Q: who always wants to keep others dummied-down, enslaved, low-info and stupider than they are?
A: Cowardly criminals! Some people are so scared of everyone else, that they go into politics in order to become "an Authority" (aka a slaver, as all "Authorities" automatically get to only have rights over others, and no responsibilities to them; while everyone else agrees to have no right to defend them selves from said "Authorities," and accepts that they only have the responsibility to become and remain their slaves) and so the political wannabes expend massive amounts of their personal energies on the campaign trail hustings, meeting and greeting the peons, and exhaustively pounding the pavement, all to virtue-signal how extra-hard they can go along (with criminal lies, that there are no real crimes or criminals because life's too complex for anyone to be able to understand causes and effects, if such things even exist, so there's no free will choice or criminal intent) to get along (with all the other scary lying criminals) and their false intent to become the very bestest, most magnanimous and altruistic public "servants" they can be, giving away the Makers' stuff to all the Takers - and all just to cover up becoming the biggest Taker of them all!
From Personal Liberty's Bob Livingston Alerts
How we know gun control is not about the guns
In the wake of three mass shootings over the course of a few days recently, all the political and anti-gun media class began their predictable calls for more gun laws and equally predictable blame-ascribing tactics.As usual, 2020 Democrat presidential hopefuls called for the passage of more laws like universal background checks, a ban on so-called assault weapons (a meaningless and amorphous code word term), so-called red flag laws and outright confiscation. Even Republican politicians advocated for more gun laws, as did President Donald Trump — who while campaigning in 2016 called himself the biggest friend to gun owners in history; a hollow promise, at best.
Never mind that none of the laws proposed — save outright confiscation — would have had any influence whatever on the most recent shootings. The shooters all obtained their legal weapons legally from licensed gun dealers after undergoing the standard background check.
Besides, if gun grabbers were really interested in stopping murder or saving lives they’d go after handguns, which are used in the overwhelming majority of shootings and mass murders.
But even restricting the sale of handguns would be ineffective. According to a study by Department of Justice released in January, a survey of 283,000 prison inmates found that 90 percent of the guns used in crimes did not come from a retail source. And less than 1 percent were purchased at a gun show; which reveals that the so-called “gun show loophole” as just another gun-grabber lie.
This is prima facie evidence that gun control is not about the guns or about saving lives. It’s about control.
All national states have one thing in common. They want all uncontrolled arms of the people confiscated.
Why do all governments want to confiscate arms of their people? It is quite simple. The government political system fears an armed citizenry. Organized crime, no matter how legitimate it may appear, wants no risk of being overthrown and no personal risk of the politicians and bureaucrats. It wants no threat to the state that it cannot calculate and control.
New York Democrat Representative Jerrold Nadler stated the aim of all politicians when he said in a 2012 interview:
One of the definitions of a nation state is that the state has a monopoly on legitimate violence. And the state ought to have a monopoly on legitimate violence.The state is therefore the enemy of the people. Otherwise it would not fear the people and want to disarm them. We can clearly understand disarmament because we recognize that the state and its bureaucrats and politicians are on one side and the people are on the other.
If the premise of your question is that people are going to resist a tyrannical government by shooting machine guns at American troops, that’s insane.
The frivolous debate of public safety against crime and criminals is laughable except media hype actually persuades more and more people of this pacifist nonsense.
The bold and insane issue of gun control is that the cause of gun violence is guns. Meanwhile, the U.S. government is creating violence with weapons of death all over the world.
The strategy of public persuasion with propaganda is far less risky to the state than physical force. Although, keep in mind that propaganda is force and leads as certain to conclusions in favor of the government.
Disarmament propaganda has been going on in the U.S. for a number of years along with stepped-up requirements of gun registration and piecemeal and continuous legislation.
Let’s look at some history and get the correct order of things. The German people had nothing to fear from the SS until the propaganda of the Third Reich prepared their minds for so-called National Socialism. When they “bought” National Socialism, they also accepted the SS and suppression of human liberty. In other words, psychological warfare conquered the Germans before the Nazi SS and their eventual military defeat. This is the order of events to keep in mind.
Authoritarianism or criminal government can never feel secure from fear as long as millions of people own guns. Likewise, when the people have no arms, they have no security and no hope of security.
Disarmament first comes by words and psychological warfare. The wide use of the word democracy is proof that people don’t know freedom from a house cat. The word democracy neutralizes and disarms the mind to the reality of authoritarianism and the danger to personal freedom. Hitler called his Nazi Germany “a great democracy,” and he disarmed the German citizens.
As long as the word democracy means freedom in the minds of the people, the long attrition of personal liberty will continue with or without gun ownership. The word democracy by and of itself has disarmed us. Yet, I hear people express great fear of loss of their firearms and at the same time use the word democracy like it was cotton candy.
Disarmament comes via democracy. As long as we defend democracy, we are for gun control whether we are conscious of it or not.
What, pray-tell, caused the great loss of freedom of the American people? Democracy, of course. Democracy is the American version of National Socialism.
Passive words like democracy disarm the mind, and then it is only a matter of time before you volunteer to hand over your guns. “To keep and bear arms” is the opposite of democracy.
The word democracy is an agenda quite different from its innocent sound. It is a euphemism for despotic government. Democracy is a term that conceals a system of manipulating people by manipulating their thought processes. The word democracy is the most politically correct word in America and in the entire world. Every politician uses the word democracy repeatedly to numb the people and disguise authoritarianism.
Democracy means disarmament of the mass mind into a state of apathy, resembling deep sleep. Change agents cleverly transferred the word republic into democracy for the purpose of the numbing of the senses. The word democracy and all that it implies destroys in our minds the relationship of cause and effect so that our own thoughts betray us. It has made us a pablum society wherein we unknowingly love evil and hate good.
To attempt to defend democracy and gun ownership at the same time is a masterpiece of cynicism and an illusion of the possible. It can’t be done. We have to love one and hate the other. But we must first know the difference. God help us!
Yours for the truth,
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Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
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