You Americans should try teaching the PRINCIPLES behind what makes your Constitution such a unique success in the world, and not only it's details and history.
Because here's what's wrong with the "progressive" EDUCATION SYSTEM today:
Here's how the so-called "soft" sciences aka "humanities" (anthropology, psychology, sociology, and even Law or criminology) really work: They all started off by examining the various symptoms and EFFECTS of human behavior, thinking, group-thinking behavior, and of criminal free-will CHOICES, respectively, but then self-invalidated by looking for hidden mysterious predestined and predetermined inevitable force "CAUSES" of it all, which degraded them all into only one criminal, excuse-making alibi topic:
So we get these two, permanently opposed philosophical poles:
Law-abiding Conservatives: "Criminal behavior is an effect of free-will choice!"
Criminal libertines: "But what CAUSED that choice? There's always a cause!"
Their implication is that there are no crimes nor criminals because we're all "victims."
In short: they went from studying HOW people CHOOSE to act, to focusing on WHY (ruling out free will choice entirely)!
And that "why" PRESUMES a fear of pain will ALWAYS trump rationality! "So" we are all really ever only helpless victims! Asking "why" people ('always') give in to the fear of pain, presumes that: "SINCE anything CAN go wrong, SO it WILL always go wrong, SO we MUST forgive everyone for their mistakes, as being helpless victims!"
But in reality, the only reason WHY people commit crimes, is that they still think they can have rights without responsibilities, and so they weigh all the risks and rewards in different situational circumstances first!
And they only try to do so in each and every separate circumstantial situation, because they haven't learned that rights ALWAYS only come with responsibilities, causes with effects, and effects with causes, and so they either remain ignorant of, or choose to ignore, the simple Golden Rule of Law moral Principle:
"Do Not Attack First."
These days, PITYING the victims (and the criminals AS "fellow victims,") is held up as the highest moral virtue, while being ANGRY at, (or "hateful" towards) criminals and crime is deemed to be the most vile sin.
But what is more useful in solving problems and remedying crime: being angry at criminals for their predatory choices, or encouraging them to commit more crimes, by pitying them as helpless victims too?
The answer is obvious.
So it's high time to educate these higher-learning "educators" of their mistakes!
In always asking "But WHY?" like perverse little children bedeviling their parents, they can always step back any given answer and exploit it into a whole new and lucrative "specialized" academic field of study!
But the focus they pretend to thereby gain in minutae actually loses the focus on the big picture or "unified field" of science itself - by deliberately reducing everything they become absurd, or "
reducio ad absurdum," to the Latins.
And, while the simple answer IS obvious to us, unfortunately so is their own criminally negligent desire to "fail upwards" by ignoring the simple easy and permanent solutions to any and all problems, in favor of exploiting and selling the almost infinite number of mere symptoms and effects of unsolved problems as causes in them selves, as eternal crises for which only temporary band-aid therapy reliefs can ever be applied.
After all, the motto of all responsibility-averse and willfully delinquent libertine "liberal" criminals must be: "There's No Money In Solutions, so Please Give Generously - AGAIN!"
So their final message these days seems to be:
"Anyone who doesn't automatically pity all criminals as fellow victims should be hated!"
All of which results in ...
Is a form of excuse-making victimology which presumes people are mere products of their environments.
And the inevitable force idol used is group-might-makes-right membership, where people's identities are limited to their group symptoms (which are of course in reality not causes of anything at all anyway).
From useless pity, they seek to forcibly balance or zero out all of the conflicting, "intersectional" group membership symptoms (race, national/ethnic origin, religion/culture, sex/gender etc) everyone has.
They pretend the only way to stop people from having conflicts, is to make them all physically "equal."
And the only attributes they cannot control, is free-will, and its "intersectionally related" symptoms of wisdom and intelligence, emotions and instincts. They use emotion to cancel others' wisdom and choice.
But they will try to anyway, dummying down everyone to the lowest common animal-level denominator, where it is presumed that everyone will always stupidly and instantly Submit to their fears - and so must always be pitied and never hated for their often predatory, criminal choices. But trying to pretend that one can "equalize the difference" between law and crime by asserting that there are no free-will criminal choices nor criminals but only helpless victims is criminal. It's to assert that people are nothing more than mindless robots, and that nobody can ever really think about anything, ever. It is to deny consciousness exists in anyone, ever. To choose to commit such massive acts of criminal negligence is to commit fraud.
It is to deny the evidence of one's senses, to objectify everyone else AS mere objects. It is nothing more or less than common "psycho-pathy," which is literally only the Greek word for mind- or thought-killing.
It is childish paranoia, slandering everyone else as being only one thing, which is always out to get you.
And having chosen to indulge such common fear-based emotion, they must control everyone else's thinking, in the hope of making it all stop forever. Out of fear, they ultimately end up denying that cause and effect really exist, and so as existentialists are also mere nihilists, believing in safe static Nothing.
And: Why do Millennials embrace socialism? Why do two thirds of the population - the psychopaths and undecided - vote so consistently for it, even while being ripped off again and again by it? It's because of corporate education.
Just try telling them that socialism is slavery because it doesn't allow for any individuals to own any property.
They will reply with "So what? I don't own any property, and at least under socialism the government will have to give me stuff, and feed and clothe me, by taking it from all those Makers who hoard it and won't give it to me!"
Having been raised apparently enslaved by parents who controlled everything, and in school systems where they all were treated like criminals and prisoners, they don't know anything else and so cannot imagine owning anything!
The only dreams they have are rising to the top of the socialist crime-gang by extorting more from the Makers!
Monkey-see, monkey-do! Corporate gangsters own and control government gangsters and they all sell slavish pity for criminals as being the height of virtue, and being angry at criminals for committing crimes as a vile sin. Government - like islam - sells useless pity over constructive anger to keep the peace, because their corporazi gangster masters wants peace in order to promote commerce (at least in those areas they aren't currently trying to destroy in order to then lucratively charge their victims to have rebuilt)!
But with endless fiat currency available, the globalist banksters risk nothing ever and so always can and do - as psychopaths - finance both sides in every given conflict to gain more control over everyone else!
So, to reiterate and sum up:
Here's both how and why this latest debacle has developed in our world (and will probably only get worse):
Snowflakes are being taught to act like perpetual victims, not realizing that in their long march to replace freedom with security, they will all end up being euthanized in gulags!
All liberal social science/humanities "teach" about (abuse students with) islam ("Submission" to Authority) these days - because they all really only describe victimology, where there is no morality because they insist there is no free-will choice.
As in islam itself, one must SUBMIT to GOING ALONG (with the criminals' main lie, that they are really only "fellow victims" - of society/mere products of their environments, and proudly helpless slaves of unknown and unknowable allah) TO GET ALONG (with all the other scary lying criminals)! It's might-makes-right extortion!
And perpetual extortion is also know as "slavery!" This is why governments still fund 50% of "higher education!"
Because both corporations and governments WANT people to be psychopaths – people who are always instinctively willing to compromise and Submit to Authority, who can be guaranteed to always want to go along to get along, and who will never, ever, challenge the status quo by attempting to actually solve any real problems, or accuse any real criminals of their crimes, that’s why!
You seriously need to emulate the enemy's success and enter the textbook publishing business!
It won't be as expensive as one might think, because of the recent shift in schools and universities from hard-copy to digital editions!
It's much cheaper to offer electronic versions of books than it is to have to pay to print, warehouse, insure and ship them using the old business model! And they reach more students faster globally.