Friday, September 13, 2019

Drag Queen Story Hour Exposed As “Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised” By Licensed Clinical Counselor

From here:

(Tea Party 247) – The left is full of hypocrisy and lies. The biggest perpetrator of said hypocrisy and lies is the LGBT mob, the proud founders of the wildly successful, albeit completely immoral, controversial, and inappropriate, Drag Queen Story Hour. These DQSH’s have been popping up across the country like those pesky deep-rooted weeds you just can never seem to get rid of.

They insist the events are all about “love” and “inclusion” and don’t forget “acceptance.” They tell us they are innocent and that the drag queens, dressed like the most outrageous looking prostitutes, are in no way sexual characters. Just good fun, in the name of “love,” they say.

The problem is, it’s all one big giant lie. These events are exactly what they look like they are: perverted, sexualized indoctrination sessions, brought to you by your friendly, local LGBT zealots.

And, Drag Queens are exactly who we thought they were: sexual deviants.
One clinical counselor has had enough of the deception and is calling out Drag Queen Story Hour. The Christian Post reports:

Jon Uhler, a licensed professional counselor who has worked clinically with approximately 4,000 serial predators for over 11 years, said in an interview with The Christian Post on Wednesday that he believes Drag Queen Story Hour events constitute “the greatest grooming program ever devised” and predators “are laughing all the way to the bank.”

While drag queens reading stories to children at public libraries has been billed as an innocuous activity, community groups and mothers who resist are right to oppose it, he adds, because sexual predators and offenders prioritize convincing people to doubt their instincts and think that their “red flags” are nonsense.

“The question is: Why are these men dressed in women’s underwear and drag wanting greater access to children?” Uhler asked.

He noted that because predators can calculate that the public senses something off-putting about them, they manipulate perceptions about what they are really doing. Such has been the case with the public relations efforts surrounding the Drag Queen Story Hour.

“Their favorite phrase is: ‘Well, I know what it looks like but it’s really not that,'” he said.

“So now they’ve spun it. And what we’re hearing from these guys is 100 percent a lie.”

It’s always refreshing to see medical professionals come out in opposition to this depravity.

Unfortunately it seems as though anyone who bucks against the LGBT status quo is quickly and swiftly silenced and sent into relevance oblivion. It’s up to us to heed Uhler’s warning and take up the fight on the front line. Nothing will change if we remain complacent.

Uhler went on to say, “We cannot afford to do nothing because we have very darkened and deviant individuals that are predators [going] after our kids and they are expanding. To not do anything is to hand our kids over [to them],” he said. He is absolutely correct. We are handing over our children to this deviant and wicked LGBT culture by our refusal to be labeled as “bigots.” If being labeled a bigot is the worst they can do, they can take their best shot.

Uhler suggests opponents to DQSH should actually attend the events, but as double agents. Instead of picketing, go inside with a camera discreetly recording the event.

He says, “The only way this is going to be stopped is if the public sees that every single time, at every single one of these, really perverse things are going on. So you let their own actions speak for themselves.”

Be advised, a lot of these DQSHs require all adults in attendance to be accompanied by a minor. As disturbing as that is, it’s completely true. Please, do NOT take a child to a DQSH just to obtain video footage of this depravity. We must fight against this and we can do this by using their own actions but we don’t want to do it with hypocrisy. Protecting children is the number one goal.

Thank God for brave folks like Jon Uhler who are willing to lead the way in taking back society from the LGBT bullies. What are you willing to do to restore morality in America?

Or in Canada? This is prevalent in the nation's capital city, too:

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