Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The "Masters of the Universe" are only Common Hypocrites!
Common hypocrisy is STILL the #1 problem of humanity! All hypocrites are criminals, just as all criminals are hypocrites.
All excuse-making "idolatry" (static critical thinking logical fallacy attempts to deflect blame) is caused by hypocrisy.
Regarding their common habits of: "PROJECTION:"
Everyone who is slandered as an "ist" for an"ism" (racist/racism; sexist/sexism, etc) is also a "phobe" - because the accusation made by these hypocrites (who always attack everything because they fear everything as an inevitable pain in advance) is that everyone else always also instantly attacks everything they're afraid of (which is also of course everything) too. Whee.
Re: PSYCHO THOUGHT-KILLERS ATROPHY BRAINS (Responsibility Vs. Irresponsibility101):
Hypocrites are "irresponsible" in that they are always scheming to avoid any and all consequences of their chosen actions, while all the non-criminals DO accept in advance all the responsibilities for their actions' consequences by, by exercising thought.
Hypocrites thereby devise "principles" of 'painful' thought-avoidance - ii.e: projections, deflections, contentious mis-directions and evasions - all the lying frauds of the putative critical-thinking logical "fallacies" - and of course their main, slanderously victim-blaming Argumentum-tu-Quoque, cause-and-effect-reversing, circular "thinking" tautologies - while honest people don't have to try too hard, by sticking to the most simple and basic, Golden Rule principle of HONESTY AS THE BEST (AND REALLY, ULTIMATELY ONLY WORKABLE) POLICY.
Calling things by their right names allows civilized folk to fix rather than make mistakes, and to solve problems rather than to obscure and thereby also exploit them.
And of course trying in advance to avoid the consequences of one's mistakes and crimes by deliberately causing problems for others by trying to offload one's responsibilities for one's chosen actions IS a crime (attacking first) and as such is also a HUGE "mistake" - at least inasmuch as such a choice, whether habitual or not, will have the ultimately specifically unintended (albeit often generally claimed, as in how and why masochists try to cause and/or induce others to cause those problems whose pains they fear most, which they justify as in "Screw YOU! I MEANT to do that! Nyah!") consequences that those same others whom they have thus tried to enslave will object and retaliate.
People these days still hold to this mistaken idea that there exists some sort of coldly-calculating master race (be they reptilians, aliens, Jews, or any combination of same) who secretly manipulate all of the citizens of the world through their corporations, religions, and governments in an effort to dummy-down the populace in an evil effort to better control us all.
But the pathetic truth is, that even though such literally psychotic criminal scum do tend to gravitate to the tops of most human fields of endeavor (whether by dint of intelligence and avoiding hard work, or through investments and bribes, having made sure they are the only ones capable of funding such endeavors, as they in fact fund all things, both good and evil) and by dint of such a "lucky" combination of being so scared of solving problems (which they, too, see as "inevitable" forces arranged against them) that they benefit from "No Money In Solutions" whether that was their original design or intentions or not!
Such overly-intelligent but self-defeatingly short-sighted people are afflicted with a merely animal-level ratlike cunning, and are precisely as self-defeating as everyone else - moreso, in fact. In the end, they are parasites who, by trying to dummy-down the honest and creative Makers to their own bottom-feeding level of greedily lazy Takers, will end up killing off their hosts, precisely like invasive viruses which turn everyone into weaker clones of them selves in the name of their "equal diversity!"
SO: (again) regarding "LIBERAL PRINCIPLES:"
Sane Conservative pundit Mark Dice once erroneously (and of course, as ever, facetiously, because if you can't laugh at libertine hypocritical nonsense, you'd have to cry and then violently oppose it in the streets - and we're not there - yet) noted that:
"(Being forced to acknowledge and admit to the real) facts or (to admit to their own) hypocrisy never gets in the way of the Liberal Agenda."
But Dice slightly missed the mark (pun intended) because hypocrisy for its own sake IS the "Liberal Agenda!"
All the secondary, symptomatic benefits from committing it ARE merely secondary, "bonus" benefits!
Their hypocrisy is an end-goal in itself!
Being spoiled brats with the "emotional intelligence" of a typically terrible two-year old, they use emotional temper-tantrums to offload their responsibility (and thus also simultaneously further atrophy and destroy their own rights to learn how to think for them selves) onto any and all other people, thus enslaving their intended victims.
But as even the most infantile and delinquently negligent of libertine brats soon comes to realize, letting others think about and plan for one while one tries to deliberately ignore the whole "painful" process one's self, is a recipe for potential disaster, as the uppity slaves might (what with having the responsibility to think for others thrust upon them, even if only through being conned and shamed into a cowed stance of perpetually defensive, virtue-signaling false and enforced altruism) also then be forced to learn to have to think for them selves, too - especially if and when not "rewarded" with sufficiently distracting, life-and-time-wasting entertainments (the old bread-and-circuses rebranded and reboxed in a game console)!
So, with the fortuitous advent of these same "thinking machines" they became, by investment, "masters" of the online wired-in computer age, with its potential to monitor every move their slaves might make, in pursuit of their usual goals of total "totalitarian" extortive control (aka enslavement) of everyone else - because they really do fear (and so to also presume to be an "inevitable" threatening force to be dealt and compromised with and Submitted to) that "You all do it (act as hypocrites) too!"
And, kids, this is both how and why these so-intelligent yet ultimately very stupid self-proclaimed masters of the universe are trying to censor and enslave everyone else - not because they know what they're doing, but in exactly the same way as in how they also have no idea or plan for even their own futures with their total control of the economy through banking, because they still - as ever, always - think that they can always play both sides and profit from all profits and losses with no risks at all only but ever rewards accruing to only them selves, while only everyone else will always have to pay the price in the end.
Globalized "government" cowards will only pick on soft targets: native Christian and Jewish whites. Why? Because no short-sighted globalist corporate CEO will survive a board meeting if and when profits don't steadily increase year after year, and that won't happen if the Western population ever stabilizes again, that's why. They need more and more "consumers" each and every year to keep their ponzi-scheme "bubbles" afloat. But by always laying off downsizing and outsourcing their "labor costs" they have forgotten that those same laborers ARE also their "consumers" and they can only leach off taxes as long as said ever-increasing laid-off hordes of "consumer" laborers can afford to pay them - and so, The End really IS near.
Once they consume and convert the last laborer into a greedily lazy clone of them selves, the virus itself will die off from lack of a living host to convert and feed off of.
This is predictable, but also inevitable, as thinking about the painful future is the last thing any literally thought-killing paranoid masochistic criminal hypocrite will ever want to do. And so such a regretful afterthought WILL be the last thing they ever do. And unfortunately by then, if this trend of wilful ignorance is allowed to continue and its "free stuff!" be voted for, and all education on how our brains and emotions really work continues to be censored and ignored in favor of comforting fables about how some primitively ignorant superstitions' ancient alien god/s will suddenly descent from the heavens to save our complicitly lazy and unworthy viral parasite asses, we will all lose along with those masters we chose to go along with, too.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Deciphering code words and control phrases
More from Bob Livingston
Human liberty can only exist or be restored with an accurate perception of reality. Mind distorting fictions of government must be exposed. To do otherwise is to keep us dependent on an ivory tower mysticism based on lies and the duplicity of politicians and bureaucrats.
Government is a parasite cult, organized, and disguised behind a peculiar language of code words and phrases. Without anyone taking notice, change agents distort keywords in our language. This blunts, diminishes and distorts our thinking process to the great advantage of unseen authority. This process is so gradual as to be imperceptible. Out of it evolves very sophisticated control and plunder. When our words are manipulated, our thoughts are manipulated into false realities and illusions. Consequently, our competitiveness and survival instincts are reduced in favor of dependence on government authority.
Few people are aware that change agents exist. They work behind the scenes to craft words and phrases that distort our language and disrupt our thought processes. They make good seem evil and evil seem good and deceive us into giving up our liberties for altruistic purposes.
This is not altruism in the dictionary sense. This altruism is hypocrisy, deceit, egotism, love of money, criminal politics, "patriotism," nepotism among the elite nobility, brotherhood of secret societies, manipulation of the public mind and its production.
It is a mask for deception. The fiat system promotes altruism with slogans like, "For the greater good," "It's for the children" and "Equality for all." Translated, this means, give of your substance so that we may all be equal.
Altruism is an attribute of the liberal mind. It is based on groupism, which is the concept of egalitarianism. It is the opposite of individuality and responsibility. It is the basis upon which all redistributive schemes are launched.
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. He says that mass persuasion and mass hypnosis is the fundamental of so-called democracy.
This is from Bernays book, Propaganda:
"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.
"In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business or in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."
New code words and phrases enter our language all the time. They work off old ones that have been around for years. Terms like "public policy," which really means government policy; "conspiracy theory," which means any challenge to conventional wisdom; "extremist," which means anyone who advocates for small government and a return to the constitution; and "terrorist," which means anyone the government decides, including Americans who advocate for liberty; are all old code words.
Democracy may be the most deceptive code word ever conceived. It implies liberty and one man, one vote. But it is mob rule collectivism and benevolent totalitarianism.
Following are some new code words becoming more common in discourse today. You should be aware of them and what people really mean when they use them.
Educated/education — Where once this implied acquired/acquiring knowledge, now education is a system of indoctrination in state worship and pseudo-history. The result of this is that once an individual goes through the public school system, he is a mature manifestation of the system and practically insulated from reality and original inquiry. But beyond that indoctrination, he's simply much dumber than when he started.
A test developed for NASA to determine the creativity of its engineers and scientists was administered to children aged 4 and 5 in the 1990s. The tests showed that 98 percent of the children were creative geniuses. Scientists then administered this same test to the same children every five years. What they learned was that by age 10, just 30 percent of the children were still geniuses. By age 15 the number had dropped to 12 percent. When the test was administered to them as adults aged 25 and up, fewer than 2 percent were still creative geniuses.
This demonstrates the power the indoctrination and subsequent propaganda from the corporate mainstream media has over the human mind.
Toxic masculinity — Like the nebulous terms "hate speech" and "assault weapons," toxic masculinity has no real definition but is applied to those things that make a male a man, including strength, protective qualities, problem-solving, decisiveness, emotional control, toughness, controlled aggression and courage. These traits require individualism, which is anathema to collectivism That is why it is part of the "unofficial policy" in America to feminize men in order level the playing field for the sexes. It is a plank of feminism — which is endorsed by both political policies — as the site explains: "Bottom line, the goal is homogenous: Feminism aims for gender equality within a currently patriarchal society."
Diversity — This word implies racial, religious and sexual tolerance but means something entirely different. It means rejection of traditional western (American) and Judeo-Christian values and substituting them with secularism, immorality and collectivism. People who preach diversity really mean conformity to their particular dogma.
Social justice — Like the term "white privilege," this term implies that all successful white people obtained their status simply because of their skin color and because the system is tilted in their favor. The term "social justice" implies that minorities are automatically disadvantaged because of their minority status and must be compensated monetarily and/or with special laws passed that favor them or grant them special privileges in order to overcome their natural "handicaps." Promoting social justice stands equal opportunity on its head in favor of equality of outcomes. It's being used to great effect by the social Marxists to keep racial and sexual animosity at a fever pitch and to silence those who support traditional conservative and Christian values.
Obstructionist — Anyone who disagrees with or opposes conventional wisdom and the steady march toward political collectivism, anti-Christian policies and destructive open border/immigration programs and anti-liberty schemes.
Extremist — This is often used as a synonym for obstructionist and is applied to anyone who advocates for a smaller, less intrusive government, opposes all policies that are unconstitutional and rejects compromise on constitutional principles.
Medically inaccurate information — This is a control phrase originating from the secret towers of the pharmaceuticals and applies to any information not endorsed by allopathic or traditional medicine. Big Pharma propaganda has actually caused the public to believe that drugs cure disease and whole foods, nutrition and natural supplements are as ineffective and nutty as witchcraft and voodoo.
White nationalism/white supremacy — A racist term used by the left wing to delegitimize populism and the move to oust establishment politicians and halt globalism. The terms white nationalism/white supremacy were originally used to shut down, silence or intimidate anyone who opposed Zionism (the belief that the establishment of national Israel in modern history is the continuing fulfillment of prophecy). Now it is employed against anyone who supports strong borders, enforcement of immigration laws, rejects globalism and crony trade deals. Even African America people are now being called "white nationalists" if they promote conservative American ideals.
Yours for the truth,Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
Human liberty can only exist or be restored with an accurate perception of reality. Mind distorting fictions of government must be exposed. To do otherwise is to keep us dependent on an ivory tower mysticism based on lies and the duplicity of politicians and bureaucrats.
Government is a parasite cult, organized, and disguised behind a peculiar language of code words and phrases. Without anyone taking notice, change agents distort keywords in our language. This blunts, diminishes and distorts our thinking process to the great advantage of unseen authority. This process is so gradual as to be imperceptible. Out of it evolves very sophisticated control and plunder. When our words are manipulated, our thoughts are manipulated into false realities and illusions. Consequently, our competitiveness and survival instincts are reduced in favor of dependence on government authority.
Few people are aware that change agents exist. They work behind the scenes to craft words and phrases that distort our language and disrupt our thought processes. They make good seem evil and evil seem good and deceive us into giving up our liberties for altruistic purposes.
This is not altruism in the dictionary sense. This altruism is hypocrisy, deceit, egotism, love of money, criminal politics, "patriotism," nepotism among the elite nobility, brotherhood of secret societies, manipulation of the public mind and its production.
It is a mask for deception. The fiat system promotes altruism with slogans like, "For the greater good," "It's for the children" and "Equality for all." Translated, this means, give of your substance so that we may all be equal.
Altruism is an attribute of the liberal mind. It is based on groupism, which is the concept of egalitarianism. It is the opposite of individuality and responsibility. It is the basis upon which all redistributive schemes are launched.
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, is the father of manipulative propaganda in America. He says that mass persuasion and mass hypnosis is the fundamental of so-called democracy.
This is from Bernays book, Propaganda:
"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.
"In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business or in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."
New code words and phrases enter our language all the time. They work off old ones that have been around for years. Terms like "public policy," which really means government policy; "conspiracy theory," which means any challenge to conventional wisdom; "extremist," which means anyone who advocates for small government and a return to the constitution; and "terrorist," which means anyone the government decides, including Americans who advocate for liberty; are all old code words.
Democracy may be the most deceptive code word ever conceived. It implies liberty and one man, one vote. But it is mob rule collectivism and benevolent totalitarianism.
Following are some new code words becoming more common in discourse today. You should be aware of them and what people really mean when they use them.
Educated/education — Where once this implied acquired/acquiring knowledge, now education is a system of indoctrination in state worship and pseudo-history. The result of this is that once an individual goes through the public school system, he is a mature manifestation of the system and practically insulated from reality and original inquiry. But beyond that indoctrination, he's simply much dumber than when he started.
A test developed for NASA to determine the creativity of its engineers and scientists was administered to children aged 4 and 5 in the 1990s. The tests showed that 98 percent of the children were creative geniuses. Scientists then administered this same test to the same children every five years. What they learned was that by age 10, just 30 percent of the children were still geniuses. By age 15 the number had dropped to 12 percent. When the test was administered to them as adults aged 25 and up, fewer than 2 percent were still creative geniuses.
This demonstrates the power the indoctrination and subsequent propaganda from the corporate mainstream media has over the human mind.
Toxic masculinity — Like the nebulous terms "hate speech" and "assault weapons," toxic masculinity has no real definition but is applied to those things that make a male a man, including strength, protective qualities, problem-solving, decisiveness, emotional control, toughness, controlled aggression and courage. These traits require individualism, which is anathema to collectivism That is why it is part of the "unofficial policy" in America to feminize men in order level the playing field for the sexes. It is a plank of feminism — which is endorsed by both political policies — as the site explains: "Bottom line, the goal is homogenous: Feminism aims for gender equality within a currently patriarchal society."
Diversity — This word implies racial, religious and sexual tolerance but means something entirely different. It means rejection of traditional western (American) and Judeo-Christian values and substituting them with secularism, immorality and collectivism. People who preach diversity really mean conformity to their particular dogma.
Social justice — Like the term "white privilege," this term implies that all successful white people obtained their status simply because of their skin color and because the system is tilted in their favor. The term "social justice" implies that minorities are automatically disadvantaged because of their minority status and must be compensated monetarily and/or with special laws passed that favor them or grant them special privileges in order to overcome their natural "handicaps." Promoting social justice stands equal opportunity on its head in favor of equality of outcomes. It's being used to great effect by the social Marxists to keep racial and sexual animosity at a fever pitch and to silence those who support traditional conservative and Christian values.
Obstructionist — Anyone who disagrees with or opposes conventional wisdom and the steady march toward political collectivism, anti-Christian policies and destructive open border/immigration programs and anti-liberty schemes.
Extremist — This is often used as a synonym for obstructionist and is applied to anyone who advocates for a smaller, less intrusive government, opposes all policies that are unconstitutional and rejects compromise on constitutional principles.
Medically inaccurate information — This is a control phrase originating from the secret towers of the pharmaceuticals and applies to any information not endorsed by allopathic or traditional medicine. Big Pharma propaganda has actually caused the public to believe that drugs cure disease and whole foods, nutrition and natural supplements are as ineffective and nutty as witchcraft and voodoo.
White nationalism/white supremacy — A racist term used by the left wing to delegitimize populism and the move to oust establishment politicians and halt globalism. The terms white nationalism/white supremacy were originally used to shut down, silence or intimidate anyone who opposed Zionism (the belief that the establishment of national Israel in modern history is the continuing fulfillment of prophecy). Now it is employed against anyone who supports strong borders, enforcement of immigration laws, rejects globalism and crony trade deals. Even African America people are now being called "white nationalists" if they promote conservative American ideals.
Yours for the truth,Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
Friday, July 26, 2019
Operation Paperclip: The Untold History of The Bushes & The Nazis
From here:
The Bush dynasty is a crime family that rivals anything the Clintons have been involved in - up to and including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Among those things the Bushes have been involved in, George W. Bush’s grandfather helped bring Nazis to the US via Operation Paperclip and W’s father George H. W. Bush’s involvement in the Central Intelligence Agency was only a stepping stone to building a New World Order.
The below event was recorded February 26, 2014 at Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C.
Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic from her new book, Operation Paperclip, and takes questions from the audience.
Jacobsen is the author of Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America
The CIA even backs the claims of Jacobsen.
According to the CIA website in a review by Jay Watkins:
As World War II ended, the race was on with the Soviet Union to seize as many German scientists as possible in anticipation of the Cold War. The full story has remained elusive until now. Operation Paperclip, by Annie Jacobsen, provides perhaps the most comprehensive, up-to-date narrative available to the general public. Her book is a detailed and highly readable account of the program. Jacobsen compiled extensive primary and secondary sources, duly annotated in over 100 pages of notes and bibliography. In it are many new sources, among them US government records (President Clinton’s “Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act”), German archival records, first-person accounts, memoirs, and letters. The book also contains a useful index and biographies of the principal players.
Jacobsen offers a detailed chronology of events related to Operation Paperclip. Because of its scope and the introduction of so many characters, the narrative could have been improved if the author had focused on a shorter list than the 89 individuals profiled and maintained more topical continuity. Nevertheless, the book is a compelling work with interesting historical and personal revelations, for example:
- One of the most notorious cases of WMD proliferation occurred on 15 May 1945, when the German U-234 submarine, bound for Japan, was captured off Newfoundland by the USS Sutton. The U-boat carried Dr. Heinz Schlicke, Director of Naval Test Fields at Kiel, and the cargo included plans for the Hs293 glider bomb, V-1 glide bomb (forerunner to cruise missiles), V-2 rocket (forerunner to the SCUD missile), Me262 fighter aircraft (the first combat jet fighter), low observable submarine designs, and lead-lined boxes filled with 1,200 lbs. of uranium oxide, a key ingredient of atomic bombs. Schlicke, who claimed to be an electronic warfare expert, became a prisoner at Ft. Meade, MD.
- Sarin was produced at Dyhernfurth (Dyhernfurth later fell into Russian hands). Its name derives from the initials of its developers: Gerhard Schrader and Otto Ambros from the infamous IG Farben chemical company—maker of the killing gases used at concentration camps—and from the names of two German Army officers.
- Schrader tells the story of inventing “tabun,” a nerve agent named after the English word “taboo.” The Germans called it 9/91 and, after their defeat at Stalingrad, seriously considered using it on the Russians.
Henry Wallace, former vice president and secretary of commerce, believed the scientists’ ideas could launch new civilian industries and produce jobs. Indeed, German scientists developed synthetic rubber (used in automobile tires), non-running hosiery, the ear thermometer, electromagnetic tape, and miniaturized electrical components, to name a few.
Werner von Braun is well known to those who remember the Apollo moon landing. During the Ford administration, von Braun was almost awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom—until one of Ford’s senior advisors, David Gergen, objected to his Nazi past.
Less well known is that another 120 fellow German scientists, engineers, and technicians developed the Saturn V launch vehicle, or that the Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, was headed by Kurt Debus, an ardent Nazi. The Vertical Assembly Building—bigger in volume than the Pentagon and almost as tall as the Washington Monument—was designed by Bernhard Tessmann, former facilities designer at the German missile launch facility at Peenemuende.
Other prominent Nazis hired under Operation Paperclip included:
- Dr. Hubertus Strughold, who played an important role in space medicine by developing space suits and other life-support systems. In June 1948, he put a rhesus monkey named Albert in the pressurized nosecone of a V-2 rocket in a pressurized nose cone, the first step in the effort to send humans to space.
- General Reinhard Gehlen, former head of Nazi intelligence operations against the Soviets, was hired by the US Army and later by the CIA to operate 600 ex-Nazi agents in the Soviet zone of occupied Germany. In 1948, CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter assumed control of the so-called Gehlen Organization.
- German biologist Dr. Kurt Blome was hired to develop offensive and defensive capabilities to counter Soviet biological warfare activities.
In 1949, the CIA created the Office of Scientific Intelligence. Its first director, Dr. Willard Machle, traveled to Germany to set up a special program to interrogate Soviet spies. The CIA believed the Russians had developed mind-control programs and wanted to know how US spies would hold up against this capability if caught. He also aimed to explore the feasibility of creating a “Manchurian candidate” through behavioral modification. Thus, Operation Bluebird was born. Bluebird, later called MKULTRA, was a research activity experimenting in behavioral engineering of humans. The Nuremberg Code prohibits experimentation with humans without their consent. During this program, Dr. Frank Olson, a US Army biological weapons researcher, was given the drug LSD without his knowledge, leading to his death by leaping from a building. DCI Richard Helms ordered much of the documentation destroyed, and the circumstances of his demise remain controversial to this day.
Although she understandably questions the morality of the decision to hire Nazi SS scientists, Jacobsen balances her judgment with an understanding of the perceived threat of the Soviet Union under Stalin and the communists’ dialectical determination to prepare for total war with the West. The Soviets similarly captured and used German scientists for their own defense programs. That side of the story is not covered in this book.
Jacobsen provides insights on joint intelligence coordination and cooperation among US services and Allies; operational deconfliction; document and foreign materiel acquisition and exploitation; interrogation techniques; active tracking; production of foreign intelligence; surveillance and countersurveillance methods; and negotiating the sometimes conflicting objectives of the judiciary and the Intelligence Community (i.e., “hang them” vs. “hire them!”).
Just keep in mind that this is the same CIA decades later, crumbling from its own corruption, that claims to be bringing you security while they were part of the problem of smuggling Nazis into the US.
Think about it.
Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
It's obvious who will replace Trump after the controlled demolition of the economy
From Brandon Smith via Bob Livingston Alerts, Wednesday, July 24th, 2019
In the months leading up to the 2016 election I had been predicting a Trump win based on a particular theory which I believe still holds true today — namely the theory that the global banking elites in power were allowing so-called "populist" movements in the U.S. and Europe to gain political traction near the very end of the decade-long "Everything Bubble." Once populist groups were entrenched and feeling overconfident, the cabal would then tighten liquidity into existing economic weakness and crash the system on their heads. Populists would get the blame for an economic disaster that the central banks had engineered many years in advance.
Once enough suffering had been dealt to the populace, globalists and extreme leftists would arrive on the scene to offer anti-populism as a solution; meaning the centralization and socialization of everything on a scale never before witnessed except perhaps in the darkest days of the Bolshevik Revolution.
This theory allowed me to predict well in advance the success of the Brexit vote in the U.K., Trump's entry into the White House, the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes and balance sheet cuts into economic weakness, and now it is looking more and more like my prediction of a "No Deal" Brexit will turn out to be correct. So, I continue to stand by it.
By extension, for a couple of years I have been examining the strange correlations between the background and policies of Donald Trump and the background and policies of Herbert Hoover; the Republican president that oversaw the great crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression.
One of Hoover's first actions as president in response to the fiscal tensions of 1929 was to support increased tax cuts, primarily for corporations (this was then followed in 1932 by extensive tax increases in the midst of the depression). Then, he instituted tariffs through the Smoot-Hawley Act. His hyperfocus on massive infrastructure spending resulted in U.S. debt expansion and did nothing to dig the U.S. out of its unemployment abyss. In fact, infrastructure projects like the Hoover Dam, which were launched in 1931, were not paid off for over 50 years. Hoover ended up as a single-term Republican president who paved the way socially for Franklin D. Roosevelt, an essential communist and perhaps the worst president in American history.
It was Hoover and his "protectionist" policies that were blamed for the Great Depression (along with the gold standard), yet it was the Federal Reserve which created the entire calamity. The Fed's policy easing in the 1920s led to the extensive bubble in banking and stock markets, and the Fed's rate hikes and liquidity tightening in the early 1930s exacerbated the crash and extended the depression for many years. Former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke even openly admitted that the Fed was responsible for the Great Depression in a speech made in honor of Milton Friedman in 2002. He stated:
Trump is not innocent in this scheme, either. After months of rightly criticizing the Fed during his campaign for inflating a fake economy and stock market, Trump pulled a 180 on his supporters after becoming president and has now attached his administration so completely to the Everything Bubble (and stock markets in particular) that it is assured he and his conservative followers will take the blame as it collapses.
I am also not the only person noting the comparison between Trump and Herbert Hoover. Trump's similarities to Hoover are being mentioned endlessly the past year in the mainstream and leftist media with a particular focus on the trade war. Trump's trade conflicts are providing the perfect cover for the banking elites to pull the plug on the economy, while escaping any blame. The narrative is being set up for a crash and the plan is to make populists, nationalists and sovereignty activists the scapegoats.
So, the question is, if Trump is playing the role of a modern day Hoover, and the current crash in fundamentals is set to become even worse, then who is the next Franklin D. Roosevelt; the next communistic president or political group to push America into the socialist fold?
It is hard to say at this time if Trump, like Hoover, will be a one term president. If the economic crash continues on its current pace then it is unlikely that Trump could secure a second term in 2020. That said, the advent of a shooting war with a country like Iran could conceivably change the dynamic even in the midst of a financial crisis. Whether in 2020, or 2024, I believe Trump and the populist revolt will be replaced with a socialist fervor beyond anything we saw during the Obama administration. Just as conservatives surprised the world in 2016, I believe the hard left will surprise in the next 1-5 years.
I find it rather suspicious the amount of media attention hard leftist politicians with little experience are receiving in the mainstream media these days. I am also suspicious of the amount of attention Donald Trump is paying to these same politicians in what appears to be another scripted wrestling match for the benefit of the public. Yes, I'm talking about the "four horsewomen of the Apocalypse" and the ongoing soap opera dramatics between them and Trump that continually keep these junior politicians in the spotlight despite all reason.
It is perhaps very hard to notice right now in the middle of Trump fever, but I see the beginnings, the root or the seed of a massive narrative change in the elevation of political extremists like Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, also known as "the squad." Yes, they seem to be universally hated right now, and the abject failure of AOC's "Green New Deal" makes it appear as if there is little support for their ideas, but again, look at how much attention these nobodies are accumulating.
I am reminded of the early hints of Barack Obama's run for president even though he had little political experience compared to his opponents, most of it as a state senator. People running against him during his early career on the Democratic and Republican sides seemed to keep dropping out of the races due to sexual scandals. Then, Obama received overt attention from the mainstream media and even the Daily Show before he ever announced his run for president. The buildup was obvious for analysts that knew the signals.
Today, Democratic presidential candidates for 2020 are falling all over themselves to promote "the squad" and get their political approval and support. It is clear that hard line leftists are dictating the conversation on America's future governmental path, and that path is one of extreme centralization, globalization, and bureaucratic tyranny in the name of fraudulent environmental panic.
It is important to remember that public sentiment is fickle and can change so swiftly it boggles the mind. With the advent of a major economic disaster and maybe even a kinetic war that the U.S. cannot sustain or win in the long run, the predictions of globalists and leftists that populist movements are a "crisis waiting to happen" would be fulfilled. Trump has no real control over the economy, of course, and the Fed determines when and how a financial bubble will pop; but that will not stop the majority from laying the blame on the feet of Trump and his political base. The introduction of hardcore socialism as the pre-eminent American ideal would be a much easier sell at that point.
In the middle of societal catastrophe that which we once thought impossible becomes probable. I predict that the "four horsewomen of the Apocalypse" and their ilk are chosen by the globalists to take control of the U.S. after Trump and the populists are fully discredited in the eyes of more than half the country. To be certain, there are many of us who will not accept open socialist/communist governance and all the tidings that come with it (including disarmament of the population), and I have no doubt civil war would erupt.
The point is, we should expect this outcome as one the globalists will force. The signs are visible now. The policies of these women, which are utterly insane and bankrupt of logic, are going to become the prevailing ideals of the next political revolution. Count on it.
To truth and knowledge,
In the months leading up to the 2016 election I had been predicting a Trump win based on a particular theory which I believe still holds true today — namely the theory that the global banking elites in power were allowing so-called "populist" movements in the U.S. and Europe to gain political traction near the very end of the decade-long "Everything Bubble." Once populist groups were entrenched and feeling overconfident, the cabal would then tighten liquidity into existing economic weakness and crash the system on their heads. Populists would get the blame for an economic disaster that the central banks had engineered many years in advance.
Once enough suffering had been dealt to the populace, globalists and extreme leftists would arrive on the scene to offer anti-populism as a solution; meaning the centralization and socialization of everything on a scale never before witnessed except perhaps in the darkest days of the Bolshevik Revolution.
This theory allowed me to predict well in advance the success of the Brexit vote in the U.K., Trump's entry into the White House, the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes and balance sheet cuts into economic weakness, and now it is looking more and more like my prediction of a "No Deal" Brexit will turn out to be correct. So, I continue to stand by it.
By extension, for a couple of years I have been examining the strange correlations between the background and policies of Donald Trump and the background and policies of Herbert Hoover; the Republican president that oversaw the great crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression.
One of Hoover's first actions as president in response to the fiscal tensions of 1929 was to support increased tax cuts, primarily for corporations (this was then followed in 1932 by extensive tax increases in the midst of the depression). Then, he instituted tariffs through the Smoot-Hawley Act. His hyperfocus on massive infrastructure spending resulted in U.S. debt expansion and did nothing to dig the U.S. out of its unemployment abyss. In fact, infrastructure projects like the Hoover Dam, which were launched in 1931, were not paid off for over 50 years. Hoover ended up as a single-term Republican president who paved the way socially for Franklin D. Roosevelt, an essential communist and perhaps the worst president in American history.
It was Hoover and his "protectionist" policies that were blamed for the Great Depression (along with the gold standard), yet it was the Federal Reserve which created the entire calamity. The Fed's policy easing in the 1920s led to the extensive bubble in banking and stock markets, and the Fed's rate hikes and liquidity tightening in the early 1930s exacerbated the crash and extended the depression for many years. Former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke even openly admitted that the Fed was responsible for the Great Depression in a speech made in honor of Milton Friedman in 2002. He stated:
"In short, according to Friedman and Schwartz, because of institutional changes and misguided doctrines, the banking panics of the Great Contraction were much more severe and widespread than would have normally occurred during a downturn.Of course, the Fed is doing it again. For over a year and a half the Fed has been instituting liquidity tightening into economic weakness at the onset of the crash of one of the biggest financial bubbles in the history of the economic world. It is a bubble they created with the intention of deliberately imploding it, and the process has already begun. As I have noted in numerous articles, the crash in fundamentals is well underway, with almost every sector of the economy in retreat except the three indicators that the Fed and the government statistically manipulate: GDP, employment and stock markets.
Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again."
Trump is not innocent in this scheme, either. After months of rightly criticizing the Fed during his campaign for inflating a fake economy and stock market, Trump pulled a 180 on his supporters after becoming president and has now attached his administration so completely to the Everything Bubble (and stock markets in particular) that it is assured he and his conservative followers will take the blame as it collapses.
I am also not the only person noting the comparison between Trump and Herbert Hoover. Trump's similarities to Hoover are being mentioned endlessly the past year in the mainstream and leftist media with a particular focus on the trade war. Trump's trade conflicts are providing the perfect cover for the banking elites to pull the plug on the economy, while escaping any blame. The narrative is being set up for a crash and the plan is to make populists, nationalists and sovereignty activists the scapegoats.
So, the question is, if Trump is playing the role of a modern day Hoover, and the current crash in fundamentals is set to become even worse, then who is the next Franklin D. Roosevelt; the next communistic president or political group to push America into the socialist fold?
It is hard to say at this time if Trump, like Hoover, will be a one term president. If the economic crash continues on its current pace then it is unlikely that Trump could secure a second term in 2020. That said, the advent of a shooting war with a country like Iran could conceivably change the dynamic even in the midst of a financial crisis. Whether in 2020, or 2024, I believe Trump and the populist revolt will be replaced with a socialist fervor beyond anything we saw during the Obama administration. Just as conservatives surprised the world in 2016, I believe the hard left will surprise in the next 1-5 years.
I find it rather suspicious the amount of media attention hard leftist politicians with little experience are receiving in the mainstream media these days. I am also suspicious of the amount of attention Donald Trump is paying to these same politicians in what appears to be another scripted wrestling match for the benefit of the public. Yes, I'm talking about the "four horsewomen of the Apocalypse" and the ongoing soap opera dramatics between them and Trump that continually keep these junior politicians in the spotlight despite all reason.
It is perhaps very hard to notice right now in the middle of Trump fever, but I see the beginnings, the root or the seed of a massive narrative change in the elevation of political extremists like Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, also known as "the squad." Yes, they seem to be universally hated right now, and the abject failure of AOC's "Green New Deal" makes it appear as if there is little support for their ideas, but again, look at how much attention these nobodies are accumulating.
I am reminded of the early hints of Barack Obama's run for president even though he had little political experience compared to his opponents, most of it as a state senator. People running against him during his early career on the Democratic and Republican sides seemed to keep dropping out of the races due to sexual scandals. Then, Obama received overt attention from the mainstream media and even the Daily Show before he ever announced his run for president. The buildup was obvious for analysts that knew the signals.
Today, Democratic presidential candidates for 2020 are falling all over themselves to promote "the squad" and get their political approval and support. It is clear that hard line leftists are dictating the conversation on America's future governmental path, and that path is one of extreme centralization, globalization, and bureaucratic tyranny in the name of fraudulent environmental panic.
It is important to remember that public sentiment is fickle and can change so swiftly it boggles the mind. With the advent of a major economic disaster and maybe even a kinetic war that the U.S. cannot sustain or win in the long run, the predictions of globalists and leftists that populist movements are a "crisis waiting to happen" would be fulfilled. Trump has no real control over the economy, of course, and the Fed determines when and how a financial bubble will pop; but that will not stop the majority from laying the blame on the feet of Trump and his political base. The introduction of hardcore socialism as the pre-eminent American ideal would be a much easier sell at that point.
In the middle of societal catastrophe that which we once thought impossible becomes probable. I predict that the "four horsewomen of the Apocalypse" and their ilk are chosen by the globalists to take control of the U.S. after Trump and the populists are fully discredited in the eyes of more than half the country. To be certain, there are many of us who will not accept open socialist/communist governance and all the tidings that come with it (including disarmament of the population), and I have no doubt civil war would erupt.
The point is, we should expect this outcome as one the globalists will force. The signs are visible now. The policies of these women, which are utterly insane and bankrupt of logic, are going to become the prevailing ideals of the next political revolution. Count on it.
To truth and knowledge,
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Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The GOP/DEM "Budget Deal" Just Bankrupted America Forever
From here:
From here:
Both major political parties are working together to destroy America’s financial future, and most Americans don’t seem to care. Once upon a time, the Republicans were considered to be “the party of fiscal responsibility”, but now they are just as bad as the “free spending” Democrats. As you will see below, a “compromise” budget deal was just reached which will dramatically increase federal spending and will suspend the federal debt limit until after the next election. In other words, both sides are conspiring to make our debt problem much, much worse over the next year and a half, and this should be causing howls of outrage all across America. But instead most Americans seem content to go along with the free spending ways of our political leaders, and only a handful of voices are sounding the alarm as we steamroll toward financial oblivion.
When Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009, the U.S. national debt was sitting at a grand total of $10,626,877,048,913.08.
Of course we proceeded to go on the greatest debt binge in the history of our nation, and when Obama’s two terms ended the U.S. national debt had risen to $19,947,304,555,212.49.
Then Donald Trump took office, and we have continued to rack up debt at a staggering pace. In fact, at this moment the U.S. national debt is $22,023,119,533,123.43.
So over the last 10 and a half years, we have added just under 11.4 trillion dollars to our mountain of debt. And when you break that down, that means that our politicians have been stealing more than 100 million dollars every single hour of every single day from future generations of Americans during the Trump/Obama era.
Unfortunately, things are about to get a lot worse. It is being projected that “non-discretionary spending” will dramatically rise as Baby Boomers retire in unprecedented numbers this decade, and as a result our national debt will hit 30 trillion dollars not too long from now. The following comes from a recent Forbes article…
By the end of 2020, it will be approaching $25 trillion. And that doesn’t include state and local debt of $3 trillion plus their $6-trillion unfunded pension liabilities.Note that all that is without a recession.The unified deficit will easily hit $2 trillion and approach $2.5 trillion in the next recession. Within 2 to 3 years later, the total US debt will be at least $30 trillion.
This debt is an existential threat to our republic, and even without all of our other very serious problems it would be enough to bring us down all by itself.
But instead of trying to do something about it, our politicians just reached a “compromise” agreement that will dramatically increase spending…
US President Donald Trump said Monday that a “compromise” bipartisan budget agreement has been reached that will boost federal spending by $320 billion and suspend the debt limit beyond the next presidential election.The deal, should it pass Congress as expected, would allow the federal government to borrow more money and avoid a disastrous default in the coming months, while significantly raising budget caps on defense and domestic outlays.
I don’t know if I even have the words to describe how disgusted I am by all of this.
Of course swamp creatures such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are simply thrilled about what just went down…
“I am very encouraged that the administration and Speaker Pelosi have reached a two-year funding agreement that secures the resources we need to keep rebuilding our armed forces,” McConnell, R-Ky., said. “This was our top objective: Continuing to restore the readiness of our armed forces and modernize our military to deter and defend against growing threats to our national security. That includes investing in our facilities here at home, like Ft. Knox, Ft. Campbell, and the Blue Grass Army Depot, which my state of Kentucky is proud to host.”
He doesn’t seem the least bit ashamed of what he is doing to America.
There is no way that we are going to come back from a 30 trillion dollar debt. It is the largest debt that any government has ever accumulated in the history of the world, and it threatens to destroy the bright future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.
Thankfully, there are a few voices that are still brave enough to speak up. One of them is Maya MacGuineas…
“This agreement is a total abdication of fiscal responsibility by Congress and the president,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a Washington advocacy group. “It may end up being the worst budget agreement in our nation’s history, proposed at a time when our fiscal conditions are already precarious.”
And after news of this budget deal broke, U.S. Representative Mark Walker posted an image of the Joker burning a huge pile of money…
In response, North Carolina GOP Rep. Mark Walker tweeted out a picture of the Joker lighting a pile of money on fire, from the 2008 “Batman” film “The Dark Knight.” (“All you care about is money,” the Joker laments to a hardened career criminal as the money burns. “This town deserves a better class of criminal. And I’m going to give it to them.”)
I really wish that we could be optimistic that things will change in the future, but if the Republicans and the Democrats both don’t care about our exploding national debt there truly is no hope, because we don’t have any other viable political options. I made the national debt one of my core issues when I ran for Congress, but unfortunately the big Washington PACs came in with a ton of outside money and made sure that one of my opponents won.
Sadly, it isn’t just the U.S. that is drowning in debt. According to the latest numbers, the total amount of debt in the world has hit a grand total of 246 trillion dollars…
According to the latest IIF Global Debt Monitor released today, debt around the globe hit $246 trillion in Q1 2019, rising by $3 trillion in the quarter, and outpacing the rate of growth of the global economy as total debt/GDP rose to 320%
All of that debt can never be paid off under our current system.
In the end, the only thing that can be done is to keep increasing the size of the bubble until it inevitably bursts and the entire global economic system goes down in flames.
The borrower is the servant of the lender, and debt is being used to literally enslave the entire planet.
Humanity desperately needs to wake up, but right now there are not nearly enough people that are educating people about these matters.
About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared Now, The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dreamand The Most Important News. From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.
From here:
So much for party of small government.
Enough Republicans join Democrats to pass $2.7T spending bill

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday approved a $2.7 trillion spending agreement negotiated between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House, sending the deal to President Donald Trump’s desk for his signature.
The bill passed 67-28. It was approved with more Democratic votes than Republican, a potential embarrassment for the White House in the GOP-controlled chamber.
GOP leaders and the president were lobbying Senate Republicans this week to support the plan, hoping to soften the optics of a Pelosi-White House-negotiated bill passing on Democratic votes.
“He’s been involved, yes,” Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the Senate GOP whip, said of Trump’s role in the last-minute lobbying.
An hour before the vote, Trump tweeted another endorsement of the plan, calling it “phenomenal for our Great Military, our Vets, and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! Two year deal gets us past the Election.”
And in a nod to the biggest GOP critique of the plan — that it doesn’t do enough to limit spending — Trump said there would be an opportunity to do so later.
“Go for it Republicans, there is always plenty of time to CUT!” he added.
“We need to support the president on this,” said Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota, one of the GOP senators who said Wednesday that he would support the plan. The White House and congressional “leadership has done the best they can to come up with an agreeable solution in divided government.”
The plan would raise the nation’s debt ceiling through 2021 as well as raise caps on federal spending for the next two years. Lawmakers would still have to enact additional legislation to determine how and where the money would be spent.
But many Republicans voiced opposition to the plan for lifting the spending caps, resulting in $320 billion more spending, with only $77 billion in cuts. In the past, some GOP lawmakers have also opposed raising the debt ceiling without cuts.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., dubbed the bill’s passage as the “final nail in the coffin” of the tea party movement and fiscal responsibility.
“Adoption of this deal marks the death of the tea party,” he said on the Senate floor. “Where are the fiscal conservatives? What happened to the tea party movement?”
Republicans were torn between supporting a White House-approved plan that eliminated caps on defense spending — a significant GOP priority — and supporting a Pelosi-approved plan that would raise the debt limit and result in new spending for domestic programs.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tried to frame the deal as the best compromise possible in a divided government. And he stressed the importance of avoiding the “chaos” that would come if the government defaulted on its debts.
“I am confident it is not exactly the legislation that either side of the aisle would have written if one party held the White House, the House, and had 60 votes in the Senate. That’s divided government,” he said on the Senate floor this week. “But I am equally confident that this is a deal that every one of my colleagues should support.”
House Republicans weren’t wild about the plan, either. The spending agreement was approved in that chamber last week in a 284-149 vote, with 219 Democrats and 65 Republicans.
— Jennifer Haberkorn
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
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