Saturday, August 3, 2019


From here:

The full title is "Legal Fiction of the Corporate Person" - it's idolatry, where they pretend groups of individual persons are single people. In reality, it gives everyone in the "corporate" person a shield of fraud (obviously, a "legal fiction" is still really only an illegal LIE, no matter what they say it is) to hide behind; it basically only embodies the notion that: "I didn't do it - ONLY The GROUP did it! Whee!" It "legalizes" the false notion that people can have rights without responsibilities, just like all criminals want - the right to your stuff, without the responsibility for having to pay for or otherwise earn it. It legalizes theft through fraud. Lying is the most basic form of theft: it's the (at least, attempted) theft of the Truth. Since all crimes are forms of theft (non or pre-consensual transfer of property; aka attacking first) lying ("fraud") is a crime. That's also why so many corporations have 'LLC' after their names - it stands for "Limited Liability Corporation" (aka limited responsibility)! It means the might-makes-right force of the false "law" enables them to have the right to injure people without being held "legally" responsible for it. Do you want proof? The only reason you can't - yet - get away with murder on your private property, is that you probably still define your self as a real, live, individual human person, and not as the other kind of "person" (aka as the "Legal Fiction of the Corporate Person") which, by choosing to put on the magical tautological and legalistic Ring of Power (by simply declaring yourself to be a "Corporation") you will gain the legally magical ability to become invisible to all real human laws, and so to discorporate your self from common sense and all real human culpability, see? (This article is from 2007, the crimes occurred in 2001, and the families LOST the lawsuit, when the courts declared the corp. was legally allowed to "dilute" the culpability of the murderers by the number of their murdered victims;) - in other words, "Each employee was only responsible for less than a whole murder, so no crimes occurred at all! Whee!" Besides, you can't jail a "corporation." ;-) In fact, ALL corporations start as pre-meditated conspiracies in this way: Imagine if you or I went before a judge, and asked him: "Your honor, I want the right to take risks with other people's lives and other properties, for gains which will only accrue to my self!" He'd probably tell us to get lost (at minimum) and maybe even charge us with conspiring in advance to commit fraud and other crimes, like blatant extortion. But the second we join together into a group or GANG, and say "Your honor, WE want to do this!" he automatically rubber stamps our criminally negligent conspiracy, as a "corporate, legal" fiction! CAPISCE? ;-) And, (even worse!): Greedy corporations bribed legislators to make "corporate law" for them selves which forces them to think shallowly and ironically denies them the right to make sacrifices now to plan for the future! They MUST buy lowest (from their 3rd world slave-pens) and sell highest; so they can't invest in local industries with higher labor costs by making sacrifices now, even if they wanted to! Their own foolish laws would put them in jail for using common sense to plan ahead! And because of their having enshrined their false right to remain irresponsibly wrong into legislation, they are destroying the West: The globalist corporazi banksters are still behind this. In the 1960s, their divisive and anti-human "feminism" creed gave them twice as many workers at half the salary. Their exploitation of the Western women's desire for independence and a life not enslaved by one-sided domesticity led inevitably to a dramatic decrease in their birth rates and the subsequent filling of that gap by muslims. This demographic dilemma has been exploited by many western leaders for both economic and political purposes, mostly disguised under the cloak of compassion and liberal values and utterly blind to the incompatibility of Islam with today's western values. So now they will continue to "Fail Upwards," as the new suicidally masochistic "anti-racist compassion" creed will do the same for them once again: giving them ever-cheaper labor to exploit, as they import millions of their 3rd-world savage slaves here from their 3rd-world slave-pens over there, thus also eliminating those pesky transportation costs. Therefore, watch for the global shipping industry to continue to decline, too. The only way to destroy corporate culture is to revoke all of their charters of incorporation, because they're only exercises in "legalizing" irresponsibility. And planned negligence (currently known as 'criminal' negligence) is really only FRAUD. People only "incorporate" to avoid personal individual responsibility by diluting it in a group-might-makes-right format. That way, they can claim: "I didn't do it! The gang made me do it! And in fact, I didn't do it at all! Only the gang did it!" Whee! Oh, and it also increases their extorionability while decreasing their culpability. The globalist corporation-owned enemedia cowards will only pick on soft targets: native Christian and non-globalist Jews. Why? And why do all so-called "democratic" Western governments always seem to endorse these things which nobody would ever vote for: More government. More taxes. More debt. More corporate welfare. More public funding and bailouts for the dying mainstream enemedia. More online censorship of "conspiracy theorists" as "terrorists." More immigration - but only from non-white, non-Western countries. Definitely no Christian Arabs, white Yezidis or South Africans. More climate alarmism. More pandering to interest groups against the clear wishes of the majority (how is minority rule copatible with "democracy!")? More politically correct craziness (to distract us and make us ask all the wrong questions so their globalist corporate owners and masters can cover up their crimes by never having to answer any of the real ones). Because no globalist corporate CEO will survive a board meeting if and when profits don't steadily increase year after year, and that won't happen if the white Western population ever manages to stabilize again, that's why. They need more and more "consumers" each and every year (while simultaneously "downsizing and outsourcing" aka firing all their "over-paid" workers, who were also those same consumers) to keep their ponzi-scheme "bubbles" afloat. The end IS near.

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