Religion is supposed to answer a few questions, but it never has.
It has been said that Religion must address four main points: (1.) "Where did I come from?" (2.) "Why am I here?" (3.) "What should I do (to be 'moral,' or at least to limit pain by pleasing God/the gods) while I'm here?" and (4.) "Where am I going after I die/leave here?"
And then there's the theodicy, where it tries - but always fails - to explain why bad things still happen to good (i.e: obedient) people. The excuse is usually about retroactively backdating something someone else (including one's past reincarnated self) did in the past, to cause these ongoing "original sins of the fathers," etc. Seeing the imperfect all around us, naturally we hypothesize and speculate that maybe something exists which is Perfect - perhaps because it evolved that way, or has always been so. Either way, whether being perfected is the natural end-result of imperfection, or whether perfection, if it exists, has always existed yet nevertheless still cannot make everything else perfect, too, no matter how it tries, because there must always remain an amount of imperfect or not-yet perfect material to perfect or to oppose it, one can posit that perfection is more likely to be conscious than unconscious - despite the fact that it would then have to be conscious of not only its perfect self, but also of all remaining universal imperfections, too.
Theology is nonsense because even if a god or the gods exist, they cannot be moral.
Some say: "If Yahweh (the one who IS) exists, it is logical that he would define morality, and by logical extension, exemplify it."
Well, NOPE! Because all examples of universally objective morality apply only to cause-and-effect situational circumstances, with the main principle being limited to time: "Do Not Attack First!"
That's how the Golden Rule of Law has most simply defined morality throughout human history - yet the alleged God who IS the First Cause, and Prime Mover, by dint of not only being the very first (and uncreated, out-or-time) being, but also because it is omniscient, prescient and omnipotent, ALWAYS attacks first, and so, since it also cannot logically be counter-attacked second, cannot obey the rules it imposes on others. It also cannot become angry with us for attacking each other first, nor pleased with us for refraining from doing so, simply because it not only always knew what would happen, but it is also alleged in some circles to have designed and caused it!
There is no first or second to such an uncreated timeless being. It alone exists in the past, present and future simultaneously... which is exactly how the Jews define the Trilogy: The past is the Father to the present Son, and then also to the nebulous, "ghostly" future!
"...For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD....". ( Isaiah 55;8 )
Well, I smell a rat! That sounds a lot like "allahu-akhbar!" to me!
(i.e: "So what? God is Greater - than your silly logic! Whee")!
Either God walks the (morality) talk, or He's immoral. Period!
Christianity promises a pain-and-fear-free Heaven, which is completely impossible, simply because we have to have at least the remembered fear of pain, and remembered hope of less or no pains, in order to be conscious of anything at all!
Fear (of pain) "and" greed (hope still limited by fear) are the exact same things: they are oriented towards pain, which is caused by problems and mistakes which cause damage.
Just try to take a drug or go lie on a beach on vacation somewhere - it won't be long before you need even more of the drug, and start to get twitchy on the beach, because your brain will be looking for problems to solve. You will never be satisfied because your brain is designed to deal with the unending fear-and-greed, carrot-and-stick, i/o, 1/0 black and white dynamics of life. No amount of static idolatry or wishful magical thinking (ritual religious lies) will be able to save you from it.
One is only conscious within the dynamic process of perceiving pains, fears and reliefs thereof.
The Christian notion of a God who is "Good" is a static idol: where all fears are cancelled by you being made perfectly Safe, and all greeds are gone away because you are perfectly Happy.
Such a "Good" cannot exist - ever.
And what was the #1 crime, sin or error in the Old Testament?
IDOLATRY! Pretending the dynamic universe was static!
Christianity attempts to lie to us by pretending that, by exercise of the will (aka "Faith!" and prayer) one can induce God to reverse cause and effect: it pretends that anger and fear and pain cause damage, and that hope heals it!
It also asserts that PITY (aka Mercy and Compassion and Love) is always Good, and that ANGER is always Bad - but in reality, pitying all criminals as "fellow victims" really only condones endorses and encourages future crimes, while directing one's righteous anger at them may cause them to take responsibility for their free-will predatory choices, and by doing so, hope to end their crimes and prevent future ones!
So then, what could this perfect being want from us (whether or not it is still a part of, or separate from, its alleged creation)?
Allah/The Universe officially declares "I'm Better Than You!" and wants us to repeat it, as "Allah Is Better (than everything else)!"
And yet the description of Allah is that it IS everything, indivisible, so nothing "else" really ever exists for it to be better than.
God/The Universe has always said, still says, and always will say, that: it knows it can not be loved by me. It also implicitly says it knows it is too good to be loved by me, and that I am not good enough to love it or be loved by it. Is this a fact, or a lie/challenge?
Christians seem to take it as a challenge, and reply with the notion that "The only real Commandment is to Love God!" ("Or Else" is also of course implied). But why? If "God IS Love!" then it doesn't need any more of it, any where, from any one, ever. Unless it somehow needs it the most - one of those paradoxical parables where it can not help others unless and until they first at least try to help them selves ('to help others, too' also usually if not always being implied). And what is "LOve!" anyway? It's only the emotion of Hope, of being at least more safe and happy than before, whether or not a static eternally safe state of ultimate happiness can exist (it can't).
Christianity also pretends it is possible, through an idolater's static "solid" version of the real-life dynamic, situational cause-and-effect limited "Greed," (of avoiding pain-causing damages by utilizing one's fears of same to solve the problems and fix the mistakes which cause them) abstracted from their contexts, as "Hope!" and its synonyms "Faith!" and "Belief!" and "Prayer!" to simply reverse time, so that by pretending that "as" if anger causes damage pain fear greed and death, then mere hope (etc) "must" be able to cause healing and ultimately even eternal life - if only one's Hope and trust in the God is perfect enough, as only Jesus' allegedly was. And this is despite the other example, where despite the fact that Lazarus wasn't described as having been a particularly perfectly faithful believer in the Jesus-IS-God ideal, either - yet Jesus still chose to resurrect him anyway, just to prove a point to his own followers!
But in the end, our emotions aren't even thoughts, much less morals or a sense of "spirituality." Emotions are always effects, never causes. They are mere reflections of the three basic states of space-time (the solid past, the fluid present, and the nebulous future, respectively): solid fear, fluid greed, nebulous hope. Not exactly worth defending, much less going to war over!
Muslims (usually) accept the "fact" that they can't influence God (although some say Muhammad can intercede with Allah). Their excuse for destroying everything and everyone else, allegedly "for God!" is that their God doesn't want them to improve any life here.
Buddhists also pretend to accept and Submit to the fact that this life is an illusion, one best be ignored so we'll all just go away.
If Iblis is 'Satan,' then the Yezidis are right: by refusing to bow down and worship Allah's stupid clay idols, he deserved to become made the king of all the other (more dumbass unimaginatively obedient, robotic, moronic etc.) angels for the apparent "risk" he took.
Is god a "psycho-path" (hypocritical thought-killing paranoid masochist)?
Is god a hypocrite? As the alleged first cause and prime mover, who by definition always attacks first, yet who also orders all of his other lesser component parts to obey the Golden Rule of Law and morality to not attack first - yes, that's "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy.
Is god a masochist? As the inventer of evil, who also lets people think he induced crucifixion on himself, yes, that too.
Is god paranoid? Allegedly a "jealous" god, who despite being omniscient, prescient, and omnipotent, still apparently wants to micro-manage, praise and condemn people for the illusory free-will choices he forces them to make, yes.
Especially since, in reality, in order to be conscious at all, he would have to be at least slightly separate from his creation in order to qualify as a god - or even as a conscious being - at all; otherwise he'd be generally everything, and so also specifically nothing (existentialism IS nihilism).
Conclusion: no god, no matter how powerful (where might makes right taken to its ultimate conclusion means it's never real, and always an illusion) can be moral - and that means it cannot be morally superior to any of its creations, and, in fact, it's even true that the more powerful it is, the less objectively moral it even CAN be.
Is God/The Universe, in attacking us first by asserting its "Jealous" nature - where it alone, being allegedly "Love" itself, gets to love us, but not the other way around, challenging us to agree to "all do it, too!" - as in: "We demonstrate thereby, by rejecting its implicit Commandment to NOT too even try to love it, that we would in fact also choose to attack it first, if only we could?" And if so, would this demonstrate that we, too, accept that there is no static 'First' and counter-attacking second polemic hyperbole, no real fear or hope, but, as leftists insist, only the middle state of fluid greed, and as Jews insist, no true stasis, only dynamic immortality?!
Either way, the Judeo-Christian God mostly only ever demonstrates its helpless PITY (aka "mercy," "forgiveness," "tolerance" "sympathy" "forbearance" etc) for us, its flawed and imperfect creations. It occasionally demonstrates anger, but in a strange and irrational way: it deliberately hardened Pharaoh's heart and then regretted helping Moses to deliberately drown his army, while being truly angry with Moses him self for smacking his staff on a rock to give water to his parched people.
Emotion and lies exert undue influence on logical decisions. Fear contracts and truncates decision-making time, limiting options.
Fear expressed as angry immediate hope of relief can also do the same, which is why fighters try to get their opponents angry.
Similarly, there are two kinds of "Haters!" because there's two kinds of "Hate!" (perpetual anger) the real kind, and the fake kind.
There are also, therefore, logically two (binary) kinds of perpetually fear-focused "Paranoia:" the honest, and the dishonest, kinds.
Normal people are honestly "paranoid" but keep it where it belongs, in the background of their consciousness, as they quickly realize, accept, and even "Submit" to the fact that they can't win against God/the Universe while it uses pain-causing damage, the fears of that pain, the greedy hopes of less and the apparently ultimately useless hope, no matter how angrily and dynamically expressed, of no more of any of it - so they don't even bother to pretend that they should bother to try.
In this way, everyone is already born both a Buddhist (whose main credo is "Ignore life and you'll go away!") and a muslim (whose credo was originally supposed to be that one must allegedly peacefully Submit to God always being greater than you and anything else you could imagine or experience, but whose founder then decided that God would also get extra-angry with you for not following his own commands).
Judeo-Christianity also pointlessly expands on this basic truth experienced by everyone, to hypocritically add rules for salvation to the game, while also ultimately argumentatively admitting that, in the end, its proponents also really have no idea of the specifics.
Thus most people already know they're ultimately screwed, and automatically Submit to that fact without needing priests to "help" them.
So the "real" paranoids accept and ignore the ever-looming fact of their eventual doom, while only those hypocrites who obsess about it are either too stupid or too opportunistic to admit it, and in stead try to delusively avoid it, and for some reason feel they have to distract them selves from thinking about it, by either trying to "correct" and "perfect" those honest other people who have already peacefully Submitted to that fact "for God/the gods" in order to greedily negotiate them selves out of their own fate, and/or by simply terrorizing and destroying everyone and every thing they can, in an admittedly ultimately futile attempt to, at 'best,' prove to their obviously violent and destructive gods that they can give as good as they got, or at least tried, to be worthy of it's attention if not of its respect.
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