Friday, November 27, 2020

Here's What We Really Have To Be Thankful For!

 On Sept. 6, 1620, a group of travelers (English Separatist Puritans) boarded a ship and departed from Plymouth Harbor, England and embarked on a 3,000-mile journey across the Atlantic to what was being called, The New World or New England.

Two months later, after enduring violent storms and other hardships, the ship, Mayflower, put in at what we now know as Cape Cod, Mass. Four days later, on Nov. 15, a small group of men rowed ashore on a small boat, where they saw a group of "savages" who ran away.

The explorers tried to follow the natives but soon foundered in the thickets and gave up. Exploring the next day they found an abandoned settlement containing evidence of planting, the remains of a shelter and a large kettle with sand heaped around it.

While digging out the kettle they found several baskets of stored food, some of which they took for themselves to carry back to the ship, while reburying the rest. The next day the group found a good place to put ashore and the entire complement of the ship, about 100 people, began Plymouth Colony.

Starting a new colony at the beginning of winter proved a daunting task, and about half of all the settlers died. If not for food pilfered from the Indians that winter, all might have perished.

The following spring a couple of Indians (one who had learned English from fishermen and another who had been taken into slavery but escaped) befriended the pilgrims and taught them how to plant and fish and gather fruit. Their first harvest that fall was plentiful for the colonists and they and the Indians shared their food during a three-day festival — a time that is known as the first Thanksgiving.

It turns out the celebration was premature. The group structure was designed so that everyone placed the fruits of their labor into a common store. People were then to take what they needed for sustenance. But during the following summers, with some toiling diligently at farming and fishing and gathering, and others refusing to work, hard feelings developed and food shortages occurred.

So Governor William Bradford assigned each family a plot of ground and allowed the people to use the fruits of their labor to eat or trade as they saw fit. It wasn't long before so much was being produced that they could use it to trade with others.

The free market had won out over socialism.

Today we live in a country where "Democratic Socialism" is on the rise, and its proponents — make no mistake, they are full-fledged socialists — believe that both the economy and society should be run "democratically," which to them means meeting public needs, not to make profits for a few.

Meanwhile, those profits are already being taken away and shared by all through our tax-and-entitlement system that is already socialistic and not free market at all.

  • The top 1 percent of income earners take in 21 percent of the country's wealth but pay 38.5 percent of the taxes. The top 5 percent of earners take in 36.5 percent of the wealth but pay 59 percent of the taxes.
  • The top 10 percent of income earners take in 47.7 percent of the wealth but pay 70 percent of the taxes. And 86.1 percent of all taxes are paid by the top 25 percent of income earners.
  • Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent of income earners take in 11.3 percent of the wealth but pay only 3.1 percent of the taxes.

More and more the tax system is slanted to create a growing dependent class that pays little or no taxes while the producers are burdened with a growing tax liability. That will only increase if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are foisted on United States citizens.

It's a system that is doomed to failure today just as it was in the 1600s.

But today is a day for Thanksgiving, and you should still have much to be thankful for.

Those of us who practice a religion have our loving God. We have our health issues, but if we look about us we can always find someone dealing with a situation that would for us be a terrible burden. Blessings on them, on you, and on us all.

Finally, we Americans live in the greatest country in the history of the world, even if it is saddled with a few warts. For example, speaking of wealth and wellbeing, only 75 percent of those who want a job have one according to (the government says "officially" about 93 percent are working).

But, despite all that, for a few days at least, Congress is not in session plotting to steal our wealth and liberty.

So let's relax today and consider our blessings. Eat a hearty meal — or two. Enjoy your family, your football game, and the weather. Recharge your batteries.

And get ready to take up the fight again anew, because tyranny is but a step away.

Yours for the truth, 

Bob Livingston

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

How will the contested election finally end?

By Brandon Smith of the Bob Livington's Personal Liberty Alerts

As I predicted in July, the 2020 U.S. election has turned into a chaotic and contested mess, but there are still a lot of people out there that still have no clue what this means and how bad it can really get. They are so worried about "who wins" the presidency that they are not looking at the bigger picture. This election is not about Donald Trump or Joe Biden, it is about what the elites call "the great reset;" a program designed to create as much catastrophe as possible in order to distract the masses until global centralization can be implemented. The election is a tool for creating disorder, nothing more.

Once you understand this fact, the situation becomes clear and the future is easier to predict.

To that end, I see a few specific scenarios that could play out in the next few months, some more likely than others. So, let's jump right into it. What will the current contested election lead to in the short term and the long term?

Scenario #1: Trump remains regardless of the official vote count — the left loses their minds

This is, in my view, the most likely scenario right now. My reasoning behind my analysis is built on a logical framework. We must ask ourselves, what narrative serves the globalist agenda most effectively?

First, consider this: There is a big difference between Biden "winning" the electoral college and Biden actually stepping foot in the White House. I'm not sure many people understand this. They seem so focused on the vote tally that they are forgetting that Trump is already in possession of the office of the president. Also consider the fact that Trump is surrounded by globalists in his own cabinet, and if they want Trump to remain, they can easily convince him to remain and declare the election void.

Of course, there will need to be some kind of rationale on the Trump side in order to convince his constituency to support this decision. I think this will come in the form of evidence of direct election interference by leftists and Democrats in multiple states. I think that if there is a recount held in any of the contested states, multiple instances of ballot stuffing and rigging will be discovered. Any inkling of cheating would destroy all faith in the election process. This alone would be enough to compel conservatives to ignore the results of the electoral college.

But where do things go from there? Say Trump does in fact refuse to accept the election outcome based on possible ballot fraud? What happens next?

It's actually rather simple: Trump just refuses to leave the White House. Who is going to remove him? Not the Democrats, they have even less governmental power than they did before the election. The so-called "Blue Wave" never materialized. They have no military at their disposal. They might be able to compel members of the military to step down and refuse to serve, but to forcefully remove a sitting president while an election is under suspicion? I doubt it.

This means the only way Trump goes anywhere is if he concedes. Ask yourself, do you think Trump will actually concede given his rhetoric so far?

The fight itself is Kabuki theater. The elites will keep whoever they want to keep in the Oval Office. What keeping Trump in office does is create maximum tension between the political left and the political right. The leftists have become so volatile and totalitarian in their behavior that conservatives will not allow any more power to fall into their hands. Many of them will view Trump in office as paramount, even if they don't particularly like Trump. The alternative in their minds is so much worse.

Here's where things get ugly, though. The leftists don't have an army, but they do have the mob. They will see Trump's refusal to concede as a usurpation of the presidency and they will indeed mobilize to riot. This is exactly what the elites want because then Trump will have an excuse to initiate martial law in the U.S. and this will inevitably lead to violations of the Bill of Rights. Not only that, but he would have a large chunk of support from conservatives while doing it.

If conservatives support the dismantling of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, who then is left to defend the principles these documents represent? No one. The globalists win because we will have aided the destruction of the very values we would supposedly die to protect, and the globalists barely have to lift a finger.

So, what is the alternative? Refuse to support martial law measures and instead conservatives must organize their own community security in the form of local militias. This would derail any leftist movements to destroy property or conjure general unrest, and it would throw cold water on the idea that martial law is a necessary option.

The leftists present little to no threat if communities are organized and trained to deal with them. The true enemy is not leftist extremists, they are useful idiots, nothing more. The true enemy is the globalists, and they must eventually be dealt with directly and harshly if the threat is ever going to end.

Scenario #2: Global forces centralize in response to U.S. destabilization

In the longer term, if Scenario #1 plays out as described, Donald Trump and his supporters would be labeled a nationalist coup by the "global community." The U.N. will suggest possible intervention and numerous countries would cut economic ties with America. This means the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency and the formation of a global basket currency alternative. Beyond that, eventually, the prospect of war would arise. All of this would happen over the course of the next four years.

The U.S. will be treated like the Fourth Reich, and conservatives will be seen as "Nazis." The comparison will be ridiculous, but understand that which we view as normal and reasonable principles today may be deemed "fascist" tomorrow by those that scheme to enslave the world.

Global war would be disastrous for the entire planet, and I doubt that this is what the elites intend to pursue because I think they want the Earth nice and pristine for themselves. What they will do, however, is initiate a global economic war that would destroy the U.S. ability to function monetarily. At this point, the U.N. could conceivably enter the U.S. in the name of "peacekeeping" as well as securing the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

It is highly unlikely that the majority of leftists will survive this period, as they are completely unprepared for the loss of normal supply chains and the violence that this could cause.

The real pacification of liberty-minded Americans would take place during this stage of the collapse after the economy has hit rock bottom. Disrupting outside interference by globalist institutions will require organized efforts across the country, as well as covert efforts to remove individual globalists from the equation. If the elites are afraid to leave their bunkers, then there will be a chance that liberty conservatives can rebuild the U.S. over time as a self-contained and self-reliant economy. Eventually, the globalists will have to be unseated from their positions of power entirely.

Scenario #3: Trump concedes and Biden enters the White House

I have written about this possibility before, though I still think it's improbable. If Biden does indeed enter the White House and take control of the presidency, expect certain consequences right away:

A complete full spectrum censorship campaign of conservative news sources will be undertaken by tech companies and the government. There is no way Biden and the Democrats could keep control of the situation while conservatives are able to share information in real-time. Do not be surprised if web providers suddenly start kicking conservative sites off their servers, just as Bitchute (a YouTube alternative) was kicked off their server for 24 hours on election night.

Next, Biden will try to enforce a national pandemic lockdown by executive order. Using the spike in infections as a rationale, a Level 4 lockdown like those being implemented in Germany and France would disrupt most travel in the U.S., making it difficult for conservatives to mobilize or relocate to other states.

Within the first year of a Biden presidency, the economy will collapse. This will have to be executed swiftly by the globalists so that Biden can blame the disaster as a residual effect of the Trump presidency. Biden will attempt to initiate martial law measures in order to maintain control of the population, and he would ask for "help" from the U.N., IMF and World Bank.

Finally, Biden will try to implement a national gun grab, perhaps by executive order, as a means to disarm and pacify conservatives. He would have to, there is no other way around it. This is why I think the Biden scenario is less likely; because disarming the American population will be almost impossible to achieve. Police and military personnel will not want to try it, and many of them will also be conservative.

Those that think a majority of the military will simply follow orders have never been around military people. Most of them are not the mindless robots that the leftist media portrays them as. Some will follow orders, but the division in the military will be deep and distinct. This is why Biden's only option will be to seek outside help from foreign sources and the U.N.

If there was ever a scenario that is to the advantage of the liberty movement, it is this one. Millions of conservatives will galvanize and organize overnight at the threat of a leftist dictatorship and possible U.N. intervention in our country. The lines will be clear, and the fight will be solidified.

Scenario #4: A deal is struck

There is the chance that a political deal will be struck in the midst of an election stalemate, much like the deal that was struck during the election of 1876. What that deal would look like is hard to say, but the only reason for such a scenario to play out would be to keep the American people apathetic and inactive, feeling as though the situation has resolved itself.

In this situation, or any of the situations above, there will be a need for predominantly conservative states and regions to protect themselves from collateral damage during political turmoil. This means conservative towns, counties and states need the option to say no to any decision that trickles down from Washington D.C. In other words, we will need to balkanize and insulate ourselves from the fallout.

The politicians in Washington do not actually represent the interests of the people any longer. While there are some who I think are honestly pursuing a better America, many of them are bought and paid for. Regardless of executive orders in DC, regardless of deals struck on Capitol Hill, the interests of the American people will only ever be fulfilled by the American people. Meaning, we must take matters into our own hands.

Relying on any political leader to salvage freedom is a foolish endeavor, and this includes relying on Trump. The election is only a catalyst for greater distraction and chaos; whether or not Trump stays in office is only relevant to one thing If Trump stays in, the collapse happens slightly slower. If Biden goes in, the collapse happens quickly. It is fine to watch the election circus carefully, but we must always be conscious of our preparedness for what happens after the circus is over and reality sets in.

We must always keep in mind who the real enemies are. The leftists are insane, but they are also a symptom of the disease, not the source of the cancer. The globalists fund and influence multiple factors within the current conflict; remove the cancerous cells and the mortal threat to the body disappears. We don't kill the body to treat the body, we cut out the tumor.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith                                                                                                                                                                   

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Re: "So what, exactly, are White people SUPERIOR at?"!

 A recent video showing inarticulate non-White people who can't think properly or for them selves or even form coherent sentences has surfaced in an obviously failing propaganda attempt to prove "wokeness"...

So, since they felt they had to turn off their own comments section (because their "no matter what the facts are, we hypocrites hold our double standards, where we are always righteously heroic victims, entitled to everyone else's pity and acclaim,  without having to prove or earn it, while everyone who dares to disagree with that lie must be our wrongfully villainous oppressors, entitled only to angry censure for their "hateful" lack of pity and acclaim" trope cannot withstand actual rationality, logic, facts or truth) I decided to field a few replies to this question of "White Supremacy" I've composed and/or gathered from other people's sources over the years ... enjoy!


Whites are only 7% of the world's population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths ... while Blacks cannot even feed themselves.

Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity.

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or wove cloth, or forged steel, or invented a wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, irrigated a field or created agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.

Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.

Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures.

Simply, life is an IQ test.

"Free markets, the primacy of the individual, limiting violence to self defense, and respecting the rights of others, are uniquely white, western values. White people make up roughly 8% of the world's population, and less than 2% of the world's population are white women of child bearing age. Leftists are advocating open immigration into white countries, wealth redistribution, anti discrimination laws, "hate crime" and "hate speech" legislation, all for the purpose of diminishing our social and political influence in the world because we are all that stands between them and their wanton lust for power. If we do not start standing up for ourselves as a race, then we will become minorities in our own countries, but it won't stop there.

Our brothers and sisters in South Africa should be the canary in the coalmine for those of us who still control our own governments. After abolishing the white run apartheid government, and handing control over the government there to the black majority, conditions have not improved for anyone. Crime runs rampant, the economy suffers, white farmers are in greater danger of being murdered than the police, in a place where being a police officer is amongst the most dangerous professions. Even as a small ethnic minority under a democratic government, whites are still blamed for all of the country’s problems. Political figures say they aren’t calling for the slaughter of white people “yet”, indicating that such a call is just over the horizon. Advocating they be denied the right to vote, meets widespread support. Some have already begun preparing a civil defense organization, predicting a coming violent revolution in the country.

If we do not stand up for ourselves soon, this will be our future in our own homelands."

- Cantwell -

The dark unutterable truth is that there is a sort of white privilege. This came as a result of creating a superior civilization, and being children of that race; it is earned every day by paying almost all the taxes, committing relatively very little of the crime, creating basically all of the technology that gives us the highest standard of living humans have ever seen, and committing basically all of the fucking charity and do-gooding in the world.

It is whites who created 90% of all the technology that brought the greatest standard of living humans have ever seen, and then brought it around the world. Yes, whites took their spoils - because it's the human game to take spoils.

Not that they had to, but whites gave back. Literally no other race gives back to the world, to everyone not like us. Not only inventing the technology that brought modern civilization, but continuing to give. Whites must account for 90% of all the world's charity and do-goodism. And much of that goes to non-whites, and that's often at the expense of lesser whites.

Moreover, all Islamic charity goes to Moslems only. They add it to the white charity they get.

White people are the Medicins Sans Frontiers of humanity.

They invented everything great and then they went around sharing it with everyone else. Again: They took spoils because everyone takes spoils. But whites gave back, which is what makes them superior, which is why whites have earned white privilege.

Literally no other race gives back--and so very much, at the cost of our own people - to the world, to those not like us. Only whites.

Well now that superior civilization and do-goodism means whites are being forced to absorb the poor world's exploding hordes and this story will end.

Why can't rich nations like Japan, S Korea, Saudi Arabia/Gulf States take in some of the hordes? 

Why must only white societies become 'diversified?'

- Someone commenting at Taki's Magazine -

Election Fraud for Dummies

 Election Fraud for Dummies

Election fraud is the act of stealing or trying to steal an election by cheating.  

When it is done by an individual it is called voter fraud. When it is done by a group of people cooperating together it is called “criminal conspiracy.”  

Conspiracies are usually very hard to prove because the people doing them work very hard to hide the evidence so they don’t get caught. 

The best way to get away with it, is to do it in places where all the people who could expose or punish you, such as the police, judges, news reporters, election officials, etc. are your friends. Groups of criminal friends all in one place are called “political machines.”  

Democrats really like having those kinds of friends, so the places that have the most election fraud are cities which have the most Democrats in power.

In some states like Massachusetts, New York, Illinois and California there are so many Democrat friends working together that the whole state becomes like one big happy family of “alleged” criminals, and even the Republicans (like Charlie Baker in Massachusetts – and Mitt Romney before him) become part of the family.  

In places like that, there is no one around to spoil the fun by bringing criminal charges or even exposing the crimes.  

But in other places, called “Swing States,” the Democrat circles of friends in big cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Phoenix and Las Vegas, are surrounded by what are called “hateful bigots” (also known as “conservatives”) who always try to ruin the party. 

That’s why there is so much fighting over the 2020 election in the “swing states.” And that’s why these cities, especially the biggest ones, have such a long history of people going to jail for election fraud. But that’s ok, because the Democrats always find new friends to take their place.

Now, let’s talk about how election fraud actually works.

Basically, you have to make sure your guy gets more votes than the other guy. So when the voters like the other guy better than your guy you have to cheat. The problem is that the only people allowed to vote are those on the “official voter list.”

The easiest way is cheat is to figure out who on the voter list isn’t planning to vote and to vote for them (without telling them).  

So you need to make sure the voter list has lots and lots of people on it that you and your friends can pretend to be. Some can be dead people. Some can be old people in nursing homes or mentally disabled people in care homes where your friends work. Some can be women who changed their names when they got married and moved out of state. There are many groups like that. 

If you and your friends control the voting places, called “precincts,” on election day, that’s the best. You can just cheat right there and fill the ballot box with fake votes from everyone on the list who doesn’t come in to vote in person. Easy peasy.

But in other precincts you can’t cheat that way because of certain people called “poll watchers” who might not be your friends. In those precincts you have to ask the election officials for what is called an “absentee ballot” for each voter whose vote you plan to steal.  

The “absentee ballot” allows you to pretend to be that voter and not get caught by any nosey poll watcher because you can send that ballot in by mail.  

Wow, not so easy. It’s not that hard when you’re pretending to be a dead person, because dead people can’t figure out what you’re doing. But it’s a real pain when you’re pretending to be a living person, and you have do all this work without anyone finding out. 

Because of those things, this kind of cheating only works when the number of votes you need to steal is fairly small.

But what if your guy is so unpopular that the other guy will cream him on election day?

That’s when having friends in high places like politicians and judges really pays off. You get those friends to change the rules to allow what is called “mail in voting” which should really be called “mail-out” voting because it sends ballots to every person on the voter list without them having to ask for one.

Man, does that make things easier! Because then there are many, many people you can pretend to be – so many that even when your guy is losing badly, you can just keep putting more and more fake votes in the ballot boxes until your guy wins.

There’s one more way to cheat that is really, really easy. That is called “electronic voting.” It’s so easy to cheat with electronic voting because the whole thing is run by computers that can be controlled by the people who make the software. Thankfully most of those people are Democrat friends.

The only real problem that can happen with electronic voting is when the other guy is SO popular with the voters, and your guy is SO unpopular that you have to stop the computers in the middle of the election night and change the software to help your guy catch up – AFTER everyone thought the other guy won. Whew! That’s a tough one. 

If you do that, then there is a pretty good chance the voters will think something is wrong with the election.

If that ever happens, you’ll need ALL your friends to come out and work together to fool the public into thinking they’re crazy for believing in election fraud “conspiracy theories.”  

The bad part is that even your sly-as-a-FOX friends who wanted to pretend they weren’t your friends have to help you, and that could be bad for them. But, that won’t really matter much if you win, because once you’re in power there are lots more people who will want to be your friends.

So, that’s how it works. Happy voting!

- Scott Lively -

Friday, November 20, 2020

Enter "THE HYPOCRACY:" How And Why People Lie!




The Golden Rule ("Do Not Attack First," where all is disallowed between people in advance, unless and until specifically agreed to) DOES criminalize ALL non-consensual actions in advance, including communications which are not warnings but threats (threats are attempted crimes, as the criminals thereby state their intentions) and also lying by omission - while noting that refusing to responsively communicate at all does NOT so-qualify, as silence does not mean consent. A fiduciary duty of care exists to prevent lying by omission, as the basics must be communicated once one had assented to communicate at all. Naturally, none of these restrictions apply when "lying to assassins" (lying to steal a theft-attempting thief's success).

But for hypocrites, even pretending to justify ALL of their perpetual fraud attempts as "lying to assassins" (because God/The Universe will torment them with the possibly karmic cycle of endless dharma: pain-causing damages, the remembered fears of same, the greedy hope of less and ultimately useless hope of no more of any of the same in future) won't ever actually EVER be able to stop The Universe/God from causing one pain, fear, greed, or hope; lying is useless.

The only thing the ongoing pretense that one has to lie all the time to "pre-emptively defend" one's self because all others are scary threats does, is to cause and induce others to help one cause those very same worst-case scenario pain-causing damages one fears the most, because all such lies insult us all.

Being a lying hypocrite (suicidally paranoid masochist) is an internally-generated criminal choice, not an externally-inflicted "mental illness" disease, and as such, all hypocrites are criminals, not victims. Everyone is attacked by God/The Universe in exactly the same ways; only cowardly criminals choose to add to the pain in the hopes that by increasing it they can end it all faster.

Such subjectivism is what's really "Dysfunctional:" to greedily hoard and control and restrict others' access to any necessary resource by which the most people would otherwise gain. This is the result of thought-killing "pathological" hypocrisy, dummying people down to animal-like levels of selfish greed, to back in the days when we were only as smart as brainless squirrels, to only fearfully hoard what we considered limited zero-sum resources, in stead of having the hope of planning to plant food and expand our resources in future. It's based on hunger, the most basic "instinctive" fear of stomach-acid pain.

Greed is the most fear-focused and short-sighted behavior possible, and it's demonstrated by a lack of mental rigor and self-control; Shakespeare's Caesar was entirely wrong to fear Cassius for his "lean and hungry look," because the only way Cassius stayed lean was by exerting self-control. Fat people end up tyrants (think Nero and Doug Ford) for a reason - their very fatness is a clue to their mental states, one that shows hypocritical greedy self-entitlement!

Even credentialists are still really only fear-focused fools, as all such trophies represent success in hunting for food, to signal worth to potential mates.


Lies kill (painful, fear-detecting prioritizing) thinking, in both others AND in the self, by atrophying one's own memories, embracing fantasy, image over reality and form over substance as one willingly and intentionally chooses to 'suspend one's disbelief' by disbelieving in one's own free will ability to earn the hope to change one's own circumstances, and "SUBMIT!" to others' fearfully fearsome lies and to one's own fears of same in stead of choosing to heed them only as far as to oppose the pain-causing damages caused by the unfixed mistakes and unsolved problems one fears the most. To embrace all such divisive split-skull ("schizo-phrenic") thought -killing ("psycho-pathic") nihilism is to act in a way which both can and will eventually ultimately destroy every thing and every one, one's self included!

Hypocrisy is entirely Adversarial: it is an ongoing, perpetual, relentless and intentional attempt to always attack every one and every thing else first, to make one's self feel safe and happy by keeping others unsafely and unhappily off balance and on the defensive back foot all the time. As such, hypocrites ARE "The Enemy" of all mankind (i.e; aka: "SATAN"). And they form into gangs embracing pattern-detection negating "equality" (of outcome through enslaving theft) 

"because you all do or would if you could do it first, too!"

So, in the end, honesty isn't only the "Best" policy, it's the ONLY sane and productive one for us all!

That's what this new "GREAT RESET" is all about - it's about smashing everyone down to the same lowest common ('communist') denominator level, where the hypocrites pretend that they will finally be able to feel safe and happy by having eliminated dangerous "greed" in others forever, because no one will ever be allowed to own anything, ever again: all the peons will, in stead, become and remain wholly-owned slaves, working to "rent" everything from their Masters (much as the indentured servants once had to buy their necessities from the company store, at such exorbitant prices that they remained unable to earn and save enough to leave the plantation) but never actually owning anything!

People will no longer be able to OWN property, because, in order to be "allowed" to work to (never) pay off their countrys' COVID loan debts, they will all simply BE property!





because they, as proudly psychotic professional hypocrites, constantly lie to us only in order to promote them selves as relevant while pretending to justify is as being for our own good!

An attack is any non-consensual action. Offensive lying (aka criminal "fraud") is the most basic form of at least attempted crime - it's the intended theft of the truth, of one's ability to consent and/or deny consent to any and all other, subsequent attacks the criminal desires to inflict on and afflict others with! All crimes are extortive forms of theft resulting in slavery, because they force one to have at least retroactively worked for the criminals for free!



Hypocrites feel honesty is risky and makes them vulnerable, but lying is an infallible magical power, so they make up excuses to praise hypocrisy itself as shrewd, realistic/"realpolitik," just ("because everyone does it, too!") moral and even "holy" (see islam). The most honest they will allow to them selves is to admit they are hypocrites, but "So what? it isn't a crime because you all do it, too!"

Excuses for hypocrisy include:

"Respect! for Authority;" "Submission to God ('Allah');" "Engaging in social etiquette and politeness (telling 'harmless white lies' to avoid the personal risk of being considered rude and offending others by hurting their precious feelings);" "Being willing to compromise (one's truth-based position);" and to "Settle (the difference between the risky truth one could tell and others' lies, for less than the absolute truth);" and of course "To go along (with criminal lies) to get along (with the scary lying criminals);" - all of which really only imply that one should bow to might-made "right" because the ends (greedily protecting the subjective self) justify the means (compromising that self through submission to the might-made "right" of criminals to extort and enslave one). Basically, it's our instinct to trade our freedom to tell and maintain the truth for the slavish 'safety' of not being attacked by criminals, BY pretending to allow those very same criminals to extort and enslave one anyways; i.e. by doubling-down to assert: "Screw YOU! I MEANT to do that! Nyah!"

And because that sort of instantly lazy contraction and submission to fear risk-vs-reward ratio calculation is by definition always rational on the face of it because it's the easiest and most economical, requiring the least IMMEDIATE expenditure of energy (far less than fighting would, although a quick denial might save one decades of slavery) it only seems to be taking the easy way out - and "easy" way that always ends up being a lot more costly that resistance!

"Some things are more important than doing the right thing!" is a total fallacy, but it's very tempting to believe in because it absolves responsibility.

Apart from the FEAR avoiding the "risk" of honesty (the risk of offending potentially dangerous criminal liars with the painful truth that they ARE in fact really only lying criminals) hypocrisy is based on the still fear-focused greedy HOPE of the dishonest lie of "FREE STUFF!" - the false notion that one can have - and should be entitled to have - rights without responsibilities, to hopes without fears, (even to the extent of going as far as religions do, to use the blatant lie that "Hope Itself IS a Plan!") and to pleasures without pains, and to make it all "Eternal!"

So criminal hypocrites (and there are no other kinds) choose to lie, first to them selves about this (under their brazen rule of not doing to others that which they do not first do to them selves excuse) and then to tempt all others to join them in the lie, because hypocrisy (self-inflicted paranoid masochist misery) loves company, and pity and the subsequent acclaim for heroic victimhood is easy and "free!"

They avoid the painfully fearful thinking about how to avoid the mistakes and problems which lead to the pain-causing damages they fear the most.


So, while it's difficult to make people try to face and solve real problems, it's relatively easy to get them to pay others whom they hope will solve them for them; but in the end, as there's no money in solutions, that almost never works, because those very same self-proclaimed expert Authorities whom they try to defer their own responsibilities and rights to - are always also only corrupt and lazy fear-focused humans like they are.

Hypocrisy (self-inflicted paranoid masochism) IS slander! It's also self-praising false pride, aka victim-blaming virtue-signaling. (Virtue-signaling implies those it's directed at are blameworthy by dint of being less virtuous than their holier-than-thou accusers). Self-promoting expert authorities are criminals!

Ignorant and naive children who want to continue to extort the state as they have their parents, can easily be conned into voting for "YAY FREE STUFF!" by such liars.

But in dealing with capitalist economics vs communist extortion, theft, and slavery, allegedly to right the injustice of "wage disparity/income inequality," they must be taught to remember that the difference in income between a very rich man and a very poor one should not only be tolerated or condoned, but celebrated because the industrious rich man IS feeding others, (by paying for the labor which produces the goods and services he buys!) while the lazy and self-indulgent hypocritical and ultimately self-impoverished (as, while poverty doesn't cause crime, criminal hypocrisy does cause poverty) poor man is not.

They must be educated to consider that one person's successes don't necessarily act as a deterrent to others - it's not necessarily a zero-sum, all-or-nothing race to hoard the most resources from greed.

At most, a society must govern its members by dividing the resources into needs versus wants, where nobody should be allowed to have a monopoly on needs, which would include land (especially tne land needed to grow food and to shelter one from the elements) and water.

Wants are a different matter.

So, let's examine the fallacy that "DEMOCRACY = MORALITY:"

Democracy is often falsely equated to, and conflated with, morality: "Everyone is entitled to have their say!"

But in reality, everyone should only be entitled to a right to not be attacked by others first; democracy presumes one has a false "right" to be attacked by EVERYONE else! So at best, democracy is "ethics" (plans to ameliorate the damages caused by choosing to be immoral and attack first) but is never morality!

In this way, COMMUNISM IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME AS DEMOCRACY! with the only real difference being that, under communism, you can't vote for non-extortion.

In a democracy, there's always the slight change that everyone can vote to dissolve it, in favor of establishing the Golden Rule of Law moral principle.

People shouldn't have to "vote" for honest Golden-Rule-based Conservatism; nor should anyone be legally allowed to vote for libertine criminal delinquency and hypocrisy!

Upholding The Golden Rule should be the ONLY option; voting to break it in order to legalize all crimes "because all criminals are really ever only equally helpless fellow victims," to defund the police and empty the prisons, as libertine "liberal" criminals always do, is a crime!

CIVICS (teaching the young that the people government have responsibilities to their constituents, as well as rights over them) must be taught in schools again!

Right now, the 3 responsibilities of government are to legislate, enforce the law against lawbreakers, and to review the laws and their enforcement, and as such are the powers entrusted to those in government have been historically broken up and divided by focus on the future, present, and past, respectively: to the predictive legislative, monitoring executive, and forensic judiciary.

People generally prioritize a focus on immediate fears to stop crimes (executive enforcement) then to review and re-assess (forensic judiciary) and then to re-legislate to improve future outcomes.

But government, being created maintained and run into the ground by self-promoting and self-serving hypocritical criminal expert authorities, focuses on protecting those in power and itself BY attacking the citizens first.

At BEST, "Democracy" defers one's ability to enforce one's own property rights to others - which is like disarming one's self by literally cutting off one's own arm and giving it to someone else to beat you over the head with it. In communism, you submit to Rousseau's version of the total social contract, giving up all responsibilities and rights, self-enslaving to a Master.

When you hire a servant, you pay them to work for you and to do what you tell them.

And when you hire an expert, they can only advise you as to what they think you should do.

But when you hire ('elect') an authority, you pay them to order you to do what they want you to do.

Submitting and deferring to 'Authority,' even in a Democracy, is no more or less than self-inflicted SLAVERY!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly."

 - Robert Anton Wilson - 

Well, they certainly prefer the "safe" certainty of slavery, to scary freedom!

Authority is doing what you're told even if it's not right.

Morality is doing what's right no matter what you're told.

And so, "Authority," pretty-much by definition, demands that all non-authorities Submit to being SLAVES of the Authority.

"An expert is a fella who is afraid to learn anything new because then he wouldn't be an expert anymore."

 -  Harry Truman - 

"There are but two ways of forming an opinion in science. One is the scientific method; the other, the scholastic. One can judge from experiment, or one can blindly accept authority. To the scientific mind, experimental proof is all important and theory is merely a convenience in description, to be junked when it no longer fits. To the  academic mind, authority is everything and facts are junked when they do not fit theory laid down by authority."

 - Robert A. Heinlein - *Life Line* - 

Shakespeare was right!

It'll soon be time for some good old-fashioned "hypocricide!"

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Just As In Islam, Submissive Abraham Was The Jews' REAL "Savior!"

 The Jews' main if not only real savior was Abraham, not Moses or Jesus - because Abe put his own obedience to, and "love" of God (Submission to might-made "right") by bowing to the subjectively greedy and selfish ends (his own self-preservation) justifying any and all means, above everyone else's right to live: in short, he was willing to sacrifice his son to save him self. Selfish Submission to fear is God!

Unlike with Cain, this allegedly wasn't only his own idea, but God's.

The very same lying God who told him that He wanted Abe to kill his own son (but only lied because it was a test, in which He only seemed to change His mind) is the one who told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit that He knew they would have to eat, by directing their attention towards it in the first place, while giving them no previous experience at all with fearing consequences now in self-reliance.

And because of Abraham's example, most if not all of his descendants were to be guaranteed dominion over all the other nations (those who weren't even offered the same 'test' at all, either)!

So, because of Abe's willingness to sacrifice others, no Jew who came after him every again had to sacrifice much of anything beyond a few shekels as offering to maintain and repair the Temple's infrastructure, or at most a few goats as burnt offerings!

And even when Moses led them up Mt. Sinai to commune directly with God, it was only to renew that Covenant between Him self and His allegedly Chosen People - the real "Master Race" and Religion.

Further, in Judaism, there is no schism between God and the Devil; Jews openly and literally follow the lead of The Snake, which Moses had mounted on his staff as his own symbol, for, unlike God in the Garden, the Snake hadn't lied about how the Jews were to be God's literal Sons, all of whom are also destined to literally become gods, too, because his statement was re-confirmed later in the Bibles, too.

So, because Abe demonstrated Submission no Jew ever has to again!

And Abraham's Choice (to kill his own son) is later echoed by the Jealous God Himself, who kills Jesus just to prove He's as willing to sacrifice Him Self to his ideals as Abraham was! 

All of which proves by example that "Love" is NOT the main point or highest Virtue, but Submission to some necessity even greater than God is!

God sacrifices Him Self to prove by Holy Suicide that He cannot be killed or die, even if He wanted to!

But in the end, such Eternal Life, with all of its damages, pains, fears of those pains and greedy hopes for less pain and damage, can never achieve a mindlessly ignorant blissful state of no more of any of it!

So, ultimately, neither Abgraham's, nor God's, nor Jesus' sacrificial choices to (as even Muhammad later recommended in his Qur'an) SUBMIT to Fear as God and to kill those they love to avoid it, whether other people or even them Selves, amounts to changing anything at all!

So if and when literally giving up on life by killing your self won't end it all, which only proves that you ultimately CAN'T successfully kill your self or others, then what's the point of all those stupid rules admonishments and Commandments against it (such as "Choose Life!")?!?!

The Bible, like the Qur'an, is full of useless rules of conduct to Fear God and thus avoid His wrath, none of which can ever really amount to anything!

In reality, the only really "dysfuntional" behavior is subjectivism: to greedily hoard, sequester, control and restrict other people's access to necessary resources by which the most people would otherwise gain.

Idolatry is really only the excuses such selfish hypocrites make up to justify their greed; they feel honesty is risky and could make them vulnerable to retaliation by the real honest and civilized folk they scam, while lying is an infallible, magical power, so they make up alibis to excuse their crimes by praising hypocrisy itself as shrewd, realistic, moral and even "holy."

The most honesty they will allow to them selves is to admit they are hypocrites, but "So what? It isn't as crime because you all do it, too!"

Excuses for hypocrisy include: "Respect for Authority;" "Submission to God ('Allah');" "Politeness/ telling harmless white lies in order to avoid the risk of being socially censured for being considered rude;" "engaging in social etiquette;" "being willing to compromise (one's position out of fear);" to 'Settle' one's differences with others (for less than the objective Truth);" and of course "To Go Along (with criminal lies) To Get Along (with the other scary lying criminals)!"- ALL of which 'advice' really only implies that one should bow down to might-made 'right' because the ends (greedily protecting the self) justify the means (submission to might of others threats and power) because that sort of risk-vs-reward ratio calculation is by definition always literally 'rational' anyways!

i.e: "Some things are more important than doing the right thing!" is the root of all "religious" advice, rules, Commandments 'from God!'

But If It Can Only Save Even One Life, Isn't It Worth Sacrificing EVERYTHING Else For?

The reasons why Americans should rebel against COVID mask laws, lockdowns and vaccines

 By Brandon Smith of the Bob Livingston Personal Liberty Alerts

With the presidential election highly contested and the mainstream media hyping the rising infection numbers, the public is now facing important questions regarding the future and lockdowns. Some states have decided to unilaterally introduce "executive orders" to restrict citizen movements, businesses and activities.

Anthony Fauci is on the news constantly calling for Americans to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas and generally trying to drum up fear in the minds of the populace. If Biden does actually end up in the White House, a federalized and national high-level lockdown is on the table starting in January.

In April of this year, I published an article that outlined a social engineering model put forward by globalists at MIT and the Imperial College of London which I called "wave theory." The model essentially works like this:

Governments must use the pandemic as a rationale for "waves" of restrictive lockdowns, followed by controlled re-openings of the economy and of normal human activity. Globalists claim that this will "slow" the spread of the coronavirus and save lives. However, they also openly admit that these cycles of closures and openings have other uses.

Over time, the citizenry becomes acclimated to governmental intrusion in their everyday lives, and they get used to the idea of bureaucracy telling them what they are not allowed to do when it comes to the simplest activities. The system thus bottlenecks all human interactions to the point that we are constantly asking for permission. We become slaves to the COVID-19 response.

As (((globalist))) Gideon Lichfield from MIT stated in his article "We're not going back to normal":

"Ultimately, however, I predict that we'll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn't, and discriminating — legally — against those who are. can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you'll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn't be able to see where you'd gone, but it would get an alert if you'd been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There'd be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity — an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you've already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains."

Note that Lichfield suggested that in order to participate in the normal economy you might need to show verification that you have been "vaccinated against the latest virus strains." 

In other words, the elites expect (because they them selves are planning to engineer them) there to be many more viral events or mutations after COVID-19 has run its course, and the restrictions and controls we see today are meant to continue forever.

In the real world, viruses only mutate every 2-300 years, not every 2-3 months!

So the reality is that the wave model is a method of conditioning people to submit to a high level of control over their personal lives that they never would have accepted otherwise. The COVID-19 response has also been heralded by elites at the World Economic Forum as a perfect "opportunity" to initiate what they call the "Great Reset," a plan to deconstruct what's left of the free market capitalist system, introduce carbon controls in the name of the global warming fraud, institute a global cashless monetary system, and finally, move humanity into what they call a "shared economy" in which the average person is no longer allowed to own private property of any kind and is completely dependent.

Of course, such a complex system of "solutions" (dominance) over every individual would need to be managed in a highly centralized way. Meaning, global governance by the elitist establishment would be the end result. Naturally... the globalists would reluctantly take the reins of power for "the greater good."

This is the bigger picture, the problem at the core of lockdowns and COVID-19 laws. That said, there are also numerous reasons based on logic and evidence as to why there is no reason for people to submit to such restrictions. Let's outline them in a simple list:

The coronavirus kills less than 1 percent of the people it infects

Medical studies in the U.S. indicate that the coronavirus death rate for citizens not living in nursing homes has been holding well below 1 percent on average. The largest percentage of deaths by far in the U.S. has been in nursing homes among elderly people with preexisting conditions. People in long-term care facilities make up 8 percent of COVID-19 infection cases but they are 45 percent of all COVID-19 deaths.

Pneumonia alone kills around 50,000 Americans each year according to the CDC, and that's with vaccinations, yet, we are supposed to panic and hand over all our freedoms in the name of stopping a disease which affects a tiny percentage of the population? This is why the media and governments have decided to hyperfocus on infection numbers rather than deaths. The death numbers do not warrant the amount of panic the establishment is trying to foment.

Lockdowns destroy the economy

It's basic math and finance; the small business sector of the U.S. economy is dying. Small businesses make up around 50 percent of U.S. employment. The COVID-19 bailout money, handled by international banks like JP Morgan, did not get to the vast majority of small businesses that were supposed to receive it. Those businesses that did get bailouts are still on the verge of closure of bankruptcy. Any further lockdowns will be the final nail in the coffin for the U.S. economy, except for major corporations that are enjoying the lion's share of stimulus cash.

How many lives will be damaged or lost due to poverty and economic collapse if the current trend continues? I suspect far more than any lives lost because of COVID-19.

Why is no one in the mainstream talking about the most practical solution to the pandemic? The small percentage of people who are most at risk can stay home, while the rest of us get on with our lives. 

Why are we being ordered to do the exact opposite just to make less than 1 percent of the population feel safer? How is this logical, reasonable or scientific? The only answer that makes sense is that the lockdown response is about control, not saving lives.

State governors have no authority to take away your civil liberties, and neither does the president

Restrictions based on executive order have no legal authority under the Constitution. They are color of law, not law. Laws are discussed and passed by state legislatures, not by state governors. Executive orders only apply to state employees and have no bearing on the citizenry.

Leftists and statists argue that during a national crisis the governor has emergency powers and states can do whatever they want. This is false. Under the constitution and the Bill of Rights, state governors do not get to proclaim a national emergency based on their personal opinion and then declare themselves dictators in response. Any "laws" exerted because of such a process are therefore null and void; they are meaningless.

If the states have the ability to do whatever they want without oversight, then they would be able to bring back Jim Crow laws (among other things). Do leftists support that idea as well? If the federal government and the president have the power to violate the Bill of Rights during a national emergency, then Donald Trump has the authority to bring in martial law across the country because of leftist riots. Do leftists agree with that outcome?

But don't try to expect consistency from professional hypocrites.

It is interesting to me that the political left, in particular, is so keen on defending the idea of states and governors having the power to unilaterally enforce pandemic restrictions without oversight or checks and balances, yet, they have been aggressively opposed to state powers in the past when they had a Democratic president in office. 

The left has also been staunchly opposed to executive orders applied by Donald Trump, but they applaud the idea of executive orders on lockdowns being instituted by Biden. So, leftists support unilateral state power only when it works in favor of their agenda, and they support unilateral federal and presidential power only when it works in favor of their agenda.

The bottom line is this: State government powers do not supersede the Bill of Rights. Federal government powers do not supersede the Bill of Rights. No one has the legal power to take away your inherent liberties. Those that claim otherwise have something to gain from your enslavement.

Mask laws are unscientific

The majority of masks being used by the public today are cloth masks. Not even the CDC recommends the use of cloth masks for their own employees or medical workers. They only recommend N95 masks. They also admit that cloth masks are much less effective at preventing contact with the virus. Yet, the CDC supports the enforcement of cloth masks for the public.

On top of that, some states and countries with the most stringent mask laws continue to see huge spikes in coronavirus infections. For example, New York has been one of the most tyrannical enforcers of mask laws in the U.S., but in November the state has witnessed extensive infection increases. California and Illinois have also seen infection spikes this month despite hard enforcement of masks. So, where is the science? It would appear that masks are a placebo; if they worked then the states with the most aggressive enforcement should be seeing a dramatic downturn in cases, not exponential increases.

Furthermore, why are many states and countries trying to force citizens to wear masks outside in open air and sunlight when viruses cannot survive in such conditions? UV light from the sun is nature's sterilizer, but no one in the mainstream or in government acknowledges this scientific fact. Again, this shows that mask laws are about control, not about science or saving lives.

Vaccination is unnecessary and potentially dangerous

Why should people get vaccinated for a virus that over 99 percent of them will easily survive anyway

Why not simply attain "herd immunity" through natural infection spread and antibodies? The mainstream will continue to ignore these questions because they are inconvenient to the wider agenda.

Also, why should anyone trust a vaccine that was rushed out in less than a year's time? China and the rest of the world spent over a decade trying to develop a vaccine for SARS, but we are supposed to believe that they created a vaccine for SARS related COVID-19 within months?

The last time the government rushed out a vaccine for a viral epidemic was the 1976 swine flu scare, and that ended with numerous permanently damaged or dead individuals due to faulty vaccines.

As I noted in May, there are numerous examples of vaccine tests and implementation going very wrong, from Bill Gates and the World Health Organization giving people polio in various countries through vaccines, to Novartis and their deadly testing of a Bird Flu vaccine on homeless people in Poland, to GlaxoSmithCline and the deaths of children due to their pneumonia vaccine.

It is not necessarily the inactive virus elements within the vaccines that are a threat, but the many other active elements often found within vaccines (including other diseases and cancers) that can cause illness and death. This has been especially true in vaccines that have had limited testing and trials.

Again, it's simply not worth the risk over a virus that over 99 percent of people will survive.

Rebellion is needed to put a stop to the fear machine

In closing, there are endless reasons why we must end the pandemic lockdown agenda once and for all. Most importantly, the lockdowns, mask orders and vaccine plans are a stepping stone to something much worse — medical tyranny and centralization on an unprecedented scale. I will not personally follow such rules because they are not scientifically or morally sound. They are nonsense designed to frighten the public into complacency and consent.

A rebellion against such measures would be very easy to win. All we have to do is refuse to follow their mandates. What are they going to do? Lock up millions of people? Maybe shoot us? That would sort of defeat the supposed purpose of the very measures they demand we follow. 

And, if it comes to violence, so be it. I have no problem fighting to defend my freedoms and the freedoms of future generations. Perhaps it is time for conservatives and moderates that stand against the lockdowns to organize for this possible future.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith

Saturday, November 14, 2020

America no longer the land of the free


"History is not static and it does not progress linearly. There was more free speech and unimpeded expression in 5th-century Athens than in Western Europe between 1934-45, or in Eastern Europe during 1946-1989. An American could speak his mind more freely in 1970 than now." -- Victor Davis Hanson

The president and all 535 members of Congress take oaths to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. One has to wonder how many have ever read it. They certainly seem hell-bent on disregarding it.

Article 1, Section 1 says all legislative powers are vested in Congress, which consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives. That's apparently no longer the case, although I can't find where that was legally changed through an Amendment.

The Environmental Protection Agency believes it holds legislative power. In June the EPA issued a "rule" limiting state authorities under the Clean Water Act and telling them how and when they can approve new energy projects. Yes, the Act was an act of congress. But there is no Constitutional authority for an EPA, nor is there Constitutional authority for the EPA to supersede states' rights, especially for a power not expressly given to the federal government in the first place. But apparently, Congress doesn't care.

The EPA is just one of dozens of Federal agencies that have taken it upon themselves to regulate and control the lives of Americans while Congress sits idly by. Many of the bureaucrats who run these regulatory agencies are appointed by the President, so they do his bidding. President Trump was vehemently criticized for trying to limit the EPA's overreach, without so much as a word from his so-called Republican supporters, who have been equally silent after the election. Trump tried to limit the influence of the State Department and the Deep State revolted in order to oust him. This election turmoil is the result.

Remember when Boeing decided to build 30 percent of its 737s in South Carolina? The National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint in an effort to force the company back into the unionized Washington plant. In effect, President Obama — through his politically appointed board — was telling a company where it could and could not conduct business. That was Third World thuggery. Thankfully it didn't work.

I wonder what non-legislative group will come forward now that Boeing is consolidating production to S. Carolina and out of the Seattle area?

We are currently in a state of undeclared war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria, not to mention the "war on terror" which sends U.S. troops and missiles anywhere and everywhere. Yet, aside from a few lone voices — Republicans Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Susan Collins of Maine, Todd Young of Indiana, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted to restrict President Trump's power to make war on Iran — Congress, which alone has the authority to declare war, does nothing.

The Department of Homeland Security and local police forces have vans and trucks patrolling our streets with the capability of looking inside passing cars and into homes. The Transportation Security Administration forces airline passengers into choosing between harmful naked body scanners or full-body groping sessions for the "crime" of buying an airline ticket. The grope-and-peek procedures will be expanded to include "Covid passes" for all activities outside one's own home — if you are even allowed to do what you want there — including attendance at sporting events and concerts. Technology is being developed to allow agents to funnel large crowds of people through mobile command centers so they can be questioned while computers monitor their physiology as they respond.

Law enforcement uses parabolic antennas to listen in on far-away conversations, video cameras to follow people's every move and face recognition software to identify them — even if they have not been charged or convicted of a crime.

These actions are blatant violations of the 4th Amendment. Congress does nothing... and says little. They are part of the "law and order" crowd... unless you are a "Black Lives Matter" looter or rioter, then you are free to run around lawlessly without order to destroy and burn as you choose.

Any time a State attempts to nullify a law or regulation that it deems unConstitutional, it is threatened by the Justice Department, sued or refused federal funds. Those funds, by the way, go to the Federal government after they are taken from workers who have no choice but to comply with the onerous tax code or go to prison.

The 4th Amendment, the one that guarantees Americans the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, was eviscerated by the Supreme Court ruling that gave police license to enter a home without first obtaining a warrant if they hear what they deem suspicious sounds inside.

The USA Patriot Act, passed while the rubble of the World Trade Center still smoldered following the false flag terrorist attack of 9/11, gave the Federal government license to create all sorts of reasons and excuses to surreptitiously listen in on electronic conversations, rifle through bank records and imprison people without trial.

Local police departments are becoming increasingly militarized. According to a report by the Cato Institute: "Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home... The raids terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence. And they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects."

We now have a quasi-military roaming the streets terrorizing citizens, a Congress neglecting its authority, a Supreme Corrupt disregarding the Bill of Rights and local politicians and state governors using "emergency" powers to act as dictators through the use of executive orders (only meant for government personnel activities and not citizens).

America, land of the free? Not anymore.

It should be apparent that the Deep State along with Big Tech and the lamestream media have cracked down on the information flow to citizens and between citizens. Ignorant people, after all, are easier to control.

These people in power are long-term planners. They absolutely understand human nature and how to channel it to the evolvement and refinement of the authoritarian state.

Remember, governments can stay in power if...

  1. They can continue to deceive most of the people.
  2. They have a method to steal the people's liberty without hostile awareness over a long period of time with gradualism ("We're just banning this one gun!")
  3. They have a method to steal the people's wealth without hostile awareness over a long period of time with inflation and income tax.

The key to government power is gradualism. Anything can be accomplished over a long period of time. People accept their conditioning no matter what it is. I have found that the very first step toward awareness is to become suspicious of all politicians and people who claim to be "authorities."

Yours for the truth, 

Bob Livingston

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Election Prediction: Best and Worst Possible Outcomes

 By Brandon Smith of Bob Livingston's Personal Liberty Alerts

Get ready for chaos regardless of who ends up in the White House

In an article from July of this year, after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that:

"These factors and more lead me to predict that Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment."

I also noted the predictive programming campaign by the media and members of the Council On Foreign Relations like Max Boot to acclimate the public to the idea of a contested election while also "wargaming" (planning) that exact outcome. I stated:

"...Boot is back again, this time writing about how he thinks Donald Trump will try to 'hijack' the presidency in 2020.

In an article for The Washington Post titled ‘What If Trump Loses But Insists He Won', Boot outlines a scenario that was 'war gamed' by a group called the Transition Integrity Project. The group played out a scenario in which there is a razor-thin victory for Joe Biden, followed by actions by Trump to keep control of the presidency through lies and legal wrangling. The group also predicted civil unrest leading to potential 'civil war' as the fight over the White House expands.

This article is, I believe, an attempt at predictive programming by the establishment. They are telling us exactly what is about to happen. A contested election, civil war, martial law, economic collapse and the U.S. will be destroyed from within."

So far it appears my prediction was correct. As I write this, the Trump administration is filing suit in Pennsylvania over suspicious ballot actions including blocking Republican observers from watching the vote count. The fact that PA is allowing mail-in votes to be counted even though they are postmarked well after the cutoff date will also come into question. Evidence of ballot fraud is popping up in multiple swing states; it's starting to look like Trump might remain in office after all.

If any of the reports of fraud are verified by the courts, the election situation changes completely. Millions of Americans will lose faith in the process and the election itself would be invalidated. Even if the uncovered fraud is not proven to have effectively shifted the vote in favor of Biden, no conservative will accept Biden as president, and the Trump administration will have a perfect rationale for refusing to concede the White House.

Many people do not seem to understand the dynamic at play here. They think "winning" the vote count means an automatic Biden presidency, but this is not actually the case. Trump is already in possession of the White House — if he will not leave because of possible election tampering, then who is going to remove him? Perhaps one of the alphabet agencies, but on whose orders or authority? Not the military, as the majority of them are conservative, and certainly not the Democrats, as they have no ability to project power. Trump stays in because the only people that could possibly pressure him to leave (conservatives) will not do so.

Another issue is the chance of "activist" electors. Voters within the electoral college do not necessarily have to vote according to the popular vote within their respective states. Some states have laws that bind electors, but many do not, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Minnesota. These are contested swing states, and if electors in these states congregate in December to cast their votes and decide to cast for Trump instead of Biden because they suspect ballot fraud, this would be perfectly legal and Trump stays in office.

Then there is the issue of congress finalizing the election results. Neither party currently holds a 218-seat majority in congress, and if half of the representatives refuse to validate the election, again there is a problem of legitimacy going forward for Joe Biden.

I realize that these factors and many more are giving conservatives continued hope of pulling out an election "victory." However, I want readers to set aside the concept of "winning" for a moment and consider the bigger picture.

I was able to predict the outcome of the 2020 election because I based my analysis on what would be the most advantageous result for the globalist establishment. Meaning, even if Trump stays in the Oval Office, the globalists have much to gain.

First, let's not be naive about the situation — Trump's cabinet is loaded with globalists from the Council on Foreign Relations as well as numerous banking elites. If they want to steer the election response from Trump's side, they easily can. Trump is likely contesting the election because he is being advised to do so.

Second, the mainstream media and the Biden campaign are already preemptively declaring Biden the winner. This sets the stage for a dangerous dynamic; consider what would happen if leftists go into December/January under the assumption that they have the presidency in the bag... then suddenly it is all snatched away from them?  This narrative creates the ultimate rage scenario for the political left; they will consider Trump a usurper of the presidency and from that point on they will rationalize any and all mob violence. This civil unrest will be blamed entirely on Trump and conservatives.

Third, a mass unrest event triggers a demand for law and order. There are two ways this can be achieved:  A constitutional way and an unconstitutional way. The elites in Trump's cabinet will push for the unconstitutional response, meaning they will push for martial law. Martial law will inevitably lead to numerous violations of the Bill of Rights, which is unacceptable under any circumstances.

Not only this, but what would happen if conservatives, normally staunch defenders of individual rights, suddenly decide it's OK to trample those rights in the name of "defeating the political left?" We become the greatest hypocrites of the age, we lose the moral high ground in the long term and no one will listen to us when we argue for liberty in the future. The greatest defenders of freedom become freedom's greatest destroyers. Again, the globalists benefit.

Fourth, with Trump still in office, the establishment's "great reset" agenda will continue using conservatives as the scapegoats of the economic collapse they created. Beyond that, the contested election can be used as a further excuse for economic instability. The central banks which have used endless stimulus measures to inflate the massive "Everything Bubble" ever since 2008 need to divert blame for the bubble's eventual implosion, and now they have numerous distractions that will allow them to do just that.

Fifth, even if millions of Americans view Trump's actions as justified and the election results as rigged, much of the rest of the world will treat Trump and conservatives as pariahs. The situation becomes much worse if conservatives support martial law. The narrative will be that America is under illegitimate and tyrannical rule, and that international intervention may be required. At the very least, there will be global economic penalties, including the loss of the dollar's world reserve status, which will lead to a flood of dollars returning to the U.S. from overseas and hyperinflation in prices.

Now don't get me wrong, a Biden presidency will lead to immediate and violent repercussions as well, but conservatives need to wake up to the reality that a Trump presidency is not an answer to any of their problems or fears.

Under Biden, expect the economic crash to speed up dramatically. Biden will initiate level 4 lockdowns nationwide within weeks of becoming president and this will cause the destruction of the small business sector, which is already barely hanging on for dear life. The globalists will have to bring down the economy faster under Biden so that they can claim the crash is a residual effect of the Trump administration. If they wait too long, the blame will fall on Biden and by extension the globalists.

Level 4 lockdowns would also help prevent conservatives from relocating to more friendly states and regions. And they would help prevent conservatives from congregating in large groups and organizing resistance to leftist policies.

Censorship of conservative voices and platforms will have to accelerate under Biden because the more conservatives are able to share information in real-time, the more galvanized they will become and the more confident they will be in refusing to submit to pandemic restrictions (among other things). I believe that web service providers will start directly censoring conservative websites that use their servers. Sites like mine will be removed from the web entirely or filtered out completely by search algorithms.

Finally, under Biden, there will be an immediate call for draconian gun control measures and perhaps even gun confiscation. This will be done by executive order, and it is likely that Red Flag laws will be used. A leftist agenda cannot progress while conservatives are armed. It is impossible. No one will go along with pandemic restrictions in conservative-leaning states. No one will agree to carbon controls. No one will adopt new and insane hate speech laws designed by social justice lunatics. Eventually, conservatives will revolt (including many in the military and law enforcement) and there will be nothing leftists or globalists can do about it. Disarmament would have to happen quickly.

This is why I believe that Trump staying in office is a better model for the globalists. Tricking conservatives into jubilantly supporting martial law measures and bringing in tyranny under their own banner is better than creating a direct confrontation between conservatives and globalists through Biden's lockdowns.

As mentioned above, though, there is a solution. Welcome a Trump presidency but refuse to support martial law. Instead, conservatives can secure their own towns and counties by organizing community security for themselves. There is no need for the military to take on domestic security concerns. Rather, conservatives must react as many did in Idaho during the BLM riots. When BLM and Antifa tried to bus hundreds of protesters into rural parts of the Northwest, conservatives fielded numerous armed members of the community to maintain security. BLM and Antifa activists remained peaceful and quiet, nothing was looted and no one was hurt. It was the best possible outcome.

This model must be enacted all over the country, and Americans must take their security into their own hands. I would even suggest we start using the "M word" again... militia.

Conservatives states and counties should start seriously considering the formation of community militias because the government cannot be trusted to remain benevolent when it is given the ultimate power of martial law. In the event of a Biden presidency, militias will be necessary as a deterrent to totalitarian enforcement of federal pandemic lockdowns. If leftists want to destroy their own local economies through unnecessary lockdowns, let them. Conservatives don't need to follow the lemmings off that cliff.

Constitutionally, militias are supposed to be verified by state governments. This might not be possible. If not, then communities should form militias anyway; just don't call it an official militia. If state governments try to sabotage such measures, they should be bypassed and ignored. We don't need them in order to provide security for ourselves.

If this solution is not taken seriously and conservatives do not take matters into their own hands, I foresee catastrophe. Either we will be lured into giving credence to liberty crushing martial law or we will be at the mercy of Biden's medical tyranny. The future depends on us...

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith