Last week, at least 400 illegal aliens in Tijuana attempted to rush our border, some throwing large rocks at police. The media cast the violent mob in a sympathetic light, photographing women and barefoot children in the chaos. Forty-two were arrested, but none charged! The phony outrage was that border agents used tear gas on “kids.” Believe me, if any children had actually suffered harm, the media would have exploited them for front-and-center sob stories. The media has run a months-long PR campaign for these foreign invaders. The fake news media are truly the enemy of the people.
In June, evil people pushed phony concern for illegal alien children separated from “mothers,” and children being put in “cages.” I wrote then that Democrats don’t care about children – illegal or American In fact, the anti-Trump media and liberals have no love, but only out-of-control minds and emotions. They support abortion, sex outside of marriage, pornography, bad schools, crime, radical homosexuals and transgender madness – everything harmful to children. Led in darkness by their father the Devil, they exploit and corrupt women and children to advance an evil agenda. They call evil good and good evil.
President Trump is a nationalist, and so am I. Anyone who is not a nationalist is like an unfaithful father who leaves his wife and children to be with another woman and another man’s children. The man’s children suffer for lack of a good father giving them proper attention; the stepchildren never truly accept the stepfather; and neither of the women can ever respect such a man. This is what the Democrats, the liberal media, RINO Republicans, and many of the Never Trumpers are like – they’re not nationalists. They’re not good men or women.
Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”
President Trump loves all people by doing what’s right. What’s right for American citizens is also good for illegal aliens – to deny them entry into our country. They don’t have a right to be here. They don’t have our values. We need to take care of home first – just as the illegal aliens (mostly men!) need to go home to repair their own countries.
We have a black American population in moral crisis – with Hispanics following close behind in violence, hatred and false victimhood. Families, where they exist at all, are weak and broken, producing criminals, drug addicts, single mothers and pathetic adult males. West Coast cities are overrun with homelessness, drugs and blight, driving out businesses. The 22-million-plus illegal aliens already here are raising anchor babies to reject our rule of law – and these “stepchildren” grow up to vote! Our education system is a scam upon the young people – filled with useless, leftist, anti-God, anti-man, anti-American indoctrination.
The media recently highlighted a “Native American” single mother elected to U.S. Congress, Deb Haaland of New Mexico. This woman suggested that President Trump was undermining Democracy and American values because of his “rhetoric” about “erasing trans people.” Imagine being raised with no father by a mother this misguided and committed to the godless “social justice” agenda. And imagine the degeneracy of the people who voted for such a woman as their representative!
Democrat voters also elected an American Indian lesbian and two Muslim women, in addition to the media-celebrated radical socialist millennial Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The president must deal with these radicals in the coming year – along with the anti-Trump establishment. They don’t want America to be made great again.
If we want the corrupt government to change, we the people must change. You must deal with evil in your personal lives, and not allow it to continue and grow. Evil will destroy you and others around you if you do not overcome it. Whites, especially white men, who see through the deception of the media, academia and government, must speak up without fear. Tell the truth to the people of color who are used to being fed lies. Start first by being honest with your family and those around you. And grow up, get married, and have babies!
As I frequently say, we have a great opportunity with this president in office. Although the people on the side of evil seem to increase in numbers, so too do the people of good. God told Abraham that he would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if He found ten good men among them. Children of God have the real power to keep America great – even in a minority! Satan can only tempt, deceive, and intimidate.
The president has repeatedly stood alone, and won.
Re: "Anyone who is not a nationalist is like an unfaithful father who leaves his wife and children to be with another woman and another man’s children. The man’s children suffer for lack of a good father giving them proper attention; the stepchildren never truly accept the stepfather; and neither of the women can ever respect such a man."
- The Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson -
This excellent analogy can be paraphrased to describe criminally negligent delinquency (aka libertine liberalism) in all venues, not just in regards to nationalism.
Criminals, like their father, the Devil, insist no real criminals or even crimes exist because we're all really ever only equally helpless fellow victims, at the mercy of unknowably unknown, mysterious (yet somehow also mysteriously known to be "inevitable") forces beyond our comprehension and control - like the Marxist "historical predeterminism" aka victims of society, and slaves of Allah - such that there's no difference between the sort of "victim" who chooses to attack thereby innocent others first, (aka those currently known as "criminals") and those who don't. Therefore, they always demand pity (aka respect for their dignity, tolerance, mercy, forgiveness and compassion) for those fellow extortive gangsters - er, I mean "victims" - who insist on affording useless pity for everyone "equally," and anger only for those who embrace useful anger at criminals in order to stop and deter them from committing their crimes. In other words, such delinquent libertine "liberal" criminals always have an excuse for not having any free-will choices, while conservatives insist they always did and still do have a choice to restrain them selves from attacking innocent other people first. Go figure!
All excuse-making criminals are cowards.
"Psychotic, paranoid masochist hypocrites" always project: "I couldn't be responsible to myself or anyone else, because I was afraid - and I alone feel fear! (OK, if and when you're willing to indulge my excuse, you can share in it: "we all do it, too!") Whee!"
Even putting this cowardice into "psychological" (mental illness) terms, is to give in to one of their favorite excuses:
"I didn't do it! My brain made me do it! And in fact, I didn't do it at all! Only my brain did it! Whee!"
Therefore it's plain to see that all thought-killing, emotional-excuse-making, fear-focused cowardly criminal "psychotics" (aka "paranoid" "masochists" and "conflicted, cognitively dissonant, bi-polar manic-depressive hypocrites") are cowards.
The very dictionary definition of "Psycho-paths" is simply "thought-killers." It's not something only a trained expert medical authority can diagnose and therapeutically treat but never cure (because to such criminal negligents, the motto is always "There's No Money In Solutions, so Please Give Generously - Again!")! Anyone who can do it easily understands it.
All psychopaths are masochists and all masochists are psychopaths. Masochists aren't brave pain-lovers at all - they are cowards who only inflict pain on themselves to cancel what they consider as the additional pains called fears or "Fear."
But one's thoughts prioritize fears, not, as these psychotic masochists or masochistically psychotics choose to see them, as externally-generated inflictions of additional pains, but as internally-generated helpful warnings, to be heeded and used to avoid future pain-causing damage.
Their chosen view is simply one of permanent fear aka "paranoia." And since one's thoughts prioritize fear in order to earn hope, what these people who choose, in stead, to fear not the causes of their fears, but "only" the fear itself, are really trying to do is to kill off their thoughts.
Pretending it's smart to kill off one's thoughts is the most basic and blatant example of sheerest hypocrisy, yet that - and only that - is what every delinquent criminally negligent libertine "liberal" does all the time anyway: "Whee."
Even worse: "fascism" (communazi totalitarianism, collectivist conformity, i.e: total control aka slavery) always automatically results from group-might-made-rights to be pitied instead of scorned: in pretending they can't control them selves, excuse-making criminals must also "logically" insist that, ("since we, i.e: you, all do it, too") as nobody else can control them selves either, then they ("we") all must be controlled by other people (i.e: by "me")!
So, by pretending they can't control them selves, they also pretend they "must" try to control everyone else instead! In public, they always endorse useless pity over useful anger because it's less risky. But give them a large enough gang to dilute their own culpability and risk, while increasing their power to extort, and they will also advocate for anger at those who would be angry at such criminals for committing their crimes.
See "islam" for the "best" example of this.
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