Which Virus Is More Dangerous?
Hint: it's not the one the media is hyping.

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
The two big stories these days are the COVID-19 outbreak and the Democrat presidential primaries. The former is filled with the media’s apocalyptic hysteria about a disease that for now is less deadly than the yearly flu. The latter’s drama comes from the DNC’s and Democrat big donors’ success in neutralizing Bernie Sanders’ candidacy and all but ensuring that an addled mediocrity ends up being the Dems’ presidential candidate in November.
The Democrat primaries, however, are in large part a manifestation of the political virus that has infected the body politic for over three years, and that in the long run is more dangerous than the coronavirus: COVFEFE-45, popularly known as Trump Derangement Syndrome. The coronavirus will eventually be contained, as previous viral outbreaks have been over the last few decades. TDS, on the other hand, may pave the way for the Dems’ control of the government come November. Such an outcome will mark a quantitative leap in the century-long dismantling of the Constitutional order that defends our political freedom.
The two diseases have converged in the NeverTrumpers’ attempts to blame the coronavirus on President Trump. A Politico headline sums it up: “Trump’s Mismanagement Helped Fuel Coronavirus Crisis.” A common sense response like barring travelers from China, ground zero of the outbreak, is called “xenophobia” and “racism.” Delays in getting test-kits available are laid at Trump’s feet, as though he directly manages their manufacture and distribution. Trump’s efforts to tamp down the panic are called callous indifference, though we all know if he’d been more urgent about the dangers, the media would have faulted him for stoking a panic.
As usual, all these criticisms never address the important caveat: Compared to what?
How about considering Barack Obama’s response to the 2009 swine flu outbreak? Journalist James Lileks has done so on his blog The Bleat. Obama declared the outbreak a national emergency only after four months, when the toll in the U.S. had reached 1000 dead (as of this writing, 32 have died in the U.S. of the coronavirus, the vast majority over 70 years old). More importantly, the media coverage of the swine flu––even though it was more deadly and half its victims, unlike the coronavirus, were healthy and young––was nowhere near the breathless hysteria or extent of the coverage today.
We know the explanation for the disparity. Barack Obama enjoyed eight years of the media’s “slobbering love affair,” as Bernie Goldberg called it, filled with uncritical, laudatory, and selective coverage from the mainstream media, whereas Trump has been incessantly attacked with slanted or outright mendacious stories based on tendentious analysis and anonymous leaks. Examples abound. Barack Obama is caught on a hot mic promising Putin’s flunkey “flexibility” on missile-defense after his reelection, and the media yawn. Trump urges the president of Ukraine to investigate his country’s meddling in the 2016 election and, its notorious corruption that involves a U.S. Vice President’s son, and he’s impeached on the made-up charge of “abusing his authority.” This is just one example from a lengthy catalogue of journalistic moral idiocy and professional malfeasance.
The cause, of course, is TDS. The bipartisan technocratic, globalist elite, a product of progressivism’s success in undermining the Constitution, has been infuriated by Trump’s penchant for breaking every rule of the techno-political guild. Their gatekeeping and paradigm-protecting notions of “decorum” and “democratic norms” were shattered, their serial failures both at home and abroad exposed, and their illiberal, politically correct manners mocked and ridiculed. But worse than those offenses was Trump’s success in unleashing the economy from Obama’s shackles, and taking off the kick-me sign our foreign-policy mavens had hung on America’s back for decades. Particularly galling to them was Trump’s abandonment of the appeasing and dangerous Iran nuclear deal, and the economically suicidal and useless Paris Climate Accords. These two moves starkly exposed the folly of the “rules-based international order” that the globalist elites used to camouflage and justify their failures.
So no surprise that the progressives and their Republican NeverTrump collaborators have been seeking to undermine and terminate Trump’s presidency from its beginning. With supreme hypocrisy the Dems, who pioneered the “politics of personal destruction” starting with Nixon’s presidency, whine about his vulgar and insulting tweets. And NeverTrump Republicans go along, invoking lofty (and very anti-1st A) standards of “decorum” that they serially violate with their obsession over Trump’s blunt personality and lack of verbal sophistication and “nuance,” more often than not a device for disguising a failure of conviction and nerve.
Finally, the TDS virus if unchecked in November will further the destruction of the Constitutional order. The Founders created a limited central government whose primary aims were the protection of political freedom and the diversity of America’s peoples and states against the excess of majority or minority rule. The progressives’ vision is quite different: the concentration and expansion of federal power through government agencies and bureaus staffed with “experts” beyond accountability to the people. They sought to redefine the American peoples and their regional and cultural diversity into an abstract, homogeneous mass with uniform interests better served by a powerful central government.
For over a century we have been transforming into just that intrusive and redistributionist federal Leviathan, one nourished by politicians from both parties. Donald Trump, though he has been loath (scared) to attack the mechanism of redistribution through wealth transfers, has dismantled some of its infrastructure, most importantly the overweening, bloated federal agencies and their myriad regulations that erode the autonomy and freedom of individuals, civil society, and the states. He has discredited and humiliated the political correctness that the “managerial elite,” as James Burnham called it, has relied on to demonize and censor dissent, restoring the diversity of opinion and thought upon which our political freedom relies. His outsider status and blunt manner, shared with millions of Americans who do not live in the Acela Corridor and bicoastal technocratic cocoons, has discredited the elites’ pretension to superiority if only by inciting their hysterical, mendacious, and excessive attacks on him.
So no wonder the bipartisan NeverTrumpers are desperate, so much so that they have embraced socialist policies that are destructive to the public's fiscal and personal freedom, and have settled on two candidates that perhaps are the worst presidential aspirants at least since World War II. One is a cranky village explainer whose ignorance and rationalization of simple math and socialism’s blood-stained record are literally sophomoric; the other a corrupt career pol of limited achievement and intelligence now obviously worsened by cognitive dysfunctions.
By any sane calculation, neither of these incompetent buffoons should become president. But we don’t live in sane times. Our country’s major institutions in media, education, politics, and popular culture are dominated by bad ideas and Utopian policies an illiterate peasant in 1800 would know are dangerous fantasies. Unforeseen events like the coronavirus, or an extended economic downturn could cause disruptions that make such bad ideas attractive come November.
The coronavirus should peak by May, and the news-cycle will turn to the next shiny object. But the NeverTrump virus is a political bubonic plague that if unchecked will bring a halt to the last four years of resistance against the technocratic “soft” tyranny. That virus is the one that should concern us, for it is vastly more dangerous and lethal.
David (and Bruce), I don't think the plan is to wipe people out with Bill Gates' coronavirus, because both he and the Israelis already have a vaccine.
I think the plan is for the vaccine itself to sterilize people, while blaming that sterility on the coronavirus itself - and here's how and why:
Here's the latest, from earlier today:
Coupled with this little caveat:
Here's another strong hint that this has been in the works for quite some time:
But "WHY," sane people must ask? Cui Bono (Who Benefits) - and how do they think they will benefit from global genocide?!
It's astonishingly simple, really:
It's the corporate mindset. The corporazis are notoriously short-sighted idiots. Remember when they convinced women, who sat securely at home raising kids and enjoying unprecedented leisure time due to the inventions of the men who also went out to risk their lives earning shit wages to support them, were in stead being "enslaved" by those men, just so they could trick women into joining the workforce, to double their pool of available workers while cutting everyone's wages in half, not to mention sell women cancer-causing cigarettes as symbols of their 'freedom" (they originally held women's marches with cigarettes as "Freedom Torches!")?
Well, the greedy morons forgot that when they screwed their own workers out of half their wages, they were also screwing over each other' customers, too! DUH!
So their profits didn't increase at all, but cut everyone's disposable income in half, while also screwing them selves out of the replacement workers and future customers those women would have borne if they had been able to afford to stay home and bear them.
So then they "had" to import hordes of feral muslim retards to prop up their worker/ customers' Ponzi pension pyramid plans (because since everyone takes out more than they put in, they always need an ever-greater number of morons to pay into the schemes at the front end) while expanding their markets to the rest of the world (aka "GLOBALIZATION") which once again punked everyone's wages while increasing their slave-pools of workers - AND IMPOVERISHING THEIR NEW CUSTOMERS AT THE SAME TIME. Again. Rinse and repeat, retards! So now the whole world's economy is (VERY predictably) tanking, such that even bringing in hordes of foreign retards to replace us expensive smart innovative workers, to save on transportation costs from their 3rd-world shithole slave-pens, won't save it! They will at most have replaced creative White capitalism and commerce with stagnant feudal world slavery - a new and literally dark age from which no one will escape. EVER.
To reiterate, just because it's so damned obvious:
All because some short-sighted corporate shitbags wanted women to work, thus doubling their available workers' pool, while cutting everyone's wages in half; not produce children (aka new workers AND CUSTOMERS) so they told them that their men - who risked their lives to let them raise kids in luxury never seen before - were trying to enslave them, and besides, they're entitled to consequence-free "MUH ORGASMS!" anyway). After that fuck up, they "suddenly" and "inexplicably" found their customer base and profits shrinking (because every company's workers are each others' customers - DUH) so they "had to" expand their markets into other countries - until they achieved the same fuck-up rates there, not to mention their workers' promised Ponzi pyramid pension plan schemes have to have an ever-increasing input at the front end to be "sustainable," because obviously everyone who retires always takes out far more than they paid into them!
So they have to import slave labor from their 3rd-world shithole slave-pens, because the shipping costs are killing them, too. Now their worker pool has once again doubled, while wages are being cut in half. Rinse and repeat! And their pet sales-puppet politicians not only will not, but can not do much to stop them, either.
And their Brazen Rule of criminal Chaos, which is that all is allowed, unless and until very specifically disallowed, in advance (and which is therefore also the exact opposite of The Golden Rule of Law moral principle, where all is forbidden, unless and until very specifically allowed in advance), means, by also being the "rule" of being an inveterate hypocrite - in which they always "project," that it seems like there's almost another, hidden psychological rule whereby they "must" send out a warning signal almost, as if in some sort of mystical rulebook, where they have to let you know something about their intended crimes in advance, before they do it to you.
Under their rule, silence means consent. And their favorite way of getting around The Golden Rule entirely, is to have people agree to be re-presented by politicians, who then agree to decriminalize and legalize all crimes in advance... you know, "Democrats." If and when (like libertine "liberal" criminals always do) everyone agrees to attack and be attacked in advance, because they like to pretend that, "since" life's too complex for anyone to ever be able to understand "causes and effects," if such things in fact really exist anyway, "then," since all so-called facts are really ever only opinions, their entirely fact-free subjective and hypocritical opinions (like, that they are always righteous victims, who always deserve everyone else's pity; and everyone who opposes that lie - er, "opinion" - are their wrongful oppressors, who therefore only deserve to be hated) are the diversely opposite equals to you Conservatives' silly objective "facts!" Whee!
But WTF (sane people might then be forced to ask) is the psychology behind deliberately planning genocide, just to save money (and, admittedly, to also avoid being killed by the mobs of starving unemployed)?!
That's also almost too simple to sum up in one page, but as you know, David, from being an author yourself, and one who has studied the libertine ways and thus also the "liberal" criminal mind:
All hypocrisy is based on baseless paranoid masochistic false accusations - aka slanderous FRAUD or lying. And (non-defensive) lying is of course the most basic form of attack-first theft, it's the (at least, attempted) theft of the truth. Since all crimes are forms of theft, and vice-versa, lying (fraud) is a crime, and all lying hypocrites are criminals. They are also traitors to rationality and civilization - to every one and every thing. And treason is a sub-class of enmity; they are adversarial enemies of all mankind itself.
As hypocrites by definition ALWAYS refuse responsibility they can never be trusted to hold to any contractual agreements they make or sign onto. They are frauds and therefore traitors to rationality, civilization, and every one and every thing, actively subverting and undermining even otherwise mutually-beneficial, win/win situations for only personal gain, most likely by projecting their own fears of others doing same first! That is WHY they ALWAYS "project."
The word "Faith!" really only means "trust." When one pretends to trust in an imaginary bargain - one which was never specifically made - one is a fraud, unfaithful to the objective truth, just as one is a traitor when one chooses to betray a real "trust" or contract.
"Infidel" ("unfaithful") = TRAITOR. As a side note, since Muhammad pretended that everyone was born a muslim, he uses "infidel" to describe "traitors" - but "hypocrite" is just as accurate' as is "Adversary" and/or "ENEMY."
Their basic stance is their entirely fact-free and subjectively selfish double standards, pre-determined ritual substitute for rational fact-based logical thought and circumstantially situational cause-and-effect reasoning, that: no matter what the objective facts are (because life is too complex for anyone to ever be able to accurately determine same, if such things really even exist at all) they and their supporters are always righteous victims, entitled to everyone's pity; while everyone who dares to disagree with that lie is their wrongful oppressors, deserving of only angry scorn. Facts don't matter, only their stated feelings do, so everyone who disagrees with them must "prove a negative" - prove that they HAVEN'T hurt the hypocrites' feelings - or risk censure and punitive legal sanctions.
Furthermore, since the hypocrites alone are to be always presumed innocent until never proven guilty, silence means consent concerning their actions: they are entitled to do whatever they want, to whomever and whatever they want, wherever and whenever they want to do it.
In short, they alone have rights without responsibilities, while everyone else has no right to defend them selves from the hypocrites, but only the responsibility to become and remain their slaves. Obviously all criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals.
So politicians, especially globalists, are most accurately described "HYPOCRATS;" when not as "Traitors," "Adversaries," and "Enemies."
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