Friday, November 20, 2020

Enter "THE HYPOCRACY:" How And Why People Lie!




The Golden Rule ("Do Not Attack First," where all is disallowed between people in advance, unless and until specifically agreed to) DOES criminalize ALL non-consensual actions in advance, including communications which are not warnings but threats (threats are attempted crimes, as the criminals thereby state their intentions) and also lying by omission - while noting that refusing to responsively communicate at all does NOT so-qualify, as silence does not mean consent. A fiduciary duty of care exists to prevent lying by omission, as the basics must be communicated once one had assented to communicate at all. Naturally, none of these restrictions apply when "lying to assassins" (lying to steal a theft-attempting thief's success).

But for hypocrites, even pretending to justify ALL of their perpetual fraud attempts as "lying to assassins" (because God/The Universe will torment them with the possibly karmic cycle of endless dharma: pain-causing damages, the remembered fears of same, the greedy hope of less and ultimately useless hope of no more of any of the same in future) won't ever actually EVER be able to stop The Universe/God from causing one pain, fear, greed, or hope; lying is useless.

The only thing the ongoing pretense that one has to lie all the time to "pre-emptively defend" one's self because all others are scary threats does, is to cause and induce others to help one cause those very same worst-case scenario pain-causing damages one fears the most, because all such lies insult us all.

Being a lying hypocrite (suicidally paranoid masochist) is an internally-generated criminal choice, not an externally-inflicted "mental illness" disease, and as such, all hypocrites are criminals, not victims. Everyone is attacked by God/The Universe in exactly the same ways; only cowardly criminals choose to add to the pain in the hopes that by increasing it they can end it all faster.

Such subjectivism is what's really "Dysfunctional:" to greedily hoard and control and restrict others' access to any necessary resource by which the most people would otherwise gain. This is the result of thought-killing "pathological" hypocrisy, dummying people down to animal-like levels of selfish greed, to back in the days when we were only as smart as brainless squirrels, to only fearfully hoard what we considered limited zero-sum resources, in stead of having the hope of planning to plant food and expand our resources in future. It's based on hunger, the most basic "instinctive" fear of stomach-acid pain.

Greed is the most fear-focused and short-sighted behavior possible, and it's demonstrated by a lack of mental rigor and self-control; Shakespeare's Caesar was entirely wrong to fear Cassius for his "lean and hungry look," because the only way Cassius stayed lean was by exerting self-control. Fat people end up tyrants (think Nero and Doug Ford) for a reason - their very fatness is a clue to their mental states, one that shows hypocritical greedy self-entitlement!

Even credentialists are still really only fear-focused fools, as all such trophies represent success in hunting for food, to signal worth to potential mates.


Lies kill (painful, fear-detecting prioritizing) thinking, in both others AND in the self, by atrophying one's own memories, embracing fantasy, image over reality and form over substance as one willingly and intentionally chooses to 'suspend one's disbelief' by disbelieving in one's own free will ability to earn the hope to change one's own circumstances, and "SUBMIT!" to others' fearfully fearsome lies and to one's own fears of same in stead of choosing to heed them only as far as to oppose the pain-causing damages caused by the unfixed mistakes and unsolved problems one fears the most. To embrace all such divisive split-skull ("schizo-phrenic") thought -killing ("psycho-pathic") nihilism is to act in a way which both can and will eventually ultimately destroy every thing and every one, one's self included!

Hypocrisy is entirely Adversarial: it is an ongoing, perpetual, relentless and intentional attempt to always attack every one and every thing else first, to make one's self feel safe and happy by keeping others unsafely and unhappily off balance and on the defensive back foot all the time. As such, hypocrites ARE "The Enemy" of all mankind (i.e; aka: "SATAN"). And they form into gangs embracing pattern-detection negating "equality" (of outcome through enslaving theft) 

"because you all do or would if you could do it first, too!"

So, in the end, honesty isn't only the "Best" policy, it's the ONLY sane and productive one for us all!

That's what this new "GREAT RESET" is all about - it's about smashing everyone down to the same lowest common ('communist') denominator level, where the hypocrites pretend that they will finally be able to feel safe and happy by having eliminated dangerous "greed" in others forever, because no one will ever be allowed to own anything, ever again: all the peons will, in stead, become and remain wholly-owned slaves, working to "rent" everything from their Masters (much as the indentured servants once had to buy their necessities from the company store, at such exorbitant prices that they remained unable to earn and save enough to leave the plantation) but never actually owning anything!

People will no longer be able to OWN property, because, in order to be "allowed" to work to (never) pay off their countrys' COVID loan debts, they will all simply BE property!





because they, as proudly psychotic professional hypocrites, constantly lie to us only in order to promote them selves as relevant while pretending to justify is as being for our own good!

An attack is any non-consensual action. Offensive lying (aka criminal "fraud") is the most basic form of at least attempted crime - it's the intended theft of the truth, of one's ability to consent and/or deny consent to any and all other, subsequent attacks the criminal desires to inflict on and afflict others with! All crimes are extortive forms of theft resulting in slavery, because they force one to have at least retroactively worked for the criminals for free!



Hypocrites feel honesty is risky and makes them vulnerable, but lying is an infallible magical power, so they make up excuses to praise hypocrisy itself as shrewd, realistic/"realpolitik," just ("because everyone does it, too!") moral and even "holy" (see islam). The most honest they will allow to them selves is to admit they are hypocrites, but "So what? it isn't a crime because you all do it, too!"

Excuses for hypocrisy include:

"Respect! for Authority;" "Submission to God ('Allah');" "Engaging in social etiquette and politeness (telling 'harmless white lies' to avoid the personal risk of being considered rude and offending others by hurting their precious feelings);" "Being willing to compromise (one's truth-based position);" and to "Settle (the difference between the risky truth one could tell and others' lies, for less than the absolute truth);" and of course "To go along (with criminal lies) to get along (with the scary lying criminals);" - all of which really only imply that one should bow to might-made "right" because the ends (greedily protecting the subjective self) justify the means (compromising that self through submission to the might-made "right" of criminals to extort and enslave one). Basically, it's our instinct to trade our freedom to tell and maintain the truth for the slavish 'safety' of not being attacked by criminals, BY pretending to allow those very same criminals to extort and enslave one anyways; i.e. by doubling-down to assert: "Screw YOU! I MEANT to do that! Nyah!"

And because that sort of instantly lazy contraction and submission to fear risk-vs-reward ratio calculation is by definition always rational on the face of it because it's the easiest and most economical, requiring the least IMMEDIATE expenditure of energy (far less than fighting would, although a quick denial might save one decades of slavery) it only seems to be taking the easy way out - and "easy" way that always ends up being a lot more costly that resistance!

"Some things are more important than doing the right thing!" is a total fallacy, but it's very tempting to believe in because it absolves responsibility.

Apart from the FEAR avoiding the "risk" of honesty (the risk of offending potentially dangerous criminal liars with the painful truth that they ARE in fact really only lying criminals) hypocrisy is based on the still fear-focused greedy HOPE of the dishonest lie of "FREE STUFF!" - the false notion that one can have - and should be entitled to have - rights without responsibilities, to hopes without fears, (even to the extent of going as far as religions do, to use the blatant lie that "Hope Itself IS a Plan!") and to pleasures without pains, and to make it all "Eternal!"

So criminal hypocrites (and there are no other kinds) choose to lie, first to them selves about this (under their brazen rule of not doing to others that which they do not first do to them selves excuse) and then to tempt all others to join them in the lie, because hypocrisy (self-inflicted paranoid masochist misery) loves company, and pity and the subsequent acclaim for heroic victimhood is easy and "free!"

They avoid the painfully fearful thinking about how to avoid the mistakes and problems which lead to the pain-causing damages they fear the most.


So, while it's difficult to make people try to face and solve real problems, it's relatively easy to get them to pay others whom they hope will solve them for them; but in the end, as there's no money in solutions, that almost never works, because those very same self-proclaimed expert Authorities whom they try to defer their own responsibilities and rights to - are always also only corrupt and lazy fear-focused humans like they are.

Hypocrisy (self-inflicted paranoid masochism) IS slander! It's also self-praising false pride, aka victim-blaming virtue-signaling. (Virtue-signaling implies those it's directed at are blameworthy by dint of being less virtuous than their holier-than-thou accusers). Self-promoting expert authorities are criminals!

Ignorant and naive children who want to continue to extort the state as they have their parents, can easily be conned into voting for "YAY FREE STUFF!" by such liars.

But in dealing with capitalist economics vs communist extortion, theft, and slavery, allegedly to right the injustice of "wage disparity/income inequality," they must be taught to remember that the difference in income between a very rich man and a very poor one should not only be tolerated or condoned, but celebrated because the industrious rich man IS feeding others, (by paying for the labor which produces the goods and services he buys!) while the lazy and self-indulgent hypocritical and ultimately self-impoverished (as, while poverty doesn't cause crime, criminal hypocrisy does cause poverty) poor man is not.

They must be educated to consider that one person's successes don't necessarily act as a deterrent to others - it's not necessarily a zero-sum, all-or-nothing race to hoard the most resources from greed.

At most, a society must govern its members by dividing the resources into needs versus wants, where nobody should be allowed to have a monopoly on needs, which would include land (especially tne land needed to grow food and to shelter one from the elements) and water.

Wants are a different matter.

So, let's examine the fallacy that "DEMOCRACY = MORALITY:"

Democracy is often falsely equated to, and conflated with, morality: "Everyone is entitled to have their say!"

But in reality, everyone should only be entitled to a right to not be attacked by others first; democracy presumes one has a false "right" to be attacked by EVERYONE else! So at best, democracy is "ethics" (plans to ameliorate the damages caused by choosing to be immoral and attack first) but is never morality!

In this way, COMMUNISM IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME AS DEMOCRACY! with the only real difference being that, under communism, you can't vote for non-extortion.

In a democracy, there's always the slight change that everyone can vote to dissolve it, in favor of establishing the Golden Rule of Law moral principle.

People shouldn't have to "vote" for honest Golden-Rule-based Conservatism; nor should anyone be legally allowed to vote for libertine criminal delinquency and hypocrisy!

Upholding The Golden Rule should be the ONLY option; voting to break it in order to legalize all crimes "because all criminals are really ever only equally helpless fellow victims," to defund the police and empty the prisons, as libertine "liberal" criminals always do, is a crime!

CIVICS (teaching the young that the people government have responsibilities to their constituents, as well as rights over them) must be taught in schools again!

Right now, the 3 responsibilities of government are to legislate, enforce the law against lawbreakers, and to review the laws and their enforcement, and as such are the powers entrusted to those in government have been historically broken up and divided by focus on the future, present, and past, respectively: to the predictive legislative, monitoring executive, and forensic judiciary.

People generally prioritize a focus on immediate fears to stop crimes (executive enforcement) then to review and re-assess (forensic judiciary) and then to re-legislate to improve future outcomes.

But government, being created maintained and run into the ground by self-promoting and self-serving hypocritical criminal expert authorities, focuses on protecting those in power and itself BY attacking the citizens first.

At BEST, "Democracy" defers one's ability to enforce one's own property rights to others - which is like disarming one's self by literally cutting off one's own arm and giving it to someone else to beat you over the head with it. In communism, you submit to Rousseau's version of the total social contract, giving up all responsibilities and rights, self-enslaving to a Master.

When you hire a servant, you pay them to work for you and to do what you tell them.

And when you hire an expert, they can only advise you as to what they think you should do.

But when you hire ('elect') an authority, you pay them to order you to do what they want you to do.

Submitting and deferring to 'Authority,' even in a Democracy, is no more or less than self-inflicted SLAVERY!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly."

 - Robert Anton Wilson - 

Well, they certainly prefer the "safe" certainty of slavery, to scary freedom!

Authority is doing what you're told even if it's not right.

Morality is doing what's right no matter what you're told.

And so, "Authority," pretty-much by definition, demands that all non-authorities Submit to being SLAVES of the Authority.

"An expert is a fella who is afraid to learn anything new because then he wouldn't be an expert anymore."

 -  Harry Truman - 

"There are but two ways of forming an opinion in science. One is the scientific method; the other, the scholastic. One can judge from experiment, or one can blindly accept authority. To the scientific mind, experimental proof is all important and theory is merely a convenience in description, to be junked when it no longer fits. To the  academic mind, authority is everything and facts are junked when they do not fit theory laid down by authority."

 - Robert A. Heinlein - *Life Line* - 

Shakespeare was right!

It'll soon be time for some good old-fashioned "hypocricide!"

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