From here:
Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Islamists have joined to destroy America
Not in America. After all we are America with the strongest military ever. No one will take us over. We have 2 oceans and a Constitution to protect us. We are (or used to be) Free People
In the early 1940’s the CIC (called CIA today) brought over 1600 communists from Germany to America in “Operation Paperclip”. Brilliant minds we were told. They will bring innovation and creation in science and technology. Just one problem where did many of them go? They became professors in our finest universities. What did they teach? Communism. Why? Because they were communists.
In 1958, Eisenhower sent a commission to the Soviet Union in order to “understand” merge our cultures. Many of our “leaders’ studied in Russia: Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Obama to name a few. This was the beginning of the normalizing of communism in America. Today they have named themselves Globalists, Progressives, Democratic Socialists, Leftists, and they have partnered with the Islamists. Their school is called the Aspen Institute where our leaders go to be told what to do to bring America into the One World Government Global structure. Look at the leadership. RINOS we call them on the right. Democrats we call the left. Communists I say. Who attended Aspen Institute: Paul Ryan, Romney, Rubio, Debbie Wasserman Shultz to name a few.
“We will Fundamentally Transform America,” Obama proclaimed. “We will change History,” Michelle added. Not one person ever asked Obama what fundamentally changing America meant. No one asked Michelle how do you change history? But yet we changed. Fundamentally Transform means Destroy and Changing History means Lie. And by silence we complied.
Today students learn our heroes of the past are the villains of today and the villains are heroes. Hitler, because of too much evidence is the chosen villain. All who oppose the communists are racist, bigots etc. and are compared to Hitler. Hitler killed 6million Jews + millions of Christians, Gypsies, Gay and anyone in opposition. The other dictators like Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Papa Doc, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein and Castro who killed many more people in ethnic cleansing genocide became freedom fighter and heroes.
This list are some of the results of socialist policies currently in America.
Single Payer
Education, NCLB , Race to the Top, Common Core
Green New Deal, Sustainability, Smart Cities, Smart Cars, Smart appliances
Gun Control
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
Eliminating fossil fuel, meat, straws
Man Made Global Warming
Drugs, Liquor, Addiction
Sex, Sex or Human Trafficking
Selling Body Parts
Giving away technology
Crumbling infrastructure
Selling American land and resources to Communist China, Russia
Open Border
Forcing Americans to pay for immigrants and illegal entitlements
Accepting radicals as “normal” calling them just a lone wolf
Regionalism allowing unelected bureaucrats to have the law making power
Loss of personal property in the name of fairness
Forcing people to act against their belief system
Affirmative Action now in SAT
Food Stamps
Demonizing law enforcement
Education, NCLB , Race to the Top, Common Core
Green New Deal, Sustainability, Smart Cities, Smart Cars, Smart appliances
Gun Control
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
Eliminating fossil fuel, meat, straws
Man Made Global Warming
Drugs, Liquor, Addiction
Sex, Sex or Human Trafficking
Selling Body Parts
Giving away technology
Crumbling infrastructure
Selling American land and resources to Communist China, Russia
Open Border
Forcing Americans to pay for immigrants and illegal entitlements
Accepting radicals as “normal” calling them just a lone wolf
Regionalism allowing unelected bureaucrats to have the law making power
Loss of personal property in the name of fairness
Forcing people to act against their belief system
Affirmative Action now in SAT
Food Stamps
Demonizing law enforcement
All these programs have two things in common: They don’t work and are overly expensive . Slowly drip by drip America becomes a debtor nation weak in values and morality. Change the culture, change the country.
GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!! ! Money trap: How banks control the world
An individual can only think of one thought at a time. If that though is channeled through emotion the results become more defined and often violent. So we allow communists to teach our children to be victims and to be jealous, envious or angry at those who are perceived to have more. When riots and destruction of property rule, chaos is the result. Then screaming for the chaos to end we accept tightening the noose of control around a once free society.
In order to complete their plan, the enemies of America, Israel, Capitalism, The West have united. They understand that there is more force in unity. Their goal is a One World Government headed by the United Nations. Recently the Pope has proclaimed that there is a one world religion. Will the next lie for Sunday school will be something like twisting the role of Jesus? What if your children learned – Jesus is the son of G-d. Allah is G-d therefore Jesus is the son of Allah. Forget about that last supper. Forget about any meaning to anything you learned. They will get the Christians to join Islamists and kill Jews because Jews killed Jesus. As Michelle said, ‘change the history”. And we affirm by our silence.
One thing is certain, every industry, every value, every form of freedom and independence will disappear under socialism for
Everything is connected
Nothing happens randomly
There are no coincidences
Everything has a plan
All plans are based on lies.
Nothing happens randomly
There are no coincidences
Everything has a plan
All plans are based on lies.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” —Hitler
We see that playing out by Russiagate. The Democrat Party felt that by lying, they could overthrow the Presidency of Donald Trump. The media is still carrying that message. If there are no consequences for these actions, this corruption will continue.
Is America Worth Saving?
“Because without America there is no free world.” Canada Free Press
The future of America is in your hands. If the Boomers know the truth and are silent what will be America’s future? Once more the “greatest generation” is called upon to act o save America. We must call out the lies.
Right now there are more Americans than Globalists but our silence is deafening.
Will you pick a topic and become an expert on the truth? Mine is education for I believe that education is the easiest for us to gain a foothold. Using equality and diversity we can force the teaching of the “other side” of America. Imagine how we can foil their plan by taking all of these legal and illegal immigrants and giving them a great dose of traditional America. We can flip this DEAL just by telling the truth in schools. Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. Shakuntala Devi. Preparing for life means to become self sufficient not dependency on a government handout or taking from another.
A revolution needs foot soldiers. The Communists are great at organizing. Their chief Obama has put the wheels in motion. Will you organize truth warriors in your communities? Will you call out the social media giants and do as the left does, boycott? Will you join, march when necessary, donate when you can? Most important will you just keep talking. Never quit the conversation. Never quit.
Need a refresher course? Here are some great places to start:
1. “Crimes of the Educators” –Alex Newmann
2. “Socialism: A Warning from the Dead” – Glenn Beck
3. “Plundered – How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America” – Michael Coffman, PhD.
4. “The 5000 Year Leap” – W. Cleon Skousen
5. “The Naked Communist” – W Cleon Skousen
6. 45 Communist Goals read into the Congressional Record.
2. “Socialism: A Warning from the Dead” – Glenn Beck
3. “Plundered – How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America” – Michael Coffman, PhD.
4. “The 5000 Year Leap” – W. Cleon Skousen
5. “The Naked Communist” – W Cleon Skousen
6. 45 Communist Goals read into the Congressional Record.
Only Americans can “save America”.
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