Saturday, March 20, 2021


Libertine "liberal" criminals are all hypocrites - paranoid masochists who pretend they don't believe in free-will choice, and therefore also not in criminal intent, criminality, crimes, or criminals.

Here's how ALL the so-called "soft" sciences aka "humanities" (anthropology, psychology, sociology, and even Law or criminology) really work: They all started off by examining the various symptoms and EFFECTS of human behavior, thinking, group-thinking behavior, and of criminal free-will CHOICES, respectively, but then self-invalidated by looking for hidden mysterious predestined and predetermined inevitable force "CAUSES" of it all, which degraded them all into only one criminal, excuse-making alibi topic: 


So we get these two, permanently opposed philosophical poles:

Law-abiding Conservatives: "Criminal behavior is an effect of free-will choice!"

Criminal libertines: "But what CAUSED that choice? There's always a cause!"

Their implication, like the "That tree hit my car!" excuse, is that there are no crimes nor criminals because we're always all "victims."

In short: they went from studying HOW people CHOOSE to act, to focusing on WHY (ruling out free will choice entirely)! 

That's why they want to legalize all crimes, defund the police, and empty all the prisons.

And therefore also, hadn't you heard?! 

Being constructively angry at ("hateful" towards) criminals is now the most vile sin, while uselessly pitying ("tolerating") them all as "equally-helpless fellow victims," is to be deemed the highest moral virtue, these days!

Having no facts, logic, or reasonable arguments with which to defend their own crimes and treason, criminals must in stead substitute this global attempt to control our very thinking - through an emotional, sub-conscious "narrative" - so much so, that the only advice we hear from "our" hypocrite governments, their pet media, and the corporazi globalist banksters who own them all, seems to invariably be:

"Anyone who doesn't automatically pity all criminals as fellow victims should be hated!" 

Which is why hurting the feelings of criminals by accusing them of their crimes, is now a "hateful" crime itself!

Beyond that, this is the RELIGION OF "WOKE:"

"Everything that ever goes wrong is always the fault of Straight White Males - Every Single Time! Because obviously, they are in general larger, stronger, faster and smarter (more competitively evolved to succeed) than non-straight gays, non-White People Of Color, and non-male WXMXN, so every time the latter fails at anything it can't be simply because they are generally smaller, weaker, slower and dumber than the former, but because the latter must have been somehow so fearful of their inferiors that they decided to take time out from their busy days of literally minding their own businesses to dream up ever-new creative ways to "oppress" (confuse) them with, such as "logic," "facts," "science," and "truth!" due to their natural "homophobic," "racist," "sexism," respectively! So combating this obviously inherent, "systemically engineered" social injustice with "woke" progressivism, is the duty of all shallow-thinking pre-judiced and biased anti-White bigots! Whee!" 

Or something like that. 

But of course it's all "projection," because "Those that can't do, teach (others how to help them slander extort and enslave those who CAN do")! It's Takers vs Makers!

And, while no amount of tax money thrown, or government force imposed, will ever be able to make the races or sexes "equal," the very act of pretending to have to try to do so will lucratively enrich countless generations of politicians and their backers (and maybe even some of their followers!) forever, because their motto always was, still is, and always will be: "There's No Money In Solutions, so: Please Give Generously - AGAIN!"


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