Fraud always operates under the color of law. Look for fraud anywhere. You will find it in government, in politics, in religion, in money and finance and absolutely in organized medicine.
Fraud and deceit has carried teeming millions to an early grave. Just think of the millions of young boys and men who have died in phony wars camouflaged with propaganda. Now consider the millions who have suffered a living hell and then were sent to an early grave at the hands of "orthodox medicine."
It's called "iatrogenic death," that is, death induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures. In the U.S. annually is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Some estimates put the total even higher — at almost a million deaths a year. That makes the medical-industrial-pharmaceutical complex itself possibly the leading cause of death in the U.S., period.
Yes, orthodox or organized medicine has a pretty face and is almost untouchable. In fact, organized medicine, which should be called "organized promotion of sickness and death," persecutes and prosecutes truth in healing with all the police power of government.
Orthodox medicine is modern medicine that promotes "treatment" but denies healing. Money is in treating but never in curing. So-called "medical research" is hunting but never finding. This is the cloak of modern medicine. We succumb to this deception and fraud because we are too trusting and too lazy to question establishment medicine. The price is high.
In this instance, we have on our mind the millions of men, dead and alive, who have been victims of "cancer treatment" burning and poisoning, which is actually an industry under the color of conventional and orthodox medicine, sanctioned by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the force of law.
Yes, the force of law. Just try an alternative cure and see what happens to you.
Things that are equal to each other are equal to the same thing. Evil is evil, no matter the pretense. Does it matter by what name we call the death of human liberty?
The "health" arm of the U.S. government, The Food and Drug Administration (clever propaganda in that name; placing in the mind of the citizen the notion that drugs are somehow equal in importance to food) has always worked for the best interests of large corporations — Big Pharma and Big Farms — rather than the best interests of the consumer — or the small food producer.
The FDA's record of "protecting" consumers is shoddy at best. It has gone out of its way to ignore critical evidence about dangerous drugs to the benefit of Big Pharma. It censors the scientific truth about natural remedies and nutritional supplements and has killed more people than the CIA, FBI, ATF and DEA combined.
Founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush argued before the American Continental Congress:
"Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship… to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of Medical Science. All such laws are un-American and despotic, and have no place in a Republic... The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom."
Unfortunately, the right to medical freedom was not added to the Bill of Rights in the Constitution; and now we have the government, medical and pharmaceutical groups working together to limit our health choices. In short, we have a monstrous medical monopoly enforced by the increasingly compromised and corrupt Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which routinely censors truthful health claims.
Additionally, the U.S. Government promotes and protects the organized crime of the FDA by protecting their pals at Big Pharma with the new pre-emption policy that bans private lawsuits against drug companies in State courts once a drug and its label have been approved by the FDA. I don't know about you, but that seems like a protection racket for their financiers at big Pharma.
For an understanding of medical organized crime, read the book The Medical Mafiaby Ghislaine Lanctôt.
What is health, then?
The FDA's position has always been that natural products are either illegal or harmful, yet falsely marketed drugs from Big Pharma, with at best dubious research on their effectiveness, are perfectly okay for consumers.
It seems that the protected criminality goes on and on. But the reality is that even criminal organizations always self-destruct. Their satanic greed consumes them. The medical mafia commits many overt crimes with the complicity and blind obedience of doctors. But it will eventually end in a state of collapse. It is so evil that it cannot sustain life support.
The medical mafia has built a huge financial empire out of and on fiction like cholesterol and open-heart surgery. The only success they have achieved is a multibillion-dollar medical monopoly.
Medical care in America is political. It is what the "consensus of medical opinion" says it is. "Consensus of medical opinion" is mysteriously stamped on American medicine as a control system to create conformity; alias monopoly. Medical monopoly kills medical freedom and causes costs to skyrocket.
Medical care today is commerce. It's money, and healthcare is only incidental.
To get serious healthcare in America today, one has to avoid the "consensus of medical opinion" and seek out alternative medical care wherever it can be found.
If you keep listening to the extremists... that means modern medicine and the nutritionists — who will endlessly tell you what to eat and what not to eat this holiday season, as if they know anything except what standard medicine allows — and dieticians, you'll never get off the disease-producing treadmill.
One of the ways medicine profits most handsomely from you is this: The advertisements all ask you to "talk to your doctor." They do this because they know what standard doctors have been taught — drugs and surgery.
Would you like to get off this treadmill to nowhere?
If so, my team and I have identified the group of doctors who resist the medical-industrial complex's money-grabbing scheme. we have put together a report to tell you about who they are, where they are, and how you can contact these holistic doctors.
Holistic means "whole body," and that means these doctors don't just treat one symptom, they look at all of you. Maybe that's why they're also called "alternative" doctors. If you are looking for one near you, just go here to get a copy of this exclusive guide right now.
Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®