Why do Millennials embrace socialism?
Why do two thirds of the population - the psychopaths and undecided - vote so consistently for it, even while being ripped off again and again by it?
It's because of corporate "education" (indoctrination).
Just try telling them that socialism is slavery because it doesn't allow for any individuals to own any property. They will reply with "So what? I don't own any property, and at least under socialism the government will have to give me stuff, and feed and clothe me, by taking it from all those Makers who hoard it and won't give it to me!"
Having been raised apparently enslaved by parents who controlled everything, and in school systems where they all were treated like criminals and prisoners, they don't know anything else and so cannot imagine owning anything!
The only dreams they have are rising to the top of the socialist crime-gang by extorting more from the Makers!
Monkey-see, monkey-do! Corporate gangsters own and control government gangsters and they all sell slavish pity for criminals as being the height of virtue, and being angry at criminals for committing crimes as the most vile sin. Government - like islam - sells useless pity over constructive anger to keep the peace, because their corporazi gangster masters wants peace in order to promote commerce (at least in those areas they aren't currently trying to destroy in order to then lucratively charge their victims to have rebuilt)!
The only valid purpose of government is as a collectively owned insurance company, to defend citizens from disasters both natural and man-made (aka crimes) and even then, only on a temporary basis, not to foster a permanently dependent victim Takers class at the Makers' expense.
Leftists are racists who expect their Western countries' governments to act as GLOBAL insurance companies, to give our taxes to all of the non-member countries who have never paid and premiums into the reserves, (allegedly because they were historically unable to, as it was all our fault that they didn't develop industrial economies or invent things, because, as we are implicitly mentally superior, of course only we can be held accountable, even if we didn't pillage and denude them of their still bounteous natural resources) so there!
And if and when we might reasonably ask for said resources as collateral to develop their countries for a price, "that's racist," too!
So it's almost natural that their communal communist global pity party also wants to bring all those poor oppressed swarthy victimal people of color here, too - because obviously it's living in hot countries which has forced them to be constantly at war with each other, while also having the resources to over-populate the planet. Let's bring them here to dilute and wipe out guilty white people!
So in stead of having the collectively-pwned government insurance company bring people back to where they were before being injured or laid off, leftists (who usually don't work or pay taxes anyway) want it to support everyone, from cradle to grave, as Marxi put it. And they don't care that such a scheme literally enslaves the Makers to the Takers - because "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs!" is literally their communist motto. "Slavery for thee, but not for me! I get to have all your stuff for free! Whee!" might as well be the implied reciprocal reverse-side of their motto. Leftists are hypocrites, all about double standards whose end-goal is, as usual, to literally enslave everyone else, as in fact all criminals' crimes always end up retroactively doing.
The reason capitalism works is because each sector adjusts to others - so when a product upon which many others depend becomes scarce, the derivative industries (those whose existence is derived from the success of the other one, for instance the continuing economic viability and success of everything made from steel depends on the steel industry maintaining stable prices) either adjust by finding new sources, substitute components, or they go out of business and get replaced by newer inventions. The market is in a constant state of flux, with supply and demand adjusting each other - it's complex and relies on everyone involved making their own decisions, and in the end, it works for everyone. Communism relies on a few inexperienced bureaucrats commanding the enslaved economy to adjust on their whims, which never works. Socialism is the same, except that its rulers borrow money to prop up the failing industries they favor, and stifles innovation, and so leads to stagnation and debt-slavery.
Every. Single. Time.
Unfortunately, as each new cohort of young citizens becomes eligible to vote, they want to maintain their dependency on their parents and so will vote for socialism, because they don't pay taxes anyway. In the past that didn't matter, because most of them didn't vote.
But these days, thanks to all the agitating "activist" extortionists in their schools (those old hippies who can't do, so they teach) the Millennial and later voting-cohorts who greatly outnumber the boomers, ARE voting - and they're outvoting the sane capitalists.
There is a very good chance Bernie could become President of the USA and king of the world.
Ditto for Canada:
Politics is binary, and reflects the exact same "cultural" divisions in science and biological nature: destructive predatory aggressive cannibal parasites vs helpful collaborative and cooperative symbiotes; destruction vs construction.
Libertine "liberal" politicians always seek to divide and conquer with fear: they scare their prospective intended victims by telling them they are being attacked on the basis of innate group membership attributes or symptoms beyond their control - in order to divide them from the body politic as a whole, cut them off from the real collective herd, and enslave them as their perpetual voting blocs of "marginalized racialized and/or sexualized communities."
And, without ever providing any evidence, they blame the local majority, which has no real leaders because it is not visibly oppressed (invisibly oppressed BY the liberals, of course, but they never seem to notice because they remain the majority) which in the West is of course whites and more specifically, males (because they can easily convince the white females they are victims, too). And it all seems believable when they say all white people are anti-non-white racists, because they them selves speak from direct personal "lived experience:" all guilty white male liberals ARE secret closeted racists, forever trying to expiate their guilt for being smart enough to notice that the others are inferior, while those others are more openly racists.
So they tell each group (the muslim community, the indigenous community, the female community, the black community, etc) that they are all perpetual victims, and only the liberals care about them all enough to want to pay them reparations in FREE STUFF, while those mean nasty stingy bean-counting conservatives don't care about ANY of their marginalized racialized sexualized groups at all! And the more the merrier: each further division (for instance, "gay black females") gets a separate label and permanent placemat at the public tax trough, which divisions they call "diversity" and "intersectionality."
Conservatives, on the other hand, agree with the liberals that they don't care about any group identity gang affiliations, as they only want to treat each and every individual citizen in the exact same and equal way, by affording them the exact same rights and responsibilities, where none of their incidental symptoms (race, sex, place of origin, superstitions, etc) matter.
Therefore, the majority of the time in any democratic partisan ("party") group system, the liberals' fear-mongering victimology tactics will succeed by herding most if not all individuals into their group identity divisions to vote for free reparations and protection from the hypothetically oppressive majority (currently presumed to be of white male racists) and conservatives will almost always lose the elections.
Since the liberals, as criminals, regard the government not as an insurance company (which only pays out to those in need on a case-by-case, temporary basis, and which is ruled by statistically sound actuarial data neutral and soberly administered by those with no personal interests in the outcomes, as conservatives do) but as a perpetually paying pension pyramid, where expenditures always exceed income, and their job is to facilitate the "redistribution of wealth" (theft from the temporarily rich to their habitually poor oppressed marginalized extortion blocs of racialized and sexualized minority group pets) as Robin-Hood-like "deliverologists," they can be guaranteed to spend and tax us into oblivion each and every time, by running up massive unpayable debts on Chinese credit cards in our names and the names of our children and as-yet unborn grandchildren.
Each and every time. And they aren't shy about it, either:
openly proclaiming these very same, criminally negligent intentions in their election policy literature and flyers time after time.
it's all based on their individual choices to party for today because they have no faith in a tomorrow which may never come - while disregarding the obvious truth that the only guaranteed way to create wealth (or anything) is to actually do it, not merely hope it might happen when someone else might eventually get around to doing it sometime, somewhere else.
Their chosen stance of hypocritically butthurt victimology literally atrophies their brains and keeps them infantilized.Our Western democratic elections are always and permanently "rigged" by perpetual honest conservative stupidity, where they only address the 1% who are old and rich enough to know they had to work for their riches, and that there's no "YAY FREE STUFF!" to be had, with their "We'll reduce taxes by cutting back on the liberals' 'YAY FREE STUFF!' programs, and leave more money in your pockets!" election strategies, while the dishonest criminal hypocrite liberals attack the other 99% with promises of more - you guessed it - "YAY FREE STUFF!"
And, since that other 99% is always mostly the newest generational cohort of college-aged timid and insecure young voters whose only life experience to date has been to get "YAY FREE STUFF!" from their parents, that's the only status quo they have ever known, so they reason to them selves: "Well, I don't have a job, so I don't pay taxes, so "Yay lower taxes!" doesn't interest me - but those liberal promises to keep the "YAY FREE STUFF!" flowing sure do! Whee!"
And that's why Conservatives always lose elections to liberals - that and how the liberals pretend to support all those divisive group victim identity gangs of racists and sexists with "YAY FREE STUFF AS REPARATIONS!" in order to divide and conquer our society, and also by claiming the conservatives are big meanies for trying to deny people their RIGHT to YAY FREE STUFF! all the time - while also shaming them for being mean for accusing the liberals of these crimes - and conservatives are just dumb enough to agree to forego using the "divisive" stick of accusing the liberals of those habitual, perpetual crimes, and resort to using their withered "lower taxes!
More money in your pockets!" carrots - while the libocrites remain free to use both the "YAY FREE STUFF!" carrot, AND the "Conservatives will take away your rightful YAY FREE STUFF!" stick, for the election period and beyond.
So just like in the 'States, we here in Canada have to endure the Evil Party, and the Stupid Party, during every election.
The only sure way to prevent liberal governments is to ban governments from accruing debts by taking out loans.
If and when governments can only spend what they have, it will be on collective needs for all, not sub-group wants.
PS: While liberals may always seem to be the majority, they are really always only a criminal minority, BUT they can usually entice the next, ever-larger generation of young college-aged low-information voters to support their "YAY FREE STUFF!" lying promises, because that's all the kids are used to anyway (free stuff from their parents; and they're insecure by nature and timid about getting jobs) and they don't realize that if and when they (like their dumbass parents did) vote for "YAY FREE STUFF!" in stead of learning to work to fend for them selves, they not only cheat them SELVES of a chance to become self reliant, but they ALSO spend their OWN future inheritance as the liberals rack up endless debt on Chinese credit cards in their names, too - so they are being tempted by leftist devils to sacrifice their own abilities to profit now, in exchange for also stealing and depleting their own future inheritance now!
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