Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Total, "Totalitarian" Mind & Thought Control = Propagandized Mental Input (Media) Control: Garbage-In, Garbage-Out!

 From David Kupelian and Brandon Smith

"The lords of the Internet – Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and others – are finally making their big move for all-out, undisguised, totalitarian control of everything you are allowed to read, watch, hear – and therefore think.

For Twitter to have permanently banned a sitting president of the United States, Donald J. Trump – who just the previous month a Gallup survey of Americans revealed was the “most admired man in the world,” nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes – makes it pretty clear that Big Tech’s mask is off. I mean, completely off.

No more congressional hearings where Big Tech oligarchs make excuses or blame “glitches” or mid-level employees for banning prominent conservatives, Christians and pro-lifers. Those days are over. Ever since the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol building – which the Left has equated with both 9-11 and Pearl Harbor – social media giants have abandoned their former pretense and are now wildly purging conservatives from the internet, as though we didn’t exist.

Thomas Jefferson had this sort of thing in mind when he said, “The only security of all is in a FREE PRESS.” He knew an honest, truth-oriented press is essential for a free society to continue to exist. And yet, that’s also the very reason Big Tech – like the maniacal Leftist juggernaut of which it is a part – doesn’t want a free press in America! Get it?"

- David Kupelian, WND -

"Hollywood and the corporate cabal behind it have long sought to be the center of America's cultural universe. In other words, they are seeking to pervert the dynamic so that life imitates art instead of art imitating life, and if they control all the art then they control people's perceptions of life.

The concept of "Manufacturing Consent," posited by people like Noam Chomsky, plays a role here, but I think it goes far beyond that. Rather, Hollywood seeks to not only manufacture consent from the public but also to manufacture the public's relationship to reality. They don't just want us to keep our heads down and begrudgingly accept their ideological zealotry; they want us to believe that their way is and always was the only way.

What I see in the film industry today is complete and unfettered propaganda. We have moved beyond the phase of subversively hidden manipulations to a new stage in which the propaganda has become blatant and aggressive. Almost every new movie and television series is rife with leftist distortions. You will be hard-pressed to find any content these days that does not push ideas like:

1) Endless feminist platitudes.

2) Patriarchy and "white privilege."

3) Ridiculous exaggerations of racism in America (as if nothing has changed since the days of Jim Crow).

4) Oppression of women, rape culture, etc. as if all the tenets of first- and second-wave feminism have not already been accomplished. Depicting oppression of women where none actually exists.

5) Women consistently portrayed as overtly masculine with traits and abilities that defy their biology.

6) Men consistently portrayed as weak and feminine and better off for it.

7) Masculinity, strength, competition and merit portrayed as destructive, "toxic" and outdated.

8) Common positive feminine traits (nurturing, child-rearing, homemaking) portrayed as obsolete or oppressive.

9) Forced and unrealistic diversity, which misrepresents the actual statistical makeup of the U.S. or other Western nations.

10) Saturation of gay and transgender representation — a tiny percentage of the population is made to appear as if it is a vast movement that inhabits every person's daily experience.

11) Older generations cast as confused and ignorant or removed from film and television completely.

12) Younger people portrayed as wise leaders "cleaning up the messes" of older generations, somehow blessed with extensive knowledge and experience by mere virtue of their youth.

13) History erased and rewritten to reflect modern leftist ideals.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. None of the concepts above are an accurate reflection of the human world. Instead, they seek to make the outliers into the mainstream, and they seek to take normal human biological and psychological standards and portray them as aberrant and wrong.

And yes, there are cases where Hollywood is dabbling in fantasy and science fiction and this could be used to rationalize some of their odd depictions. That's not what I am talking about here. I am talking about force-feeding the public an obvious agenda across the full spectrum of storytelling. These are not just movies. These are not just TV shows. This is not just storytelling; this is brainwashing.

Hollywood is not in the business of making art. They are not even in the business of making money anymore. Rather, they are in the business of indoctrination, and this is a fact that many in the alternative media still do not address. Yes, it is a "conspiracy." Not a conspiracy theory, but conspiracy reality.

Their job is to make the public believe that leftist criminal hypocrites' gang ideals (aka 'globalist' ideals) are the prevailing ideals. If you see the same lies every day in every depiction of life, you might start to think that your more rational, traditional and grounded views are in the minority. You might begin to self-censor for fear of being ridiculed. You might even join the other side just to avoid being attacked.

In order to maintain control over the propaganda machine a very important factor is ensuring that the faces on the screen are never allowed to deviate from the party line. Your puppet and pet celebrities need to be kept under lock and key.

Like most people, I recently watched Ben Shapiro's interview with Gina Carano and it basically confirmed everything I already knew about Hollywood (my brief stint as a screenwriter 20 years ago exposed me to the underlying sellout culture and I was repulsed by it). What was striking though was the extent to which the Hollywood corporate elites seek to rape the minds of their employees and force them to submit to the cult. It wasn't that Carano was fired for posting a historical fact on Twitter, it was everything that happened before that.

Carano mentions that as soon as she began speaking her mind from a conservative position, Disney and Lucasfilm began to bombard her with representatives, publishing agents, etc. whose mission was to convince her to apologize publicly for her statements. They even tried to force her to engage in a browbeating session (known as a struggle session among communists) with 40 trans people because she refused to post her "pronouns" to her Twitter page.

Do you want to know why so many celebrities these days seem so desperate to virtue signal online all the time? It might not be because they agree with the leftists. They may just be trying to keep their jobs and avoid being suffocated by a weaponized mob. What the interview with Gina Carono really revealed to me was the extent to which Hollywood corporations are involved in that mob.

Companies like Disney aren't following the mob's lead — instead, they are using the mob as a tool. They are leading the social justice cult, the cult is not leading them as many suggest.

After finishing the Carano interview, I could not stop thinking about a show from the 1960s called The Prisoner starring Patrick McGoohan. It portrays a man who works for the government and abruptly quits, only to be kidnapped by a nefarious unknown organization and transported to a place called The Village. The Village is a sprawling complex made to look like a happy seaside vacation town on the surface, but underneath it is a vast surveillance grid.

All the people that live there are trapped and watched constantly, and the group that runs The Village uses elaborate mind games to break the prisoners down. The Village operates by turning prisoners into informants and guards; its goal often has nothing to do with making people talk. Instead, the goal is to get prisoners to submit, to get them to love the village and become a part of it. The Village is not a prison, The Village is an experiment, a microcosm of what the elite want for the entire world.

I realized that the way Carano was essentially stalked by her own employers and prodded with struggle sessions and mind games, the way that Hollywood operates behind the scenes, is exactly what leftists and corporate elites intend for the rest of us. It is already happening to some extent. How often have we heard conservatives labeled as "insurrectionists, terrorists and racists" in the past year alone? How many conservatives have been censored by Big Tech platforms? How many have lost their jobs because of their opinions, or simply making factual statements?

The social justice cult and the corporations that control them want the world to be Hollywood. They want that environment of oppression and fear to become the standard. They want everyone to be afraid to speak, disagree or step away from the agenda in any way. Everyone must play their part to perpetuate the fantasy world. Everyone must battle to appear virtuous and pure for the mob. Everyone is an actor, pretending they love their new totalitarian collective."

- Brandon Smith - 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

A question for leftists: Why are all the evil people on your side?

 By Brandon Smith of Bob Livingston's Personal Liberty

The media these days is saturated with tales of "evil conservatives" and our heinous plans for world domination through "insurrection." In fact, most mainstream articles that cover recent events including the election and the protests at the capitol make a point to always mention "white supremacy" and "terrorism" in the same breath as the word "conservative." This is an entirely deliberate propaganda tactic called "word association" or "word redefinition;" change the subtext of a word or group label in the minds of the masses and you can often change the perception from positive to negative.

In other words, conservative = racist/terrorist. It doesn't matter if it's not true, it just matters that people are conditioned to subconsciously make the connection.

For example, I've had numerous criticisms of Trump and his administration over the years, but none of that criticism had anything to do with what leftists were regurgitating since 2016. To them, Trump's "racism" was a verified fact, yet when I ask any social justice warrior to produce an actual quote of Trump saying something racist, they can't seem to dig anything up. By extension, leftists have a bizarre obsession with Russia and the theory that Russia is an ever-present hand of god in U.S. politics, yet none of them can produce concrete proof that Russia has meaningful influence at all in American affairs.

The political left deeply believes in things that never happened because their movement is populated by people that are easily manipulated by word redefinitions and false associations. Are they victims of propaganda? Sure. Are they innocent? No. Refusal to question the actions and motives of your chosen movement is willful ignorance, and leftists are accountable for that.

Leftists are the only group of people that has consistently supported mass surveillance, mass censorship, mass violence, property destruction and looting as well as violations of individual rights through medical mandates and lockdowns. They call conservatives "insurrectionists" while they are the only people openly trying to dismantle constitutional protections and the Bill of Rights. So, who are the real villains of this story?

One of the core characteristics of conservatives is that we tend to argue with each other... a lot. It's one of the main reasons why we find it difficult to organize on the same scale that leftists often do. We might all agree on the source of the problems our country faces, but we rarely all agree on the details or solutions. 

This is a weakness, but it is also a strength.

I would much rather be a part of a movement that self reflects. I would much rather be a part of a movement that doesn't operate as a hive mind. There needs to be dissenting voices in everything so that ideas are challenged. If the ideas are found wanting by reason and logic, then they need to be addressed or abandoned. The political left has no concept of this, though.

Leftists are afraid to question anything within their own circles. To dissent on the smallest detail is to be a heretic, a traitor to the cause. They use the word "diversity" all the time, like a battle cry, but when confronted with true diversity (diversity of thought), they panic and react violently.

You cannot be black and also be a conservative, according to leftists. If you are, then you must be an "Uncle Tom" and a traitor. You can't be gay and be anti-social justice. If you are, then you must be a secret bigot that is confused about your place in the world. You can't be a woman and argue against feminism. If you do then you are actually a self-hating woman that has been "enslaved by the patriarchy." You can't be a Democrat and also support gun rights. If you are, then you support school shootings and must be excommunicated from the cult.

Leftists don't actually care about diversity; they only care that you have blind allegiance to the collective. Stray but a little, and the mob will come for your head. They love plantations, they love slavery… as long as they own the plantations, and they control the slaves.

A natural consequence of this Animal Farm mentality is that irony and hypocrisy SARCASM are lost on the followers of such movements. They project all their shortcomings and crimes on others; the devils they see in conservatives are actually the devils they see in the mirror every day. That said, the higher up you get in the leftist pyramid, the less it becomes hypocritical  AN EMOTIONAL REACTION and the more it becomes CONSCIOUSLY malicious intent.

The gaslighting, the word association propaganda, the selective memory hole they use to erase historical facts that contradict their ideology, the people at the top and their lackeys know exactly what they are doing. They don't care that their claims are hypocritical or AND THUS ALSO outright fraudulent. They know they are lying; they know they are gaslighting. They're not interested in being right, they are only interested in winning. WHICH IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF HYPOCRISY!"

There is much more going on here than meets the eye. There is a great deal of power and money behind the rise of hard-left ideology and there are certain people that benefit from its expansion. Leftists like to view themselves as the "underdogs" or revolutionaries fighting against "the man." However, every resource of global power brokers has been offered in support of the political left. The "Man" is the ally of the leftists; in some ways, he is even the creator of the leftist movement.

They aren't revolutionaries at all; they are the jackboots of the new world order. 

All the evil people are on their side.

It was globalist institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation that funded different elements of the feminist movement and "gender studies" movements from the late 1960s onward. This included the Rockefeller Foundation's large donations to The Feminist Press's and the Ford Foundation's programs to indoctrinate teachers into injecting social justice talking points into their curriculum.

This is openly admitted in Alison R. Bernstein's book Funding The Future: Philanthropy's Influence On America's Higher Education. Bernstein is the vice president of Education at the Ford Foundation and the former Associate Dean of Faculty at Princeton.

That's right folks, social justice activism was paid for and encouraged by the so-called "patriarchy." This is the reality, and it never stopped. Even today SJW groups are funded by globalists. For example, as the mainstream media often tries to dismiss or ignore, Black Lives Matter was initially funded by the Ford Foundation and George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. BLM coffers were flooded with over $100 million from uber-rich white elites.

Again, this is a fact that even the dishonest spin doctors at Snopes are not able to deny. Instead, they attempt to use strawman arguments and sophistry to distract from the implication of extreme-left mobs receiving seed money from elitist billionaires.

But let's follow this path even further: Who gets the support of the mainstream media behemoths? Conservatives or leftists? The answer is obvious.

What about Big Tech platforms? Do they enforce leftist ideological standards? Do they censor conservative viewpoints predominantly or leftist viewpoints predominantly? The reality is that conservatives are deplatformed from Twitter, YouTube and Facebook far more than leftists, this is a verifiable fact.

When alternative platforms like Parler are built, are they allowed to simply exist? Of course not! The leftists rampage in an effort to destroy them, but the leftists would have no power without the backing of corporate monopolies like Apple, Google and Amazon. Not only does Big Tech aid the leftists in their jihad against conservatives, but the government does as well.

They don't just go after alternative platforms; they try to go after server providers. And when alternative platforms move to more freedom-oriented server providers like Epik, the leftists get government support in order to intimidate them also.

The collusion between government, corporations and political-ideological movements is the classical definition of fascism. And, just as the Third Reich enjoyed immense funding, investment and industrial support from the globalists in the decade leading up to WWII, the political left is enjoying immense support from the global corporate oligarchy today. So, again, I ask leftists: If you are the rebels... if you are the freedom fighters... then why are all the elites you are supposedly fighting against on your side? Why are the evil people your most avid allies?

To truth and knowledge,


What corrupts the world IS ONLY all-too-common hypocrisy.

Because hypocrites believe in having a right to have freedoms from their responsibilities without having to work for it, they also ignore their fears rather than learn from them, and so they pretend that mere hope is a plan, and that always leads directly to slavery. Their communist credo of "YAY FREE STUFF!" allows them to tempt gullible others to join them in shirking their responsibilities to have to earn or buy same, by offloading those responsibilities onto their victims, enslaving them by depriving them of their rights to defend them selves from the hypocrisy.

They believe that all is allowed (to them; for them to take from others is implied and ignored) except for that which is very specifically disallowed in advance, and so silence means consent.

Therefore they have to make up a shitload of rules (the creation of which lucratively keeps them employed as "our much-needed Expert Authorities") to detail in advance everything that's to be disallowed under their rule/s.

And there's no need for any of it - because the real, one and only Golden Rule of Law moral principle is simply the exact opposite: Do Not Attack First, which means that all is disallowed unless and until specifically agreed to in advance. So our only real right is to not be attacked first, and our only real responsibility is to not attack thereby innocent other people first, either - so we can do nothing either to, nor "for" them, without getting permission.

And that's way easier to understand and administer - and in fact, by living under that rule, there's absolutely no need for any "Expert Authority's" administrations at all, ever, anyway!

And so, there's no need - and there never was any real need - for complicated religious god-plots and strategies to send down any "messiahs."

All criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals. Hypocrites are ALWAYS all about the double standards, where no matter what the cause-and-effect facts are, they pretend they are always righteously heroic martyrs and victims entitled to a right to everyone's pity and acclaim without having to earn or prove it, while everyone who dares to disagree with that lie is their wrongfully villainous oppressor, entitled to only a right to everyone's anger and censure, and with no right to defend them selves from the hypocrites' lies, but only a responsibility to become and remain their slaves for their lack of pity and acclaim.

To play the victim, these paranoid ("You're always all out to get me!") masochists ("So I'm always your victim!") always pretend to control their own fears BY causing - and inducing others to help them cause - those very same worst-case scenario pains they fear the most! THAT'S both how and why they seek to control and enslave everyone else, "first" before others can "inevitably" try to enslave them (because their main crime excuse is "So what? You all do it, too!") and why, even once they get control, they still end up destroying everything and everyone else anyway!

Criminal hypocrites, aka psychopaths, leftists, collectivists, communists, etc want what everyone else has, and they don't want to have to work to earn it; so they demand this "equality of outcome" for them selves, but then they also simply have to sell it to others in order to form extortive "totalitarian" crime-gangs to 'totally' control and enslave everyone else, by claiming to want that very same equality of outcome to be available for everyone else as equally-helpless fellow victims, too.

And the way they pretend to justify that, is by asserting to gullible others the very most SHALLOW emotional meme: that everyone's original right to an equality of opportunity was denied to them by evil straight White alpha males, because superficially they are obviously in general larger stronger faster and smarter - i.e: more evolved for competitive survival - than beta-male and beta-female gays, non-Whites, and women. And that's all there ever really is to any of it.

Hypocrites are criminals who believe ends (promoting them selves as righteously heroic victims) justify means (criminally attacking everyone else first).

Hypocrites are not delusional. They are not "mentally ill," or "insane," nor do they hallucinate, despite their habitually delusive behavior showing all the exact same symptoms as what is mistakenly and commonly referred to by those "diseased victim" model or society-promoting terms. At most, they eventually atrophy their own brains by habitually choosing fantasy over true memory, which can only chemically strengthen the brain areas responsible for the former while degrading those responsible for the latter. They routinely delete their own memories ("THAT didn't happen!") and replace them with fantastic lies - an exponentially-increasing process where memorizing rafts of new lies are required to bolster the old ones, all of which must replace and displace their real memories of what actually happened. So, much like a perfectly healthy person who chooses to sit in a wheelchair for years will willfully atrophy own their leg muscles and so end up "needing" the chair, hypocrites, by pretending to be heroic victims, chemically atrophy their own brains by habitually making bad choices.

Yet hypocrites must still remain perfectly able to see the truth, in order to be able to so relentlessly avoid it when it applies to them selves, while also remaining so perfectly able to wield it against others when it applies to them. All criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals.

And the end result is that the whole world is trained by shallow hypocrites to always focus on symptomatic effects and never on causes, allowing the leftist hypocrites to always "fail upwards," simply because "there's no money in solutions!" 


Monday, February 15, 2021

Gold Vs Fiat

The signs of inflation building up in the casedemic economy are now everywhere according to an IHS Markit report:

  • "Inflationary pressures intensified as supplier delays and shortages pushed input prices higher."

  • "The rate of input cost inflation was the fastest on record ... as soaring transportation and PPE costs were also noted."

  • Amid stronger expansions in output and new orders, manufacturers experienced "significant supply chain delays, raw material shortages, and evidence of stockpiling at goods producers" that "pushed input prices up."

Yes, inflation is lurking in the shadows, and the government boys and girls don't want you to understand it is coming... and the mainstream media are not going to report it until it can't be ignored.

Partners in crime

Many things lie beneath the mystique of money besides greed and fear. Most Americans think of money in terms of dollars. This fact demonstrates the unbelievable power of propaganda over our thought processes.

Government(s) and their partners, the central banks, are involved in history's greatest fraud and deception. They are stealing and have stolen the wealth of the world with bank credit ("dollars") while forcing the deception upon the people that they work no longer to build real wealth, but to accumulate depreciating currency.

We "save" in depreciating currency. We buy life insurance in depreciating currency. And we leave our estates in depreciating currency.

Worth less

Did you know that in the progression of time, the U.S. currency is depreciating toward zero? The public is trained to accept this as "rising prices" or inflation, and rising wages. But it is more specifically depreciating paper money. The powers-that-shouldn't-be allow us to believe we "make more money" than we used to, but inflation means dollars are worth less, and so everything costs more to buy, and our purchasing power dwindles accordingly. However, they have learned through experimentation on us that it makes people feel good to have rising wages vs knowing their money has no value.

The entire world is now on this irredeemable currency standard characterized by inflation and resulting in competing devaluations. What that means is temporary advantage of one nation over another while all race toward bankruptcy. See the U.S. and China today.

It's the modern version of national and international suicide.

What comes with this? Wars and suppression of liberty. Are we not seeing this presently, and with great precision?

Gold allows no such monopoly of perception, and manipulation of value and credit by central banks. Gold is a natural creation extracted and fabricated by human production. It is not only long-term value, it is forever. It survives the deception and tyranny of political governments that always turn to dust.

As government dollars (credit) create immorality, gold supports morality and honesty. Gold is the substance of economic survival. It is the essence of privacy and the preservation of wealth.

The time will come again when we will think of gold in terms of value and money, not "dollars." This will be a move back toward the restriction of politicians and an expansion of and new birth of human liberty.

Governments hoard gold to stabilize their political and economic power. At the same time, they downplay gold to the people to destabilize their psyche and make them dependent on government credit which is being passed off as real money.

Gold stabilizes human emotions, dissipates fear of authority, and promotes individualism and human dignity. Government-created money (credit) destabilizes emotions, creates fear of unseen authority, creates political tyranny, and it expropriates the wealth of the people.

The critical point in awareness is reached when the people en masse realize that inflation is permanent. The result is that they quickly exchange cash for "things," as they did in Greece a few years ago. Greek businessmen exchanged their devalued and inaccessible currency for machinery and equipment, and people bought appliances and cars. Eventually, this results in economic breakdown and social chaos.

What do you 'know'?

There are many ways to extend the life of paper money. The foremost is by controlling information — a monopoly on what you "know." The monetary authorities suppress the price of gold as long as they can; they manipulate public perceptions with a fabricated consumer price index (CPI); they remove monetary indicators like M3; and they constantly talk about "managing inflation."

By now you have heard of the Federal Reserve's "2 percent goal" for inflation. And somehow, they seem to always come up with an official number right around their target. Curious? Not when they control the calculations and media reporting on the results of the calculations. And, yes, they constantly talk about the debt ceiling and limiting the national debt. All this is spurious nonsense, as anyone listening can hear the money printing presses roll in the background around the clock. Note that the government and its politicians never talk about the depreciation and loss of purchasing power of paper money. With the debasement of the currency goes the debasement of morality.

The U.S. Empire may indeed collapse into chaos sooner rather than later. If it does, that would be a good thing. We can go back to being "America" again. Even so, I suspect they know what we know — that collapsing currency finally creates crisis in spite of statist propaganda. Therefore, they must have contingency plans because their only purpose it to retain power at all costs.

The government reacts to its interpretation of public perceptions which are closely monitored, now very much more closely since "social media" has taken over everyone's waking consciousness. At some point, a segment of the population will become aware of the worthlessness of paper money and trigger an alert to the greater population. This foretells monetary crisis and social chaos. What will the government do? I would guess that the government will announce some sort of quasi gold standard which, at this point, will probably be fictional and it may or may not calm the people. If it does not bring calm, further action will be announced.

By this time, there will be many new population controls and perhaps some negative propaganda directed at "hoarders," gold owners, etc. We are already seeing people who are part of the liberty movement in this country hounded, oppressed, called "terrorists" and "enemies" who must be reprogrammed or exterminated. All is in preparation for this time of fake social crisis to cover up for the theft going on during the very real monetary crisis.

Precious metals

And guess what? At some point, the government will have a serious need for gold and silver to back a new currency. I don't think officials will announce that gold (the metal) will be used currently as money. Instead, a more likely event is to announce new currency with gold backing.

Silver money issued through 1964 will be used as emergency money because by that time we will probably be on plastic money since our current junk coins will have disappeared (according to Gresham's Law, which states that bad money runs good money out of circulation). Even now, this event is rearing its head. 

Even junk money has metal in it worth more than the exchange value. The little copper and nickel left in our coins, i.e., junk coins, are worth more as metal than money.

The government will need gold. Then, it may become known that there is no gold in Fort Knox.

What will the government do?

1. Confiscate gold in all bank deposit boxes and as much as it can get from individuals.

2. Nationalize all gold and silver mines.

3. Confiscate all exchange traded funds (ETFs); gold and silver. By that time, this will be a huge bag of gold and silver, and they are watching it. You don't think they will do it? Study history!

What are some options for you?

Currency is faith itself — a belief system. When you think of money or currency, you think of green paper, but 95 percent of "money" is computer symbols in bank computers. More specifically, your money is a pure psychological entity that evaporates as confidence fails.

Gold is substance. It is hard currency. It is the only hard currency.

Gold stands on its own.

If your pension or retirement fund is in the form of computer symbols in some bank, and it is, you might want to consider putting a percentage in gold coins to keep in your possession. It may turn out to be all you have. And brother, this is not fear hysteria when you understand how fast things can implode into financial disaster. ETFs may or may not hold gold. A bank may or may not give you access to your gold, and may let the government confiscate it from you. Keep your gold!

For gold to be all that we say it is, it needs to be in your possession. We don't mean in your "safe deposit box" at the bank, and we certainly don't mean in some "trust" account. It should be in your private safe with other valuable effects.

When obtaining gold, it is essential that you:

  1. Obey all laws as far as possible.

  2. At some point in time (you to be the judge), begin to sell mining stocks and buy more gold and silver coins. How will we know? Watch the propaganda and look for new controls.

  3. You should already have food storage and barter items, as well as alternative power.

  4. Educate those you care about as to the mechanics of survival. Not many will listen as long as they perceive no crisis.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

As economic fraud is exposed, the globalists are gonna need a bigger virus

 From Brandon Smith of the Bob Livingston Personal Liberty Alerts Letter

It is a general rule that corrupt economies tend to operate on faith and not on fundamentals. And to be clear, it's not so much about naive faith that the system is stable or functional. No, it's more about people having faith that the corruption and instability will never be exposed. Most people are not as stupid as the establishment and central bankers think they are — almost everyone knows the system is broken, they just refuse to consider the possibility that the fraud will fail, or that it will be allowed to fail.

In other words, the old mantra "too big to fail" is a lie. Nothing is too big to fail, and that includes the U.S. economy, the dollar and the elaborate Kabuki theater that keeps them both afloat. All it takes is a single moment, an epiphany that the Ponzi scheme is unsustainable rather than unstoppable.

I'm reminded specifically of the inflationary crisis of Argentina in 2001–2002.

Argentina's economy was highly dependent on foreign capital inflows, its currency peg to the U.S. dollar and they were precariously reliant on support from the IMF. The IMF openly supported the government of Argentina and their currency peg model, but foreign capital began to decline, and the peg became unsustainable. Without tangible growth in manufacturing and a strong middle class, an economy cannot survive for long. A top-down system based on illusory "financial products" and creative accounting is doomed to crash eventually.

All it took was for the IMF to criticize the policies they initially endorsed and funded and announced that they were removing financial aid, and all hell broke loose in Argentina.

Almost overnight, the Argentina peso plunged in value, interest rates spiked and inflation struck hard. People poured into the streets and civil unrest erupted. The IMF would later admit it made "errors" in its handling of the Argentina situation, but this was simply spin control designed to protect them from further scrutiny. The IMF avoided most of the blame and has been growing into a monstrous global centralization machine ever since.

I think we are witnessing the beginning of a similar end of mass faith in fraud in the U.S. The recent Robinhood short squeeze event as well as the current decoupling of physical silver prices from the paper ETF market have accelerated the timetable. Not surprisingly, these moves have forced the establishment to intervene to some extent to essentially stop traders from freely trading. Accusations are flying and deplatforming has ensued. The idea that the system is a functional fraud is gone; The world now knows it is a dysfunctional fraud, and collapse cannot be very far behind.

Furthermore, the collusion between banks, hedge funds and Big Tech is blatantly revealed. These relationships are supposed to remain hidden in the ether. They are obvious to anyone with any financial knowledge and sense, but they aren't supposed to be wielded in the open. Conspirators aren't supposed to admit to the conspiracy? Right?

Some people might say the establishment has been forced to unmask by activists. Maybe. But, as I have been warning for many years, when criminals start openly admitting to their crimes it is probably because they think that it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.

The point is bankers and globalists have ways of avoiding responsibility for the disasters they engineer. When the con-game breaks, they always have patsies to take the fall.

This sets up a bizarre dynamic in which the money elites that constructed the economy like a time-bomb are treated like victims (or heroes) and the people undermining the fraud are treated like villains and criminals. Are activist stock market traders and silver market guerrillas to blame for any crisis that erupts in the near future? No, of course not, but they will be blamed anyway.

That said, propaganda narratives and scapegoats may not be enough to save the bankers this time. They will never allow a major fiscal crash to develop in a vacuum. They need more cover, and they need to have the means to lock down the public to prevent civil unrest or rebellion from spilling over into their backyards. I have long suspected that the COVID pandemic was a useful tool in this regard. As I noted in an article published in January 2020:

Even if a pandemic does not kill a large number of people, it still disrupts international travel, it disrupts exports and imports, it disrupts consumer behavior and retail sales, and it disrupts domestic trade. If it does kill a large number of people, and if the Chinese government's response is any indication, it could result in global martial law. With many economies including the U.S. economy already in a precarious balancing act of historic debt vs. crashing demand and useless central bank repo market intervention, there is little chance that the system can withstand such a tsunami...

As we all know, global martial law in the name of "public health" is being established in most countries. The insane globalist rantings of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab have also been very revealing; Schwab and other elites have even called the pandemic a "perfect opportunity" to execute their agenda for the "Great Reset."

However, the globalists are highly fallible, and mistakes in judgment have been made. During the Event 201 pandemic wargame on a coronavirus outbreak (conveniently held two months before the real thing happened), the elites forecast at least 65 million initial deaths globally from such a virus. We are a year into the pandemic and nowhere near that kind of death rate. In fact, the death rate is so minuscule (0.26 percent) that the public is beginning to realize the lockdown mandates are pointless.

In the U.S., conservative states are moving on and keeping their economies wide open. Half the population is refusing to take the vaccines, and many members of law enforcement are refusing to implement lockdown policies. I don't think this is what the globalists expected at all. They needed mass fear and they are getting mass defiance. They're going to need a bigger threat or a bigger virus.

This is why I have been repeatedly warning that the talk of reopenings by Biden and other democrats is going to be very short-lived. I have predicted that Biden will attempt a federal lockdown similar to the Level 4 lockdowns used in Europe and Australia after a couple of months of relative calm. I based this prediction on the COVID "mutation" narrative being spread right now by the mainstream media and establishment cronies like Anthony Fauci. It is not hard to see where this is headed.

The globalists must have the "legal" option of restricting public movement as well as large gatherings, and they must have the option of surveillance on individuals 24/7 through contact tracing. This is the only way to prevent rebellion against the Reset and rising anger due to economic turmoil. The veil has been lifted; the conspiracy is being widely broadcast. Martial law alone would only inspire more descent, medical tyranny in the name of "saving lives" is the only play the globalists have. They have to have help from a large portion of the citizenry, so they must maintain the appearance that they are operating from the moral high ground.

The COVID mutation story is clearly the next play, and Bank of America economists appear to agree with me. They recently stated that they see little optimism in terms of a reopening of the economy and that hard lockdowns will return, possibly in March or April.

Another factor to consider is that the economic crash will have to reach a peak soon because Joe Biden now resides in the White House. If the crash happens soon, the pandemic can be blamed, Trump can be blamed and conservatives and liberty activists can be blamed. If the crash happens a year or two from now, only Biden and the globalists will get the blame.

Without lockdowns and scapegoats, the scenario will end very badly for the globalists. It might end badly for them anyway. Be ready for severe chaos by spring; I suspect the elites are getting desperate, and if they allow America to go back to normal and for the pandemic to end with a whimper, they will never get another chance at their precious Reset.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith