Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The "Masters of the Universe" are only Common Hypocrites!

Common hypocrisy is STILL the #1 problem of humanity! All hypocrites are criminals, just as all criminals are hypocrites.

All excuse-making "idolatry" (static critical thinking logical fallacy attempts to deflect blame) is caused by hypocrisy.

Regarding their common habits of: "PROJECTION:"

Everyone who is slandered as an "ist" for an"ism" (racist/racism; sexist/sexism, etc) is also a "phobe" - because the accusation made by these hypocrites (who always attack everything because they fear everything as an inevitable pain in advance)  is that everyone else always also instantly attacks everything they're afraid of (which is also of course everything) too. Whee.

Re: PSYCHO THOUGHT-KILLERS ATROPHY BRAINS (Responsibility Vs. Irresponsibility101):

Hypocrites are "irresponsible" in that they are always scheming to avoid any and all consequences of their chosen actions, while all the non-criminals DO accept in advance all the responsibilities for their actions' consequences by, by exercising thought.

Hypocrites thereby devise "principles" of 'painful' thought-avoidance - ii.e: projections, deflections, contentious mis-directions and evasions - all the lying frauds of the putative critical-thinking logical "fallacies" - and of course their main, slanderously victim-blaming Argumentum-tu-Quoque, cause-and-effect-reversing, circular "thinking" tautologies - while honest people don't have to try too hard, by sticking to the most simple and basic, Golden Rule principle of HONESTY AS THE BEST (AND REALLY, ULTIMATELY ONLY WORKABLE) POLICY.

Calling things by their right names allows civilized folk to fix rather than make mistakes, and to solve problems rather than to obscure and thereby also exploit them.

And of course trying in advance to avoid the consequences of one's mistakes and crimes by deliberately causing problems for others by trying to offload one's responsibilities for one's chosen actions IS a crime (attacking first) and as such is also a HUGE "mistake" - at least inasmuch as such a choice, whether habitual or not, will have the ultimately specifically unintended (albeit often generally claimed, as in how and why masochists try to cause and/or induce others to cause those problems whose pains they fear most, which they justify as in "Screw YOU! I MEANT to do that! Nyah!") consequences that those same others whom they have thus tried to enslave will object and retaliate.


People these days still hold to this mistaken idea that there exists some sort of coldly-calculating master race (be they reptilians, aliens, Jews, or any combination of same) who secretly manipulate all of the citizens of the world through their corporations, religions, and governments in an effort to dummy-down the populace in an evil effort to better control us all.

But the pathetic truth is, that even though such literally psychotic criminal scum do tend to gravitate to the tops of most human fields of endeavor (whether by dint of intelligence and avoiding hard work, or through investments and bribes, having made sure they are the only ones capable of funding such endeavors, as they in fact fund all things, both good and evil) and by dint of such a "lucky" combination of being so scared of solving problems (which they, too, see as "inevitable" forces arranged against them) that they benefit from "No Money In Solutions" whether that was their original design or intentions or not!

Such overly-intelligent but self-defeatingly short-sighted people are afflicted with a merely animal-level ratlike cunning, and are precisely as self-defeating as everyone else - moreso, in fact. In the end, they are parasites who, by trying to dummy-down the honest and creative Makers to their own bottom-feeding level of greedily lazy Takers, will end up  killing off their hosts, precisely like invasive viruses which turn everyone into weaker clones of them selves in the name of their "equal diversity!"

SO: (again) regarding "LIBERAL PRINCIPLES:"

Sane Conservative pundit Mark Dice once erroneously (and of course, as ever, facetiously, because if you can't laugh at libertine hypocritical nonsense, you'd have to cry and then violently oppose it in the streets - and we're not there - yet) noted that:

"(Being forced to acknowledge and admit to the real) facts or (to admit to their own) hypocrisy never gets in the way of the Liberal Agenda."

But Dice slightly missed the mark (pun intended) because hypocrisy for its own sake IS the "Liberal Agenda!"

All the secondary, symptomatic benefits from committing it ARE merely secondary, "bonus" benefits!

Their hypocrisy is an end-goal in itself!


Being spoiled brats with the "emotional intelligence" of a typically terrible two-year old, they use emotional temper-tantrums to offload their responsibility (and thus also simultaneously further atrophy and destroy their own rights to learn how to think for them selves) onto any and all other people, thus enslaving their intended victims.

But as even the most infantile and delinquently negligent of libertine brats soon comes to realize, letting others think about and plan for one while one tries to deliberately ignore the whole "painful" process one's self, is a recipe for potential disaster, as the uppity slaves might (what with having the responsibility to think for others thrust upon them, even if only through being conned and shamed into a cowed stance of perpetually defensive, virtue-signaling false and enforced altruism) also then be forced to learn to have to think for them selves, too - especially if and when not "rewarded" with sufficiently distracting, life-and-time-wasting entertainments (the old bread-and-circuses rebranded and reboxed in a game console)!

So, with the fortuitous advent of these same "thinking machines" they became, by investment, "masters" of the online wired-in computer age, with its potential to monitor every move their slaves might make, in pursuit of their usual goals of total "totalitarian" extortive control (aka enslavement) of everyone else - because they really do fear (and so to also presume to be an "inevitable" threatening force to be dealt and compromised with and Submitted to) that "You all do it (act as hypocrites) too!"

And, kids, this is both how and why these so-intelligent yet ultimately very stupid self-proclaimed masters of the universe are trying to censor and enslave everyone else - not because they know what they're doing, but in exactly the same way as in how they also have no idea or plan for even their own futures with their total control of the economy through banking, because they still - as ever, always - think that they can always play both sides and profit from all profits and losses with no risks at all only but ever rewards accruing to only them selves, while only everyone else will always have to pay the price in the end.

Globalized "government" cowards will only pick on soft targets: native Christian and Jewish whites. Why? Because no short-sighted globalist corporate CEO will survive a board meeting if and when profits don't steadily increase year after year, and that won't happen if the Western population ever stabilizes again, that's why. They need more and more "consumers" each and every year to keep their ponzi-scheme "bubbles" afloat. But by always laying off downsizing and outsourcing their "labor costs" they have forgotten that those same laborers ARE also their "consumers" and they can only leach off taxes as long as said ever-increasing laid-off hordes of "consumer" laborers can afford to pay them - and so, The End really IS near.

Once they consume and convert the last laborer into a greedily lazy clone of them selves, the virus itself will die off from lack of a living host to convert and feed off of.

This is predictable, but also inevitable, as thinking about the painful future is the last thing any literally thought-killing paranoid masochistic criminal hypocrite will ever want to do. And so such a regretful afterthought WILL be the last thing they ever do. And unfortunately by then, if this trend of wilful ignorance is allowed to continue and its "free stuff!" be voted for, and all education on how our brains and emotions really work continues to be censored and ignored in favor of comforting fables about how some primitively ignorant superstitions' ancient alien god/s will suddenly descent from the heavens to save our complicitly lazy and unworthy viral parasite asses, we will all lose along with those masters we chose to go along with, too.

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