Monday, November 26, 2018


Re: "The Canadian media should think long and hard before selling its soul to Trudeau."

But "THINKING" isn't something such presstitutes normally do, is it?


YES, all liberals/socialists/communists (and muslims, nazis, etc) are "TOTALITARIANS."
And what does that mean? Simple! It means they want TOTAL control over everyone else.
In other words, they are wannabe slavers. And to achieve that gang-might-made-right utopia (where they have all the rights and no responsibilities, and everyone else has no right to defend themselves from their "expert authority,"  but only a responsibility to become and remain their slaves) they need to form into ever-larger gangs. And why are they like this? Because they are scared little weenies and bullies who always blame everyone and everyone else for their own fears, seeing them not as internally generated helpful warnings to aid them in avoiding future mistakes and problems which cause pain-causing damage - but as additional externally-generated pains, to be ignored opposed and attacked. Since thinking prioritizes pain and fear in order to earn hope, they fear the scary dynamics of thinking itself, in both them selves and in all others. Hence, "psycho-paths" are literally thought-killers, always trying to impose new restrictions on everyone else. They form and join ever-larger gangs (leading to globalism) to go along (with criminal lies and extortion aka political correctness) to get along (with all the other scary criminal extortionists) simply because they are too scared not to.



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