Thursday, November 5, 2015

OBAMA: Social Justice Warrior TROLL!

Also from here:

So I just came to THE Most Horrifying Conclusion – about Obama and his regime (!)

He’s a TROLL. Obama is a "Social Justice Warrior" (as communists like to style them selves these days!) - which means he always agitates for "minorities" - and those he considers to be minorities in America, he presumes are the same world wide! So he will never stand up for any American citizens compared to global "victims!"

I had always wondered how, like the poem went, he was as full of evil energy as the good were stricken by ennui.

How was it, I asked, that he was so furiously efficient in his destruction of America and the West?

How did he know what to attack all the time? (Remember how lazy and incompetent Bush was, when not at war)?

Destruction is always a faster and easier process than true creation.

That’s how criminals (“liberals”) always seem so glib and witty (at least, to them selves) – give them any structure, and the contentious, fractious, recalcitrant little contrarian dears can automatically reverse each component part of it. If the original was cohesive and coherent, a simple reversal will also make them seem to be almost as brilliant as the originator was. To adversarial criminals in denial, every day is “opposites day!” Metaphorically, that’s “where they live!”

Here’s that partial list of Obama’s many, many, incessant and ubiquitous crimes, undermining Civilization, again:

His psychological perspective is horribly badly skewed away from reality – substituting hallucinatory image over all facts to the contrary about it:

He was raised by Western communists to consider and impose the false notion that the micro-demographics of the USA hold true for the whole world – that whatever (blacks) are a “minority” in America, must be so everywhere else, too! Ditto for the poor oppressed muslims, who, at 1.6 billion people, outnumber all Americans by at least 8 to 1, worldwide!

Contrary to the evidence of reality, he believes that whites have stuff NOT because they invented it, while simultaneously declaring the existence of property rights and rights of free association by which they then passed down the ever-increasing infrastructure investments to their own children – but because they somehow “stole” what they created from those who never bothered to!

Therefore, due to this theft-based “white privilege” – WE OWE THEM ALL, all of our supposedly former victims!

To liberals, whitey "stole" everything he ever invented from blacks! But when Bell (or Marconi) allegedly "stole" the radio from some poor black inventor back in Africa, what stopped him from making another one?! Ditto for TV, computers, rockets, and all science! Truth is, China invented writing and gunpowder; whites ALL else!

Like all communists, he believes in an extorted and forced "retaliatory" equality of outcome (attacking others first to "redistribute" their wealth) over an equality of opportunity (where nobody is allowed to attack others first or be attacked by them first).

He is therefore also all for false and idolatrous group-might-made-rights, GLOBALLY, over all real live individual human (American citizens’) rights! He wants to be remembered as the man who saved the world- from America!

This is why he is GIVING AWAY THE INTERNET – he isn’t trading for it, he’s giving it away to tyrants! American citizens invented, built, and administer the Internet. Now Obama is GIVING it away - he's not trading it for anything which could benefit America, like he was 'elected' (hired) to do - he's simply giving it all away, because making stuff isn't "fair" to takers!

It’s why he is undermining America’s energy efficiency, refusing to allow more drilling, under the proven-false pretext of “global warming” (or maybe just “climate change,” since the Antarctic polar icecaps are growing)!

It’s why he wants Russia to take over the Middle East (to crash America’s petro-dollar)!

It’s why he is so busy working tirelessly on behalf of his corporazi Globalist owners to destroy all nations!

He wants everyone on earth to have an equality of outcome – to benefit from American know-how, before he destroys it all by giving it away!

Like all short-sighted idolater thieves, he wants to take stuff from the makers to give to the takers, ONCE – “and for all time!”

He simply cannot imagine that this will stop all productivity forever, and once the booty is consumed, EVERYONE will be poor!

He will thus also have fulfilled his islamic roots, sending us back to the 7th century’s lowest-common denominator, forever!

And the voters voted for him twice because they have been trained by corporate advertising to imagine they can have hopes without fears and rights without responsibilities, and the education system ‘teaches’ them the same!

Criminals have to sell theft to their victims, usually under the argumentum tu quoque fallacy that it isn’t really ever theft at all, since everyone does it. Such subjectivists must endorse feelings over objective truth, because in reality poverty doesn’t cause crime, but crime inevitably causes poverty.

SJW Communists like Obama are global-scale criminals.



“He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”

-Benjamin Franklin-

(Which description pretty-much defines Obama, no? i.e: "It's Because I'm Black, Isn't It?")!

— Subjective Idolatry fails as an excuse when applied objectively to others, i.e: in religious theodicy. One can trick one’s self by saying “I’ve done unto me so I’m allowed to do it unto others, too!” but when a subjective internal fantasy excuse hits the objective reality of other’s reactions, it’s over.

Idolatry is a list of (some sort of predetermined, predestined force) alibis to excuse bad choices.

Criminals all think the same way: they know they are guilty, so they make up excuses for their crimes. Even if they remember they weren’t actually guilty, making up excuses (fraud) is still itself a crime!

Liberals are criminals. As such, they make up victimology excuses for themselves and other criminals. They do it because of their static immoral relativism idolatry, to excuse everyone via the argumentum tu quoque: “Islam (or whatever) isn’t an evil crime because we (i.e: you) all do it, too! Whee!”

Similarly is their incoherent insistence that “All cultures are equal because all races are equal!”

“Since everyone is born the same/equal, therefore everyone also always remains and acts the same!”

Liberals pretend that, since all humans of all breeds (“races”) are born equally tabula-rasa as blank slates, and they are all (initially) the same, that therefore any and all “cultural” traditions habits commandments and instructions will also always be the same, turning out the same way!

But in reality, their desperate promotion of a “Multiculturalism” meme IS still really only racism!

By insisting all people (and all habitual “cultural” results) are the same, where’s the “diversity!”?

It’s like saying a criminal twin isn’t a criminal, because his innocent twin didn’t choose to be one.

But when they claim all cultures are the same, (because nurture has no effect) then the only valid conclusion one can draw from different countries (like the islamic ones in Africa) being so far behind all the others in developmental results, would be due to nature (i.e: hardware; genetics; “race”)!

Liberals are in denial of reality, so their ‘diverse!’ excuse assertions’ symptoms will never line up!

i.e: They are for all minorities – except when they aren’t, when they’re against "the evil 1%”!

Liberals don't care about free will, claiming life is too complex for us to understand cause and effect. Therefore, to them, nothing we "choose" to do, is ever to our credit - or blame!

In the above identical twin scenario, it doesn't matter that both their nature (DNA, genetics) and apparent nurture (environment) were the same, because "obviously" that nurture was NOT exactly the same - the twin who turned out to be law-abiding had no more choice to do so than his criminal twin!

To liberals, there must have been a hidden coercion or opportunity that made each turn out different.

That's why, despite the 100% objective-proof evidence that Westerners have created EVERYTHING, Obama and his ilk persist in denying it! "You did not build that!" they proclaim; "Only the allah did it!" (Predetermined force always does it: there is no personal choice or responsibility, and no judgments are to be made, except of course against judging at all. Their 'judgmental' enemies are always wrong)!

Every criminal's subjectivist stance pre-emptively embraces double-standards and slanderous hypocrisy: in their ideal worlds, only they have rights, while all others only have responsibilities - to them.

"But how is any of that a crime?" one might well ask. Because, in pre-emptively invoking a reservation of the false right to be considered irresponsible for one's own actions - however universally such a claim is to be applied - one is implicitly also reserving an alibi to excuse attacking others first. It rejects the Golden Rule, where one must agree to not attack innocent others first.

In other words, a claim of scientifically irrefutable incompetence leading to an irresponsible lack of control over one's own actions is a threat to others: and a threat is psychologically attacking first.

Evidently, such backwards tautologies are the liberal criminal excuse-makers’ daily bread-and-butter.

But we either have free will, or we don’t. Even if the idol “forced” you to do it, YOU STILL DID IT!
(The only difference is, your excuse-choice cancels any actual reasons you may later come up with)!

Only criminals insist there is no free will. The (Western) legal definition of crime and criminal must involve free-will, mens-rea intent. Without intent, there are only accidents and, at most, negligence. (I admit a secondary but false category in Western Law is that of the “Summary Conviction” offenses).

In authoritarian (criminal gangster) “cultures” (mostly Eastern) there is no free will, so all “laws” (and both the civil and criminal are usually combined there) involve a presumption of guilt, because there is no determination of mens-rea intent to be made; if and when something goes wrong, you’re guilty of it if you were in charge. Naturally, the same goes for ‘Communal’ Marxist group “rights!”

Tribal cultures put the good of the tribe over the life of any individual member, such that only the gang has any rights, while all its individual human component parts only have responsibilities to it.

The main excuse of predetermined, predestined force actually obviates all other ‘excuses’ (aka reasons, and all reasonING). If you have no power over your actions, self-defense is also ruled out!

The end of idolatry is: You are Guilty Until Never Proven Innocent – if it happened, then you did it.

If something good happened, then the gang takes credit. Islam gives “allah” as an easy excuse or out:
The only way to escape punishments in sharia law is to claim the allah made you do it (allah did it)!

Our schools are supposed to teach students self-reliance, but in stead abuse them with indulgent excuses to remain irresponsibly wrong.

Promoting “Tolerance” and “Diversity” in stead of self-reliance, is delinquency (criminal negligence).

So at base, “Liberalism, secularism and modernism” ARE the exact same things as the real pillars of islam itself: Group-might-made-rights victim-blaming extortion, where idols have rights, not people!


Liberals are criminals – always all about faking up new “victims” to disguise their thefts!

If people were educated, all of the liberal democrats’ political platforms would be recognized as the illegal crimes they are! There would be no libertine “Liberal” (criminal!) fraud-spreading gangster political parties even allowed to exist!

They declare enemy groups “Guilty Until Never Proven Innocent” then make “laws” to punish them without any actual prosecution! Their bureaucracies act the same way.

Their habitual race-baiting idiocy is a perfect cart-before-horse example.

Another recent example is the Conservative-targeting IRS scandal.

Every bit of their group-rights slander IS slander (fraud)! So when they insist on making new ‘laws’ to take from one group to give to another, they infringe on the responsibility of the judiciary to vet accusations, hold fact trials, and redistribute wealth to actual victims, not convenient hypothetical “victims of demography!”

They don’t give their victims even the basic legal defense rights afforded in class-action lawsuits!

Ditto for the media, aka the globalists’ department of propaganda (or ministry of indoctrination)!

Actually, the enemedia is owned by corporazi globalists who are by definition selling sedition to all sovereign national countries and governments. They should be tried for sedition!

Same goes for the government (citizen’s) tax-paid university profs who teach sedition – at the very least their funding should be cut off, and when corporations continue to fund them, they should lose their charters of incorporation, and should all be jailed for sedition and treason, too!

Between them all, they slander the citizens of all the Western nations as racists who can’t be trusted to manage our own affairs, and so we must Submit to the global goal of a one-world, UN-run, Communist government!

Like all criminals, they want to “redistribute” wealth from the makers to themselves (the criminal takers) under the pretense that, since we bothered to earn stuff they didn’t, we must have stolen it from them, so we now owe them! This is what “globalization” is: gangster extortion enshrined in "law!”

Corporate gangsters hate paying taxes, and so want to be the ones in charge, collecting them instead!
To achieve this they will flood our lands with the welfare/jizya tax-draining muslim invader threat.


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