Now Tina Magaard speaks out again. Translated by Nicolai Sennels, via
Tina Magaard has great knowledge about Islam, both personally and academically. She believes that Danish experts in Islam fail to disclose what is in Islam’s holy scriptures, and the extent to which extremism draws its ammunition from these scriptures.…She studied Arabic and read both the Qur’an and the hadiths. Here she recognized many of the repressive tendencies she had experienced [in her travels in Muslim countries].“What is striking is not in itself that one can find murderous passages in the Islamic texts, as such passages can also be found in other religions. But it is striking how much space these passages take up in the Islamic texts, and how much they focus on an us-and-them logic in which infidels and apostates are characterized as dirty, rotten, criminal, hypocritical and dangerous. It it also striking how much these texts demand that the reader fight the infidels, both with words and with the sword. In many passages, Muhammad plays a central role as one who encourages the use of violence, whether it comes to stonings, beheadings, acts of war or execution of critics and poets.”Tina Magaard finds it particularly objectionable that so many Islamic scholars in her opinion knowingly fail to disclose these facts, and use their positions of power to create specific standards for what you can say. Often, they also blame Danish racism rather than objectively stating that extremists actually find justifications for using violence and threats in Islam’s holy scriptures.…Asked whether after Krudttønden (the terror attack in Copenhagen, February 2015) and the attack on Charlie Hebdo it is desirable for future harmony and coexistence to stop drawing Muhammad, Tina Magaards answers unequivocally:“The only thing we get out of saying that we must not draw Muhammad is that there will be more religiously motivated restrictions on our freedoms. Rather, we must take the bull by the horns and question whether Muhammad did the right thing when he, for example, ordered his critics murdered. This is the discussion we need to have with European Muslims.”The most thought-provoking thing, according to Tina Magaard, is that it is so difficult to find an imam who dares or wants to criticize the aspects of Islam which contradict liberal freedoms…“Instead, you get a chitchat like: ‘It is not relevant to discuss this in Denmark now,’ or ‘this is a misunderstanding.’ But they refuse to criticise the concrete passages that terrorists use to justify their actions,” Magaard says.
1 comment:
There's really no need to "study" the qur'an because it's already in the writing!
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