Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Canadian Voting and Electoral Reform Proposals Explained

The people who want to "reform" (change) our traditional First-Past-The-Post, one person/one vote system, often whine:

"The ruling party only got 40% of the total vote! That means 60% voted against them! That's not fair!"

But this is only a standard statistical distraction tactic which is always used by liberals; so don't fall for it!

Say it goes like this:

40 % Conservatives
30 % Liberals
20 % Outright Commies
10% All Others (fringe parties/flakes).

=100 %

OK, so the vote is to hire ('elect') ONE representative, who "only" got 40 % of the votes (because we, as the 'companys' owners' decided she was the most qualified of the 4 job-applicants).

There was only the one job opening, so it also doesn't mean anybody owes the losers any second-place, "Deputy PM," type jobs!

Also, although overall the winners DIDN'T get the WHOLE other 60 % of the vote, it doesn't mean ALL those nay-sayers and dissenters voted "against!" them, either.

In fact, it also really only means that, although 60 % of the people didn't vote for the winner, nevertheless, a full 70, 80, and 90 % of the people also didn't vote for the other (losing) candidates, respectively, either! So their whole argument fails.

It also means that, contrary to often-butthurt liberal propaganda hyperbole, which falsely extrapolates that "It's Not Fair, because the other 60% voted AGAINST the winner!" what really happened is they divided their votes by voting FOR whomever they chose as the best candidates and parties. Had they really wanted to vote AGAINST the eventual winner, they would have voted strategically FOR the most likely (and least disliked) other major party as their only real option to defeat the winners.

And more - Why work to "reform" voting from the traditionally most fair way possible (one person, one vote) to enshrine a perpetual politicians' union, at all, ever?!

The more self-interested "identity-politics" parties we have, the more divided and unable to function to defend us the government (and electorate!) is - which is both how and why Europe is always paralyzed.


Here's both how and why this falsely-named and entirely hypocritical "Fair Vote Canada!" scam is always anything BUT "Fair!"

"Proportional" representation really only means stealing votes from one riding to bolster party status in others, in order to form a "politicians' union" and enshrine political parties, not individual citizen voters, as the main arbiters of our laws.

It dilutes your votes and renders them worthless. People are supposed to vote for their LOCAL representatives, to represent their localities - because traditionally, that's where the citizens' jobs and families and homes are located. "Proportional" voting is for parties over people - for political party idols over real live human individuals.

Let's dummy this down to its most absolute basic, binary principle to see how it works:

Let's imagine that we have only two main political parties, and only two political ridings next to each other.

Just for laughs, let's call them "The Eastern Riding," and "The Western Riding."

They each have the exact same population/number of voters; for convenience' sake, let's make it an even 100 voters per riding.

In the first one, (The Eastern Riding) the main employer is a large globalist corporation which only exists because of government tax grants.

Let's call it "SNC-Liberalin."

In the second riding, (aka "the Western Riding") there are only a few government bailouts, but most people work for small, unassociated private companies.

In the election, the first riding votes 99% Liberal (quel surprise) while the second riding of independent voters  votes only 51% Conservative.

Under the current and traditional, status-quo first-past-the-post (one person, one vote) system we have now, the people have just elected one Liberal, and one Conservative to represent them in Parliament. Seems fair, non?

But under "proportional" representation, those votes get added together, then divided ('averaged') such that we get a grand total of 148 votes for the Liberals, and 52 votes for the Conservatives - averaged (added, then divided into 2) that means we end up with 74% voting Liberal, and only 26% voting Conservative, of the artificially aggregated, so-called "popular vote".

Therefore the Liberal Party gets another representative in Parliament, so now there's 2 Liberal MPs and only 1 Conservative one.

This is, of course, what the Liberals call "Fair!" while in the past, "one person, one vote," they called: "Not Fair! Unfair!"

And let's not avoid the obvious truth that, since they aren't paying them selves their salaries, those employed by SNC-Liberalin in The Eastern Riding, are really in effect being employed and paid by proxy of the taxes of those in The Western Riding paid by the liberal government to SNC-Liberalin itself. So this way, The Western Riding remains literally enslaved to The Eastern Riding, forever. 

Not to mention the real-life demographic disparities wherein the Eastern Provinces always outnumber the Western ones in overall population and so also "proportional" voting power.

Good (and permanent!) "win/win" deal for the Liberals, but a permanent "lose/lose" deal for all the non-Liberals.

And, of course, after Trudeau's crushing majority win last time, there was obviously no way the hypocrite would want to dilute his votes by mixing and matching riding votes in this proposed manner, which is why he reneged on his promise to do so.

The bottom line is: No matter who you think benefits most from party-directed government largesse - the poor areas, or the largest political-donor mega-corporations, like the Liberal Party's SNC Lavalin globalist "Quebec" engineering firm - the so-called "Mixed: Member-Proportional (MMP)" voting reform system allows the politicians, not voters, to skew their votes and enshrine a perpetual self-perpetrating politicians' union into our laws, while 'ranked' voting merely enshrines "Free Stuff!" tax-looting.

The traditional "First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) voting system is "One Person, One Vote;" and it will simply never get any more fair than that!

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