Sunday, October 27, 2019



Hypocrisy is truth-stealing, cause-and-effect fact-avoiding, thought-killing ("psychotic") victim-blaming, slanderous fraud.

Hypocrites are all about the subjective double standards, where they oppose everyone and everything else, because to them, they alone are uniquely oppressed, always right, and always victims; while everyone and everything else is their wrongful oppressor. 

They covertly insist they're better than all of you (God/the Universe) because you have already attacked them first, just by inflicting perpetual pain-causing damages, the fears of them, and the ultimately useless greedy hopes of less or no more pains.

Therefore, in order to maintain their deliberately, intentionally chosen paranoid point of view of the world, with its inherent self-image of virtuous, victim-as-hero masochism, ("You're always all out to get me, so I'm also always your intended victim!") they must invent and project (based on their own intended actions) emotional excuses to convince others of it, usually based on immutable group categorization class(ification) memberships (sex: women, gays, or both/trans; race) to slanderously accuse the oppressors with; and, when caught, their favorite excuses are "So what? You all do it (are hypocrites) too!" and "I didn't do it! Only my brain did it! So I'm a victim of 'mental illness,' not my free-will choices to commit my crimes against you! Whee!"

"Tolerance" means: "You're an intolerant bigot, who should tolerate my crimes, because I'm a victim!"

"Diversity" means: "You're an intolerant racist, who only objects to my crimes because of my colour!"

"Equality" means: "You and/or your ancestors bothered to earn stuff which I didn't, so you owe me!"

These excuses, being based on those same double standards of subjective paranoid masochism, will never make objective sense, as they accuse their alleged oppressors of being guilty until never proven innocent, require no evidence to assert, and so will never be disproven. They are, as even they admit, based on "lived experience" (i.e: argument from anecdote, where they pretend to be able to extrapolate and generalize from a few isolated specific instances, if those even really actually even happened).

These excuses, collectively known as "idolatry," are idealized ideas which promote the same theme that, as perpetual victims of perpetual oppressors, the hypocrites are owed perpetual reparations where they alone have rights to everyone else's stuff, and no responsibility to have to pay for or otherwise earn it; while everyone else has no right to resist their extortion attempts, but only a responsibility to become and remain their slaves forever. 

Theft is slavery, retroactively forcing its victims to have worked for the thieves for free; and perpetual extortion is also slavery. All crimes are forms of theft, and all criminals are would-be enslavers. Hypocrites are always habitually engaged in constant attempts to steal everything and enslave us all.

And (via what they currently call "intersectionality") the more the merrier: the more victimized they can pretend to be, the more like-minded fellow extortive gangsters they can recruit to help them enslave everyone else.

And don't expect any of those delinquents in government or law to help you stop them, because all lawyers are professional hypocrites, and most politicians are lawyers, and all judges used to be lawyers, too - whose criminally negligent motto seems to be "There's No Money In Solutions, so Please Give Generously - AGAIN!" And don't expect any help from any of those who rose to the top of any and all groups like corporations, because they all had to learn to lie professionally, to go along (with the criminal lie that they're really all only equally-helpless and fallible, fellow victims) to get along, (with all the other lying criminals) to get there, too. Each and every one of them really only ever promotes their own selfish interests above everyone else's, while pretending to be all for the greater good. They are all virtue-signaling hypocrites. All criminals are hypocrites, and all hypocrites are criminals. Such people are all only heedless, careless, reckless, and feckless lying thieves, too.

And so, hadn't you heard?! 

Being constructively angry at ("hateful" towards) criminals is now the most vile sin, while uselessly pitying ("tolerating") them all as "equally-helpless fellow victims," is to be deemed the highest moral virtue, these days!

Having no facts, logic, or reasonable arguments with which to defend their own crimes and treason, criminals must in stead substitute this global attempt to control our very thinking - through an emotional, sub-conscious "narrative" - so much so, that the only advice we hear from "our" hypocrite governments, their pet media, and the corporazi globalist banksters who own them all, seems to invariably be:

"Anyone who doesn't automatically pity all criminals as fellow victims should be hated!" 

Which is why hurting the feelings of criminals by accusing them of their crimes, is now a "hateful" crime itself!

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