Ask: why do "leftist" 'activist' extortionist gangsters always support "muslim" extortionist gangsters?
Proglodytes are "taught" SEDITION (abused by the false and backwards notion) that "Nations Cause Wars!"
To them, the idea of "nations" and "nationalism" only began during the Enlightenment, and was a concept - exactly like that of "greedily" owning, hording (and improving!) personal property, which was an idea deliberately invented by racist white people (including, of course, the Jews) to create exclusivist borders and restrict the movements of all those noble swarthy collectivist tribal savages on the planet.
Ignoring the fact that all the nations on earth evolved organically over time, from families to clans to tribes to nations to states and eventually empires, they "reason" in their usual, literally backwards, pre-posterous ways, that, in order to achieve world peace, they must first destroy the concept of "nations!"
That way those who destroyed their own nations won't have to feel jealous anymore about those who didn't.
And they hate Israel the most, because it is the most successful nation, the main one to disprove their fantasy claims.
Muslims, too, are never patriots; they regard all national sovereignties as temporary, man-made false idols which must all be eventually destroyed and replaced with the one-world global muslim Ummah, to be ruled by their theocratic caliphate, and their duty is to wage offensive war to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-muslims. Terrorism is an inherent, not an incidental, component of islam.
No self-determined muslim believes in any sovereign national governments nor countries at all, ever!
Islam's Sharia is either compatable with our Western, morality-based law (in which case it is superfluous) or it is not (in which case it is illegal).
There is only one universally accepted version of sharia crime (‘law’) and that is the original, Haneefite version as recorded in The Hedaya and used by the Ottoman Empire to rule all of islam for centuries; all moslems in all their countries are very aware of its simple might-makes-right and us-versus-them tenets and strictures.
There is really only one Qur’an, one islam, and one sharia.
And since islam is inherently SEDITION against ALL sovereign national countries (which it regards as only temporary man-made false idols, to be eventually destroyed and replaced by the global muslim Ummah, ruled by their theocratic Caliphate government - Sura 18:26) because since the Qur'an and subsequent sharia elaborations embody "god's" perfect laws which are to apply to all mankind everywhere, why would anyone ever need any merely human legislators (even 'democratically elected' ones)?!
So, since islam is a subversive anti-national and anti-legal entity, why on earth are any of its "muslim" members ever afforded any legal standing to promote their criminal treasonous sedition, before any of our courts of law?!
Allowing foreign (sharia "law") courts to exist in your country is to enable those foreign governments to govern in your country; it’s obviously TREASON.
Nation-hating leftist racist gangsters love islam because it's full of poor oppressed angry violent noble swarthy savages who hate the idea of nations as much as they do! They think they can control muslims by coddling them, and aim the muslims at their mutual enemies - at the hard-working civilized patriotic nationalists.
They are too short-sighted to realize how badly this will backfire on them, but by the time they do come to realize it, it may be far too late for the rest of us!
PS: The globalist banksters fail to realize that there is no such thing as "sharia-compliant financing!"
Sharia law manuals like the Hedaya state it's perfectly acceptable to charge interest TO INFIDELS because it's a way to enslave and destroy them.
But it's never acceptable to charge fellow muslim gang-members interest.
And government went along with their owners because of an antiquated energy policy from the 1970s, which traded endless immigration opportunities for muslim Arabs for "stable" (aka cheap) oil prices.
The energy strategy was to buy up all the Arabs' oil first before using our own, simply to keep it away from rivals like China. Then the theory went, in the future we would still have all our oil, and they would have none left, so we could sell ours for such a high price that we'd recoup all our losses.
But the impossible plan depended on politicians not being so stupidly greedy as to massively go into debt to China in order to pander tot heir own special interest voting blocks during the same time-period.
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy…”
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Scottish lawyer and writer, 1770
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
In response to this article:
Here’s the leftards in action!
YES their decree that countries should have no borders or property rights DOES also extend to the very homes of the citizens!
“Property is theft!”
– Karl Marx –
Our societal masochism is a result of criminals advising everyone to “ACT LIKE A VICTIM!” in order to remain irresponsibly wrong.
This defeatist stance is even enforced by the police and so-called “mental health (illness)” establishment industry – victimology enforcement – and of course also by the indoctrinated excuse-making idolatry of the “SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS:”
i.e: “If we don’t rush in first, then some other fools will beat us to it!”
It’s simple, cowardly, treasonous masochism: (which all liberals are afflicted by) – when they see something they fear, their immediate response is to Submit to it: “We have to let the violent criminals do what they want to us, or else they’ll do what they want to us anyway!”
In this way, they hope to avoid the fear of pain, by pre-emptively inflicting that pain on themselves (thus cancelling the auxiliary pain caused by the fear)! See?
So masochists will always try to pretend to be able to “control” their fears, BY causing those very same, worst-case scenario problems (like, by inviting in hordes of barbaric savages whom they KNOW want to murder us all, and by slandering those innocent people who don’t want to be murdered as “racists!”) which cause the pains they fear the most.
Bottom line?
Exactly “like” islam itself!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
The Libertarian Case for Trump
While I don't ascribe to his silly racial views, self-described "Anarchist, Atheist, Asshole" Christopher Cantwell is finally starting to zero-in on what's going wrong in the world today:
I have been asked many times about my support of Donald Trump and never had a place to send people to specifically. So consider this that piece.
Let’s start off by stating the obvious. Democracy is a terrible system, which invariably initiates force against peaceful people. It will always elect violent rulers by a vote of many stupid people who are incapable of comprehending the consequences of the policies they support. Consequently, all elections have horrible outcomes, regardless of who wins them. I have no doubt, the next president of the United States, whomever he (or she) may be, will do terrible things.
The orthodox libertarian position on political candidates is thus, needless to say, they are all irredeemably evil. It doesn’t matter if the candidate is Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, or Rand Paul.
They will all initiate force on a scale so grand it boggles the mind, and we would all thusly prefer that no presidential powers existed, negating the necessity for an election.
Sadly, democracy has not been abolished as of yet, and such a goal is terribly unlikely to be accomplished prior to the November 2106 election. Chances are, a president will be elected next year. Chances are, that president will initiate force. Chances are, that force will have catastrophic consequences.
So one is left to choose between four basic options.
Let me clue you all into a little known secret of the universe. Power, not principles, guide societies.
When a predator charges toward you, you do not ready your argumentation ethics and denounce him as a moral criminal. You do not post to Facebook about what a sellout he is. You do not post memes about how silly it would be to join the criminal class and change it from within.
You shoot him.
He sought to use force against you, and you, if you wish to survive, must use force against him. You must do so in a way that overwhelms his ability to wield force, up to and including ending his life.
The idea that the dynamic somehow changes once democracy gets involved is patently ridiculous. For years, I have called for insurrection. I have dedicated nearly all of my time to promoting a violent overthrow of government and a continued culture of resistance which would prevent the establishment of a new one. Those calls have not only been ignored, they have been vehemently resisted, smeared, and dishonestly attacked by other self described libertarians. Yet, if one wanted to bring about a libertarian order in a perfectly libertarian manner, this would be the only way to accomplish that goal.
I am convinced, after years of struggling, that this will not happen. At least not without a number of prerequisites. I believe Donald Trump will help to meet the most important of those prerequisites.
Today, left wing influence is threatening our very existence. Subsidized mass immigration displaces libertarianism’s core demographic with socialists, communists, and theocrats. Public education is dumbing down the populace. The welfare state is destroying the family unit. Political correctness not only threatens “free speech”, it removes entire categories of information from observation in political discourse and scientific inquiry. Feminism and gender confusion is subsidized and promoted, along with birth control and abortion, causing more familial disconnect, declining birthrates, and demographic decline.
These patterns are not only absolutely unsustainable, they are an immediate danger to our safety in the present moment. Right now, students in prestigious universities like Yale, are panicking because they think Halloween costumes are racist. They cannot tell the difference between rape and a hangover. Rice is cultural appropriation. The list goes on, and these lunatics are not a simple sideshow for us to mock. They will eventually graduate from these universities and become Presidents, Senators, Governors, and captains of industry. They have some of the most insanely dangerous ideas, and they will be our rulers in a few short years if they are not stopped.
There is legitimate criticism amongst libertarians and conservatives that Donald Trump is not a slash and burn antigovernment right winger or constitutionalist. He doesn’t want to abolish social security, the welfare state, medicare or medicaid. He doesn’t want to reduce the size of the military, though he is far more hesitant to use it than many would give him credit for.
With economics being the primary complaint amongst libertarians about the left, you might thus find yourself asking what he would do to defeat liberalism, and I respond as follows.
The all too common libertarian idea that we are conservative on economic issues and liberal on social issues is a fallacy which has sadly gained entirely too much traction. We are not liberal on social issues, we just want to let the market sort out the positives and negatives of human interaction. Drug use, promiscuity, feminism, homosexuality, racial and cultural diversity are all social negatives which would, and for many centuries were, discouraged by the market.
Promoting these behaviors as virtuous is a consequence of liberal economic policies and general societal degradation brought upon us by said policies. We are not freeing ourselves by smoking marijuana and letting other guys fuck our girlfriends, we are in fact responding to the stimuli of our enslavement, and helping to further perpetuate it.
When leftists scream “racist” or “sexist” or “homophobe” at their opponents, it doesn’t make a spec of difference whether or not they are explicitly endorsing the State taking action against the people they hurl these epithets at. They are repeating government propaganda, the aim of which is to outlaw the discrimination which has always served as a market deterrent to degenerate behavior and cultural decline.
They want unchecked debauchery, irresponsibility, and reality detachment, because this makes for a more easily ruled civilization. If Bruce Jenner can become a woman, or Rachel Dolezal can become black, then the concept that human beings have a nature is undermined. Popular opinion and government decrees can take the place of obvious truths, and once one is willing to accept that sort of thought process, communism is not far off. After all, if human beings have no nature, then there are no economic laws aside from those set by the State.
What Donald Trump does to offset this is incredibly small, but it is more than we have seen from anyone else in my lifetime. He completely neutralizes this aspect of left wing influence. Between his rhetoric on immigration, his statements about Muslims, his willingness to retweet racial crime statistics, white genocide, and other things which seem quite shocking by modern standards of political discourse, he has made himself the hated target of every left wing outfit of note, including those who falsely portray themselves right wing like Glenn Beck, Fox News, and the National Review.
Any other candidate, commentator, or person of any sort of interest who came under such attacks would have long ago backpedaled and signaled and apologized for fear of being financially and politically ruined, if not assassinated. Instead, Trump continues to double down. More importantly, he remains successful while doing so, proving irrefutably that these ridiculous smears are meaningless and one can not only survive such attacks without apology, but can stand a very real chance of ascending to the presidency of the United States.
This neutralizes the entire structure of the left wing media. The system of propaganda that hammers us day in and day out with liberal bullshit is rendered powerless by an openly racist billionaire who insults powerful people with impunity.
Leftists dominate State politics. Even those who are typically seen as right wing such as Fox News commentators, the National Review, and “establishment” Republicans like Jeb Bush and Lindsay Graham, are just left wing invaders who work diligently to make certain that the left has no real political opposition. They grow government, give credence to anti-discrimination nonsense, promote multiculturalism, and long, drawn out military conflicts without any plan for victory. They are r-selected leftists parading around as the definition of conservatism, and they have been remarkably effective.
With the welfare state, egalitarianism, gay marriage, abortion, gun control, and all manner of liberal victories accepted as permanent fixtures of American society, they have moved onto the final nail in the coffin of conservatism, immigration. The Republican party, in the name of maintaining political power in an increasingly non-white country, has made it part of their political strategy to begin trying to appeal to non-whites by promoting open immigration. We’ll talk in more detail about immigration later, but for now let us just accept that this is a left wing idea promoted by establishment Republicans.
If the left did not already have a stranglehold on State politics, they would not be wasting their time on destroying libertarianism. If you have any doubts that leftists are in fact working diligently to destroy libertarianism, you’re probably not a regular reader of this blog, nor have you bothered to educate yourself about libertarianism generally. I direct you here, here, here, here, here, and here for background on that.
Democratic governments move in a singular direction, leftward. They have no choice but to do that because popular lies defeat uncomfortable truths in popular elections. Bribing voters, dumbing down the electorate, and importing more stupid people to vote are features of democracy, not malfunctions. The only thing that can stand against the leftward inertia of democracy is an intellectual movement that rejects democracy itself, and for that we have a choice between a dictator or a stateless society.
While I personally agree with Hans Hermann Hoppe that monarchy is far superior to democracy, I
also agree that a stateless society is preferable to a monarchy. Democracy will fail, that is inevitable.
What replaces it thus becomes a question of extraordinary importance.
Were democracy to fall today, it would be replaced by a dictator, and sane people the world over would be quite correct to rejoice that it did not fall to statelessness. Were a society to be guided by the “wisdom” of Reason Magazine, the Cato Institute, the Center for a Stateless Society, and other left wing outfits, we would all be on a collision course with extinction. The intellectual soil of libertarianism has been soaked in left wing herbicide that prevents anything from growing there. What today makes up what passes for the libertarian movement is not so much guided by Rothbard, Hoppe, or even Woods or Molyneux, as it is guided by a Pollyanna-esque sense of equality and entitlement. Capitalism has been replaced by Konkin’s anticapitalist “agorism”. Discrimination is not seen as an essential market function, but rather an unfortunate side effect of freedom to be denounced and humorously enough, discriminated against. It is not so much about property rights as it is about removing the social stigma from homosexuality, promiscuity, and drug use.
Donald Trump’s open racial awareness, advocacy of immigration restrictions, and attacks on the left wing media are a call to arms for the left. They are shouting from the rooftops “all hands on deck” and it is working spectacularly. Nothing works so well for spotting a leftist as seeing how vigorously they denounce Donald Trump. His policies by comparison to his opponents are really not all that extreme, but his attitude is decidedly right wing and it scares the living hell out of leftists that right wing attitudes could again become popularized because this would mean they had actual political opposition.
If the left had political opposition, they would have less time and resources to dedicate toward destroying libertarianism. Libertarianism will never get anywhere if it does not deal with its leftist invasion. We are and will always be rightly viewed by the left as enemies of their economic plans, alliances with them serve only to undermine our own goals. We are sadly, and wrongly, viewed by the right as left wing childish retards who will never accomplish anything, and this is entirely due to our left wing alliances. Right wingers who read Hoppe or Rothbard would largely be sympathetic to our goals. Right wingers who are called “whorephobic” and racist by the Buehlers and Reisenwitzs of the world will sadly dump us all into the same category of ovenworthy nonsense.
All people are not equal. In fact, two individuals who are in every socially discernible way the same, have an infinite number of differences between them. When those people have evolved for thousands of years in radically different environments, those people will have even greater differences between them. Such differences will include but not be limited to intelligence, propensity for violence, and propensity for cooperation.
Any libertarian with the slightest bit of observational skills has to have noticed that we’re mostly a movement of white males. They would also notice that there is no libertarian movement to speak of outside of cultures descendant from Europeans. This is not a weakness of libertarianism, as our leftist infiltrators attempt to insist. It is rather a very obvious indicator that white males have a greater natural inclination toward market cooperation than other peoples. To insist otherwise is nothing more than the denial of human nature, it is biological and cultural Marxism.
Leftists know this, and since they hate freedom, they hate white males. They will thus do everything in their power to destroy us before we manage to make any headway in advancing our ideas. This includes mass subsidized immigration from third world countries.
While our ideal society would have no government and thus no arbitrary geopolitical borders enforced by State mercenaries, the notion that there would be free and unrestricted travel the world over in the absence of the State is a remarkably ridiculous left wing idea. Borders are the whole point of freedom, as borders are demarcations of property rights.
Public roadways and common spaces are government programs. They are subsidized by taxes and inflation, and they would not exist in the absence of the State. These things would be privately owned and controlled. In many if not all circumstances they would be controlled with greater restriction than those imposed by the State – just as you do not allow “free speech” demonstrations inside your home by people who hate you. Any “libertarian” argument for open immigration simply ignores this reality by insisting that anybody should be able to cross government geopolitical boundaries with no restriction whatsoever. The assertion there is that in the absence of the State, highly desirable resources would simply remain unowned in perpetuity and that all peoples from all over the world could exploit them in any way they saw fit without any conflict ever arising. It is pure nonsense.
Trump’s proposals for stricter immigration controls thusly accomplish two decidedly libertarian goals.
If this were all he did, he would be my pick for the president, but there is so much more. I want to get this blog post published immediately, but I’ll update it periodically.
I've isolated the most important points, here:
Re: "Today, left wing influence is threatening our very existence. Subsidized mass immigration displaces libertarianism’s core demographic with socialists, communists, and theocrats. Public education is dumbing down the populace. The welfare state is destroying the family unit. Political correctness not only threatens “free speech”, it removes entire categories of information from observation in political discourse and scientific inquiry. Feminism and gender confusion is subsidized and promoted, along with birth control and abortion, causing more familial disconnect, declining birthrates, and demographic decline."
... and:
"Drug use, promiscuity, feminism, homosexuality, racial and cultural diversity are all social negatives which would, and for many centuries were, discouraged by the market. Promoting these behaviors as virtuous is a consequence of liberal economic policies and general societal degradation brought upon us by said policies. We are not freeing ourselves by smoking marijuana and letting other guys fuck our girlfriends, we are in fact responding to the stimuli of our enslavement, and helping to further perpetuate it. When leftists scream “racist” or “sexist” or “homophobe” at their opponents, it doesn’t make a spec of difference whether or not they are explicitly endorsing the State taking action against the people they hurl these epithets at. They are repeating government propaganda, the aim of which is to outlaw the discrimination which has always served as a market deterrent to degenerate behavior and cultural decline.
They want unchecked debauchery, irresponsibility, and reality detachment, because this makes for a more easily ruled civilization. If Bruce Jenner can become a woman, or Rachel Dolezal can become black, then the concept that human beings have a nature is undermined. Popular opinion and government decrees can take the place of obvious truths, and once one is willing to accept that sort of thought process, communism is not far off. After all, if human beings have no nature, then there are no economic laws aside from those set by the State."
Precisely. And this is, as Bob Livingstone put it, deliberate:
"By design, America and the West are being destroyed by the political and pundit class on behalf of the globalists. The globalists’ goal is to eliminate borders; and to do this they intend to swarm all nations with people of other races, from other cultures, nationalities and even religions, so that people of civilized and established nations lose their cultural and nationalist identities and become homogenized. The argument can then be made that, since a nation now has no cultural or racial identity, borders are irrelevant.
In a world without borders, people become world citizens. World citizens need world government."
And it's not only the government, either: the enemedia and so-called "education system" are also complicit - they serve the same globalist corporazi masters the politicians do.
A great way to control people is to convince them they can't manage their own affairs.
Even better is to convince them they're only potentially dangerous (hateful racist bigots) mistakes who shouldn't even think about trying to defend them selves because by doing so they are guaranteed to always hurt innocent others.
Best of all is to convince them they are not only all helpless victims, but to be proudly competitive in endorsing victim status - which is exactly what today's feral "Social Justice Warriors" (SJWs) are all about!
Which is both how and why the enemedia endlessly shames us all as potential racists all the time, and insists we import hordes of swarthy savages who we know want to murder and enslave us, to make up for it.
Re: "Democratic governments move in a singular direction, leftward. They have no choice but to do that because popular lies defeat uncomfortable truths in popular elections. Bribing voters, dumbing down the electorate, and importing more stupid people to vote are features of democracy, not malfunctions."
Yes, exactly - like this guy said long ago:
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy…”
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Scottish lawyer and writer, 1770
While Cantwell is still confused over the "left vs right" wing nonsense (Re: " Donald Trump. His policies by comparison to his opponents are really not all that extreme, but his attitude is decidedly right wing and it scares the living hell out of leftists that right wing attitudes could again become popularized because this would mean they had actual political opposition.") he's finally starting to clue in in general.
Honestly, people - "right wingers" don't actually exist.
Hitler was a National SOCIALIST.
And even "Fascism" was invented by Benito Mussolini, the devoted Italian SOCIALIST.
So, what's a "right winger?" It's any normal person who wakes up enough to take a bit of time off from minding their own businesses to temporarily band together to vote to not be extorted any more by group-might-makes-rights-worshipping "socialist" gangsters.
This letter was sent to 100% FED Up! by an anonymous author:
It doesn’t matter who you support for President in 2016. This letter will make you want to stand up and cheer for the 80 year old American who expresses what most of us are feeling right now. Enjoy…
Dear Representative,
From the time I was able to vote I voted Republican. I am 80 years old, and have a great deal of respect and influence with hundreds of senior ball players who also network with thousands of others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected. Unfortunately the one question that was missing is “What have the Republicans done for the American people?” We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, yet you never listened to us. Now you want our money.
You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money. You are the establishment, which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets… Well guess what? “It’s not going to happen” You shake in your boots when I tell you we’re giving our support to TRUMP and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self destruction course, but you need to look beyond Washington and listen to the masses. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the liberal state of New York.
You clearly don’t understand why the Trump movement is so strong, so I’d like to share with you an analogy to help explain the Trump phenomenon. By the way, it’s not just the Republicans who feel ignored and disrespected, there are plenty of Democrats and Independents who also feel let down by the Washington elite. You seem to have forgotten about “We The People” and who hired you to represent us.
So here it is, the best analogy I could come up with. Here is the reason so many Americans have boarded the Trump Train, and why you’re pleas to come back to the party who deserted us, is falling on deaf ears:
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately…You call the city and four different exterminators, but nobody could handle the job. There is this one guy however, who guarantees you he will get rid of them, so you hire him. You don’t care if the guy smells, you don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he was friends with liberals, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack…you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period. Here’s why we want Trump: Yes he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians have become too self-serving. The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless. Illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our nation. We want it all fixed! We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married three times, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal aliens and bringing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to America, while leaving Christians behind to be persecuted. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is part of a special group with special rights, to the point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians. We’re sick of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but he isn’t beholden to lobbyist money and he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him. All we know is that he has been very successful, he’s an excellent negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician. He’s definitely not a cowardly politician. When he says he’ll fix it, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Oh yeah…I forgot…we don’t care if the guy has bad hair either.
We just want those raccoons gone.
Out of our house.
I have been asked many times about my support of Donald Trump and never had a place to send people to specifically. So consider this that piece.
Let’s start off by stating the obvious. Democracy is a terrible system, which invariably initiates force against peaceful people. It will always elect violent rulers by a vote of many stupid people who are incapable of comprehending the consequences of the policies they support. Consequently, all elections have horrible outcomes, regardless of who wins them. I have no doubt, the next president of the United States, whomever he (or she) may be, will do terrible things.
The orthodox libertarian position on political candidates is thus, needless to say, they are all irredeemably evil. It doesn’t matter if the candidate is Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, or Rand Paul.
They will all initiate force on a scale so grand it boggles the mind, and we would all thusly prefer that no presidential powers existed, negating the necessity for an election.
Sadly, democracy has not been abolished as of yet, and such a goal is terribly unlikely to be accomplished prior to the November 2106 election. Chances are, a president will be elected next year. Chances are, that president will initiate force. Chances are, that force will have catastrophic consequences.
So one is left to choose between four basic options.
- Support a candidate who will do things which are unlibertarian, but is less harmful than the other candidates.
- Support a candidate who will do things which are so unlibertarian that society will be irreparably harmed and the government will collapse that we might rule the wasteland.
- Support a libertarian candidate who has absolutely no chance of winning
- Renounce elections as unprincipled, wield zero influence, and remain in a powerless echochamber of libertarian autism.
Let me clue you all into a little known secret of the universe. Power, not principles, guide societies.
When a predator charges toward you, you do not ready your argumentation ethics and denounce him as a moral criminal. You do not post to Facebook about what a sellout he is. You do not post memes about how silly it would be to join the criminal class and change it from within.
You shoot him.
He sought to use force against you, and you, if you wish to survive, must use force against him. You must do so in a way that overwhelms his ability to wield force, up to and including ending his life.
The idea that the dynamic somehow changes once democracy gets involved is patently ridiculous. For years, I have called for insurrection. I have dedicated nearly all of my time to promoting a violent overthrow of government and a continued culture of resistance which would prevent the establishment of a new one. Those calls have not only been ignored, they have been vehemently resisted, smeared, and dishonestly attacked by other self described libertarians. Yet, if one wanted to bring about a libertarian order in a perfectly libertarian manner, this would be the only way to accomplish that goal.
I am convinced, after years of struggling, that this will not happen. At least not without a number of prerequisites. I believe Donald Trump will help to meet the most important of those prerequisites.
The utter destruction of the left is a prerequisite of revolution, or any positive social change.
I know it is popular amongst libertarians to say that “It doesn’t matter if the boot on your neck is a left boot or a right boot” and perhaps this may have been true at some point in human history. Today however, it is a patently ridiculous notion.Today, left wing influence is threatening our very existence. Subsidized mass immigration displaces libertarianism’s core demographic with socialists, communists, and theocrats. Public education is dumbing down the populace. The welfare state is destroying the family unit. Political correctness not only threatens “free speech”, it removes entire categories of information from observation in political discourse and scientific inquiry. Feminism and gender confusion is subsidized and promoted, along with birth control and abortion, causing more familial disconnect, declining birthrates, and demographic decline.
These patterns are not only absolutely unsustainable, they are an immediate danger to our safety in the present moment. Right now, students in prestigious universities like Yale, are panicking because they think Halloween costumes are racist. They cannot tell the difference between rape and a hangover. Rice is cultural appropriation. The list goes on, and these lunatics are not a simple sideshow for us to mock. They will eventually graduate from these universities and become Presidents, Senators, Governors, and captains of industry. They have some of the most insanely dangerous ideas, and they will be our rulers in a few short years if they are not stopped.
There is legitimate criticism amongst libertarians and conservatives that Donald Trump is not a slash and burn antigovernment right winger or constitutionalist. He doesn’t want to abolish social security, the welfare state, medicare or medicaid. He doesn’t want to reduce the size of the military, though he is far more hesitant to use it than many would give him credit for.
With economics being the primary complaint amongst libertarians about the left, you might thus find yourself asking what he would do to defeat liberalism, and I respond as follows.
The all too common libertarian idea that we are conservative on economic issues and liberal on social issues is a fallacy which has sadly gained entirely too much traction. We are not liberal on social issues, we just want to let the market sort out the positives and negatives of human interaction. Drug use, promiscuity, feminism, homosexuality, racial and cultural diversity are all social negatives which would, and for many centuries were, discouraged by the market.
Promoting these behaviors as virtuous is a consequence of liberal economic policies and general societal degradation brought upon us by said policies. We are not freeing ourselves by smoking marijuana and letting other guys fuck our girlfriends, we are in fact responding to the stimuli of our enslavement, and helping to further perpetuate it.
When leftists scream “racist” or “sexist” or “homophobe” at their opponents, it doesn’t make a spec of difference whether or not they are explicitly endorsing the State taking action against the people they hurl these epithets at. They are repeating government propaganda, the aim of which is to outlaw the discrimination which has always served as a market deterrent to degenerate behavior and cultural decline.
They want unchecked debauchery, irresponsibility, and reality detachment, because this makes for a more easily ruled civilization. If Bruce Jenner can become a woman, or Rachel Dolezal can become black, then the concept that human beings have a nature is undermined. Popular opinion and government decrees can take the place of obvious truths, and once one is willing to accept that sort of thought process, communism is not far off. After all, if human beings have no nature, then there are no economic laws aside from those set by the State.
What Donald Trump does to offset this is incredibly small, but it is more than we have seen from anyone else in my lifetime. He completely neutralizes this aspect of left wing influence. Between his rhetoric on immigration, his statements about Muslims, his willingness to retweet racial crime statistics, white genocide, and other things which seem quite shocking by modern standards of political discourse, he has made himself the hated target of every left wing outfit of note, including those who falsely portray themselves right wing like Glenn Beck, Fox News, and the National Review.
Any other candidate, commentator, or person of any sort of interest who came under such attacks would have long ago backpedaled and signaled and apologized for fear of being financially and politically ruined, if not assassinated. Instead, Trump continues to double down. More importantly, he remains successful while doing so, proving irrefutably that these ridiculous smears are meaningless and one can not only survive such attacks without apology, but can stand a very real chance of ascending to the presidency of the United States.
This neutralizes the entire structure of the left wing media. The system of propaganda that hammers us day in and day out with liberal bullshit is rendered powerless by an openly racist billionaire who insults powerful people with impunity.
The left is invading libertarianism, because they have already dominated statism.
There is an attitude amongst many libertarians that leftists can make good allies as long as they reject the use of State violence to achieve their leftist aims. I posit that this is ridiculous, demonstrably false, and dangerous.Leftists dominate State politics. Even those who are typically seen as right wing such as Fox News commentators, the National Review, and “establishment” Republicans like Jeb Bush and Lindsay Graham, are just left wing invaders who work diligently to make certain that the left has no real political opposition. They grow government, give credence to anti-discrimination nonsense, promote multiculturalism, and long, drawn out military conflicts without any plan for victory. They are r-selected leftists parading around as the definition of conservatism, and they have been remarkably effective.
With the welfare state, egalitarianism, gay marriage, abortion, gun control, and all manner of liberal victories accepted as permanent fixtures of American society, they have moved onto the final nail in the coffin of conservatism, immigration. The Republican party, in the name of maintaining political power in an increasingly non-white country, has made it part of their political strategy to begin trying to appeal to non-whites by promoting open immigration. We’ll talk in more detail about immigration later, but for now let us just accept that this is a left wing idea promoted by establishment Republicans.
If the left did not already have a stranglehold on State politics, they would not be wasting their time on destroying libertarianism. If you have any doubts that leftists are in fact working diligently to destroy libertarianism, you’re probably not a regular reader of this blog, nor have you bothered to educate yourself about libertarianism generally. I direct you here, here, here, here, here, and here for background on that.
Democratic governments move in a singular direction, leftward. They have no choice but to do that because popular lies defeat uncomfortable truths in popular elections. Bribing voters, dumbing down the electorate, and importing more stupid people to vote are features of democracy, not malfunctions. The only thing that can stand against the leftward inertia of democracy is an intellectual movement that rejects democracy itself, and for that we have a choice between a dictator or a stateless society.
While I personally agree with Hans Hermann Hoppe that monarchy is far superior to democracy, I
also agree that a stateless society is preferable to a monarchy. Democracy will fail, that is inevitable.
What replaces it thus becomes a question of extraordinary importance.
Were democracy to fall today, it would be replaced by a dictator, and sane people the world over would be quite correct to rejoice that it did not fall to statelessness. Were a society to be guided by the “wisdom” of Reason Magazine, the Cato Institute, the Center for a Stateless Society, and other left wing outfits, we would all be on a collision course with extinction. The intellectual soil of libertarianism has been soaked in left wing herbicide that prevents anything from growing there. What today makes up what passes for the libertarian movement is not so much guided by Rothbard, Hoppe, or even Woods or Molyneux, as it is guided by a Pollyanna-esque sense of equality and entitlement. Capitalism has been replaced by Konkin’s anticapitalist “agorism”. Discrimination is not seen as an essential market function, but rather an unfortunate side effect of freedom to be denounced and humorously enough, discriminated against. It is not so much about property rights as it is about removing the social stigma from homosexuality, promiscuity, and drug use.
Donald Trump’s open racial awareness, advocacy of immigration restrictions, and attacks on the left wing media are a call to arms for the left. They are shouting from the rooftops “all hands on deck” and it is working spectacularly. Nothing works so well for spotting a leftist as seeing how vigorously they denounce Donald Trump. His policies by comparison to his opponents are really not all that extreme, but his attitude is decidedly right wing and it scares the living hell out of leftists that right wing attitudes could again become popularized because this would mean they had actual political opposition.
If the left had political opposition, they would have less time and resources to dedicate toward destroying libertarianism. Libertarianism will never get anywhere if it does not deal with its leftist invasion. We are and will always be rightly viewed by the left as enemies of their economic plans, alliances with them serve only to undermine our own goals. We are sadly, and wrongly, viewed by the right as left wing childish retards who will never accomplish anything, and this is entirely due to our left wing alliances. Right wingers who read Hoppe or Rothbard would largely be sympathetic to our goals. Right wingers who are called “whorephobic” and racist by the Buehlers and Reisenwitzs of the world will sadly dump us all into the same category of ovenworthy nonsense.
Sorry Egalitarians, Race and Culture Matter.
That was slightly disingenuous. I’m not sorry in the least. I hate you with a perfect hatred, and I sincerely hope the most horrible things happen to you.All people are not equal. In fact, two individuals who are in every socially discernible way the same, have an infinite number of differences between them. When those people have evolved for thousands of years in radically different environments, those people will have even greater differences between them. Such differences will include but not be limited to intelligence, propensity for violence, and propensity for cooperation.
Any libertarian with the slightest bit of observational skills has to have noticed that we’re mostly a movement of white males. They would also notice that there is no libertarian movement to speak of outside of cultures descendant from Europeans. This is not a weakness of libertarianism, as our leftist infiltrators attempt to insist. It is rather a very obvious indicator that white males have a greater natural inclination toward market cooperation than other peoples. To insist otherwise is nothing more than the denial of human nature, it is biological and cultural Marxism.
Leftists know this, and since they hate freedom, they hate white males. They will thus do everything in their power to destroy us before we manage to make any headway in advancing our ideas. This includes mass subsidized immigration from third world countries.
While our ideal society would have no government and thus no arbitrary geopolitical borders enforced by State mercenaries, the notion that there would be free and unrestricted travel the world over in the absence of the State is a remarkably ridiculous left wing idea. Borders are the whole point of freedom, as borders are demarcations of property rights.
Public roadways and common spaces are government programs. They are subsidized by taxes and inflation, and they would not exist in the absence of the State. These things would be privately owned and controlled. In many if not all circumstances they would be controlled with greater restriction than those imposed by the State – just as you do not allow “free speech” demonstrations inside your home by people who hate you. Any “libertarian” argument for open immigration simply ignores this reality by insisting that anybody should be able to cross government geopolitical boundaries with no restriction whatsoever. The assertion there is that in the absence of the State, highly desirable resources would simply remain unowned in perpetuity and that all peoples from all over the world could exploit them in any way they saw fit without any conflict ever arising. It is pure nonsense.
Trump’s proposals for stricter immigration controls thusly accomplish two decidedly libertarian goals.
- Making State immigration policy more closely resemble that which a free market would create.
- Saving libertarianism’s core demographic from extinction
If this were all he did, he would be my pick for the president, but there is so much more. I want to get this blog post published immediately, but I’ll update it periodically.
I've isolated the most important points, here:
Re: "Today, left wing influence is threatening our very existence. Subsidized mass immigration displaces libertarianism’s core demographic with socialists, communists, and theocrats. Public education is dumbing down the populace. The welfare state is destroying the family unit. Political correctness not only threatens “free speech”, it removes entire categories of information from observation in political discourse and scientific inquiry. Feminism and gender confusion is subsidized and promoted, along with birth control and abortion, causing more familial disconnect, declining birthrates, and demographic decline."
... and:
"Drug use, promiscuity, feminism, homosexuality, racial and cultural diversity are all social negatives which would, and for many centuries were, discouraged by the market. Promoting these behaviors as virtuous is a consequence of liberal economic policies and general societal degradation brought upon us by said policies. We are not freeing ourselves by smoking marijuana and letting other guys fuck our girlfriends, we are in fact responding to the stimuli of our enslavement, and helping to further perpetuate it. When leftists scream “racist” or “sexist” or “homophobe” at their opponents, it doesn’t make a spec of difference whether or not they are explicitly endorsing the State taking action against the people they hurl these epithets at. They are repeating government propaganda, the aim of which is to outlaw the discrimination which has always served as a market deterrent to degenerate behavior and cultural decline.
They want unchecked debauchery, irresponsibility, and reality detachment, because this makes for a more easily ruled civilization. If Bruce Jenner can become a woman, or Rachel Dolezal can become black, then the concept that human beings have a nature is undermined. Popular opinion and government decrees can take the place of obvious truths, and once one is willing to accept that sort of thought process, communism is not far off. After all, if human beings have no nature, then there are no economic laws aside from those set by the State."
Precisely. And this is, as Bob Livingstone put it, deliberate:
"By design, America and the West are being destroyed by the political and pundit class on behalf of the globalists. The globalists’ goal is to eliminate borders; and to do this they intend to swarm all nations with people of other races, from other cultures, nationalities and even religions, so that people of civilized and established nations lose their cultural and nationalist identities and become homogenized. The argument can then be made that, since a nation now has no cultural or racial identity, borders are irrelevant.
In a world without borders, people become world citizens. World citizens need world government."
And it's not only the government, either: the enemedia and so-called "education system" are also complicit - they serve the same globalist corporazi masters the politicians do.
A great way to control people is to convince them they can't manage their own affairs.
Even better is to convince them they're only potentially dangerous (hateful racist bigots) mistakes who shouldn't even think about trying to defend them selves because by doing so they are guaranteed to always hurt innocent others.
Best of all is to convince them they are not only all helpless victims, but to be proudly competitive in endorsing victim status - which is exactly what today's feral "Social Justice Warriors" (SJWs) are all about!
Which is both how and why the enemedia endlessly shames us all as potential racists all the time, and insists we import hordes of swarthy savages who we know want to murder and enslave us, to make up for it.
Re: "Democratic governments move in a singular direction, leftward. They have no choice but to do that because popular lies defeat uncomfortable truths in popular elections. Bribing voters, dumbing down the electorate, and importing more stupid people to vote are features of democracy, not malfunctions."
Yes, exactly - like this guy said long ago:
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy…”
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Scottish lawyer and writer, 1770
While Cantwell is still confused over the "left vs right" wing nonsense (Re: " Donald Trump. His policies by comparison to his opponents are really not all that extreme, but his attitude is decidedly right wing and it scares the living hell out of leftists that right wing attitudes could again become popularized because this would mean they had actual political opposition.") he's finally starting to clue in in general.
Honestly, people - "right wingers" don't actually exist.
Hitler was a National SOCIALIST.
And even "Fascism" was invented by Benito Mussolini, the devoted Italian SOCIALIST.
So, what's a "right winger?" It's any normal person who wakes up enough to take a bit of time off from minding their own businesses to temporarily band together to vote to not be extorted any more by group-might-makes-rights-worshipping "socialist" gangsters.
This letter was sent to 100% FED Up! by an anonymous author:
It doesn’t matter who you support for President in 2016. This letter will make you want to stand up and cheer for the 80 year old American who expresses what most of us are feeling right now. Enjoy…
Dear Representative,
From the time I was able to vote I voted Republican. I am 80 years old, and have a great deal of respect and influence with hundreds of senior ball players who also network with thousands of others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected. Unfortunately the one question that was missing is “What have the Republicans done for the American people?” We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, yet you never listened to us. Now you want our money.
You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money. You are the establishment, which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets… Well guess what? “It’s not going to happen” You shake in your boots when I tell you we’re giving our support to TRUMP and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self destruction course, but you need to look beyond Washington and listen to the masses. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the liberal state of New York.
You clearly don’t understand why the Trump movement is so strong, so I’d like to share with you an analogy to help explain the Trump phenomenon. By the way, it’s not just the Republicans who feel ignored and disrespected, there are plenty of Democrats and Independents who also feel let down by the Washington elite. You seem to have forgotten about “We The People” and who hired you to represent us.
So here it is, the best analogy I could come up with. Here is the reason so many Americans have boarded the Trump Train, and why you’re pleas to come back to the party who deserted us, is falling on deaf ears:
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately…You call the city and four different exterminators, but nobody could handle the job. There is this one guy however, who guarantees you he will get rid of them, so you hire him. You don’t care if the guy smells, you don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he was friends with liberals, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack…you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period. Here’s why we want Trump: Yes he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians have become too self-serving. The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless. Illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our nation. We want it all fixed! We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married three times, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal aliens and bringing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to America, while leaving Christians behind to be persecuted. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is part of a special group with special rights, to the point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians. We’re sick of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but he isn’t beholden to lobbyist money and he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him. All we know is that he has been very successful, he’s an excellent negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician. He’s definitely not a cowardly politician. When he says he’ll fix it, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Oh yeah…I forgot…we don’t care if the guy has bad hair either.
We just want those raccoons gone.
Out of our house.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
United Church Converts to Islam
This is the latest hot topic of debate among those Gretta Vosper supporting UCC lunatics.
Hey tards (as I tell the muslims almost daily) when your God is generally only "Everything!" then it's also specifically only "Nothing!" (Existentialism IS Nihilism)!
Islam describes it's "allah" as both "unknown" and "unknowable."
These false 'christians' so-desperately want rights, (as Vosper does, to their authority and salaries,) without any responsibilities (like, to actually preach Christian gospel) that they won't even pimp the brand! They all claim they no longer see their god as a person at all, much less the specific one known to the world as Jesus Christ. And it isn't only some heretical laypersons, either - it's the entire leadership of their so-called clergy itself! And they're proud of their 'radical' leftist approach, too!
Any other company spokesperson who admitted in public "I don't believe in the brand any more!" would have the conscience and self-esteem to resign, but not these most idolatrous of delinquents!
I guess the years of getting away with presenting their unprovable opinions as facts has finally led down that metaphorical slippery-slope to its logical conclusion, where they can feel perfectly free to cast off the chains of doctrine and just make up anything they want to say about their new religion and expect to be believed.
This is the latest hot topic of debate among those Gretta Vosper supporting UCC lunatics.
Hey tards (as I tell the muslims almost daily) when your God is generally only "Everything!" then it's also specifically only "Nothing!" (Existentialism IS Nihilism)!
Islam describes it's "allah" as both "unknown" and "unknowable."
These false 'christians' so-desperately want rights, (as Vosper does, to their authority and salaries,) without any responsibilities (like, to actually preach Christian gospel) that they won't even pimp the brand! They all claim they no longer see their god as a person at all, much less the specific one known to the world as Jesus Christ. And it isn't only some heretical laypersons, either - it's the entire leadership of their so-called clergy itself! And they're proud of their 'radical' leftist approach, too!
Any other company spokesperson who admitted in public "I don't believe in the brand any more!" would have the conscience and self-esteem to resign, but not these most idolatrous of delinquents!
I guess the years of getting away with presenting their unprovable opinions as facts has finally led down that metaphorical slippery-slope to its logical conclusion, where they can feel perfectly free to cast off the chains of doctrine and just make up anything they want to say about their new religion and expect to be believed.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Call Things By Their Right Names: "RADICALIZATION"
Part of Confucius' seemingly two-pronged Golden Rule was to "Call Things By Their Right (correct) Names" (the other being "Do NOT Do Unto Others" etc) which amount to the same thing: "Do Not Attack First," considering that deliberately NOT correctly identifying things to others is also known as LYING, and lying is the most basic form of theft: it's the (at least, attempted) theft of the Truth. Since all first-attacks are crimes, and all crimes are forms of theft, lying (aka "fraud" and slander) is a crime.
From here:
From here:
Originally published under the title "The Politics of Radicalization."

Towards the end of his too-brief life, George Orwell came to the conclusion that English society had become decadent and that "the English language is in a bad way." It was 1946, several years before introducing the world to "newspeak" with his greatest novel, 1984, when he wrote perhaps his greatest essay, "Politics and the English Language," describing the disease he observed and prescribing its cure.
The belief that "political chaos is connected with the decay of language" led him to conclude that language had become "ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish [and] the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." Today, the ways we speak and write about the threat of Islamism are often inaccurate and slovenly, making "foolish thoughts" almost inevitable. Everyone involved needs Orwell's prescription.
The post-9/11 era is rife with what Orwell called "the abuse of language" ("war on terror," "overseas contingency operations"), but no abuse more obviously illustrates his complaints than the media cliché describing how a moderate Muslim becomes an Islamist: he becomes radicalized. This euphemism (a passive construction in grammatical terminology) denotes almost nothing. Orwell calls it a "verbal false limb," that is, a device used to "save the trouble of picking out appropriate verbs and nouns." It has become the default explanation for a phenomenon few want to discuss.
"Politics and the English Language" has advice for arresting the English language's slide into decadence, culminating in 6 rules that "will cover most cases." Each rule points to its author's zeal for clear and precise prose, unmarred by clichés, jargon and anything extraneous. Among the obstacles to clarity, the passive construction is so severe that rule #4 is "Never use the passive where you can use the active."
An active structure emphasizes the agent of activity conveyed in the verb: "Tom kicked the ball." A passive structure emphasizes the object being acted upon: "The ball was kicked by Tom." It can also eliminate the agent altogether: "The ball was kicked." Aside from being imprecise, passive constructions allow writers to conceal important evidence: who kicked the ball? Or, more germane to political prose: who dropped the bomb? Who gave the order? Who planned the attack?
There is much to dislike about both the passive "was radicalized" construction and the term "radicalization," which comes from an adjective (radical) turned into a verb (radicalize) and then into a noun. The term "self-radicalized," which appears to be a reflexive passive verb, if such a thing exists, is even worse.
Consider the following sentences, which could have been pulled from a thousand sources:
Observing Rule #4 from "Politics and the English Language" might yield instead the following sentences:
Orwell insisted that language always be used "as an instrument for expressing and not for concealing or preventing thought," but he understood that not everyone shared his view.
The "was radicalized" construction has become ubiquitous mostly by thoughtless repetition, but to those who deliberately obfuscate, this seemingly inoffensive passive construction provides a way to avoid what has increasingly become the un-nameable. Maajid Nawaz calls this "the Voldemort effect: the refusal to call Islamism by its proper name."
Those who make and influence US counterterrorism policy must recognize that jihadists are not created accidentally or spontaneously. Speaking and writing as though they are, either deliberately or through "the slovenliness of our language," hinders clear thinking. And as Orwell put it, "to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers."
Towards the end of his too-brief life, George Orwell came to the conclusion that English society had become decadent and that "the English language is in a bad way." It was 1946, several years before introducing the world to "newspeak" with his greatest novel, 1984, when he wrote perhaps his greatest essay, "Politics and the English Language," describing the disease he observed and prescribing its cure.
The belief that "political chaos is connected with the decay of language" led him to conclude that language had become "ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish [and] the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." Today, the ways we speak and write about the threat of Islamism are often inaccurate and slovenly, making "foolish thoughts" almost inevitable. Everyone involved needs Orwell's prescription.
The post-9/11 era is rife with what Orwell called "the abuse of language" ("war on terror," "overseas contingency operations"), but no abuse more obviously illustrates his complaints than the media cliché describing how a moderate Muslim becomes an Islamist: he becomes radicalized. This euphemism (a passive construction in grammatical terminology) denotes almost nothing. Orwell calls it a "verbal false limb," that is, a device used to "save the trouble of picking out appropriate verbs and nouns." It has become the default explanation for a phenomenon few want to discuss.
The post-9/11 era is rife with what Orwell called 'the abuse of language.'
An active structure emphasizes the agent of activity conveyed in the verb: "Tom kicked the ball." A passive structure emphasizes the object being acted upon: "The ball was kicked by Tom." It can also eliminate the agent altogether: "The ball was kicked." Aside from being imprecise, passive constructions allow writers to conceal important evidence: who kicked the ball? Or, more germane to political prose: who dropped the bomb? Who gave the order? Who planned the attack?
There is much to dislike about both the passive "was radicalized" construction and the term "radicalization," which comes from an adjective (radical) turned into a verb (radicalize) and then into a noun. The term "self-radicalized," which appears to be a reflexive passive verb, if such a thing exists, is even worse.
Consider the following sentences, which could have been pulled from a thousand sources:
- Tamerlan Tsarnaev was radicalized in Dagestan.
- Sayed Rizwan Farook became radicalized by his wife.
- Maj. Malik Nidal Hasan was self-radicalized.
Observing Rule #4 from "Politics and the English Language" might yield instead the following sentences:
- Tamerlan Tsarnaev sharpened his nascent hatred for the US among the Islamists in Dagestan.
- Sayed Rizwan Farook traveled to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia seeking a wife who shared his Islamist views.
- Maj. Malik Nidal Hasan sought spiritual and operational guidance from AQAP leader Anwar al-Awlaki.
What Gore Vidal called 'the popular Fu Manchu theory that a single whiff of opium will enslave the mind' isn't a good metaphor for Islamism.
Orwell insisted that language always be used "as an instrument for expressing and not for concealing or preventing thought," but he understood that not everyone shared his view.
The "was radicalized" construction has become ubiquitous mostly by thoughtless repetition, but to those who deliberately obfuscate, this seemingly inoffensive passive construction provides a way to avoid what has increasingly become the un-nameable. Maajid Nawaz calls this "the Voldemort effect: the refusal to call Islamism by its proper name."
Those who make and influence US counterterrorism policy must recognize that jihadists are not created accidentally or spontaneously. Speaking and writing as though they are, either deliberately or through "the slovenliness of our language," hinders clear thinking. And as Orwell put it, "to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers."
A.J. Caschetta is a senior lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology and a Shillman-Ginsburg fellow at the Middle East Forum.
The Perfect Day
H/T to Herb!
In The PERFECT DAY - January 20, 2017
1. President Donald Trump and Vice President Sarah Palin are sworn into office.
2. In a rare event on inauguration day, Congress convenes for an emergency meeting to repeal the illegal and unconstitutional Socialist healthcare farce known as Obamacare. The new Director of Health and Social Services Dr. Ben Carson announces that an independent group of healthcare management professionals is hired to handle healthcare services for poor and low income people. They are also assigned the duty of eliminating Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Government’s costs for public healthcare are reduced by 90%. Healthcare insurance premiums for working Americans are reduced by 50%. The move saves billions of taxpayer paid dollars. Healthcare service in the U.S improves 100%.
3. Trump announces the immediate deployment of Troops to the U.S. Mexico border to control illegal immigration and the immediate deportation of illegals with criminal records or links to terrorist groups. New bio-encrypted Social Security ID cards are required by every American citizen. Birthright is abolished. All immigration from countries that represent a threat to the safety of American citizens is terminated indefinitely. The move saves American taxpayers billions of dollars. Several prisons are closed.
4. Newly appointed Secretary of Business and Economic Development Ted Cruz eliminates more than half of the Government agencies operating under the Obama administration saving taxpayers billions of dollars. Stocks rise 100%.
5. Newly appointed Director of Government Finance Rand Paul announces the abolition of the IRS and displays a copy of the new Federal Tax Return form. It consists of one page. The instructions consist of two pages. The Federal Reserve is audited. The move saves American Taxpayers billions of dollars and increases tax revenue.
6. Hillary Clinton is in jail, where she belongs. Her cell is directly across from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who are serving time for ‘Hate Crimes”. She bitches at them constantly from behind the bars of her cell in what some might call cruel and unusual punishment.
7. Bernie Sanders is in the nuthouse, where he belongs. His room is directly across from Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chris Matthews and Al Franken. They meet for tea every day at ten and discuss the success and benefits of Communism and Socialism throughout the world. They also wonder when the “Mothership” is going to pick them up and return them to their home planets.
8. Windows 12 is released. It is designed for humans, doesn’t try to satisfy the needs of every person on the planet, doesn’t require a degree in nuclear physics to operate and looks just like Windows 7 except it is easier to use.
9. Barack Obama flees the United States under cover of darkness and returns to his homeland of Kenya before his trial for treason begins. He deplanes on a remote jungle airstrip. It was reported that he was last seen wandering through the jungle singing “Hakuna Matata”.
10. Oscar Meyer announces the introduction of a new cholesterol and fat free pepperoni that tastes just like regular pepperoni.
12. A committee is not established to determine what is causing global cooling. Billions of taxpayer dollars are saved.
14. Dead people are no longer allowed to vote in Chicago, a huge blow for the Democrat Party in the State of Illinois.
And this my friends constitutes THE PERFECT DAY!
1. President Donald Trump and Vice President Sarah Palin are sworn into office.
2. In a rare event on inauguration day, Congress convenes for an emergency meeting to repeal the illegal and unconstitutional Socialist healthcare farce known as Obamacare. The new Director of Health and Social Services Dr. Ben Carson announces that an independent group of healthcare management professionals is hired to handle healthcare services for poor and low income people. They are also assigned the duty of eliminating Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Government’s costs for public healthcare are reduced by 90%. Healthcare insurance premiums for working Americans are reduced by 50%. The move saves billions of taxpayer paid dollars. Healthcare service in the U.S improves 100%.
3. Trump announces the immediate deployment of Troops to the U.S. Mexico border to control illegal immigration and the immediate deportation of illegals with criminal records or links to terrorist groups. New bio-encrypted Social Security ID cards are required by every American citizen. Birthright is abolished. All immigration from countries that represent a threat to the safety of American citizens is terminated indefinitely. The move saves American taxpayers billions of dollars. Several prisons are closed.
4. Newly appointed Secretary of Business and Economic Development Ted Cruz eliminates more than half of the Government agencies operating under the Obama administration saving taxpayers billions of dollars. Stocks rise 100%.
5. Newly appointed Director of Government Finance Rand Paul announces the abolition of the IRS and displays a copy of the new Federal Tax Return form. It consists of one page. The instructions consist of two pages. The Federal Reserve is audited. The move saves American Taxpayers billions of dollars and increases tax revenue.
6. Hillary Clinton is in jail, where she belongs. Her cell is directly across from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who are serving time for ‘Hate Crimes”. She bitches at them constantly from behind the bars of her cell in what some might call cruel and unusual punishment.
7. Bernie Sanders is in the nuthouse, where he belongs. His room is directly across from Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chris Matthews and Al Franken. They meet for tea every day at ten and discuss the success and benefits of Communism and Socialism throughout the world. They also wonder when the “Mothership” is going to pick them up and return them to their home planets.
8. Windows 12 is released. It is designed for humans, doesn’t try to satisfy the needs of every person on the planet, doesn’t require a degree in nuclear physics to operate and looks just like Windows 7 except it is easier to use.
9. Barack Obama flees the United States under cover of darkness and returns to his homeland of Kenya before his trial for treason begins. He deplanes on a remote jungle airstrip. It was reported that he was last seen wandering through the jungle singing “Hakuna Matata”.
10. Oscar Meyer announces the introduction of a new cholesterol and fat free pepperoni that tastes just like regular pepperoni.
12. A committee is not established to determine what is causing global cooling. Billions of taxpayer dollars are saved.
14. Dead people are no longer allowed to vote in Chicago, a huge blow for the Democrat Party in the State of Illinois.
And this my friends constitutes THE PERFECT DAY!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Towards A Perfect Constitution
Various people on various forums contributed to this discussion.
The divisive, interest-conflicting and loyalty-dividing political party system is already technically illegal!
Government, (best conceived by Einstein as the largest collectively-owned insurance company) is a great idea if and when it doesn't compete with (much less pre-empt) private enterprise; it's OK for the government to buy food to feed the poor, but not to demand that only it is qualified to regulate food growing everywhere, much less to restrict and deny private individuals from growing or stockpiling their own food. Same goes for defending every other need: government can defend the country, but not restrict the citizens' rights to also own and bear their own arms to defend them selves; government can and should enhance private defense, but never replace it!
"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."
- John Adams, October 2, 1789 -
Government is only a custodial, janitor-like job, it's not rocket surgery (pun intended)!
It's supposed to be the largest, collectively-owned insurance company, to defend our collective needs, not to cater to private wants! We hire ("elect") these servants to maintain and enhance the infrastructure we need to survive & thrive - you know, to enable what the Americans call "Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness!"
Simple things, like roads, basic food delivery and shelter, electricity (in cold cold Canada) basic healthcare and education, without which we'd feel pain, fall behind, and die. NEEDS, not wants (like the endlessly divisive victimology-selling group identity idol parasite salesmen we currently suffer from)!
But right now, the people only elect the political parties, whose members elect their leaders. This is like a company's owners hiring a pool of workers, only to have said workers' pool dictate to the owners which of their members THEY had decided would be president, financial comptroller, etc! Total deferential outsourcing.
Right now, we keep hiring self-promoting "progressive" salesmen to rule over us!
They assume there's no money in solutions, (and its corollary: "It's not broken, so let's fix it!") and so can always be counted on to spin temporary problems with easy, permanent solutions into eternal crises with only band-aid therapies available, in order to buy us low and sell themselves most high as much-needed crisis relief management experts! i.e: "Please Give Generously - AGAIN! Whee!"
Government is either the People's Servant, and so does not attack them first, or it is their Master, a status achieved BY attacking them first, slanderously reversing the onus of proof.
These days, most if not ALL elected politicians are statists who always want to grow government to reward followers, who are more concerned with the 'rights' of their own groups (parties) than with any of their constituents, because if the other members of their party cause it to fall, they fall too.
Similarly, they will therefore also protect their own political CLASS - members of BOTH parties - lest they all fall as one, too.
The reason corporazi globalist traitors can puppetize the politicians is because the divisive interest-conflicted political party gangs exist at all. If there were NO funds allowed, no campaigning, but only platforms posted on free websites, and where the people could DIRECTLY appoint the elected politicians to their cabinet positions, the power of corporate money to influence elections would be reduced to near-zero.
Each politician would then be beholden ONLY to the people who elected them, not to group-rights loyalty conflicts.
Defense is the only responsibility government has, in exchange for the right to collect the taxes to pay for it.
It's the idolatrous political "party" system itself which permits our otherwise public SERVANTS to indulge them selves in interest-conflicted divided loyalties, and so to metaphorically slip from the tethers of oversite we should be keeping them on.
Unless we eliminate political parties, the salesmen in government will destroy the country.
Politicians don't represent the people - they only represent their parties. And their parties only represent those who pay them - who happen to be the exact same people for each party.
Your government isn’t your government; they are paid for and owned sales-puppets of the globalist hegemony of oil-banksters, who are them selves hand-in-glove with the Saudomites in order to maintain low oil prices.
See, if and when the Saudomites want, they could triple the costs of their oil, or undercut the West by lowering it to almost nothing – since oil is free in the ground, and, being under pressure, even extracts itself, it can be and always will be able to be used as an economic lever to manipulate ALL other markets: since pretty-much everything, including paper, is made from oil, oil is pretty-much a need these days.
And the price of a need is not subject to the usual supply-and-demand restraints and restrictions imposable on commodities – whenever the supply of a need drops, &/or the price increases, people simply CANNOT ignore it!
This extortionability is the simple economic basis for islam’s ascent.
Back in the 1970s, during OPEC's induced so-called "Energy Crisis," where the muslims briefly demonstrated their power by holding the economies of the West hostage by dramatically raising the oil prices, I have no doubt a secret deal was struck for guaranteed low-oil-price "stability" in exchange for unlimited Arab immigration. The various globalist oil-bankster corporate leaders who really rule us all also saw this as a bonus to their plans.
Immigration dilutes our standard of living, and the only reason it’s pushed on us “by government” is because of the corporazi salesmen who only want to reduce our wages to increase their own profits at our direct expense! They have bribed “our government” politicians (their own pet sales-puppets) to enable the destruction of our countries and way of life to finance their greed.
This is why the current illegal "immigrant" 'AMNESTY' even exists!
Their enemedia says it’s all for our own good!
Free markets, where everyone is allowed to own anything or everything, can be problems when one company can buy all the "vertical interation" (i.e: end up owning every sort of company needed for the complete production process of whatever they are selling) from top to bottom. Once that happens, they can simply ignore profits for each of their lesser stage companies, keeping those industries depressed for at-cost/ non-profit to them selves, and so make the price of their end product as cheap as it can possibly be, at which point, no one can compete with them, and they have achieved their monopoly at EACH and every lesser stage, too, while eliminating their competition at ALL those stages.
"Government" corruption, which enables them to do this, is part of the corporate competition process: the corporazis bribe their government sales-puppet "politicians," not the other way around. In fact, most capitalists would scream that government shouldn't be allowed to infringe on the corporations' rights to own any and every thing they want to. The end result will always be only ONE gang ends up owning everything ... including the government, at which point capitalism has seemingly "magically," yet predictably and inevitably, transformed itself into a state of single-owner communism.
And today we are living in the end-stages of this process, where the corporazis, because they are ONLY committed to the supply-and-demand of reducing costs and increasing profits by any and all means, hate paying taxes to any one any where ever, and so are hell-bent on destroying all sovereign nation countries and their governments and citizens by downsizing and outsourcing all our jobs to their 3rd-world slave-pens with their globalization treason scheme: no jobs here = no taxes here = no government here = no countries here! And of course, by promising to import ALL the lesser-expectations savage barbarians as wage slaves from those same 3rd world slave pens to here, they are all supported by the international communazis, and tribal moslems, who want free movement, wage parity and "equality" for those lowest-common denominator slaves as well. The moslems have been promised their one-world moslem ummah ruled by their caliphate government, as is obvious from all "our blunders" enabling their 'Arab Spring.' They will be used to keep us scared and subdued, Submissively shamed as racists & in line until it's all over for us. The takers will finally outnumber the makers.
So ALL politicians are only treasonous sales-puppets, foisted on us by their corporazi sales-masters. Their real job is to sell us all out by selling off our country to the highest bidders - usually by buying our enemies' money to fund their own pet projects. The faster the turnover (more sales per minute) the more quick profits, even at low-low fire-sales prices. It's a race to the bottom.
There's a simple solution to all this: simply make it illegal to fund political parties' ad campaigns. After all, it's supposedly already illegal to bribe or otherwise influence any politician with money - which is exactly what these loyalty-dividing, interest-conflicting parties them selves do, isn't it? We've got the Internet - each candidate applicant can simply put their platform proposals up online, for free - so why do they need ad money? Who needs debates? Debates only let the most gliberal salesmen talk over each other for heckling points! Just get them to comment on each others' platforms on their (government-owned-and-monitored) websites. That would force them to co-operate and put it all down in writing, too!
Imagine if, as the company's (i.e: country's) owners, we hired a
workers' pool of candidates, and THEY suddenly got to declare which of
them would be CEO, CFO/comptroller, etc, not even based on any
credentials, merit or academic qualifications, but only on cult of
personality. <b>Oh, wait - that's exactly what we've got NOW!</b>
So let's just FIX DEMOCRACY! And here's how: If we just hold 2 quick, back-to-back elections each time (the first, as usual, to hire the worker's pool of our Public SERVANTS from our districts, and the second where WE ALL appoint them DIRECTLY to their cabinet portfolio positions) then we eliminate their self-interested conflicts of loyalty-dividing political "parties," (which always only "party" at our direct expense, anyway,) forever!
Duane L Petersen
There needs to be a definition in the constitution of treaty and all the other terms that the Supreme court tries to redefine along with the rest of this post.
There needs to be a modern Committees of Correspondence in every state to put together the paper work and the legislatures that will push the call to bring about the convention. Incase there is someone out there that doesn't know what the Committees of Correspondence were what brought about the revolution in 1776. But we can do it without any bloodshed or violence but it is going to take a team effort to get the congress to call the convention.
There is one sure way to stop this totalitarian usurpation of power and that is to call for an article 5 convention and have this amendment be one of the first to be ratified.
There is one amendment that would stop this in it's tracks and that would only be passed in a Article V convention as the congress does not have the intestinal fortitude to enact it. That amendment would give the states the power to impeach any federal elected, appointed, or hired person with 60% of the states voting to impeach this would include the Supreme Court Justices and all other federal judges. It would also give the states the power to repeal any law, court ruling including the Supreme Court, agency rule, within 3 years of ruling or passage and the states would have 15 years after passage of this amendment to repeal any law, ruling including the Supreme court decisions, or agency, ever passed. These can be enacted by the state legislatures or by referendum of 55% of the people or a combination of referenda and or legislatures of the different states or a 51% vote of the legislatures of 60% of the total states.
The only problem with this is that state legislators would almost have to become full time or the time restrictions would have to be longer.
The next amendment would be a term limit amendment that would restrict the House to 12 years and the Senate to 12 years or a combination of the 2 to18 years and would restrict the employment of any former congressperson for 12 years from having any contact with the new congress through any means or any intermediary except if running for president. This would also outlaw the unionization of any governmental employee that is also in the civil service as they do not need dual representation.
These excongress people would not be eligible to work in any agency or department of the government for life.
Daniel F. Melton -> paendragon
If you want an honest government:
1) Select Representatives by means of a draft lottery, qualifications for inclusion to the pool of prospective draftees to be determined by each state.
2) Increase the size of the House of Representatives for better representation of the people.
3) Repeal the 17th Amendment. Give the selection of Senators back to the state legislatures, with the addition of term limits and the right of recall by the state Governor, the state legislature, and plebiscite.
4) Voter ID!
5) "Double entry" voting for verification of vote totals.
6) Remove the pay and benefits of federal legislators and staff from the federal domain. The state sending these people to Congress should be paying 'em.
7) No 'retirement pay' or special benefits for federal or state legislators or bureaucrats at any level.
8) All laws apply to legislators and bureaucrats as well as citizens.
9) All judges serve a fixed term and then have to completely avoid the "legal" profession for ten years.
10) Former judges, bureaucrats, or legislators are forbidden from lobbying any branch or agency of government. A felony punishable by a fixed fine of at least $1 million and a jail term not less than 10 years for both parties involved.
(11) All proposed laws must be verified as Constitutional by a Grand Jury before the President's signature or veto over ride.
(12) No "federal employee unions"
(13) All laws and regulations must be subject to a sunset review by a panel of citizens.
Nice! Now, to perfect a Constitution:
You are hired as public servants, as custodians to defend and enhance the infrastructure, not to profit from any of it!
1.) Never attack the citizens first; only counter-attack second those citizens who have already attacked other, innocent citizens first.
2.) No debts! No loans (deferred sales)! Taxes may be temporarily raised by referenda.
3.) No bribing other levels of government for access to their separated or divided powers.
4.) No groups other than "The Public" shall exist in law!
No special interest "identifiable protected victim groups!"
5.) Judiciary to arrest those who try any of the above! They are also to arrest any other judicials who try to permit, justify, or enable same!
6.) There should be actual punishments listed to apply to those people who commit the crimes of breaking or attempting to break these rules, just as there is a listed penalty for treason - they should be non-negotiable.
Legislators should pass randomly-applied, written Constitutional law tests - if they fail, they are fired.
Judiciary, like legislators, should be selected from the people, as with jury duty. NO MASOCHISTS ALLOWED!
PS: There is no law against "hurt feelings"/not being "offended" by the often-painful TRUTH!
One is also entitled to one's own opinions and hopes, but not to one's own lies. A hope ("Faith;" "Belief") is only an opinion, and as such must be presented as one.
This obviously includes all those "I was born a man, but now I 'believe' I'm a woman!" sorts of nonsense.
Lying (including presenting one's fact-free, subjective opinion AS objective fact) is themost basic form of theft: It's the - at least, attempted - theft of the Truth. Since all crimes are forms of theft, lying ("fraud") is a crime.
Oh, and of course businesses - like the individual citizens they really are - can always reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason, at least prior to signing a contract. While I don't think business licenses should be required, nevertheless, opening any business does not automatically mean one is to be chained to a responsibility to serve anyone much less every one - hanging a sign only means, in legal parlance, an "offer to treat" (negotiate) not an obligation or duty to serve someone (as in Christian bakeries being forced to make gay wedding cakes, for the most recent instance)!
PS: The Executive shouldn't be allowed to over-ride the elected legislators - at most, your "not-king" should enjoy the job currently mis-managed by the House Speaker - as a referee who decides the bills' priorities.
He certainly shouldn't be allowed to govern by fiat of "Executive Orders" which end-run around the Legislature.
And the Judiciary should have a role in which they take the place of a Senate, and veto bad, (i.e: un-Constitutional) laws - striking them down, but not replacing them. It should be in their job descriptions!
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