Sunday, August 18, 2019

Self-Defense Isn't "Racist!"

From Dajjal:

"Racism is the conceit that your race is superior and others are inferior.* Trump supporters are intelligent enough to know that there is a bell curve that applies to all races. Individuals of all races can excel over Morons such as AOC.
As the founders declared, "All men are created equal"... . Some of them denigrate themselves by worshiping a deity who requires them to conquer the world and licenses them to kill us and plunder our goods. Condemning them is not racism, it is common sense.
Others denigrate themselves by eschewing honest labor in favor of a life of crime. Condemning them is not racism, it is common sense. Still others drive after consuming sumptuary substances resulting in the death of innocents. Yet others assault & rape. Condemning them is common sense, not racism."
However, there's nothing wrong with "racism" (aka pattern-recognition and one's free-association rights) either! Without "racism," (preference for people one finds compatible and similar to one's self) there would exist no "races" on Earth - not even the poor swarthy pets liberals love so much!
*Further, "it ain't bragging if ya done it!" Whites deserve the "privilege" of being generally more intelligent, via millennia of natural selection, than others who were born in other environments!
The dark unutterable truth is that there is a sort of white privilege. This came as a result of creating a superior civilization, and being children of that race; it is earned every day by paying almost all the taxes, committing relatively very little of the crime, creating basically all of the technology that gives us the highest standard of living humans have ever seen, and committing basically all of the fucking charity and do-gooding in the world.
It is whites who created 90% of all the technology that brought the greatest standard of living humans have ever seen, and then brought it around the world. Yes, whites took their spoils--because it's the human game to take spoils.
Not that they had to, but whites gave back. Literally no other race gives back to the world, to everyone not like us. Not only inventing the technology that brought modern civilization, but continuing to give. Whites must account for 90% of all the world's charity and do-goodism. And much of that goes to non-whites, and that's often <i>at the expense of lesser whites. 
Moreover, all Islamic charity goes to Moslems only. They add it to the white charity they get.
White people are the Medicins Sans Frontiers of humanity.
They invented everything great and then they went around sharing it with everyone else. Again: They took spoils because everyone takes spoils. But whites gave back, which is what makes them superior, which is why whites have earned white privilege.
Literally no other race gives back--and so very much, at the cost of our own people--to the world, to those not like us. Only whites.
Well now that superior civilization and do-goodism means whites are being forced to absorb the poor world's exploding hordes and this story will end.
Why can't rich nations like Japan, S Korea, Saudi Arabia/Gulf States take in some of the hordes? 
Why must only white societies become diversified?

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