"The United Kingdom has been rocked by the stabbing murder of David Amess, a British member of parliament who was targeted at his regular ‘surgery’ (community engagement meeting) in Leigh-on-Sea, southeast of London.
The murder of Amess sparked immediate comparisons with the killing of another MP, Jo Cox, in Birstall, West Yorkshire on the 16th of June 2016. Like Amess, Cox was also seeing constituents and died after being shot and stabbed by a man named Thomas Mair. Mair is currently serving a life sentence for the murder.
Like the latest killing, Cox’s murder sent shock-waves through the UK. Perhaps even more so, as it took place in the run-up to the referendum on whether the United Kingdom should remain or leave the European Union. This was perhaps one of the most politically divisive events in recent British history.
The reaction of the liberal establishment to Cox’s murder was revealing. While Mair had a long history of mental health problems, this was swept aside in favour of an obsessive focus on his right wing political connections. While this was on some level understandable, Mair did indeed have a whole range of questionable ideological commitments. What was less understandable was that Mair, who lived his life on the radical fringe, was immediately elevated to a representative and poster boy for the whole Brexit movement (i.e. those who wanted the UK to leave the EU).
No matter that Mair was a loner, with questionable mental health, who acted alone. According to some of the ‘Remain’ side, the Brexit movement had to ‘own’ him. No ‘bad apple’ excuses allowed. As commentator, Bart Cammaerts, wrote: “It is, as far as I’m concerned, way too easy and above all misleading to depict the murder of Jo Cox as the despicable act of a mentally deranged loner which has nothing to do with the Brexit-campaign or with the way in which this campaign stirred and instrumentalised xenophobic hatred in this country. The Brexit-campaign has unleashed and normalised something dark and sinister in British society and the murder of Jo Cox is just one manifestation of this.” In other words, if you supported the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, this was on you, no matter who you are.
Which brings us to Amess’ murder. We know by now that his killer was a 25 year-old member of the Somali community. The UK police also declared the murder a ‘terror attack’. This makes it very likely that the killing was motivated by the ‘prophet’ Muhammad’s injunction to ‘strike the necks of the unbelievers’ (Qur’an 8:12). So logically we can expect, if the principle of communal responsibility so vociferously asserted after Cox’s murder is upheld, that there will now be calls for the Muslim community to engage in deep introspection on how they can prevent these kinds of attackers from emerging from their midst. Don’t hold your breath though.
Statements of communal guilt and calls for introspection are seemingly only allowed in one direction. Especially when it comes to the Muslim community, such calls are firmly on the wrong side of a ‘Don’t go there!’ sign. So expect endless statements about a ‘lone wolf attack’ and analyses of how the perpetrator’s mental health or alienation from society caused him to fly into a murderous rage. Statements along these lines will, no doubt, be garnished by the reminder that only a ‘tiny minority of extremists’ go on to do such a thing and that Amess’ murder most assuredly had ‘nothing to do with Islam’. Never mind that the ISIS magazine, Dabiq, called for precisely these kinds of attacks, explicitly basing this call on the teachings of the ‘prophet’ Muhammad.
The worst thing about all of this is not the obvious and ridiculous double standard. It is also the fact that it leaves an ideology that ultimately endangers all of those who do not subscribe to the teachings of Islam free from serious scrutiny.
I wish I could say that I’m convinced that this will be a teachable moment, causing an intense investigation of the links between orthodox Islamic teaching and violence. Unfortunately, what is far more likely to happen is that the very people who were willing to convict their political opponents for complicity in the murder in the death of Jo Cox will work extra hard to ensure that cover is provided for the community from which the latest assassin of a UK politician emerged."
Kind regards,
Peter Townsend, author of Nothing To Do With Islam
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