals at Big Pharma with the new pre-emption policy that bans private lawsuits against drug companies in State courts once a drug and its label have been approved by the FDA. I don't know about you, but that seems like a protection racket for their financiers at big Pharma.

For an understanding of medical organized crime, read the book The Medical Mafiaby Ghislaine Lanctôt.

What is health, then?

The FDA's position has always been that natural products are either illegal or harmful, yet falsely marketed drugs from Big Pharma, with at best dubious research on their effectiveness, are perfectly okay for consumers.

It seems that the protected criminality goes on and on. But the reality is that even criminal organizations always self-destruct. Their satanic greed consumes them. The medical mafia commits many overt crimes with the complicity and blind obedience of doctors. But it will eventually end in a state of collapse. It is so evil that it cannot sustain life support.

The medical mafia has built a huge financial empire out of and on fiction like cholesterol and open-heart surgery. The only success they have achieved is a multibillion-dollar medical monopoly.

Medical care in America is political. It is what the "consensus of medical opinion" says it is. "Consensus of medical opinion" is mysteriously stamped on American medicine as a control system to create conformity; alias monopoly. Medical monopoly kills medical freedom and causes costs to skyrocket.

Medical care today is commerce. It's money, and healthcare is only incidental.

To get serious healthcare in America today, one has to avoid the "consensus of medical opinion" and seek out alternative medical care wherever it can be found.

If you keep listening to the extremists... that means modern medicine and the nutritionists — who will endlessly tell you what to eat and what not to eat this holiday season, as if they know anything except what standard medicine allows — and dieticians, you'll never get off the disease-producing treadmill.

One of the ways medicine profits most handsomely from you is this: The advertisements all ask you to "talk to your doctor." They do this because they know what standard doctors have been taught — drugs and surgery.

Would you like to get off this treadmill to nowhere?

If so, my team and I have identified the group of doctors who resist the medical-industrial complex's money-grabbing scheme. we have put together a report to tell you about who they are, where they are, and how you can contact these holistic doctors.

Holistic means "whole body," and that means these doctors don't just treat one symptom, they look at all of you. Maybe that's why they're also called "alternative" doctors. If you are looking for one near you, just go here to get a copy of this exclusive guide right now.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Here's why a majority of leftists would not survive an economic collapse

There is one factor that constantly stands out as absolutely essential to a person's chances of surviving a crisis event, and that factor is mindset. Experience and training are highly valuable. Having proper tools and preps on hand is a huge advantage, but in the end, without mental toughness and the ability to adapt the most prepared person in the world will still likely bite the dust.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught... to a point. This is the entire purpose of basic training methods used in the military: To take mundane details and elevate them in the minds of trainees while wearing them down with physical punishment. The goal is to condition the mind to ignore distraction and to ignore fear and pain while focusing on the task at hand. Failure is not an option in war, just as it is not an option in survival. Those who embrace distraction and embrace failure because they think it will make things easier for them are filtered out of the recruitment pool, or the gene pool.

It is no coincidence that the U.S. military is dealing with some of the worst recruitment conditions they have ever seen in terms of people being physically and mentally capable of finishing basic training. The Pentagon currently estimates that 77 percent of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally that if there was a major war, almost 80 percent of them would be erased from existence.

The problem has gotten so bad that militaries in the U.S. and throughout the west are being forced to lower standards just to meet minimum personnel goals. One can argue that many young people don't want to join the military anyway, but this is beside the point. Even if they wanted to, they would be incapable.

There are a number of reasons for this development, but I would suggest that the spread of leftist ideology among 63 percent of Americans aged 18-29 has created a survival vacuum. A generation of mental weaklings. It's important to remember that younger people have adopted more liberal views for decades, but the political left is not liberal today. The leftists of today are full-bore Marxists, both economically and culturally. They support establishment centralization, they support economic centralization, they support corporate centralization, they support authoritarianism and censorship, they support moral relativism, and they applaud the concept of an all-pervasive welfare state.

In 1980 you might have been able to find a large number of mentally tough people that considered themselves on the left. Today, you will not find anyone.

With America hovering in a precarious netherworld between stagflationary crisis and deflationary crisis depending on which poison the Federal Reserve chooses to give the country, the stage has been set for an economic disaster similar to the Great Depression or worse. In two years, our system, which is already dealing with a number of threats including high prices and supply chain instability, will not remain functional in the manner most people are accustomed.

If we accept this inevitability, we must then ask a logical question: Who is going to rebuild? Whoever inherits the mantle will either bring America back to freedom and prosperity or plunge our society into perpetual tyranny. It all depends on who survives the crisis.

One thing that gives me some hope is the fact that leftists as a sub-group of our population are completely incapable of surviving a major economic crisis event. This is not to say that I wish them all to die; I'm only pointing out the reality that most of them won't make it because they are ill-equipped to handle a calamity. Here are the reasons why a post-collapse world would probably be devoid of leftists...

Leftists Thrive On Crisis... But Die Out During Collapse

Leftists tend to exploit crisis and tragedy to shore up power and expand their numbers through fear, but there's a problem with this tactic. If the crisis is fabricated, a tempest in a teapot, then they do very well; if the crisis turns into an actual disaster with real-world consequences including financial decline, supply chain disruptions, shortages, and civil unrest, they have no tools to deal with the effects other than mob action and looting.

What happens if they use mob action and looting when the rule of law is no longer a factor in a country with millions of guns? They will die, by the tens of thousands, as people defend their businesses and homes. The violent hordes we witnessed during the BLM riots would not last long during a collapse scenario where people are more inclined to fight back.

Leftists Are Anti-Preparedness

The political left has spent the better part of the past 15 years demonizing the concept of preparedness as a tinfoil hat philosophy for “right-wing extremists.” They have set themselves up for complete failure by refusing to acknowledge the practicality of prepping, just so they can attack their political opponents. The stupidity of it is truly mind-boggling.

There are some indications that the COVID lockdowns may have shocked a small number of them out of their foolishness. It's hard to deny the threat of economic collapse when the beginnings of collapse are right in front of your face. That said, prepping is not the only requirement for survival, and progressives buying a few months of food and some guns is not going to save them.

Leftists Have An Aversion To Hardship

The vast majority of people that argue in favor of an expanding welfare state are on the left. While conservatives support individual charity for those that deserve it, leftists believe that people need to be forced by the government to provide and pay for others who may not deserve it. This ideal is driven by their desire to avoid hardship.

I often find that leftists have delusions of grandeur. They assume that they are destined for great things, that they are smarter than the rest of us and that work or sacrifice are problems relegated to the rural “peasants” in “flyover country.” Their vision of work is a daycare, a place to socialize, find comfort and self-identity, do the minimal amount of labor required and then collect a paycheck. Just look how leftist-dominated Twitter was being operated a few months ago. It was not a workplace, it was a day spa for lunatics.

These kinds of people are not equipped to endure backbreaking struggle to build a survivable environment. They wouldn't know where to begin.

Leftists Have No Practical Skill Sets

The avoidance of technical skill sets is a real problem for progressives. There are a handful of people on the left that engage in micro-farming and other basic skills as a form of activism, but they are few and their methods are limited by their ideology. As noted above, leftists believe themselves to be too valuable to be wasted on production. Rather, they see themselves as “management,” the people in charge of the people that do the actual work.

A person could get by on that kind of thinking in a first-world environment where office jobs, tech jobs and social work is the norm, but in a collapse environment there are no management positions, there are no office workers, there are no elementary school teachers, there are no trust and safety advisers, there are no platform moderators and there are no bureaucrats. You either have a valued knowledge set that can be traded, or you have nothing. You can either produce necessities for yourself, or you can't.

The development of the information age and the data-driven economy of first-world nations has made matters even worse by convincing people that data is a currency. This is a concept that leftists in particular adore because they think labor will become a thing of the past; they will only need their brains and laptop to provide everything they need. This is a delusion. The “Metaverse” is a facade, a con, and there will always be a need for humans to dig in the dirt, to forage and hunt, to farm and to build with their own hands. As the economy derails further, progressives are going to realize this too late.

Leftists Rely on Government To Fix Their Problems

If the idea of taking matters into your own hands is abhorrent to you, then you might be a leftist. Leftists view individual action during a crisis as almost criminal; it is important to them that the correct authorities with the correct permissions handle any dangerous situation. Leftists love to defer to the “experts” because this takes the responsibility out of their hands, along with the blame should something go wrong.

But what happens when government is not functional enough to save the day? What happens when inflation or supply chains or personnel shortages make it impossible for government officials to help? What happens when government officials don't want to help? What happens when they are corrupt and want to see you suffer?

Leftists rarely consider such possibilities. For them, the idea that government could break down, that the grid could break down and that the rule of law could break down is a conspiracy theory. It's only happened hundreds of times around the world in modern history, but because they have never experienced the threat personally, they think it is impossible. These are the kinds of people that die very quickly during collapse.

Leftists Value Feelings Over Reason

The root foundation of leftist ideology is that everything is relative according to one's personal feelings. That is to say, they believe that their feelings shape their reality, and that “their truth” is the only truth that matters. There are some subjective truths that are near-universal which is why moral conscience is a thing that exists in every culture in the world. That said, personal ideals are still subject to the forces of nature.

You cannot pretend that you are not starving when you are starving. You cannot pretend that you are not dehydrated when you are desperately thirsty. You cannot feel your way out of a crisis, the crisis is not subject to your fantasies, the crisis will step on your throat and teach you otherwise.

At bottom, their feelings do not matter. They are irrelevant. And this is a lesson leftists will learn as the system continues to degrade. They can cry and scream and wail and make all the demands they want for fairness and equity and welfare but in the end, they will face the clarity of self-reliance or they will face the Ferryman.

It's not my purpose here to revel in the erasure of the political left. I am only pointing out that leftist ideology is a product of extremely safe and controlled environments where people have the privilege to engage in frivolity. 

They think they want deconstruction. They think they want chaos as a means to break the system and rebuild it in their image. What they don't realize is that if they get what they want most of them will die in the process and they will not be around to rebuild.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith

Saturday, November 12, 2022

What the gun grabbers' rhetoric can teach us

Do you remember the Obamas' interview with ABC's Barbara Walters, where President Barack and First Lady Michelle joked about the president's second term being a ploy to continue having their young children protected by guns?

In the highly personal interview, the President and first lady discussed their marriage and family life in the White House. When the conversation moved on to the Obama's two daughters, the President joked, "One of the main incentives of running was continued Secret Service protection so we can have men with guns around at all times."

This is the same man who tried to skirt the Constitution by issuing a flurry of gun control executive orders; who appointed an anti-gun zealot as a representative to the U.N. assembly; encouraged doctors to ask their patients about guns in their homes; said federal gun control was necessary because it was government's responsibility to protect innocent Americans from deranged extremists armed with "weapons of war" (that means taking guns away from American citizens who own them, because of course, anyone who does is a "terrorist" and an extremist anti-government zealot); and who told participants of an Internet Q&A session that he felt his biggest frustration as President was his inability to convince Congress to pass stricter gun control legislation.

Because the rules are always for thee, and not for me, according to those in the elected class.

They want you to think citizens don't need, shouldn't have, and weren't ever meant to have any kind of armaments... but it's perfectly fine for them when they feel they need protection.

They don't have a care in the world that the intent of the Founders was for free men to be able to protect themselves, especially from the evils of government. But don't take my word for it. The Militia Acts of 1792 were some of the first bills passed by the First Congress and as Mike Maharrey pointed out correctly, "Every able-bodied free man was part of the militia. You'll also note that the act actually requires all men between the age of 18 and 45 to have military-grade weapons. This kind of undermines the whole, 'the Second Amendment wasn't so you could have an assault rifle' argument."

The Founding Fathers and members of the first Federal government feared a standing army and wanted individual citizens to be armed and ready at all times.

Contrast this with today's gun-grabbers, of whom Obama was just the most prominent example. John Rappaport pointed out, "During the reign of Barack Obama, mass shootings prompted a White House declaration that community mental health centers would be created across America, in order to spot and treat persons before they committed violent acts. ... The Trump administration consider[ed] a proposal that would use Google, Amazon and Apple to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to violent behavior," so that their guns could be confiscated.

Still at it

Despite the Supreme Court's ruling that is having the effect of nullifying many unconstitutional gun restrictions...

( reports: "A judge in West Virginia this month cited the Supreme Court case when he struck down a federal law that required guns to have serial numbers. So did a judge in Texas who ruled last month that people under criminal indictments can still possess guns and a judge who this month tossed New York's prohibitions on carrying concealed firearms in Times Square, summer camps, subways and theaters. More than a dozen other challenges to gun control laws are pending in federal courts, which legal experts say could leave holes in efforts to curb gun violence and the use of weapons in crimes.)

...President Biden is continuing his anti-gun rhetoric and his lies about guns in general.

According to, Biden said in a recent speech: "'Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun, five times — is lighter — and can pierce Kevlar?' he insisted on August 30 while touting his administration's "Safer America Plan," which includes tighter firearms restrictions.

"Really? Well, no. 'President Biden's statement that a bullet shot from an AR-15 travels 5x faster than a bullet shot out of "any other gun" is false,' Greg Wallace, a Campbell University law professor who focuses on Second Amendment issues, told the Washington Post early in September. As for bullets fired from AR-15s piercing Kevlar, 'that is true of almost all centerfire rifle bullets. Body armor protection against rifle bullets requires steel, ceramic, or composite plates. Biden was clearly wrong in his statement,' Kessler concluded."

The lies are part of a much wider net being cast by the anti-gun crowd. They want you to think owning a gun is a disease. Daniel Webster, a health policy expert and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore, said that disease patterns, observing how a problem spreads, applies to gun ownership, and that gun ownership — a precursor to gun violence — can spread "much like an infectious disease circulates."

In discussing gun ownership as if it were a disease, it follows the trend of many news stories that have appeared after shooting tragedies that portray gun ownership as an oddity at best, at worst, something you need to be cured of, or that goes against God's wishes. I wish I were kidding. Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) once told MSNBC that Republicans on his committee were "...murderers' Row; that's Foxx, Gehrig and Ruth. They all like their guns... I think their guns are next there to their Bibles. I'm not sure which they find more important to them... I think guns trump Bibles on that side of the aisle."

Handguns, not just 'assault weapons' (which are already banned)

During a CNN presidential town hall, the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action points out that "Joe Biden expressed his support for a ban on commonly-owned handguns. Responding to a question about the recent increase in violent crime [he] stated, 'I'm the only guy that ever got passed legislation, when I was a senator, to make sure we eliminated assault weapons. The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it's a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle, is ridiculous. I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.' Of course, any semi-automatic firearm capable of accepting a detachable magazine has the "ability to fire" in the manner Biden deemed objectionable. Therefore, the president's statement was a call to ban all semi-automatic handguns, rifles, and shotguns capable of accepting a detachable magazine."

As Ron Paul often pointed out, that cultural Marxists and progressives like Biden and Cohen and their fellow Democrats push for gun control and conveniently "ignore how gun control has been used against African-Americans in the past and how new gun control laws will disproportionately harm racial minorities" whom they purport to protect.

Unfortunately, for 100 years the courts and politicians and the power elite have used laws and propaganda to slowly but steadily erode the 2nd Amendment protections that guarantee the right of self-defense for everyone. Even Supreme Court rulings that seemed to uphold the right to keep and bear arms were designed to erode that right, as we explained regarding the District of Columbia v. Heller ruling written by Justice Antonin Scalia, mistakenly hailed as a gun rights defender by conservatives.

The gun control problem is a mind control problem. The authorities know full well that they, even with all their high-tech weapons, cannot subdue a determined people with private arms. This is why they want your guns. Therefore, they use all manner of spurious persuasion to get you to give up your arms and to exert hostility toward others who won't. Same old divide and conquer.

Nothing is more dangerous to liberty than an unarmed populace. As always, it is why I urge you to purchase a firearm, become trained in its use and maintenance, and practice with it. Here's a list of waiting periods by state before you can take possession of a gun you wish to purchase. If you need a conceal-carry license, go here for one that works in multiple states.

The man or woman who silently keeps arms and learns to effectively use them is the greatest force there is in defense of freedom.

As of now, there are only a few federal politicians with the courage to try and make this illegal, though they have done all possible to impress upon the public mind that private arms possession for any reason is un-American and even sick or terroristic behavior. Their debate is twisted nonsense, but people believe it.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®