Monday, April 29, 2019

Yes, ALL Muslims ARE Terrorists!

First off, here's a simple fact about islam which *might* even give your average muslim pause:

If and when muslims posit their god as being "unknown and unknowable," then it's incredibly hypocritical of them to pretend to be so outraged by other religions' alleged tellings of "lies" about the nature of god, that they feel obliged to go out and wage war and murder them for it.

That's really only them doubling-down on their own lies, for all religion is at best mere speculation presented as fact - in other words, it's all a pack of lies!

Therefore, who does islam *really* benefit? Obviously, not god.

So it can only be a lying excuse to benefit its fraudulent founder, Muhammad.

And there's a copious amount of anecdotal evidence (aka all the hadiths) to prove it, too.


That's islam in a nut's hell.

Beyond this simple and obvious truth, I just had to respond to a stupid article by Glenn K. Beaton as roasted by Hugh Fitzgerald, here:

Re: "Blaming today’s Muslims for 9/11 is like blaming today’s Germans for the Holocaust."

NO, IT REALLY ISN'T. If he had said "is like blaming all ARABS for 9/11," he'd have been correct.

But the equivalent of "muslims" (crime-gangsters) in this equation is "nazis" so let's try that one out:

"Blaming today’s Nazis for the Holocaust is like blaming today’s Nazis for the Holocaust."

Sorry, what?! Anyway, moving right along to his next fallacy:

Re: "So are all Muslims terrorists? No."

Actually, YES, they ARE.

According to even your own sharia "law" texts, no muslims are "civilians."


According to the Qur'an, allah deliberately made infidels so muslims could murder them for him, as a test of their obedience (well, more as a joke, since allah knows in advance who will pass and fail his tests, and it's all predetermined predestined force anyway)!

If they truly follow islam, then YES muslims are ALL terrorists.

Just like you couldn't be a "nazi" and not support Hitler and Mein Kampf, you can't (by your own rules) be a "muslim" and not be a terrorist, because that's what the Qur'an commands and Muhammad himself did: terrorize and extort everyone else!


"Terrorism" is really only the simple crime of "extortion" writ large! Extortion is "threats!"

ALL muslims are criminals, simply by being members of the world's largest and most ancient yet ongoing crime-gang.

Being a member of a crime-gang is a crime, even if the member hasn't committed any specific crime beyond that of their general membership, because they represent the inherent public threat the crime-gang presents.

It's the Law.

Everything muslims pretend to believe is "holy" is already a crime!

The Qur’an clearly and specifically tells you muslims the Bible is wrong and also that all Christians and Jews are infidel criminals who worship a false god, and who must therefore be extorted, enslaved, and murdered for their “crime” of not being muslims:

Sura (Chapter) 47:1-4 of the Qur'an:

1: non-muslims are bad, because they insult allah by dividing his nature;
2: muslims are good, because to them allah is the cause of everything;
3: Allah made them both like that;
4: So muslims should chop off the non-muslims' heads.

(Allah could have done it himself, but he wants you muslims to do it for him)."

It's all right there, in context: islamic violence is entirely general doctrine-driven, and not at all specific grievance-driven.

(And chapter 47 isn't by any stretch even remotely the worst, most violent chapter; that honor goes to either chapter 8 or 9).

Sure, some dispensations from mandatory participation in jihad are given for physical disabilities, like for old age, blindness, lameness etc., but the very listing of those exemptions in your Qur'an only serves to prove that the word "jihad" means violent and non-defensive warfare.

And those exempted from physical participation are still obliged to be accessories and equip and otherwise assist those who are still physically able to participate in the raids.

That is, the Qur'an demands muslims wage offensive war - not in self-defense - but because of others' "disbelief!"

For instance:

9:5. Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islâmic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikûn (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, then leave their way free. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

9:14. Fight against them so that Allâh will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people,

9:29. Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

9:120. It was not becoming of the people of Al-Madinah and the bedouins of the neighbourhood to remain behind Allâh’s Messenger (Muhammad when fighting in Allâh’s Cause) and (it was not becoming of them) to prefer their own lives to his life. That is because they suffer neither thirst nor fatigue, nor hunger in the Cause of Allâh, nor they take any step to raise the anger of disbelievers nor inflict any injury upon an enemy but is written to their credit as a deed of righteousness. Surely, Allâh wastes not the reward of the Muhsinûn

Muslims are commanded to hurt us in any way they can and are promised Brownie Points for it.

So don't go looking for what actions of yours may have offended or provoked them; they have been taught from birth that your existence alone offends their god, and so should offend them.

Muslims have been officially taught to believe that they are the “best of people” (Qur’an 3:110) and that unbelievers are the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6).

So NO muslim is isolated from the evil crime of islam's mandatory "jihad" terrorism.

Read the Qur'an! It is inseverable: 2.85. Jihad is ordained for Muslims: 2.216. It commands acts of terrorism: 8.12, 57 & 60. It rewards acts of terrorism: 9.120. It commands perpetual war: 8.39 & 9.29. Believers are only those who wage war: 9.111 & 49.15.

What believing Muslim is not a terrorist? 33.21 orders Muslims to emulate Moe. Bukhari 1.8.387 & 4.52.220 have him bragging about winning with terror. 8.12, 8.57 & 8.60 command Muslims to engage in terrorism. 9.120 promises Brownie Points for acts of terrorism. Get a clue.

Moe was a terrorist: Bukhari 1.8.331 & 4.52.220. Muslims are commanded to emulate him: QV 33.21. They may not be actively engaged in terror acts, but all Muslims are terrorists. Islam is war: 2.216, 8.39, 57, 60, 65; 9.5, 29, 111. 120 & 123. Islam is all or nothing; a bundled package deal: 2.85.

Moe said that his provision was placed under the shade of his spear. Look up the hadith in Tafsir Ibn Kathir "The Benefits Of Iron"; it is near the end of the page.

Moe dictated and dispatched extortion letters. Look them up in Ibn Sa'd or

He prayed for prey at Badr. He asked the "Lord of the Devils" for "the good of this town" before every ghazwat. Look it up in "The Life of Muhammad".pg. 510-511.

Crack open Sahih Bukhari and read the books of Jihad, Khumus & Expedition, they show us what Islam really is. Obtain clues from the Qur'an, too. 3:151, 8:12, 39, 57, 60, 65, 67, 9:5, 29, 38, 39, 111, 120, 123, 33:26, 27, 47:4, 49:15, 59:2, 13, 61:10-13; Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220.

If a Muslim is a believer, he is a threat to our lives, liberties and prosperity, whether in a pack or acting as a lone wolf.

Jihad is what Islam is; what Muslims do and it is defined in Islamic law as "war against non-Muslims." Look it up in "Reliance Of The Traveller" Book o, Chapter 9.0 and try to prove me wrong.

Offensive Jihad is fard al-Kifaya, to be performed in every year. When we retaliate, the obligation becomes fard al-ayn: binding on the entire Ummah individually. That makes every Muslim a ticking time bomb.

You hope that we Kuffar are stupid, ignorant and gullible. Unfortunately for you, a growing number of us are scratching below the surface, reading the Qur'an, hadith, exegesis & jurisprudence to discover the reality of Islam.

"The Book Of Jihad" and the second volume of "Hedaya" are excellent sources of information.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


From here:

But Leftist Privilege will prevent him from ever being held accountable.

June 7, 2018  Robert Spencer

(This article is nearly a year old, but pResident Hussein still hasn't been charged).

The Washington Free Beacon reported Wednesday that “the Obama administration skirted key U.S. sanctions to grant Iran access to billions in hard currency despite public assurances the administration was engaged in no such action, according to a new congressional investigation.”
And it gets even worse: “The investigation, published Wednesday by the House Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, further discloses secret efforts by top Obama administration officials to assure European countries they would receive a pass from U.S. sanctions if they engaged in business with Iran.”
This revelation comes after the news that came to light in February, that, according to Bill Gertz in the Washington Times, “the U.S. government has traced some of the $1.7 billion released to Iran by the Obama administration to Iranian-backed terrorists in the two years since the cash was transferred.”
There is a law that applies to this situation. U.S. Code 2381 says: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
In a sane political environment, Barack Obama would be tried for treason.
Barack Hussein Obama has planted seeds that will be bearing bitter fruit for years, and probably decades, to come. He is, without any doubt, the worst President in American history. Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan? Yes, the doughface Presidents made the Civil War inevitable, but worse came later. Grant? Blind to corruption and out of his depth, but there have been worse than he as well. Wilson? That black-hearted Presbyterian bigot arguably gave the world Hitler and World War II, so he is definitely in the Final Four. Harding? Nah: his tax cuts and return to “normalcy” got the American economy, and the Twenties, roaring. FDR and LBJ gave us the modern welfare state and dependent classes automatically voting Democrat; the full bill on the damage they did hasn’t yet been presented. Nixon? A crook and an economic Leftist, who betrayed Taiwan for the People’s Republic; his record certainly isn’t good. Carter? Nothing good can be said about his four years of sanctimony and incompetence.
But there is one thing Barack Obama has on all competitors: treason.
He showered hundreds of billions of dollars on the Islamic Republic of Iran. There are those who say, “It was their money. It belonged to the Iranian government but was frozen and not paid since 1979.” Indeed, and there was a reason for that: not even Jimmy Carter, who made the Islamic Republic of Iran possible, thought that money, which had been paid by the Shah’s government in a canceled arms deal, belonged to the mullahs who overthrew the Shah. Likewise Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush all thought that the Islamic Republic was not due money that was owed to the Shah.
Only Barack Obama did.
The definition of treason is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran order their people to chant “Death to America” in mosques every Friday, and repeatedly vow that they will ultimately destroy the United States of America and the state of Israel. How was giving them billions and helping them skirt sanctions applied by the U.S. government not treason?
Other Presidents have been incompetent, corrupt, dishonest, but which has committed treason on a scale to rival the treason of Barack Obama?
The Iranians also operate a global network of jihad terror organizations, one of which, Hizballah, is quite active in Mexico now, with the obvious ultimate intention of crossing the border and committing jihad massacres of Americans. Obama has given a tremendous boost to these initiatives, as well as to Iran’s nuclear program, with his nuclear deal that has given the Iranians hundreds of billions of dollars and essentially a green light to manufacture nuclear weapons, in exchange for absolutely nothing.
There is no telling when the worst consequences of Obama’s aid and comfort to the Islamic Republic of Iran will be felt. But they likely will be felt in one way or another. Even as President Trump moves swiftly to restore sanctions and put Iran on notice that its nuclear activity and global adventurism will not be tolerated, those billions cannot be recovered, and the Iranians have already spent a great deal for their jihad cause.
However this catastrophe plays out, there is one man who will suffer no consequences whatsoever: Barack Obama. That’s Leftist Privilege. It’s good to be a powerful Leftist in Washington nowadays. Laws? Pah! Laws are for conservatives.
When will Black Osama be charged with ANY crime?!?!?!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Microsoft Assists China in Creating AI to Help Find and Execute Civilian Dissenters to Communist Rule

From here:

Microsoft colluding with communist Chinese military to build AI systems that will execute civilians who resist government rule

By Vicki Batts 25 April 2019.

Natural News) Microsoft has been working with a Chinese military-run university on researching artificial intelligence that could be used for censorship and surveillance, according to a shocking new report from Financial Times. A series of scientific studies were co-authored by researchers from Microsoft Research Asia and scientists associated with China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). This apparent relationship between Microsoft and a Chinese military university is now giving rise to a tidal wave of concerns.

A number of experts have spoken out about the potential risks of U.S.-China academic relations, but there are also serious red flags about the artificial intelligence (AI) that Microsoft and the Chinese were working to develop. The research points to widespread surveillance and censorship, and people across the tech industry and from around the political spectrum are outraged over Microsoft’s role in enabling the Chinese government’s oppression of its citizens.

Microsoft and communist China research AI censorship

Microsoft and the Chinese military-run university NUDT have joined forces to work on research for AI that could be used for nefarious purposes. A trio of recently published papers have revealed their silent partnership for all the world to see.

One paper explores a new AI technique for recreating elaborate environmental maps through the surveying of human faces. Breitbart reports that experts caution such technology will have immediate use in the surveillance arena.

Samm Sacks, senior fellow at the New America think tank and China tech expert, says that these papers raise “red flags because of the nature of the technology, the author affiliations, combined with what we know about how this technology is being deployed in China right now.”

“The [Chinese] government is using these technologies to build surveillance systems and to detain minorities [in Xinjiang],” she reportedly added.  And we all know what happens to people who get blacklisted in China. Threats, attacks and disappearances are all far too common among communist China’s dissidents.

Other papers published by Microsoft and NUDT focused on machine learning. Experts say that while this area of tech may not sound “concerning,” machine learning could be key for the Chinese government to engage in censorship at scale.

Microsoft’s joint research efforts with the NUDT will undoubtedly serve the Chinese government’s goals to have complete dominion over its people.

Microsoft under fire

A number of U.S. legislators have called out Microsoft’s partnership with China. Sen. Marco Rubio recently described it as “deeply disturbing,” and said it was “an act that makes them complicit” in China’s abuse of human rights.

Microsoft has defended their abhorrent partnership with NUDT, declaring that their partnership with Chinese military has helped them to “advance our understanding of technology.” The company states further that it is important for their scientists to work with experts from around the world to continue advancing forward.

“In each case, the research is guided by our principles, fully complies with U.S. and local laws, and the research is published to ensure transparency so that everyone can benefit from our work,” Microsoft’s statement said further.

But experts say that the technologies Microsoft has helped NUDT research can easily be used for unsavory purposes, such as censorship and targeted surveillance.

According to Business Insider, Chinese authorities are already using the facial recognition software to track and detain over one million Muslim minorities.

Anyone who dares to act or speak against the communist regime also faces detainment.
Microsoft is not the first company to bend the knee to communist China. Google recently came under fire for “blacklisting” a political dissident at the behest of the Chinese government.

Apple has also faced scrutiny for allowing the foreign regime to dictate what apps are available or banned from the app store. Across the board, it seems that Big Tech has no problem with colluding with a government seeking to violate its citizen’s natural rights — and it’s not just happening in China.

See more coverage of Big Tech’s latest atrocities and more at

Sources for this article include:

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


From here:

Monday, April 22, 2019


From here:

The French cheese-eating surrender monkeys have become humus-eating Submission camels.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The COMPLETE Sell-Out Of America To The Brotherhood Mafia: Seaports & Islamist Reps, Omar & Tlaib, Seal The Deal!

Re-posted from here:

IN one of Mark Twain’s many works, “Following The Equator: A Journey Around The World “, he coined a timeless adage, that is, “truth is stranger than fiction.” By extrapolation, since good fiction writing has to stick to believable possibilities to make sense, as such, to hook the reader, truth possesses no such limitations. After all, it IS what it is!  
ALONG this trajectory of clear-eyed thinking, let’s segue from the mental image of yesteryear’s treasured storyteller, to a more contemporary and urban saying: “you can’t make this sh*t up!” Precisely.

الإمارات العربية المتحدة
TO wit, before we tie in the (newly elected) Islamist poisons ensconced inside the halls of Congress to the Brotherhood Mafia’s hydra (one of which is operating America’s ports), it is imperative to hark back to a related treason, as reported on June 12, 2015: “Clinton, Inc. Sold Out America Via Port of Canaveral To The Brotherhood Mafia: Port Deals & More!
TRUST, this is a prime example of the red-green alliance, even though they align for a multiplicity of reasons. So, if millions of patriots now know about this treachery, well…..Mind you, there are several addresses that (more than) deserve said backlash. “Resistance.”
NOT only that, three years down the road (2015 to 2018), downright passivity allowed the Brotherhood Mafia to strike again! As always, once they gain a sandal-hold (in this instance, ports and more), they never let go of major entry points – hook, line, and sinker. Dead on.
ALL of which should bring heavy-duty evidence of the same (to be exact, a little over six months ago) to the top of the national terrorism threat level: SEVERE/ RED!
IN this regard, for added heft; for some straight-shooting, and for a full-on education (as to what’s what), the advice within this site is: in order to understand what lies in wait, absorb the following evidentiary trails, .

ULFTAINER’s Russian Business Operations & More!

AFTERWARDS, if your head isn’t ready to explode, read below for an encapsulated version.
Gulftainer, the UAE-based port operatoron Wednesday (Sept.19, 2018) said it won a 50-year concession to operate and develop the Wilmington port in Delaware, USA, with a $600 million investment.
Privately-owned Gulftainer currently operates the Canaveral Cargo Terminal in the Port of Canaveral, Florida and provides services to the U.S. armed forces and the U.S. space industry.
The Delaware concession agreement completes a preliminary agreement between Gulftainer and the State of Delaware, as well as the completion of a formal review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), granting Gulftainer exclusive rights to manage the port.
Gulftainer, a Middle East-based company overseen by Dr. Hamid Jafar, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction chief, and owned by his sons.
The Port of Wilmington is a full-service, deepwater port and marine terminal strategically located on 308 acres at the confluence of the Delaware and Christina Rivers.  Delaware’s Port is the first major port on the Delaware River – only 63 miles or 4 hours from the Atlantic Ocean.
Similarly, Gulftainer, the UAE-based ports company operating Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal despite the company’s ties to Saddam Hussein’s nuclear WMD program, is in a joint venture with Russian Technologies (Rostec). Rostec exports Russia’s Trojan Horse Club-K container cruise missile weapons system.
Watch this short video to see who Dr. Hamid Jafar is, and understand how insane these deals are to sell a major strategic US port to him.
MOVING onward….from one outrage to another….and another…..
OUTRAGEOUSLY, ominously, despite all of Gulftainer’s terror ties – for heaven’s sake – the Committee On Foreign Investment (AKA CFIU) had NO issue with Gulftainer’s terror roster, yes, and they DO hail from the worst of the worst! HINT: there is enough pay-for-play to squeak the greasy wheel; to look the other way. Be that as it may, one would expect that millions upon millions of Americans beg to differ. 
ALL of which is of piece with the fact that there are NO limits to the treachery – that the powers that be (from a multiplicity of agencies, and via both political parties) won’t find unacceptable. Intolerable.  
IT is with the above disinfectant in mind that it becomes crystal clear, and manifestly so – as to how Tlaib and Omar, Brotherhood Mafia Muslimas (with socialist revolutionary “AOC” in league), are able to storm and barrel through the halls of Congress. Most especially, after fellow Islamists paved the way through a little known Muslim-American political party – the likes of which reads like a “who’s who” among the top tier of terror-tied front groups – this is the case. 
INCONTROVERTIBLY, the following report should serve thusly: as demonstrative, as illustrative, and as “in-your-face” messages to all infidels (AKA kafirs) in America and beyond. Back up(s).
Tlaib spoke during a CAIR meeting in Chicago. Tlaib starting out by speaking in Arabic then switched, “You know, we always said ‘The Muslims are coming!’ Well, guess what? I think we’re here! Next, Tlaib told a story about an interaction with John Dingell where he says “If you stand still enough on the river banks, you will watch your enemies float by dead.” Tlaib smiled and laughingly revealed how the now-deceased lawmaker’s words about watching her “enemies float by dead” made her feel so much better.
PATRIOTS, could she/they be any clearer?? Ever more revealing, leave it to the intrepid (yes, there are still some Jews who aren’t afraid to stand up and shout the damnable truth) Israel Advocacy Movement (from Britain, of all places) to let it all hang out via one video after another.
Now, the Israel Advocacy Movement has created a stunning video showing the close ties U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has with not one, not two, but multiple friends who are supporters and even friends of extreme terrorists.
Embedded video
WHICH brings us straight to Omar, Tlaib’s Muslima-In-Arms, an anti-American (refugee, no less) who requires little introduction to those who have been paying attention. Indubitably, her intent makes her a clear and present danger. In fact, she was outed in (one of) the referenced commentary, Tlaib and Omar, Brotherhood Mafia Muslimas!