Saturday, June 12, 2021

Which HYPOCRATS Rule the Globalist HYPOCRACY?

So Who are The HYPOCRATS in charge of the Globalist HYPOCRACY?

Here's how and why all criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals:

It doesn't take any brains at all to back both sides. In the end, the losers still owe the winners AND the banksters and the winners still owe them, too - and they both have to take out more reconstruction loans. And if you're the Global Counterfeiter's Union, it's always WIN/WIN for you, and LOSE/LOSE for everyone else. Now, I'm not sure how smart that is. In fact, it's damned lazy (which to some people IS "smart")! 

And as for Jews owning the media - they've been running that scam since forever - it's called "NEPOTISM" where they only hire each other. Sure, it's illegal, but they can always claim they hired on merit, what with Jews being allegedly so much smarter than everyone else. 

But they're not: they're all tribalists, which means basically communist hypocrites, where no matter what the attack-vs-defend, cause-and-effect facts are, they're always the righteously heroic victims, entitled only to everyone else's pity and acclaim, without having to earn or prove it; while everyone who disagrees with that obvious lie, must be their wrongfully villainous oppressors, entitled to no right to defend themselves from those lies, but having only a responsibility to become and remain their slaves for their "hateful" lack of pity and acclaim! CAPISCE? 

Hypocrites are the same everywhere, but the Jews seem to be a lot better at it than most other families, clans, tribes, and nations!

Hypocrites are idealists (whose idealized ideas or self-image idols are that they are always right, and heroic victims) who are convinced that the only way to make their own worthless lives at least "feel" like they are worth a dime, is to find (and/or convert) some eternal "victims" to at least pretend to champion! 

And in order to do that, they must also find some other people to slander as the "oppressors" of those victims! So facts mean nada to them!

But of course all such "anti-racists" ARE racists: they always assume that ONLY White Western people are INTELLIGENT enough to be guilty of being truly evil, while all their pet "People Of Colour" (including the "swarthy palestinians") being mentally inferior and all, just can't help being enslaved by their instincts and emotions into acting as violent animals when frustrated, the poor oppressed little dears, so the liberals will always indulge their crimes, much as one ignores the new puppy as it pees on the rugs.

So here's their interminably ongoing "narrative" (story):


But in reality, there's nothing wrong with "racism" - which is merely our brains' pattern-detecting ability + our free association rights, to freely associate (or not) with those we find compatible (or not). Without "racism," no "races" would even exist! It's the liberal hypocrites' pretense that racism is "bad" that's the real problem. After all, everyone does it, marrying their own - making the Asians numerically the most racist, followed by the Hindus, then the Blacks, then the mixed White/Asian/Black "latino" and semitic mulatos, and finally, having mixed with those others, and yet remaining THE global minority, the very least "racist" race: the Whites!

Nevertheless, criminals will never admit they are attacking innocent people first, which is why they can be guaranteed to double-down on their entirely fact-free subjective critical thinking logical fallacy alibis of non-sequitur ad-hominem argumentun tu quoque slanders to excuse all their crimes, to wit: 

that they are not, in fact, attacking innocent people first, because nobody is ever innocent "Because you all do it, too! Whee!"

Misery loves company, and group-rights identity politics victimology ensures the hypocrites, as expert authorities on being righteously heroic victims, will be able to extort and enslave others, too. Hence Jews invented communism, feminism, and now politically correct woke social justice reverse discrimination affirmative action preferential hiring critical race theory, too!

Joe Biden praised Jews for playing leading roles in the fight for homosexual marriage, open borders, feminism, 'social justice' and more.

"Think - behind all of that, I bet you 85% of those changes, whether its in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry."

Biden said that Jews were one of the biggest actors, if not the single biggest, driving social change in the United States.And to think, it's all based on shallow jealousy! Because in general straight White men are larger stronger faster and smarter (less emotionally impaired) than non-straight, non-White, non-men, then every time one of the latter fails, they get to blame it on the former, as if SWM were so "jealous" (now THERE'S some real victim-blaming "projection!") of their obvious inferiors that they just had to take time off from literally minding their own businesses, to dream up clever new ways to "oppress" the latter! But wait, there's more! The implication that the former "must" have caused the latter to fail, and it wasn't simply because they are smaller weaker slower and dumber, also implies that they are relatively smaller weaker slower and dumber than the former, which is WHY they are able to make them fail! And no amount of extorted taxes or government force will ever be able to make the races or sexes truly "equal.

So communism (based on the difference in economic smarts) and social justice wokeism (based on race) and feminism (based on sex) are forms of slander which confirm the inferiority of their putative perpetual "victims" even as they pretend to defend them! "

When turned on its face against them, they will insist that there are no crimes not criminals, either, because life is too complex to understand cause and effect, so no free-will criminal intent can ever exist, either - because we're all really ever only helpless victims of inevitable force, of gangs like "society;" merely predestined products of our predetermined environments and slaves of allah!

So there, Nyah!

And, you know how, if a hypocrite gets caught making a mere mistake, they will double-down and turn it into a crime, because they'd rather be feared as a criminal than known for being "weak" and mistake-prone? The whole "Screw YOU! I MEANT to do that! Nyah!" idiocy is where they declare their own criminal intent, while blaming their victims. Well, the supposedly "mentally superior" Jews do that sort of shit ALL the time! 

They proudly back both/all sides in every conflict, while pretending to be "neutral" (and/or merely "amoral" as opposed to immoral) businessmen - but then when the bad side gets exposed as being evil, they not only don't stop backing it, but when their fellow Jews who were and still are backing it get exposed and called out to stop backing it, they ALL double-down again to defend their "right" to make money by enabling evil people to victimize innocent other people! Which tribalist solidarity makes them ALL complicit in the evil! And it confirms the philosophy behind RICO laws, too - that with group rights must come group responsibility! So if and when Jews ALWAYS hypocritically defend any and all other Jews,  no matter what crimes they have committed, simply because they ARE Jews, too - and insist that any and everyone else who notices the crimes and accuses the criminals of them must only be doing it because they are racist "anti-Semites!" they are not only supporting those crimes, but as that is a crime, are also criminals who must be punished for the crimes of endorsing crimes and criminals! Remember: ALL criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals, too! And because of this, I've coined the neologism "HEBOCRITES."

Being the smallest demographic, while passing for White, when caught committing their crimes, the Jews must deflect from their tribalist Judaic natures, by blaming the larger group - the Whites in general. Hence this new and most absurd "critical race theory" which blames Whites alone for all Jewish crimes!

And it seems that at least some of them admit it, too:

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Usury Rules

 Stopping fiat "money" and the ability to lend it to EVERYONE - both good AND bad, all the time - would make it harder for evil people to fund their evil wars. Evil people don't create wealth; they only tend to destroy it, so helping them would otherwise make little investment sense, if one had to actually take risks in lending money because the money was actually worth something. 

Don't forget that the Rothschild banksters even lent Hitler money! The plan seems to always be to lend money to all sides in all conflicts (thus also claiming the false excuse of economic neutrality and good business sense, while knowing better: "Always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." — Elie Wiesel) 

So in the end the losers still owe the banksters AND the winners; the winners still owe the banksters, and everyone will also have to take out more loans from those same banksters who had enabled them to destroy them selves, for the inevitable "reconstruction" costs. End results: the banksters end up owning everyone and every thing, so it's always win/win for them, and lose/lost for everyone else. 

Now, while it may be true that not all Jews are banksters, it's even more true that the top banksters are Jews, and they tend to lend the most money to the other evil globalist Jews (not the good ones who oppose them) at zero interest, so they can then use the fake paper to buy up all the natural resources in the world. Goldman-Sachs, for example, just bought up ALL the aluminum futures IN THE WORLD, forever. Further, Using Usury to enslave the rest of world is actually COMMANDED of the Israeli Jews by their god, in their Bible: Deuteronomy 15:5 "Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy GOD, to observe to do all these COMMANDMENTS which I COMMAND thee this day." 15:6 "For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee." (From the original Hebrew: substitute "enslave," for "reign over")!

Lending money to stupid Goyim who openly state they intend to use it to buy weapons and wage otherwise senseless wars against other Goyim (enabling criminals to kill innocent people for money) shows a certain massive degree of cynicism towards those same Goyim in general. Even if the Jews are right and they are the people chosen by their God to be a light unto the darkness etc., then what they are actually doing is the exact opposite to what they claim to be all about: it's more like letting a chimpanzee or little kid play with a loaded machine gun among other little kids or chimpanzees for the "profit" of only one's own personal entertainment. 

Either that, or the purpose is to control the animals by encouraging them to routinely decimate their own greater populations, and ultimately to enable  them to kill them selves off entirely - no?



Jewish banksters seem to want to destroy all the other nations whom they are supposed to have been a "Light Unto" because of the disparate rules those nations' self-contained borders place on their ability to own everyone through the spread of their main official weapon: usury. 

Through sleight of hand, they create "money" out of thin air, which allows them to "buy" (steal) EVERYTHING they want, from almost everyone, all the time! 

Obviously, they don't do it for the money, but for the power of control (slavery) that fake money and the psychological illusion inflicted on the "debtors" through imagined servitude to those owning them.

"Lending" money is to sell money (or at least to rent it out, on the installment plan). But is that really a valid contract, when said money is always actually worthless, and printed out of thin air?! Money used to be tied to other, real commodities like gold, but today's fiat currency isn't officially even loosely based on the main object of worth in this world (oil)!

Fiat money is only based on "Faith!" - and, as usual, (money being the ultimate idolatry) that faith is based on literally NOTHING at all!

Our blind faith that our Jewish money-masters will actually have the right beans counted, and have an economic plan and "system" in place, is shown to have been in fact routinely betrayed whenever their lazy cynicism is exposed as simply lending (selling) their worthless money to everyone all the time, and not even on any rational plan where the risks are assessed evenly along with the potential rewards: for money-lending usury is NOT risk-taking investment at all! 

Usury demands a repayment no matter what, or they own you; but risk-taking investment is a partnership where everyone wins and loses equally, and no one partner automatically ends up owing or owning any of the others! But as so many examples prove, the globalist usurers' failures to plan ARE actually plans to fail, because then they can lever lose, and we can never win (see above)!

Finally: The first duty of the good should be to secure a future for the good by stopping the evil. But when Jewish banksters support both sides - good and evil - equally, then when the good attack the evil, the Jews who support the good will suddenly turn on their clients, in order to protect those of their Jewish brethren who are supporting the evil - which thereby makes all Jews evil, too.