Trade is a fundamental element of human survival. No one person can produce every single product or service necessary for a comfortable life, no matter how spartan their attitude. Unless your goal is to desperately scratch an existence from your local terrain with no chance of progress in the future, you are going to need a network of other producers. For most of the history of human civilization, production was the basis for economy. All other elements were secondary.
At some point, as trade grows and thrives, a society is going to start looking for a store of value; something that represents the man-hours and effort and ingenuity a person put into their day. Something that is universally accepted within barter networks, something highly prized, that is tangible, that can be held in our hands and is impossible to replicate artificially. Enter precious metals and stones.
Thus, the concept of "money" was born, and for the most part it functioned quite well for thousands of years. Unfortunately, there are people in our world that see economy as a tool for control rather than a vital process that should be left alone to develop naturally.
The idea of "fiat money," money which has no tangibility and that can be created on a whim by a central source or authority, is rather new in the grand scheme of things. It is a bastardization of the original and much more stable money system that existed before that was anchored to hard commodities. While it claims to offer a more "liquid" store of value, the truth is that it is no store of value at all.
Purveyors of fiat, central banks and globalists, use ever increasing debt as a means to feed fiat, not to mention the hidden tax of price inflation. When central bankers get hold of money, it is no longer a representation of work or value, but a system of enslavement that crushes our ability to produce effectively and to receive fair returns for our labor.
There are many people today in the liberty movement that understand this dynamic, but even in alternative economic circles there are some that do not understand the full picture when it comes to central banks and fiat mechanisms. There is a false notion that paper currencies are the life blood of the establishment and that they will seek to protect these currencies at all costs. This might have been true 20 years ago or more, but it is not true today. Things change.
The king of this delusion is the U.S. dollar. As the world reserve currency, it is thought by some to be "untouchable," a pillar of the globalist structure that will be defended for many decades to come. The reality, however, is that the dollar is nothing more than another con game on paper to the globalists; a farce that they are happy to sacrifice in order to further their goals of complete centralization of the world's trade and therefore complete centralization of control over human survival.
That is to say, the dollar is a steppingstone for them, nothing more.
The real goal of the globalists is an economic system in which they can monitor every transaction no matter how small; a system in which there is eventually only one currency, a currency that can be tracked, granted or taken away at a moment's notice. Imagine a world in which your "store of value" is subject to constant scrutiny by a bureaucratic monstrosity, and there is no way to hide from it by using private trade as a backstop. Imagine a world in which you cannot hold your money in your hand, and access to your money can be denied with the push of a button if you step out of line. This is what the globalists really desire.
Some people might claim that this kind of system already exists, but they would be fooling themselves. Even though fiat currencies like the dollar are a cancer on free markets and true production, they still offer privacy to a point, and they can still be physically allocated and held in your hand making them harder to confiscate. The globalists want to take a bad thing and make it even worse.
So, the question arises: How do they plan to make the shift from the current fiat paper system to their "new world order" economy?
First and foremost, they will seek a controlled demolition of the dollar as the world reserve currency. They have done this in the past with other reserve currencies, such as the Pound Sterling, which was carefully diminished over a period of two decades just after WWII through the use of treasury bond dumps by France and the U.S., as well as the forced removal of the sterling as the petro-currency.
This was done to make way for the U.S. dollar as a replacement after the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944.
The dollar did not achieve true world reserve status until after the gold standard was completely abandoned by Nixon in the early 1970s, at which point a deal was struck with Saudi Arabia making the dollar the petro-currency. Once the dollar was no longer anchored to gold and the world's energy market was made dependent on it, the fate of the U.S. economy was sealed.
Unlike Britain and the sterling, the U.S. economy is hyper-dependent on the dollar's world reserve status. While Britain suffered declining conditions for decades after the loss including inflation and high interest rates, the U.S. will experience far more acute pain. A complete lack of adequate production capability within U.S. borders has turned our nation into a consumer-based society, rather than a society of producers. Meaning, we are dependent on the demand for our currency as a reserve in order to enjoy affordable goods from other manufacturing-based countries.
Add to this lack of production ability the fact that for the past decade the Federal Reserve has been pumping trillions of dollars into financial markets around the globe. This means trillions of dollars held overseas only on the promise that those dollars will be accepted by major exporters as a universal store of value. If faith in that promise is lost, those trillions could come flooding back into the U.S. through various channels, and the buying power of the currency would crumble.
There is a delusion within the American mainstream that even if such an event were to occur, the transition could be handled with ease. It's fantastical, I know, but never underestimate the cognitive dissonance of people blinded by bias.
The rebuilding of a production base within the U.S. to offset the crisis of losing the world reserve currency would take many years; perhaps decades. And this is in the best-case scenario. With a plummeting currency and extreme price inflation, the cost of establishing new production on a large scale would be immense. While labor might become cheap (in comparison with inflation), all other elements of the economy would become very expensive.
In the worst-case scenario there would be complete societal breakdown likely followed by an attempted totalitarian response by government. In which case, forget any domestically funded economic recovery. Any future recovery would have to be funded and managed from outside the U.S. And here is where we see the globalist plan taking shape.
The banking elites have hinted in the past how they might try to "reset" the global economy. As I've mentioned in many articles, the globalist run magazine The Economist in 1988 discussed the removal of the dollar to make way for a global currency, a currency which would be introduced to the masses by 2018. This introduction did in fact take place as The Economist declared it would.
Here is how I believe the process will unfold:
The 2008 crash in credit and housing markets led to unprecedented money printing by central banks, with the Federal Reserve leading the pack as the greatest source of inflation. This program of bailouts and QE stimulus conjured and even bigger bubble, which many alternative analysts have dubbed "the everything bubble."
The growing "everything bubble" encompasses not just stock markets or housing, but auto markets, credit markets, bond markets and the dollar itself. All of these elements are now tied directly to Fed policy. The U.S. economy itself is not only addicted to stimulus measures and near-zero interest rates; it will die without them.
The Fed knows this well. Chairman Jerome Powell hinted at the crisis that would evolve if the Fed ever cut off stimulus, unwound its balance sheet and hiked rates in the October 2012 Fed minutes.
Without constant and ever-expanding stimulus measures, the false economy will implode. We are already seeing the effects as the Fed cuts tens-of-billions per month in assets from its balance sheet and hikes interest rates to their "neutral rate of inflation." Auto markets, housing markets, and credit markets are in reversal, and stocks are witnessing the most instability since the 2008 crash. All of this was triggered by the Fed simply exerting incremental rate hikes and balance sheet cuts.
The Fed will continue tightening, either by rate hikes, asset cuts, or both at the same time. The Fed's purpose is to create a crisis. The Fed's goal is to cause a crash. The Fed is a suicide bomber that does not care what happens to the U.S. system.
But what about the dollar, specifically?
The Fed's tightening policies do not only translate to crisis for US stocks or other markets, though. I see three primary ways in which the dollar can be dethroned as the world reserve.
- Emerging economies have also become addicted to Fed liquidity over
the past 10 years. Without continued access to the Fed's easy money,
nations like China and India beginning to seek out alternatives to the
dollar as a world reserve. Contrary to the popular belief that these
countries would "never" be able to decouple from the U.S., the process
has already begun. And it is the Fed that has actually created the
necessity for emerging markets to seek out other sources of liquidity
besides the dollar.
- Donald Trump's trade war is yet another cover event for the loss
of reserve status. If the trade war continues through the next year, it
is only a matter of time before China, already seeking dollar
alternatives as the Fed tightens liquidity, will start using its US
treasury and dollar holding as leverage against us. Bilateral agreements
between multiple nations that cut out the dollar are being established
regularly today. If China, the largest exporter/importer in the world,
stops accepting the dollar as the world reserve, or if they start
accepting other currencies in competition, then numerous other nations
will follow their lead.
- Finally, if the war of words between Trump and the Fed becomes something more and Trump undermines faith in U.S. credit, or if he shuts down the Fed entirely, the globalists are handed yet another perfect distraction for the death of the dollar. I can see the headlines now - The "reset" could then be painted as a "rescue" of the global economy after the "destructive actions of populists" who "bumbled into fiscal destruction" because they were blinded by an "obsession with sovereignty" in a world that "requires centralization to survive."
El-Erian also suggests that a global currency would help to combat the "rise of populism." The Economist notes that the SDR would only act as a "bridge" to the new global currency. Paper currencies would still exist for a time, but they would be pegged to the SDR exchange rates. Currently, the dollar is only worth around .71 SDRs. In the event of the loss of world reserve status, expect this exchange rate to drop significantly.
As the global crisis deepens the IMF will suggest a "reset" to a more manageable monetary framework, and this framework will be based on blockchain technology and a cryptocurrency which the IMF has likely already developed. The IMF hints at this outcome in at least two separate white papers recently published which herald a new age in which crypto is the next phase of evolution for global trade.
Without ample resistance, the introduction of the cashless society will be presented as a natural and even "heroic" response by the globalists to save humanity from the "selfishness" of destructive nationalists. They will strut across the world stage as if they are saviors, rather than the villains they really are.
To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith
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