Tuesday, August 18, 2020

When The MSM Says "Ban Fake News!" They Really Mean "Ban Free Thinking!"

A recent missive on CLIMATE ALARMISM from Conservative leadership candidate Derek Sloan caught my eye: "Stop Climate Alarmism!"

“Climate alarmism” is an ideological approach that claims human use of fossil fuels has a dangerous effect on the world’s climate and will lead to human extinction.

This claim is not supported by science. Thousands of studies from peer-reviewed scientific journals contradict or cast serious doubt on the claims made by climate alarmists.

Climate alarmism is a massive deception used by the left to expand government power and taxation, erode personal freedoms, and run “green energy” subsidy scams paid for by taxpayers.

Ontario is still paying for the Green Energy Act of 2009, which increased energy bills by 70% while driving businesses from the province in the name of promoting “green energy” through subsidies. Disgraced former Trudeau Principal Secretary Gerry Butts was behind the GEA, and now he heads up a group looking to launch a similar plan nationally.

Plans involving “green energy” subsidies always result in radically higher energy costs that ordinary Canadians must pay.

Even though climate alarmism is unscientific, rallying cries to “fight climate change” go unchallenged and have led to policies that cripple our energy sector, banish manufacturing jobs, make energy rates skyrocket, and shatter national unity.

The Paris Agreement was created out of climate alarmism. Attempts to meet its goals will destroy our oil and gas industry, while at the same time serving as justification for an unconstitutional carbon tax that makes life more expensive for us all.

I am the only CPC leadership candidate who is pushing back against climate alarmism. O’Toole, MacKay, and Lewis will adhere to the climate alarmism that robs Canadians of prosperity. Leslyn Lewis’ academic and professional life over the past few years has been heavily concerned with promoting and lobbying for “green energy”. Erin O’Toole is committed to meeting Trudeau’s Paris emissions goals. And Peter McKay is promising all sorts of green energy subsidies.

I am the only candidate who will withdraw Canada from the Paris Agreement and cancel the useless cash grab of a carbon tax it justifies.

I am the only candidate who will NEVER subsidize the “green energy” scams that enrich a few but make life more expensive for the many.

Canadians are ready for a change. The next leader of our party must have environmental and energy development policies that treat our natural resources as an asset, not as a liability.

I will keep energy affordable, which will raise the standard of living for all Canadians.

Our energy policies have to be different than Trudeau’s, not a Liberal-lite or green Tory version of them like the other candidates are proposing.

- Derek Sloan -

So, inspired by his take on all this, I composed a little missive of my own to supplement his:


Here's a short history lesson to bolster your spirits:

I think people still listen to the legacy mainstream media from sheer habit, and it tells them climate alarmism is real science, or, they presume, if not, then far too many people will still believe it to risk them challenging it in any election, so they presume that we should all continue to go along (with this criminal lie) to get along with, if not the criminals promoting it themselves, then at least with all the other dupes, who will otherwise vote against us anyway. But what many if not most people don't quite realize - and neither do the people involved in the legacy media print, radio and TV industry itself quite yet - is that the legacy media is dead and the Internet killed it.

And its purpose was always at least tacitly accepted as one of exploitive propaganda - it pretended to bring to our attention stories of interest to us, but which were first of all of interest to those who ran it. Everyone knows the cost we pay for our daily or weekly newspapers has always been at most at the break-even level of the costs of printing and distributing it, not the real cost of producing it, which was covered by advertisers solicited to pay for running their advertisements within it. And ditto for radio and TV ads - they exchanged access to our attention spans directly to corporations for money.

Similarly, though, the focus of the articles themselves could be and often were paid to be slanted towards or away from any given political and/or corporate position, effectively lobbying the government via direct access to the public mind to influence policy decisions by crafting and gaming popular opinion, swaying it one way, or the other - and often, even on the very same page, by playing one off the other, accepting money to promote both options at once, thereby hypocritically inducing a sense of inconsistency and schizophrenia-like, cognitively dissonant helplessness and dependency in the minds of the general public at large, while simultaneously pretending that, even if life was too complex for anyone, maybe even including such experienced self-determined expert authorities as your humble media pundit authors themselves, to ever really be able to accurately determine causes and effects, nevertheless, either way, as they were established "establishment" semi-celebrities, you still needed them and their putative authoritative expertise to interpret the big bad complex world for you and to advise you as to what where and when you should do about it - which mostly involved obeying authority in general and going along with their criminal lies to get along with the other scary lying criminals anyway.

And their control over the public mind of the average citizen, too harried by daily life to indulge in their own research on all of the many, fragmentary topics presented, was almost assured, because they got to edit their own comments sections, and only decided to print letters to their editors which they found compatible with their own exploitive world-view and those of their highest-paying advertisers.

The information (and propaganda) flowed in one direction only.

But then along came the Internet and cellphones, which effectively paired up the previously diverse technologies of one's personal TV, radio and even two-way ham radio, with one's typewriter and camera, while allowing the former peons in the public to create, archive, and widely share one another's home movies, articles and opinions on it all directly in comment form with each other, thus making not only all of those earlier technologies but also the legacy media themselves and their opinion-making models of mind-control obsolete.

Suddenly, the information started to flow both ways, and the truth started to corrupt their subjectively exploitive monologue narratives with objective facts and logical dialogues, freeing the people's minds from their control.

Their predictable response was to double-down on their existing business model of paid-for article slants and outright lies to preserve their monopoly control over corporate ownership of all political policy agenda propaganda, both to and from the various parties currently in and out of power, selling us such lies as climate alarmism and systemic racism to destabilize certain governments, keeping all the members of the voting public feeling unsafe and unhappy until, as Tucker Carlson recently put it, they learned how to vote "correctly" again.

And even while the new propaganda masters became the Internet's own gatekeepers - those corporations such as Google, which itself became the Index for the entire Internet, and reciprocally Wikipedia - itself in the end really only a hotbed of subjectivist leftist propaganda dressed up as objectively neutral fact-checkers and collectors - and the various social media collators such as Facebook and Twitter, who all accept corporate advertising money - including money from the legacy media corporations themselves - to skew the search results towards themselves and away from their opponents, who in this case now include the intrepid individual members of the curious and investigative public themselves, including anonymous whistle-blowers exposing their previously safe conspiracies, by banning thought-crimes (unspecifically but primarily and generally, the "crime" of thinking for one's self) - they are also directly lobbying our governments to allegedly "regulate" them selves, in a duplicitous effort to really only further enshrine only their own rights to exist over the inevitable tides of innovations and otherwise inevitable technological evolution which would otherwise replace them with new models of freedom, by really only effectively regulating us by restricting our ability to access and freely promote our own thoughts, which the lying hypocrites collectively and in lock-step continue to slanderoulsy decry as "Fake News!"

So this election depends a lot more on how many of the public have already accessed the available Internet options which will tell them the truth and allow them to decide for them selves, and how many have not been able or inclined to, and as such remain dependent on the lies told by the legacy enemedia dinosaurs, than on the actual platforms designed and promoted online by the various contestants involved. One can have an absolutely consistent Conservative platform focusing on individual rights which benefits everyone equally no matter what group or gang identity politics others try to interest them in to exploit them for their own ends, but might still fail, depending on how much it gets throttled and shadow-banned, not only on the Internet, but also out in the hands-on legacy of the newsprint and radio media, with which the older voters - those more likely to actually vote conservative - still habitually engage.

The legacy media scum have pretty-much memory-holed conservative thought so far, and I know from my own lengthy involvement at the various levels of politics that many of our members are of that older and still Internet-illiterate generation, seeking to conserve the old ways, while our libertine "liberal" criminal opponents always have, still do, and always will quite predictably continue to focus on the youngest and most insecure new and ever-larger voting cohorts, to promise them a continuation of that "YAY FREE STUFF!" they have always gotten by default and depended on directly from their parents, thus extortively playing on that insecurity to keep them dependent and enslaved on the liberal plantations forever - or at least until they grow up, and learn to vote conservative, at which time they have become obsolete to liberal needs for power, which will continue to beguile and exploit the next and ever-larger and younger cohort of new voters against them, too.

Rinse and repeat, they hope - but even as the smaller and older cohorts literally die off (possibly even due to their own plannedemics!) the younger generations, growing up with the Internet, may prove too savvy to fall for such obvious tired old tricks after all, and seeing their economic freedom prospects dwindle under the iron grip of the legacy corporations, all revolt against it.

I sincerely hope we win this upcoming election, but even if we don't win - this time - we should never give up hope, but must keep on educating the next and the next and the next younger (and ever-larger) generations of voters to vote for sanity and freedom and individual rights, over a "safe" continuance of tyrannical ignorance and collectivist rights-depriving slavery disguised as security.

Modern Conservative thought is based on very simple scientifically immutable principles of individual freedoms gained through the logical embrace of rights with reciprocal responsibilities.

It's an objectively factual and internally consistent, all-or-nothing, concretely "philosophical" proposition - not the sort of pick-and-choose inconsistency of subjectively opinionated liberal hypocrisy.

Libocrisy is based on avoiding one's responsibilities while extortively claiming ever-more rights over others to enslave them. It's nothing more or less than fraud, theft, and crime as a predictable feature, not a glitch.

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