This sort of thing speaks for its SELF - the CBC, Canada's TAXPAID state (socialist) broadcaster, often commits open sedition against the government (basically, we the Canadian people) who own it.

Dear friend,
I am staring at the blueprint for the CBC Stephen
Harper will surely implement if his Conservatives win the October 19th
election – and it is devastating...
With the election just 91 days away, FRIENDS has a
dramatic plan to stand up to Harper and his henchmen. But we need your
help to make it happen.
Please join me in giving generously to put our new ad on the air.
Just a few hours ago in Ottawa, a Senate Committee
that has been “studying” the challenges faced by the CBC for the past 20
months released its report. The seven Conservative Senators, who are a majority on the Committee, were all appointed by Stephen Harper.
As loyal servants, they have done Harper’s bidding, proposing his hostile agenda that would move our CBC towards oblivion.
Harper’s Senators are proposing to rob CBC by handing part of
its budget to private TV producers. They also want to transform CBC
into a user-pay ‘PBS North’ – begging viewers for donations.
Eviscerating CBC Television would lead to a two-tier service – where
the 80% of Canadians whose first language is English would receive
services from CBC inferior to those enjoyed by the 20% of francophone
Canadians, although all of us are taxpayers.
The result would be remarkably similar to ideas Harper himself floated back in 2004 when he said:
suggested that government subsidies in support of CBC’s services should
be to those things that are not... do not have commercial
He then added:
you take a look at things like main-English language television and
probably to a lesser degree Radio Two, you could look there at putting
those on a commercial basis.”
That’s right. Harper wants to privatize CBC Television and these two Senate proposals would lead to that.
With your help, FRIENDS will put this ad on the air as a forceful response to Harper’s destructive agenda.

Our ad is a powerful statement of what we want from
our CBC, what our national public broadcaster means to us as a
fundamental part of our democracy, and a force that connects our diverse
population coast to coast to coast.
Not everyone on this Committee agrees with Harper’s Senators. In
fact, one member – Senator Art Eggleton – has published his own minority
opinion that is an eloquent defence of our national public broadcaster,
and a true reflection of the evidence placed before the Committee
during its 20-month study. You can read it here.
This is the moment for supporters of public broadcasting to stand up for our CBC!
We must not fail! Let’s take back our CBC! It
belongs to all of us and is not for Harper – or any other politician –
to destroy!
Please respond as generously as you can.
Best regards!

Ian Morrison
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting
PS: If you would prefer to donate by regular mail, please send your donation to:
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting
200/238 – 131 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON
M5S 1R8
PPS: Here is FRIENDS’ news release on today’s Senate report.
PPPS: Here is a Canadian Press story about the report.
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