Monday, March 25, 2019

On Racism

Will we ever be able to convince leftopaths that we on the so-called right aren't always all racists? Or even if we are, it's merely a case of us using our brains' pattern-recognition abilities to discriminate valid differences and then rationally exercise our rights to freely associate with those we want to, and our right to exclude others we do not wish to associate with? Demanding we must associate with those we have no wish to is to impose on us, as on any others, a form of slavery.

NO. We won't be able to because it's simply slander - the notion that everyone the left disagrees with is so stupid as to always fixate on hating others because of the colour of their skins, in order to avoid the fact that we really hate them for the content of their characters (to paraphrase Martin Luther King Jr himself).

And we won't ever be able to expect an honest collaborative response aimed at finding a mutually agreeable objective universal truth from any of those subjectivist hypocrites, either - pretty-much by definition. As psycho-paths (Greek  for "thought-killers") they have deliberately long since chosen to turn off their own brains, probably way back during their own childhoods, when they had first decided that acting dumb and playing stupid exculpated all mistakes and crimes equally.

Thought-killing psychopaths are initially slanderously paranoid, and so initially presume that every one and every thing is always out to get them. So, in this chosen worldview of theirs, they can't even trust their own fears to be helpful internally-generated warnings, but must regard such painful thoughts - and all rational thinking prioritizes fear over hopes, in order to help one plan to avoid making mistakes, and to solve the problems which cause the pains one fears the most - as further externally-generated pains, to be fought and ignored. Then they project their own limitations of self-distrust onto all others, too, and so must then pretend to regard us all as helpless fellow victims while really still seeing us all as enemies.

So habitual victim-blaming paranoia leads inevitably to masochistic hypocrisy.

It seems that this simple-to-observe syndrome is also probably at the root of what is laughingly described in today's excuse-making world as "mental illness."

Because other than that, all they've got is "I didn't do it! Only my BRAIN did it! Whee!"

We can't reason with people who, in having chosen emotion over reason, have habitually lobotomized and dummied them selves down to the level of animals.

Why does this "racism" trope work so well on Whites only?

Because Whites are the most individualistic and least racist people on Earth, that's why!

Let’s assume (because it’s true) that each “race” or ethnic breed of human is simply the result of different families growing up in different geographical areas, where different traits were needed to survive.

In the hot lands where food was plentiful, being lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous was the key to survival.

Laziness was a bonus because of over-heating, and unimaginative patience was needed both for fishing and for hunting (which mostly involved falling asleep near the local watering-hole, and waiting for animals to come down for a drink anyway).

Impulsiveness was needed for when on occasion a snake or panther would drop out of the trees to eat one – since fighting wasn’t an option, running away and hoping they’d eat the slower members of one’s family (even if one’s own offspring had to be abandoned without further thought) was the only logical survival response.

And since those problems existed, but so did copious amounts of food, being promiscuous and winning the survival game by creating and abandoning offspring was the way to win with quantity over quality.

Compare that to the cold lands, where food (and natural animal enemies) were scarce – in such a place, being lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous wouldn’t work, and would in fact get one killed off pretty quick.

There, one needed to plan ahead, save up food, and limit the number of mouths one had to feed.

Therefore only the smarter families have been forced by their own survival circumstances to learn how to manipulate their own environments, rather than have their environments continue to rule them.

Only they are capable of adapting to new conditions and stresses, of scrupulously learning to understand how to repair old things and invent new things.

Only they are naturally endowed with the potential foresight to be capable of managing their own estates on this planet.

And the historic White traits of individualism and self-sufficiency (which have resulted in our stable societies) are also by-products of this need (and opportunity) to plan things in advance for survival. There is far less "need" for group cohesion.

(CAPISCE, liberals?)!

Now, add to the above, what I have come to call
"The White Curse:"

Let's define terms: Intelligence is speed of thought and memory. Smarts or wisdom is how one uses that intelligence (hint: honesty is the best policy, and deliberately self-inflicted paranoid masochism leads to all other ultimately stupid "mental illnesses").

The White Curse is simply this: that increased intelligence leads to a certain type of stupidity denied to the less intelligent breeds; the one and only real drawback of White intelligence is that the ability to see so far into the future leads some of the more weak-minded ones ("liberals") to see all the potential problems as inevitable, and so they become paranoid masochists who hypocritically pretend to instantly compromise with and Submit to (and actually cause or induce others to cause) those very same problems which cause those pains they fear the most! That way, they can pretend to 'control' and cancel the additional pains caused by fearing them! Notice how all the destructive self-hating "liberals" are whites/Jews! No other breeds on earth act that way!

And naturally, this chosen stance almost instantly leads to the hypocrites "projecting" their own delusions onto their victims:

"Those on the Right say that Blacks do not have impulse control and reasoning ability.
Those on the Left say that Blacks cannot learn impulse control and reasoning ability.

Both paint with a broad brush - a very large number of Blacks have learned and do practice both abilities - but who is the greater bigot? Those who say that they have not learned, or those who say they are too inferior to learn?"

- RealityObserver -


Conslusion: Liberals are covert racists: they always assume that ONLY White Western people (including, of course, the Jews in Israel,) are INTELLIGENT enough to be guilty of being truly evil, while all their pet "People Of Colour" (including the "swarthy palestinians") being mentally inferior and all, just can't help being enslaved by their instincts and emotions into acting as violent animals when frustrated, the poor oppressed little dears, so the liberals will always indulge their crimes, much as one ignores the new puppy as it pees on the rugs.

So here's their interminably ongoing "narrative" (story):



This "racism!" they pretend to automatically decry while simultaneously implicitly indulging in and endosring, really only ever means their inherent, psychotic opposition to all "free-association" rights and "pattern-recognition" abilities (aka thinking).

“Racism” is obviously a combination of both genetics (Nature) and indoctrination (Nurture).

It’s both a natural expression of like marrying like, with the Asians being the biggest “racists” by that measurement, and also the result of our free-will right to freedom of association, on the other hand.

Without an inherent, genetic predisposition to “racism,” no “races” – not even the poor oppressed victimal “People Of Color” ones so favored by the Left – would be able to have ever existed at all!

Leftist gangsters want to nullify both our genetic predispositions and our intellectual rights to make free-will choices for ourselves – they are, as always, all about "totalitarian" total control - aka SLAVERY!

“Diversity” ALWAYS really only ever means:
“We Want Fewer White People!”

And yet whites are THE global MINORITY.

And, as such (“racism” really only meaning preference for one’s own breed, also known as a right to free association) Whites are technically the least racist breed in the world, with Asians being the most racist, and Dravidians (“Hindus”) being the second-most racist, etc.

So making plans and “laws” seeking to dilute and destroy (aka genocide) the global minority in their own lands by importing more and more of the global majorities, is not only incredibly stupid, but it should also be (and, technically, actually is) illegal.

All so-called “Indigenous Minorities” are actually global majorities, too: the “natives” in the North, Central and South Americas, are all no more than displaced backwoods hillbilly ASIANS, while the Australian Aborigines are nothing more or less than displaced Dravidians from India – as even most Dravidians still in India will openly and proudly admit to.

The very foresight which enables Whites to invent and manage stuff is also their greatest weakness, because as it allows for more vision of the future, it also tends to increase the perception of the amount of things one can perceive might go wrong, which can lead to panic and fear-based liberalism - aka gangster activity, slavery, and totalitarian total control attempts to prevent it - aka national socialism, international socialism, (aka communism) and of course one of the original classics, islam itself.

Not that non-whites aren't also affected by it, as demonstrated by their natural inclination for form into gangs ("tribes").

It's just that whites, being more intelligent, can commit these same stupid actions or crimes far more quickly and accurately.

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps ... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

 - Jesse Jackson -

Give Whites a pile of Bricks, and they'll make a City from them.
Give Blacks a City, and they'll make a pile of bricks out of it.

And so, as a somewhat related symptom and tangentially digressive aside:

A real human problem in general is how these virtue-signalling, thought-killing (aka "psycho-pathic") paranoid masochists so gleefully deny their own pattern-recognition abilities - they openly pretend to actually be proud of their fact-avoidance!

To psychopaths, Suspending their natural caution and disbelief in favour of unearned belief-as-false-"FAITH!" is a holy virtue.

In fact, it's (deliberately) painfully obvious that all such "religious" behavior is inherently psycho-pathological in nature.

ALL such "religious" ritual behaviour is itself nothing more than a demonstration of litrally "psychotic," thought-killing, hypocritical paranoid masochism, perhaps in its purest form, where one's feelings and opinions based on them are the only things that really matter to most if not all such unthinking, "painful"-reality-averse humans, no matter what their "race."


Libertine "liberal" criminals are almost always whites, because due to their higher intelligence, only whites can naturally be that paranoid. They often presume that since something could go wrong, so it will go wrong, so they must act first to either stop it or limit its effects by compromising with or submitting to it. They presume they can and should "prevent" crime, by first becoming criminals and attacking thereby innocent others first - just in case, and all for their own good, of course! But since crime is an intentional free-will choice, and not a predictable trend or syndrome, nor a "mental illness" or a "spiritual sin," it cannot ever be prevented before it occurs and so everyone who tries to stop others from attacking first, BY attacking them first while they're still innocent victims, instantly becomes the thing they hate most: the criminals they fear & oppose!

Lazy people prefer to cast blame and remain indolent rather than work to improve them selves.

Are millions of whites in the Balkans still sitting around, refusing to work unless and until the Turkish sultan's descendants pay them "reparations" for enslaving their ancestors?


Have the Jewish people ever sat around and refused to invent things, until Pharaoh's descendants paid up?


Come to think of it, why aren't the blacks in Africa (and America) extorting the muslim Arab slavers who were and still are responsible, for reparations?!

Morally and intellectually delinquent Libertine "liberal" criminals prefer to slander and extort their victims to bring them down or 'equalize' them, rather than work to improve them selves.

That's the default setting for criminals everywhere anyway: they all want to force an equality of outcome over a true equality of opportunity, pretty-much by definition.

Their "Socialism" game is really only gangster extortion leading to slavery; despite it's fluffy label, there's nothing "sociable" about that!

So of course they will try to twist reverse and nullify cause and effect in all categories of thought, public discourse, and inquiry (it's just what they do, and who they are) and that includes "race."

But what if there is a real problem of disparity between the races, and what if it could be solved?

Interestingly, studies have shown injecting whites with melanin makes them lazy and impulsive, too.

Probably a simple beta-blocker could be developed to help all black people free them selves to reach their true potentials, but big pharma prefers their victims - all of us - to remain dummied-down, low-info ... slaves!

Blacks in general are far more lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous than whites, as is proven by the fact that they can't build stable societies much less invent things.

So there must be a reason for it.

Turns out that Yes there is.

So there must be a solution to the problem, too.

But racist liberals waste all of our time denying the problem exists and attacking those who admit it does and want to help solve it.

"Luckily" - but only ever for them, never for the rest of us, as their targeted victims - their default setting of lazy, jealous anger allows them to "fail upwards" all the time, as they prefer to charge money to monitor and assuage the almost infinite tangential symptoms produced by refusing to solve basic problems.

LIBERAL RACISM aka "Lived Experience" is subjectivism which is really only group victim-identity politics, seeking to divide and conquer people by emphasizing their differences, with the ultimate goal of having only criminals judge criminals, by pretending that only criminals can understand the inevitable forces which caused "the other victims'" predatory choices (because there is no free will choice, only a diversity of separately experienced forces influencing diversely different groups of helpless victims, especially when being marginalized by mentally superior white racists and being unable to defend them selves because of their implied mental inferiority).

But many if not most whites are really only anti-"stupidists," not "racists."

Whites want to run businesses with more intelligent and less stupid people, so they try to hire only smart people, while turning the stupid ones away. So while many whites and most blacks don't measure up, only the blacks get to claim racism and extort the owners for unearned welfare in lieu of paychecks.

Beyond "You Owe Me!" their other motto must be

"There's No Money In Solutions, so: Please Give Generously - AGAIN!"

Bottom line?

There IS a problem of black laziness, impulsiveness, and promiscuity. Admitting a problem exists is the first step in solving that problem! Since melanin is not only a skin dye but also a neuro-transmitter, it will probably be easy to develop a simple beta-blocker to free blacks from their history of being unable to create stable societies or invent stuff!

"Neuromelanin Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Increased Dopaminergic Neuron Activity in the Substantia Nigra of Patients with Schizophrenia: Neuromelanin has a T1-shortening effect, which was a similar characteristic of the cutaneous melanin."


Delinquent libertine "liberal" criminals deny racial differences exist, but ignoring problems is no way to solve them. I greatly prefer polite intellectual racism to that of violent black racists or the white racists who defend them in denial of their own shortcomings. "Racism" (being truthful about our observations) might actually solve the problem of black laziness, impulsiveness, and promiscuity! Admitting a problem exists is the first step in solving that problem! Since melanin is not only a skin dye but also a neuro-transmitter, it would probably be easy to develop a simple beta-blocker to free blacks from their history of being unable to create stable societies or invent stuff if liberals let us.

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