Sunday, February 9, 2020


I saw this latest atrocity of a libtarded slow-motion train-wreck today, and just had to comment:

'Woke' White Women Pay Thousands To Be Told They're Racist - Continuing the left's "white privilege" narrative...

Here's a clue or two that would save them money:

"Racism" is good, because all it really means is our self-reliant ability to use our own brains' pattern-detecting ability to help us range-in and calibrate our right to freely associate (or not) with those we find compatible (or not). Literally de-ranged and ir-rational leftist "psycho-paths" (an old Greek word for thought-killers) want to deprive us of our ability to think and discriminate the good/bad ratios all ratio-nality depends on; they hate thinking in both them selves and all others.

Without "racism" and "racists," no "races" could exist - not even those liberals' poor swarthy "People Of Color" 'victim' pets!


Because Whites are so obviously supreme, it's not really under dispute; but the problem is how the backwards non-Whites "must" therefore also incorrectly blame Whites for their own (correct) perceptions of inferiority.

And it's not something to be proud of, either - no more than being proud that the sky is still blue! (I am now waiting for a perverse liberal - but I repeat myself - to proclaim that the sky has been racist for too long, so its color must be changed)!

To liberals, whitey "stole" everything he ever invented from blacks! But when Bell (or Marconi) allegedly "stole" the phone or radio from some poor black inventor back in Africa, what stopped him from making another one?! Ditto for TV, computers, rockets, and all science!

Truth is, because of their much greater numbers, China was able to invent (only) writing and gunpowder; Hindus (only) invented "Arabic" numerals and the concept of Zero; while the small global minority of Whites has invented EVERYTHING else since then!

The only real "white privilege" is that whites are genetically more intelligent than the others - and that's something which no amount of social engineering will ever change. Lazy criminal hypocrites and masochists, as always, want to bring everyone down to to lowest common denominator, because they can't see themselves successfully competing in reality. Hence these incessant attempts to dilute the white race by forcing whites to interbreed with their "swarthy victims!"

Liberals are racists: they always assume that ONLY White Western people (including, of course, the Jews in Israel,) are INTELLIGENT enough to be guilty of being truly evil, while all their pet "People Of Colour" (including the "swarthy palestinians") being mentally inferior and all, just can't help being enslaved by their instincts and emotions into acting as violent animals when frustrated, the poor oppressed little dears, so the liberals will always indulge their crimes, much as one ignores the new puppy as it pees on the rugs.

So here's their interminably ongoing "narrative" (story):


Whites are only 'culturally' "privileged" because their ancestors were smart enough to abide by The Golden Rule of Law, (Thou Shalt Not Kill, or Do Not Attack First) engendering trust, and so were also smart enough to allow them selves the time to invent, create, make and save things to pass on to their kids. Individuality breeds creativity & success.

Most non-whites abide by the tribal gangsters' brazen rule of criminal chaos (Thou Shalt Kill, or Always Attack First) engendering distrust, and so are always too busy plotting attacks and defenses against their neighbors to be able to take the time necessary to invent, create, make or save stuff. Group or gang rights breed slavery.

Now, while only whites may have been smart enough to invent and abide by the Golden Rule culture, it certainly doesn't exclude others from learning it. And it's also notable that the the Caucasians known as 'Arabs' were the ones to most thoroughly develop and codify the brazen rule's crime-culture into a global 'religion' called islam.

Some modern whites have also been mis-indoctrinated by other criminals into endorsing and adhering to the brazen rule, demanding that individuals - especially other guilty white ones - should have no rights to any property, including no right to own or defend even their own bodies and lives, and should instead Submit to the might made rights of gangs - especially to gangs of marginalized local minority victim groups of non-whites (aka "People Of Color") allegedly because whites enslaved more non-whites than vice-versa, (a trope which is simply not true) or even if they didn't, then because they did it out of an instinctive sense of discriminatory anti-diversity racism (which they ignore that all animals are prone to do) the whites' crimes were more "hateful" than the relatively "innocent" crimes of the implicitly mentally inferior non-whites - at least according to white liberal racists.

Why do liberals want racial (breed) “equality” so much?! Worldwide, blacks and (mixed) whites are on par – both weigh in at roughly 15% each, (and ‘whites’ or Caucasians, include Turks and Arabs, for instance) with the other 70% being Hindu/Pakistani types and Asian/Chinese.

So why is it only the “white” (non-African, non-Asian) countries which must dilute their native members by importing the global majorities?!

“Only whites can be Nazi racists whose central duty is to cause violent trouble for others. All swarthy people are always victims.”

The above is what our children – future voters and leaders – are being indoctrinated with RIGHT NOW.

Bottom line? "Our socialist governments" are funding the racist genocide of all white Westerners and our culture, while pretending they are only doing it in order to be “fair” to everyone else!

That's the result of the criminal leftists habitually forcing their might-made gangster "rights" of equality of outcome over equality of opportunity, once the inferior (i.e: similarly backwards, crime-based) "cultures" of other gangsters have failed everywhere else on earth, first: these slanderous psycho-paths refuse to admit their own historical extortion approach is and has always been wrong, and so can only blame their new white victims' "racism" for their swarthy brethrens' historic failures everywhere else too.

After all, ambition and hard work "create inequality!" and in democracies politicians must promise "equality!"

So those who are unwilling or mentally unable to compete, must be seen as "victims" of white racist inequity!

Bottom line?

These days, pitying the victims (and the criminals AS victims,) is held up as the highest moral virtue, while being angry or "hateful" towards criminals and crime is the most vile sin.

But what is more useful in remedying crime: being angry at criminals for their predatory choices, or encouraging them to commit more crimes, by pitying them as helpless victims too?

The answer is obvious.


And the dark unutterable truth is that there is a sort of white privilege. This came as a result of creating a superior civilization, and being children of that race; it is earned every day by paying almost all the taxes, committing relatively very little of the crime, creating basically all of the technology that gives us the highest standard of living humans have ever seen, and committing basically all of the fucking charity and do-gooding in the world.

It is whites who created 100% of all the technology that brought the greatest standard of living humans have ever seen, and then brought it around the world. Yes, whites took their spoils - because it's the human game to take spoils.

Not that they had to, but whites gave back. Literally no other race gives back to the world, to everyone not like us. Not only inventing the technology that brought modern civilization, but continuing to give. Whites must account for 90% of all the world's charity and do-goodism. And much of that goes to non-whites, and that's often at the expense of lesser whites. 

Moreover, all Islamic charity goes to Moslems only. They add it to the white charity they get.

White people are the Medicins Sans Frontiers of humanity.

They invented everything great and then they went around sharing it with everyone else. Again: They took spoils because everyone takes spoils. But whites gave back, which is what makes them superior, which is why whites have earned white privilege.

Literally no other race gives back - and so very much, at the cost of our own people - to the world, to those not like us. Only whites.

Well now that superior civilization and do-goodism means whites are being forced to absorb the poor world's exploding hordes and this story will end.

Why can't rich nations like Japan, S Korea, Saudi Arabia/Gulf States take in some of the hordes? 

Why must only white societies become diversified?

Here's what's really (always) going on:

“The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary … The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea.… Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.”

– Joseph Sobran - 

The real reason the islamic threat is being ignored in public, is this not-so-nascent “Globalization” Agenda21 movement, which is clearly treason to ALL sovereign national people’s governments. 

It’s a plutocratic kleptocracy to be run by all those corporazis who never want to pay any taxes to anyone, anywhere, ever; by the global communazi labour guys who want free movement and the same lowest common denominator wages for their 3rd-world slaves, and of course by the moslems who want their one-world islamic ummah, to be run by their theocratic caliphate government. 

It’s a triple-threat. 

Against all these evil forces, we have only the Truth … while only they currently control both the fear and the greed - the stick and carrot off the threat of having their careers protested by angry mobs of swarthy criminals (like happened at recent Trump rallies) or their own families targeted for beheadings and their homes incinerated by jihad - or taking oil-money bribes to keep their pensions.


Here's a typical corporazi round-table discussion:

"Geez, Bob! We've managed to save a bundle by downsizing and out-sourcing all our labor problems to our 3rd-world slave-pens, but shipping costs are still eating us alive!"

"No problem Gary - we'll simply order our sales-puppet politicians to bring all our slaves here! Whee! Their leftist Union voter-base will go along, because they want the racist white race diluted!"


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