Here's both how and why even lying "for" (aka stealing the truth from) people, always goes horribly - and often very quickly - wrong:
Hypocrites not only use THE most generalized pattern-detected threat (aka "God"/The Universe) as their main if not only alibi to excuse attacking any and all of its sub-categorical and symptomatic component parts, but they also summarize and exaggerate any and all detected-as-holistic sub-patterns of even only potentially threatening behavior as deliberate attacks on them, too.
And this (generalizing and abstracting principles from their specific contexts) is what all academics always do - they hate forests because they let on tree's root trip them up once!
In fact, psychotic hypocrites will tell any lie to defend their feelings: to ignore fear and embrace hope alone as a plan - for instance, insisting despite all facts to the contrary, that the races and sexes are equal.
In reality, they already know that they're unequal - Whites HAVE invented everything, while the non-Whites have not; ditto for men building and defending everything, while women have not and do not - yet they are scared of the reactions of potentially dangerous non-Whites and women to these simple and obvious truths, and so, choose to habitually lie about them.
And their lies have consequences - as the most basic form of at least attempted theft, even such "harmless, peace-keeping white lies" enslave everyone, too. Entire industries and reams of restrictive laws have sprung up to defend the lies: "Multi-Cultural," "Tolerant" "Diversity;" "Anti-Cis-Gender," "Down-with-Whitey," BLM/Antifa mobs in our streets, and the recent rise of communist thought police.
Putting emotionally defensive false "opinions" forth as "facts" has long been a "constitutional," religious right in the West - such "holy" lying is a legally protected right which has resulted in enabling all such insanities to ensure an unearned equality of outcome.
Yet the facts remain: despite potential hurt feelings, some people, both as individuals and as overall groups of individuals, ARE smarter and/or stronger, etc; i.e: "better" than others, while those others are less able to compete in the world. So, since such abundant and indeed ubiquitous examples of evolution exist, why should the smart and strong automatically be enslaved to the weak and stupid?
Right now, it's because even the smart and strong (in general, Whites) are of course neither smart or strong enough to maintain the will to defend them selves from their own simple fears of the obvious: that relatively "smarter" and/or "stronger" people have always been by definition, still remain and always will remain (as statistical outliers) in a relative minority status when compared to the hordes of stupid, weak, and easily-triggered emotionally unstable and probably dangerous people - and so they often mis-calculate, albeit still "rationally" (as based on these permanent ratios) them selves, based only on their irrational fears, the self-enslaving and animalistic instinctual "group might makes right" notion that they must ignore their own brain's more recently developed, and so , weaker, higher right-makes-might functions, the self-enslaving notion that, to remain physically safe, they must sacrifice their own freedom to lies.
Let’s assume (because it’s true) that each “race” or ethnic breed of human is simply the result of different families growing up in different geographical areas, where different traits were needed to survive.
In the hot lands where food was plentiful, being lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous was the key to survival.
Laziness was a bonus because of over-heating, and unimaginative patience was needed both for fishing and for hunting (which mostly involved falling asleep near the local watering-hole, and waiting for animals to come down for a drink anyway).
Impulsiveness was needed for when on occasion a snake or panther would drop out of the trees to eat one – since fighting wasn’t an option, running away and hoping they’d eat the slower members of one’s family (even if one’s own offspring had to be abandoned without further thought) was the only logical survival response.
And since those problems existed, but so did copious amounts of food, being promiscuous and winning the survival game by creating and abandoning offspring was the way to win with quantity over quality.
Compare that to the cold lands, where food (and natural animal enemies) were scarce – in such a place, being lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous wouldn’t work, and would in fact get one killed off pretty quick.
There, one needed to plan ahead, save up food, and limit the number of mouths one had to feed.
Therefore only the smarter families have been forced by their own survival circumstances to learn how to manipulate their own environments, rather than have their environments continue to rule them.
Only they are capable of adapting to new conditions and stresses, of scrupulously learning to understand how to repair old things and invent new things.
Only they are naturally endowed with the potential foresight to be capable of managing their own estates on this planet.
And the historic White traits of creative individualism and self-sufficiency (which have resulted in our stable societies) are also by-products of this need (and opportunity) to plan things in advance for survival.
Let's define terms: Intelligence is speed of thought and memory. Smarts or wisdom is how one uses that intelligence (hint: honesty is the best policy, and deliberately self-inflicted paranoia leads to all other ultimately stupid "mental illnesses").
The White Curse is that increased intelligence leads to a certain type of stupidity denied to the less intelligent breeds: the one and only real drawback of White intelligence is that the ability to see so far into the future leads some of the more weak-minded ones ("liberals") to see all the potential problems as inevitable, and so they become paranoid masochists who hypocritically pretend to instantly compromise with - to go along (with their criminal lies, mostly to the effect that there are no criminals or crimes, but only equally helpless fellow victims) to get along (with the scary lying criminals) - and tempt them to Submit to - and actually cause, and/or induce others to cause - those very same problems which cause those pains they fear the most! That way, they can pretend to 'control' and cancel the additional pains caused by fearing them! Notice how all the destructive self-hating "liberals" are whites! No other breeds on earth act that way!
It takes a certain level of intelligence to be that stupid!
On the other hand, Why does this paranoid fear of other, lesser races' potential jealousy aka the slanderous "racism" trope work so well on Whites only? Simply because Whites are the most individualistic and least racist people on Earth, and therefore Whites are also the global minority, and most if not all of them instinctively already know it, that's why! We don't "oppress minorities;" its the opposite!
But then such emotion-driven thought-killing literally psychotic cowards always instantly Submit to their sympathy for others' only potentially jealous rage, and foolishly attempt to "pre-emptively, defensively" enslave everyone else to their own selfish fears by demonstrating the same of others.
And it's reached it's ridiculous, if still "logical" conclusions, too: people see tall vs short people, and demand equality, by cutting the legs off the tall ones. I'm not kidding; this is coming, as a "logical" extension of the existence and coddling of those people who "feel" and get quack doctors who also "feel" the same way "for" them, that they "should" be cripples, and demand - and get!' them to perform literally crippling surgeries on them, removing healthy limbs to increase their feelings of equally-helpless fellow victimhood!
Why else do physically strong, but mentally weak men try to become women?
Why else do some fact-avoiding heedless libertines like Rachel Dolezal and Shaun "Talcum-X" King, pretend to be Blacks?!
Why does almost everyone on "the Left" these days, insanely demand we legalize all crimes, fire all the police, and empty out all the prisons?!
Because they are all cowards, who want to be on the side of the might-made "right" majorities. Fools!
So, by aggregating and then abstracting their own circumstantial, situational fears from those scenario contexts, as "FEAR! itself," they create THE #1 "Inevitable" Force alibi to excuse their own criminal actions and desires to defraud the self by always attacking every one and every thing else first. They blame their own initial choice to abstract and generalize their own fears into "Fear!" on literally anything and everything BUT that truth - that to sum up and generalize such disparate separate and unrelated incidents into a paranoid and masochistic self-inflicted false perception of a hostile universe WAS their own hypocritical choice in the first place!
Their own emotional feeling - not "feelings," but the single-focus feeling (of "Fear!") is their sole motivation to slanderously then blame their intended innocent victims (i.e: everyone and everything else) as their wrongful oppressors all the time, while also thereby simultaneously displaying their false pride self-image as the righteously heroic and oppressed innocent victim, meekly and mildly advising those same others, that hope alone is always the best plan - for thee, but, alas, as I'm such an obvious victim, not for me at all, ever, or at best only to a lesser extent, for, as the Prime Victim, I alone am not only entitled, but am required to stand guard, and as Fear's expert Authority and high priest, direct, guide, and shepherd the rest of you blind, sleepy sheeple to secure pastures; (selfishly enslave you to my fears by denying they exist) i.e: "The Devil's greatest trick (lie) was to pretend he didn't exist (AS the Devil, by playing an equally helpless, fellow victim)!"
So, how do we overcome such lying criminal nonsense? As usual, only through educating people about the nature of their emotions, (not as mysterious inevitable forces beyond control, but as simple re-presentations of space-time basics) so hypocritical criminals can not use them as believably valid alibis to excuse their crimes to other people, ever again. Only thus can others discard their false claims.
Hypocrisy (paranoid masochism; pre-emptively, defensively destroying the self and all others in a pretend attempt to "control" one's own aggregated fears of/as "Fear!" BY causing those very same, worst-case scenario pain-causing damage-inflicting problems one fears the most) is by all loogical definitions the most ir-rational mis-calculation any one can ever make. And, as the very definition of "irrationalism" itself, it IS inevitable: One can choose to be EITHER right, OR wrong. It IS a "zero-sum" game, and all dedicated, self-determined "painful"-responsibility-averse libertine hypocrites must already know the truth in order to be so perfectly able to try to avoid it all the time. And choosing to do nothing is also always still a choice. One is Right or wrong; there are no "gray areas."
The greedy, envious, competitive HOPE of being first to attack, first to find and discover, first to win the race - first is best, always "Better Than You!" is driven by the FEAR of having others beat you to it all first.
So (to neutralize this seemingly "Endless, Eternal Struggle" driven by the fear of "If I don't rush in first, some other fools will surely beat me to it, because you always all do it too!") people must be taught what their emotions really are, so they will know that only the calm, emotionless and enlightened people can have the focus, drive and control to always win over such still emotionally-impaired fools.
"Here's how your own brain already works, and what your emotions really are - it's quite simple to learn and teach:
Our emotions aren't even thoughts, much less morals or a sense of "spirituality." Emotions are always effects, never causes. They are mere reflections of the three basic states of space-time (the solid past, the fluid present, and the nebulous future, respectively): solid fear, fluid greed, nebulous hope. Not exactly worth defending, much less getting into any "religious" wars over!
And people "think" (feel) that Fear is the most inevitable if not the only real emotion, simply because it alone literally feels solid.
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