Thursday, May 2, 2019

Canadian Senate Ethnics Committee Needs Unpaid Leave to Reflect on the Errors of Their Ways

Referring to an article from here:

These sober second-thought senators seem convinced all individuals have not only an ethnic and racial right, but also a group-rights responsibility, to adhere to an inferior culture, lest their precious feewings be hurt! That's the real "racism" here, not the nonsense about "rife stereotypical negative beliefs, assumptions and prejudices directed at (Indigenous people") ascribed to Senator Lynn Beyaks' posted letters by Senate Ethics Officer Pierre Legault.

But our "indigenous natives" - who can only be considered local "minorities," as they are really part of the global MAJORITY - seem to themselves have at some point given up on their own more successful ancestral traditions and "culture" - as their own cousins back in China seem to be rather more industrious these days, having the world's second-largest economy, complete with space travel and self-created artificial islands. Only extortive liberal victimologists could convince the Asians that they're victims of the oppressively mentally superior whites, who shouldn't have to bother to work for them selves as long as they can extort endless reparations from whitey simply for having been locally decimated by centuries-past Spanish plagues.

Nobody has an inherent racial right to remain stupid - and it's clearly, perfectly obvious to most people that these displaced backwoods hillbillies' primitive tribal "culture," (social education) - having had no written languages - IS inferior to both European capitalism and Chinese communism.

The Canadian Senate is unelected as senators are supposed to enjoy security of tenure for a reason: so that they can literally speak the truth to political power, and not have to pander to politically correct factual incorrectness and place feelings over facts like the rest of the empty-headed, virtue-signalling professional hypocrites in the political class. So if and when they feel free to vote out their "own" members for putting objective facts before political opinions, it becomes high time to revisit the putative "necessity" of paying our taxes to such a clearly corrupted institution - for some if not most of these senators clearly no longer represent our best interests - nor, even, ultimately, their own.

It is the senate ethics committee itself, and not Senator Beyak, who continue to breach their own conflict-of-interest code:

The residential schools weren't meant to assimilate indigenous cultures into European-Canadian ones, nor were they specifically designed to "deprive children of connections to their homes and families" any more than any other schools with residential student housing ever were! It was (and, apparently, still is) simply more economical to bring the student to the schools, in stead of to bring the schools to the students' homes - especially when those homes are deep in the primeval Northern woods where even basic transportation infrastructure like roads is still close to nonexistent.

Teaching science isn't "racial" abuse.

And while it's no doubt true that many of the students "were subjected to physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and several thousand died" over the decades, such treatment was part of no officially-sanctioned government or church education plans, and as usual, all such unsanctioned crimes committed by individuals should lead to prosecutions of those individuals - and not be paid in perpetuity by the non-native Canadian public at large.

Nor should Senator Beyak be punished for her "thought crimes" by the communist-like totalitarians who seek to shame her for her "racist" telling of the truth, by depriving her of her rightful access to Senate resources simply because the racist ethics - or, more appropriately, "ethnics" committee members, and especially the Cuckservitor chairwoman, Raynell Andreychuk, wants to pretend that telling an uncomfortable truth is racist.

The Senate does not appoint Senators - the citizen-elected government of the Canadian people does. Therefore, neither should the Senate itself have any power to sanction any Senator, much less by depriving them of income and access to the resources granted to ALL Senators equally, no matter which party appointed them, simply for a thought-crime of speaking truth to idiots.

Nor should anyone in a free and democratic society EVER be sentenced to be forced to apologize (as respect must be earned, and cannot be commanded, as even most small children, but apparently not most senators, already know) much less be forced to pay out of their own pockets to be re-educated in "racial sensitivities" (extortive victimology) by any government body or entity!

In attempting to punish Senator Beyak, Senator Andreychuk isn't "confronting" racist behaviour - she's actively PROMOTING it. 

By saying "The Senate as a house of Parliament must defend the principle that all persons" (really, all divisive identity-politics group or gang rights extortion rackets) "are equal in law and dignity" (i.e: snowflakes whose precious feelings must be protected from the cold hard truth, as the truth tends to hurt - liars) "the suitability of a Senator is linked to the recognition and respect" (fear of hurting other's feelings with the facts) "of this principle" (that people - especially those swarthy "Victims-Of-Colour" - as groups are condemned and locked in by such liberal stereotyping to their racial beliefs and cultural educations, and so cannot, as individuals, ever choose to learn otherwise, and so it's mean of us mentally superior whites to force them to have to try to!

The racist Senate's implication is that "We should just keep paying them welfare to stay drunk on their reservations (lands they 'reserved,' to withdraw into by them selves, when their numbers were decimated by the afore-mentions Spanish plagues) because we all know no other race or breed of humans has ever become a success after being cursed with alcoholic genes (aka the Irish)."

No, wait! The Irish are a successful people, industrious and lauded for their poetry, and despite having a similar genetic disposition to alcoholism, don't consider themselves perpetual victims of others! Now, that's either because they are also white, or it's because they refuse to indulge in self-pity. It's either nature or nature, you liberal racists - so: are Canada's "Indigenous" Asians victims of their bad genes (Asians in general are known to be fairly intelligent, relentless workaholics) or could it be that these local Asians have been tempted by devilish liberals to believe in lucratively perpetual despair? Perhaps their children commit suicide in disproportionate numbers not due to racist white oppression, but from being "taught" (abused) by racist liberals into believing that they should consider them selves to be!

It seems obvious that it's really the Senators on the ethics committee itself, who are still ingrained with habitual pandering to politically correct behaviour, who would most 'benefit from (unpaid) time away from the Senate to gain further perspective on their TAXPAYER-PAID privileges (of tenure independent of politial interference) and of the obligation of serving the public (by telling only the truth, and not continuing to virtue-signalling to special interest "minority" groups for political gains in elections) and so should be appropriately suspended and given time to reflect on the factual errors of their extortive ways.

If the Senate no longer exists to uphold its separate mandate to address facts without political bias, it shouldn't exist at all.

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