Friday, March 13, 2020

Anti-"Racist" CPC Leadership Candidate Erin O'Foole Says He Wants To Stop Sharia Law - By Coddling Muslims!

I received this pathetic, defensively blustering, liberal-like screed from Conservative Party of Canada "front-runner" Leadership candidate Erin O'Toole today, so I just had to deconstruct and destroy it!


Want to Stop Sharia Law?


For weeks, an organized and deliberate campaign of hate and racism has attacked me and my team.

First from the bowels of the fake news dark web.

Then via emails from a candidate who has spent years tearing Conservatives down and wasting member donations by suing the Party.  

[He means this guy fellow leadership candidate Jim Karahalios, who is obviously far more honest!]

And finally, through the silence and condoning by certain other candidates.

These attacks have attempted to make an issue of the religion of one of my senior advisors.

Let’s be clear. They are doing it because he’s a Muslim.

It doesn’t matter that he has volunteered on every Conservative campaign for 30 years.

It doesn’t matter that Premier Ford appointed him to be the Government of Ontario’s Chair of the Capital Markets Task Force.

He’s a Muslim.

For 12 years, I wore the uniform of our country and took an oath to defend the Canadian values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.

I will always fight back against any threat to those principles, at home and abroad, including Sharia Law.

Repeat: I will always fight against Sharia Law.

Any suggestion otherwise is preposterous, tinfoil hat thinking.

The fact that I even have to say this is profoundly sad.

But I will also fight back against racism and religious persecution.

I am proud to have Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, and probably a few Atheists, on my team.

I am proud to have LGBTQ people on my team.

I am proud to have so many women in senior roles on my team.

I am proud to have social conservatives, defence hawks, progressive and fiscal conservatives on my team.

This team reflects the Conservative Party I want to build, and the Canada I want to lead.

This team reflects the diversity of our Party. A diversity that we have failed to showcase to Canadians because a few loud-mouthed racists are tarring our reputation.

Do you want to stop Sharia Law and its persecution of women, the LGBTQ community, and anyone who isn’t a follower?

Start with a leader who fights back against persecution.

I’m Erin O’Toole, and I cannot believe I had to approve this message.

If you're fed up too, join my fight (AGAINST "HATEFUL RACIST BIGOTS")!

Erin O'Toole           


So - here we go!

Dear Erin:              

I must honestly challenge you on the apparent lack of accuracy in most of your statements in this email:

Re: (1.) "For weeks, an organized and deliberate campaign of hate and racism has attacked me and my team.
(2.) I will always fight against Sharia Law. But I will also fight back against racism and religious persecution.
(3.) I am proud to have Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, and probably a few Atheists, on my team.
(4.) This team reflects the diversity of our Party. A diversity that we have failed to showcase to Canadians because a few loud-mouthed racists are tarring our reputation.

Let's break this down:

(1.) Hatred of crimes and the criminals who commit them isn't a bad thing. And "muslim" isn't a race - it denotes a membership, however hereditary, in the world's oldest and largest ongoing crime and murder gang.

(2.) Sharia law is nothing more or less than the precepts and principles of the Qur'an itself, codified into practical applications for daily life. Islam itself is religious persecution. Blaming a "god" for one's own criminal desires and actions does not excuse murder and all other crimes perpetrated against those intended victims designated as unfaithful ("infidel") unbelievers. And again: "muslim" is not a "race" at all (much less one of poor oppressed swarthy victimal "People of Colour," as our sly liberal opponents have been pretending for all too long. You seem to be joining their chorus to secure votes and avoid hurting people's pwecious feewings.

(3.) Would you be equally proud to have members of the MAFIA on your team, too? What about KKK members? Tong or Triad gangsters? Hell's Angels, perhaps? Islam is a crime-gang; muslims are holy mobster gangsters.

(4.) "Yaay, diverthity!" You're echoing liberal talking points, that "diversity is our greatest strength!" - which is like claiming that disunity makes us stronger. This is liberal communal crap: appeals to "diversity" treat people not as individuals, as I'm sure *might* be your underlying point here, were you honest and smart enough to have sussed it out on your own before now - but as members of a collective - racial, ethnic, or gender. Which, come to think of it, is exactly what you just tried bragging about, here: "I am proud to have Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, and probably a few Atheists, on my team. I am proud to have LGBTQ people on my team. I am proud to have so many women in senior roles on my team."

What you *should* have said - but, all-too-tellingly, didn't - is something along the lines of "It doesn't matter to me what group identity politics category any of us would otherwise fall into (global crime-gang memberships excepted, of course!) and so it doesn't matter to me what your religion, sex or 'gender,' or age is: We're all conservatives here, and as such, we all believe in the uniqueness of every individual - except for all crime-gang mobsters who are in literal lock-step as proudly unreasonable mind-slaves of their imaginary 'god,' of course."

Erin, its painfully obvious that you're shooting your mouth off, blustering away without having even the slightest idea about any of even the most basic tenets of the islamic creed.

"Sharia" IS islam, and islam IS "sharia:"

Muhammad was also known as "al-Shari" (the Law-Bringer) and the legality of "sharia" (the word itself simply means "law") is based on Qur'an Sura 4:65:

"Nay! O Muhammad - by your Lord - they will never be true believers until they accept you as a judge in their disputes, then they do not find any resentment in their hearts against your verdicts and accept them with complete submission."

"Sharia" simply means "law," - in their case, as based on the commandments in the Qur'an and the explanatory ahadith, stories from the life of Muhammad, etc - and it's all or nothing.

ALL muslims are criminals: by their own rules, they must endorse in public every word in the Qur’an, which tells them that they are so “superior” to all non-muslims, that it’s not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-muslims in the world, simply for the “crime” of not being muslims:

“Slay the non-muslims wherever you find them,” (Qur'an 9:5), “Strike upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip,” (Qur'an 8:12) and “Fight them until there is no unbelief and the religion, all of it, is for Allah” (Qur'an 8:39).

And they have no choice - islam isn't cafeteria catholicism, it's all or nothing (sura 2:85) and so if they give evidence they aren't toeing the line, the others must murder them for hypocrisy (4:86).

Therefore all muslims call them selves "muslims" and not "islamists," or "radicals," or "moderates!"

So the Qur'an is a clearly-written, us-versus-them hate-crime book, endorsing a permanent might-makes-right death-threat. In fact, it's quite accurate to note that the Qur'an is what you'd get if Hitler had written the Bible.

Again: The Qur'an tells it's muslim mind-slaves that they are in fact SO "superior" to all the non-members of their war and plunder cult, that it's not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-muslims in the world, simply for the "crime" of not being muslims!

So "muslims" are nothing more than criminals, pedophile murderers who dress up in the robes and beards of religious men, waving fake bibles, yelling about "god" to cover up their criminal natures to get closer to their victims.

ALL muslims are criminals, as being members of the ancient, ongoing global extortion racket called islam. In sharia law texts, muslims are SUPPOSED to be regarded as threats (as "objects of fear") by all the unbelievers, whether or not the individual muslim has itself actually committed any crimes. (As documented in the Hedaya, Volume II, Book IX, INSTITUTES, on pages 154 & 157); and in the Qur'an, via Suras 8:57 & 60.

That's why we have laws against simply being a MEMBER of a crime-gang or 'criminal enterprise' because their general membership endorses and represents the inherent threat the gang presents. Threats are crimes in themselves: they are psychological attacks, also known as intimidation, bullying, coercion, duress, harassment, activist agitation, extortion, and “terrorism.”

And even any “only" attempted crimes are still considered by civilized people to be crimes.

Here’s islam’s “holy Message from god” as exemplified by the collective words and deeds of it’s Founder:

“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!”

- Muhammad -

Muhammad was really only a con-man and bandit-king, an arch-criminal who always blamed “god” for his own penchant for committing crimes. If Moe got away with committing a crime (and he tried them all, enthusiastically, more than once, but instead of ever showing contrition, bragged about how much fun it was to commit them, and advised everyone else to join in the fun, too), then it was held to be “obvious” that “god” wanted him to get away with having committed those crimes!

And since "allah" forced him to commit them, they were never really "crimes" at all in the first place!

Everything muslims pretend to see as "holy" is already a crime!

Bottom line? Islam is not a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) nor is it a “race” (at all, much less one of “Poor, Oppressed, People Of Colour”)!

Obviously, islam is ONLY an ancient, ongoing extortion-racket CRIME-syndicate, and the only “religious” part in it, is where its holy-mobster crime-gang members say:

“God told us to commit these crimes!”



The Qur’an clearly and very specifically tells muslims the Bible is wrong and also that all Christians and Jews are infidel criminals who worship a false god, and who must therefore be extorted, enslaved, and murdered for their “crime” of not being muslims:

Sura (Chapter) 47:1-4 of the Qur'an:

1: non-muslims are bad, (allegedly because they insult allah by dividing his nature*);
2: muslims are good, (allegedly because to them allah is the cause of everything*);
3: Allah made them both like that;
4: So muslims should chop off the non-muslims' heads.
("Allah could have done it himself, but he wants you muslims to do it for him").

It's all right there, in context: islamic violence is entirely general doctrine-driven, and not at all specific grievance-driven.

(And chapter 47 isn't by any stretch even remotely the worst, most violent chapter; that honor goes to either chapter 8 or 9; 9:29 demands all non-muslims be fought, extorted, and enslaved because they don't believe in Muhammad's 'allah').

That is, the Qur'an demands muslims wage offensive war - not in self-defense - but because of others' "disbelief!"

So islam is against even the corrupted, "Live and Let Live" version of The Golden Rule; islam always attacks first.

In the end, sharia is NOT law, it is codified crime.

Pretending that the global crime-gang called islam is a “race” of poor swarthy animal-people, oppressed by the mentally superior whites, in order to slander everyone who notices it’s a crime-gang as a hatefully bigoted “racist” – is to deliberately enable that crime-gang’s crimes by hiding and destroying the evidence of same, and thus to be a willing accessory to those crimes.

Everyone who defends islam and muslims endorses crime.
Endorsing crime IS a crime, so those doing it are criminals.

Right in the Qur'an is: the obligation to murder Jews and Christians (Surah 9:29), to terrorize all non-Muslims (8:12), to rape young girls (65:4), to enslave people for sex (4:3), to lie about one's true goals (3:54), and the command to make war on all the infidels (9:123) and subjugate the entire world to Allah (9:33).

Are death-threats legal? NO.
Is extortion legal? NO.
Is slavery legal? NO.
Is murder legal? NO.
Is rape legal? NO.


Rape, slavery, robbery, extortion and murder are never OK!

Again: Everything muslims pretend to see as "holy" is already a crime!

So nobody has a legal right to practice islam anywhere on earth!


Worse, being constructively angry at ("hateful" towards) criminals is now the most vile sin, while uselessly pitying ("tolerating") them all as "equally-helpless fellow victims," is to be deemed the highest moral virtue, these days!

Having no facts, logic, or reasonable arguments with which to defend their own crimes and treason, criminals must in stead substitute this global attempt to control our very thinking - through an emotional, sub-conscious "narrative" - so much so, that the only advice we hear from "our" hypocrite governments, their pet media, and the corporazi globalist banksters who own them all, seems to invariably be:

"Anyone who doesn't automatically pity all criminals as fellow victims should be hated!"

Which is why hurting the feelings of criminals by accusing them of their crimes, is now a "hateful" crime itself!

BOTTOM LINE: Erin, you're putting emotions (primarily pity for those you claim are perpetually righteous victims, no matter what the facts might be, which thereby implicitly slanders those who oppose that lie as their wrongful oppressors, who thus deserve only anger) over, reason, logic, facts and truth. That's pretty-much the very definition of "corruption," and it has no place in our Party, as it betrays rationality and Civilization itself.

Ask your "award-winning, Conservative" muslim advisor exactly what parts of the above are incorrect, and, when he fails to find any untruth there, which parts of the Qur'an and sahih ahadith he disagrees with, if any (because he's officially not allowed to disagree with ANY of it); and then ask which parts are his favourites - and if they endorse peace, ask him to prove they weren't all later "abrogated" under the doctrine of naskh.

We both know he can't and so, you won't - dare to question his "faith" in his crime-and-murder god. Because that would be rude, and might hurt his pwecious feewings, too. Erin, you sound exactly like Justin Trudeau.

I've been a soldier in the Middle East, too - and in the Conservative Party for nearly 40 years, but, after this disgraceful liberal-like pandering attempt, I'm no longer supporting you. You have betrayed Civilization itself.

-Vladdi Basarab -

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