There are a small but growing chorus of people, including myself, who have been warning about the potential reckoning that ends in hyperinflation.
The classic examples are after WWI in Germany and more recently in Venezuela.
Here's a simple way to think of inflation, and hyperinflation.
When the money supply increases for fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar, it makes each dollar in circulation worth less. If the economy is growing along with the money supply, then it all balances out because the growth in fiat money is relative.
But if you're pumping out tremendous amounts of money, much more than needed, the dollars are becoming less valuable. The only thing saving the U.S. dollar right now is that the rest of the world is not doing particularly well, which makes the dollar the safest global currency going.
But things are always in a constant state of change. And this bizzaro-world economy we are in will not last. When it breaks, it has the potential to launch hyperinflation.
The Fed, Keynesian economists and the mainstream media ignore the history of lost control over money.
- They ignore the very extreme example of Zimbabwe, whose 231 million percent hyperinflation mess was caused by printing money to pay down its debt.
- They ignore 1970s America, where inflation was 500 percent higher than normal.
- They ignore Weimar Germany in 1918-1923, where hyperinflation caused 30,000 percent inflation and led to the collapse of the civilization and the rise of Adolf Hitler.
- Today, they are ignoring the example of Venezuela. In 2018, the overall inflation rate was over 65,000 percent. Since then, it has eased off to a mere 9,500 percent due to relaxing of almost two decades of stringent economic regulation, abandoning enforcement of price controls and allowing dollar transactions.
Why would the powers that be want those examples to go down the memory hole? Because Venezuela's hyperinflation was caused by increases in the money supply, central bank interest rate policies, high taxes, excessive regulation and minimum wage laws...
Do any of those sound familiar? Be advised that unless you learn how to protect yourself, more of the same could mean hyperinflation will come and take everything you have.
Hyperinflation spreading to other countries would not stop outside of U.S. shores, either.
What would hyperinflation look like in the U.S.?
We in the United States entered a very high risk zone when the central bank started to create higher and higher amounts of "new money" to avoid a deflationary collapse. "Quantitative Easing" was a flare and a signal that escalating inflation had begun.
As Steven Marquard wrote in The Distortion Theory of Macroeconomic Forecasting:
"During the inflation phase of an inflation/depression cycle the government's control of the money/credit system allows authorities to keep a distorted capital structure in place against the consumer directed spending power. At some point this control is lost..."A good two-part article on the subject is on, written by Jeff Neilsen.
You can see inflation coming... unless you're the Federal Reserve
The very significant point is that any devaluation of a currency does not mean "deflation," but inflation, as with Venezuela and Zimbabwe years ago, and Weimar Germany, whose massive inflation has gone down the memory hole.
Yet, the Federal Reserve claims to have inflation in check, so they keep raising the fed funds rate despite a huge number of retailers about to go out of business, and corporations using financial manipulation instead of sales, revenue and profits to appear healthy.
The 'Powers That Be' are not looking out for us; they are only interested in preserving and expanding a status quo that makes them richer and stronger. All wealth flows to the creators of money unless you protect yourself with hard assets and items of real value that give you a store of wealth.
This class of political and financial barons have gone from manipulating the markets to manipulating the global economy. And from where we sit, our only defense is to find the best ways to protect ourselves.
I want to remind you of something I wrote to you almost two years ago. That retirement income in America today is a great deception, if not the greatest. We have impossible toxic derivative debt that cannot be paid except through currency devaluation. This means your currency is being devalued and we have massive (unreported) inflation.
Your savings and retirement are being destroyed to save the con men on Wall Street. It is not unpatriotic to tell the truth, even in 2020. But most people will do nothing. Oh, someday they will discover their impoverishment, but too late.
We may do several things that people in similar times have done. We can accumulate anything that will hold long-term value. Hard assets. Probably for most people gold and silver coins are the most portable and the most liquid. In a collapse of the currency, you could travel or buy food. And remember few of you have family or friends who will own any gold or silver coins.
It doesn't matter who's in charge, Republican or Democrat. Obama never changed anything and you can see how hard the elites and their media mouthpieces have attacked Trump, going so far as to impeach him. We have to know the mindset of all bureaucrats and lifelong politicians. We trust them at great risk to our survival.
To your health, wellness and riches,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®
P.S. — None of Trump's attackers will tell the truth: that the United States government caused the decline of its own fiat currency... which is why I do recommend you read this report we have put together for you so that your assets won't get caught up in a precipitous dollar decline.
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